“You can jump.”

“Hey, jump? Is that what I think it is? Pole?”

“yes. Because that’s right. Come down quickly.”

“Well, how about at this height…?”

“I’ll accept it, so just run. Trust me.”


At my words, the dark-haired woman hurriedly looked around, and then heeik—she backed away.

This isn’t a frightened dog, why is it doing that?

“Aren’t you a user no matter how you look at it?”

[What he looks like is not the appearance of a user. Still, isn’t it comfortable to think that you’ve saved someone?]


[The tongue over there?!]

no. You’re just licking your tongue. I thought he would give me an elixir to say thank you for saving a user.

What is this? Wherever the user goes, there is only one person wearing weird clothes.

Black hair that is hard to find here, golden eyes, clear features and a sharp nose.

A woman with an appearance that can even be compared to Raphael or Michael. And what you do is-

“Jump, jump! how?! can not!! I can’t!! Can’t you come up and save me?”

“Can you? Don’t worry, we will definitely accept you if you jump. You must go home.”

“ah. Home.”

There is something more than Raphael.

No matter what landmine I touched, the woman who had just been bothered about it suddenly fell down.

It stretches like an electronic device that has run out of batteries.

[Everyone who is in distress in the mountains has a reason.]

is it. Couldn’t I be subtle? Sorry if you feel bad.


‘I’m trash.’ ‘Home. There was such a thing. A place I can’t go anymore.’ I saw a woman muttering the same thing.

Although he is a man with a strange mind in an odd white suit that no modern man would wear, man is a man.

In other words, no matter how beautiful it is, there is a possibility that it is a user. Even if it’s not, it’s safe to take me to Shingane.

There’s no way it’s mine.

Normal mines have purple skin. Other than that, I know the name and appearance of all those pure white skin.

“The world is so wide.”



Hey, no matter how you look at it, he’s the kind of person who has nothing to do with the story, but he has that kind of face and dark hair.

If you were a celebrity, would you spend money on it? Although my house blonde is prettier.

Rather, Shin Ga-yeon came out after a brief break while talking to her father, so I didn’t have time to be like this, so I shouted at the woman again.

“If you don’t come down, I’ll just go.”

“Go, go?! Don’t do that!! I’ll go down. Get down, my-?!”

The woman’s words do not follow. Well, even like me, I can’t keep up.

No matter how light a person’s weight, it weighs 40-50 kg. There’s no way the tree can stand it when it moves like that.

What I mean is, I’ve been sitting a lot for this amount of time.

Ddu Duk Ddu Duk Duk Duk Duk Duk Duk Duk Duk Duk Duk D

With an ominous sound, sinister eyes look at me.

His head is spinning, and tears are forming in his eyes.

“Something. Something familiar.”

It’s like saving a bunch of thoughts. This feeling like a blonde who lives somewhere.

what the hell I felt a strange sense of alienation and ran towards the tree with a light sound.


Gabriel opened his tightly closed eyes in pain that did not come no matter how much he waited.

A desperate moment when a branch of a tree that climbed high without knowing it broke and fell because he was afraid of a bear.

I was prepared for a pretty big injury. I even thought that if I did something wrong, I would die.


“Are you okay?”

When I opened my eyes, I saw a man with black hair.

Black hair fluttered in the wind in the aftermath of just running. Tree branches scattered around it, creating a picturesque scene.


eyes meet Looking down, the black eyes that seemed to be sucked in.

The mouth is smiling again, and my heart is beating without realizing it.

If you were an ordinary person, now this is a scene of falling in love.

Aww!! You should make the same sound, your heart beats, and your face blush.

There should be a strange atmosphere, but-

Gabriel is different. Of course, my heart is pounding and my face is red.

However, an ordinary human and Gabriel are fundamentally different.

Angel of purity.

A woman who doesn’t know a man who has lived in heaven for thousands of years.

No matter how good-looking a man is with the swinging bridge effect, a picture-like scene is created.

Even if your face turns red and your heart beats—

“Hey there!!!!”

I don’t know how to respond. An angel who knew nothing but work in heaven touched a man like this.

The result is of course-

“Please leave!!!!!!!”

limit is exceeded His eyes are spinning, his face is madly hot, and his hands are waving and pushing the man’s face away.

An angel with eight wings who has lived for thousands of years.

It was the most defensive act that such an angel could do.

“I’m sorry!!!!!”

I can’t do anything to the person who saved me twice, though.



“I’m sorry!!”


I still grabbed my cheeks and glared at the woman in front of me.

Even though he knows that he did something wrong, he bows his head saying he’s sorry over and over again.

I am 25 years old (Jin) Lee Seong-hoon.

A man who halves grace and doubles revenge.

That doesn’t make me feel better You might think it’s a bit of a bummer, but you’re right.

Isn’t it funny to think that it wasn’t until now?

Neighbors!! Lee Seong-hoon’s heart is a bon-daengi beef brisket!!



But again, since I didn’t accept an apology, the atmosphere went down. If he’s sorry too, he lowers his gaze.

I’m uncomfortable too.

In this case, it would be right to accept an apology like an adult. It reminds me of a time when our kids made mistakes, so I do it a little bit.

I naturally tried to put my hands on my head—



─Please leave!!

I stopped thinking about the slap baptism I had earlier.

[It was a bad habit, but it turned out well. I want to fix it right now.]

what do you want to fix Are you saying we shouldn’t pet our kids? Ignoring the nonsensical cat, he retrieved his reddened hand from the air and covered his mouth.

“Hmmm. You don’t have to be so sorry. people may be It can be frustrating.”

“…but I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay because it’s okay.”


it’s like this till the end Reluctantly, I opened [Inventory] and took out the chocolate bar I had put in before.

Then, the woman’s face opens wide and her eyes move along the chocolate bar.

…..are you so hungry?

“I want to eat?”

“yes? Oh no? Are you not hungry at all?”

“Then let’s stop eating and be sorry. I feel uncomfortable too.”

“oh. Well, then, what can you do about it…?”

You say while spinning your hair, do you want to eat it? do you hate it

Well, there’s no reason you wouldn’t want to eat it if you look at it, so when you hand it over, you take it politely and forget it right away.

It seems like this is eating haphazardly again, but it isn’t. Feeling like eating something carefully without dropping a single crumb?

How is this possible?

It’s interesting, so let’s bring out another dish this time, and we’ll eat it again.

What is the alternative principle?

Also, taking as much as you give her is like a puppy I saw in the countryside long ago—


oh I was instantly stunned by the words that came out without me knowing. Of course, I’m not the only one who is dumbfounded.

Even the black hair that had just been eating food stopped moving.

Cheeky cheeks with leftover food, and holding the freshly bitten food in hand.

face turns red Her face turned red to her ears, her eyes slowly turned around, and as if in self-defense, she blocked my approach with her hand.

“Wow, moo moo moo moo woah!!!”

oh This is my mistake. The golden eyes began to spin round and round.



The result was, of course, a baptism of apologies. After that, I just gave food and walked without a word, and I left it to the Shinga user, so I’ll take care of it.

Of course, of course, naturally.

was not the user. Goodbye, my treasure.

[Is that so sad?]

Of course it’s sad. The way the sadness doubles as much as expected. I hate myself for thinking I’ll get another elixir.

─See you later! I’m losing my strength right now!!

─For sure later!! I’ll definitely give you some protection!!

─I!! Kindness will always be repaid!! please!! See you!!

We broke up saying the same thing. Blessings are not something that anyone can give, even if they ignore it.

Do you think it is worthwhile to think that you have saved a person?

“Even so, the calculation is not correct.”

How can I use my precious labor for this? My belief that it is a treasure rather than a human being is undermined.

[You are amazing in another sense.]

“I will take it as a compliment.”

After fighting like that with the cat, we arrived at the room we were assigned to.

Open the door and enter-


Shion finds me and runs to me. When the world smiles happily and runs with both hands outstretched, I naturally hold it in my arms and lift it up.

Now that he’s completely used to it, Zion entrusts his body to me.

Read at readwn.com

Unlike Leviathan, it’s a little big, so it’s only possible to hold it with the body.

That doesn’t matter.

“Where have you been?! I’ve been waiting for you with my aunt!”

“Well. Found a survivor on the mountain.”

“Did you do a good job?!”

“You did a good job.”

When I laugh, Shion also smiles and says things like ‘Good job-‘. Well. Being praised by children.

Not bad.

“brother. yes Did your aunt keep fidgeting? I must have been terrified of how I would be scolded because my brother disappeared.”

“Shion, Zion!! It’s not like that!! I, I’m worried…”

“worry? Rather, why are you here?”

“I called Shion because she didn’t want to be alone.”

Then there’s nothing you can do Passing by Michael, who couldn’t make eye contact, he sat down on a chair by the window.

Then he put Shion on his lap and turned on his cell phone.

“ah. Michael, do you want to do it too?”

“yes? What do you mean?”

what? what is it At this time, Shion and the cell phone key are one.

“To see Leviathan’s face.”

I need to make a video call to Raphael.

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