The front yard where the night wind blows. Chaeyeon Shin and I, sitting on a rock, didn’t say a word, just looked at the scenery.

Leave your body to the sounds you hear, and quietly gaze at the scenery for a few minutes.

It was over there that opened his mouth first.

“You look tired.”

“Something happened. It’s not about your house. just.”

I’m a little tired thanks to the damn angel who lives somewhere. It’s not that late at night, but I climbed the mountain, watched Dalian, ate, and even received alcohol.

If you’re not tired, that’s a person.

I smiled bitterly and looked at the carp swimming in the river.

“It looks better than that. Idiot… No, I flew to Michael.”

“ah. it.”

“yes. Normally, I thought I would turn on the lights on my eyes and try again.”

“I knew I was going to lose anyway. That woman is a monster.”

“It’s not a monster. A terrifying monster.”

“yes. However, it didn’t fly right away like it used to. You have to fly away as soon as you hit it, but this time I lasted about 30 seconds.”

“It’s proud.”


is it. Against Michael, that’s good enough. I bet, even if the head of this family attacks, Michael cannot win.

That monster is Michael. Am I surviving from such a guy’s beast?


But that doesn’t mean I’m okay with that. He has a reason to turn his eyes on and run.

“What does your father say?”

“Have you not seen it before? Did you feel better? And I’m okay with something from the last time.”


At my question, Shin Chae-yeon pulled out one of the two hands she had gathered behind her back and stroked her chin.

Then he looks at the sky, holds the moon in his eyes, and speaks in an unfeeling tone.

“After fighting the monster in the sewer last time. After that, something changed. are you used to it? It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten used to the eyes around me, but I don’t know what it is. Anyway, I didn’t become obsessed with winning or losing.”

Shin Chae-yeon, who said so, did not change her expression until the end. dead pan. It’s not that I’m hiding my feelings, it’s that I really don’t.

You say it casually, but it’s not at all.

This guy’s feelings were already rotting inside him, rotting away. From the moment she was born, she was persecuted for being a woman, and received rigorous training to take on the role of head of a man without a man.

The reason for being obsessed with winning is simple, and if it were Shin Chae-yeon as usual, the moment she flew, she would have struggled to win again somehow.

Otherwise, I can’t stand my father’s gaze.

One of the main heroines is to overcome such trauma and grow.

She is a woman named Shin Chae-yeon.

“It’s because you’re strong.”

But this guy couldn’t even meet Kim Tae-hyun. ‘Just one of the strong guys’ thanks to my interruption. You will recognize it as such.

The story didn’t progress. The story of this guy overcoming the trauma and showing his emotions didn’t unfold.

Still, he says he’s fine. Did you grow up on your own?

As a hint I gave a little? If that’s the case, then he’s a really great guy.

I had the same thought, and without realizing it, my hand went to his head.


“Good job.”

something’s wrong I know this guy’s story better than anyone. I know the process of growing up.

The story of Shin Chae-yeon is that a man named Kim Tae-hyun appears in the life of a guy without a single light.

The guy got up on his own with nothing. You became your own light. It was so strangely embarrassing that I patted my head without realizing it.

If it was the blue hair I knew, of course I would cut it off, but strangely, he quietly accepted his hand.

He frowns in one eye with an annoyed expression, but doesn’t avoid it.

“Well done. I thought I could do it.”

“What? Were we talking about Jin in Dalian earlier?”

“To rule yourself is also a victory. victory in yourself. How much are you worth?”

“Are you my father?”

“It’s not.”


As I smile and continue to caress, Shin Chae-yeon also puts on an annoyed expression on her face.

I’m glad I didn’t reject it though.

[Eh. I said it was a bad habit. I don’t know.]

what else is he saying



“It’s great. obstruction. I told you. you’ll be the one Even if you call Michael a monster, with your talent and hard work, you can even target [The Ice Knight].”

is it that much Shin Chae-yeon sat on a rock and looked up at the man who looked down at her and stroked her.

He forcibly calms his twitching lips, and looks at him as calmly as possible.

he is smiling As if happy, as if it was his job. She is smiling at Shin Chaeyeon’s growth.

Not a noticeable growth either. It is a small growth. I was just able to control myself a little bit.

His hot-blooded personality died a little. The fighting maniac, who had been attacking whenever he had a chance, became a little human.

that kind of story. It’s become normal now—it’s only normal if you get the same reaction.

But he speaks as if he’s done a great job. What the hell is this?

I couldn’t understand. but there wasn’t

There is something more I don’t understand. your own mouth

Shin Chae-yeon was emotionally drained from an early age. I know why, but I don’t know when.

Since then, she hasn’t smiled. not sad was not happy

I just couldn’t die every day, and I lived as a machine that carried out the training I was told.

So I figured it would be like that in the future. Like a machine without emotions, I thought I would die while living for my family.

However, I met a man and heard a few words.

I got stronger and met the spirit. I defeated the monster I thought I couldn’t win.

That’s all, but it’s different.

Every day I lived like a machine has changed. I felt like I was getting stronger every day, so training became more fun.

When he returned to his hometown, he was praised by his father for the first time in his life.

I still didn’t laugh, but it made me feel alive.

And there are moments that make it even more real. When I’m with this man

Even during vigorous exercise, the heart that has not been beating is beating. The mouth, which had been closed as if it had been zipped, rises when with this man.

I keep twitching by myself, so maybe I’m just a nerd. So much so that I keep thinking about it.


Shin Chae-yeon looked up again. He still smiles and strokes his hair. how long will this be Should I drop it slowly?

As soon as he starts to worry, Seong-Hoon Lee stops his hands and turns around.

As if that was the case, looking at the carp in the pond, she smiled that she was satisfied.

His smile attracts more attention than the pond reflected in the moonlight.

‘a little bit.’

So, unknowingly, Shin Chae-yeon climbed a little higher from the rock she was sitting on.

I had no special thoughts. It is safe to say that this is an unconscious action. It happened because I just wanted to sit next to her and I met her with good execution skills.

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Moves A little empty space next to the rock he was sitting on. I sat there and quietly looked at the pond.


Naturally, Seong-Hoon Lee looked back, and fifty thousand thoughts ran through Shin Chae-yeon’s head, who had not thought about it until then.

what excuses What can I say, will it pass naturally?

“no. that is. I just have a pond—”

“Isn’t something too quiet?”


The words that Shin Chae-yeon spit out using her head as much as possible in her life.

Buried in an unfamiliar sound.


“What time is it now?”

“It must have been a little past 10.”

Can it be quiet like this, just after 10 o’clock? Doubts that have arisen do not go away.

It grows bigger and never fades away.

Bond life. In other words, a human being makes a sound just by standing.

Human beings are the ones who emit different sounds from the sound of muscles moving, breathing, and the sound of the collar rubbing.

Of course, in a mansion that is moving with such a large number of humans, there should be a sound.

It doesn’t make any loud noises, it just makes a squeaky noise when everyone moves.

In such a place, lights come out as if advertised that no one slept.

“The sound of wind, insects, and water cannot be heard so clearly.”

“It’s strange.”

No wonder. Because sometimes he looks like an idiot. Suddenly, I saw the fool sitting next to me.

I looked around.

All you can see is the swaying grass and running water. nothing else is visible

It may be due to my mood, but I have a way to confirm it for sure.

What? That’s definitely one.


With the cheerful sound of a cat’s cry, open the [Inventory].

Of course, [Reaper Robe] and [Death Ripper] are taken out.

He took out his sickle, put on his robe, and got up from the rock—

[5th from the right from the nearest tree in front.]

I threw the sickle away. Of course, the sickle that flew away with a sound close to a roar—

It bounced off and rolled on the floor.

What does this mean? It was so simple, a cold sweat ran down my back.

“It feels good.”

The first thing that came to my mind at the sound of a voice that seemed to be natural—

“Michael is sleeping.”

What do we do.

I don’t just sleep, I sleep drunk.

What are you really doing?

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