
Gabriel, a dark-haired woman who was momentarily speechless, looked around, brushing the leaves off her head.

It looks like a vast forest, but it’s a little strange. The leaves to look up at are below the field of vision, and all you can see is the head of the tree.

And his body hangs on a branch.


How the hell did this happen? Why am I here who should be above the clouds of heaven?

To tell the story, we have to go back a little bit.

“How do I get down before that?”

It’s rough, but let’s go down first. Gabriel squeezed the tears that came out.


The beginning of the incident was, of course, a single word from Gabriel. A word of anger towards the person who entangled his sisters and disturbed the heavens.

That said, I don’t really want to kill him. Hey, even if it rots, Junchi.

No matter how busy an angel is, since an angel is an angel, he only spoke like that.

He really had no intention of killing him.

But the answer comes back.

─Is that so? do you want to kill

─Yes? no. not that…

─Then that’s good!! Gabriel is also here!!

─Yes? no. I work….

—Ha ha. it’s okay. Uriel and Sariel just have to work harder.

─No. God, if I work harder there… I will really die…

─Don’t worry, I won’t die!! I guarantee that I created it!!

─Isn’t that the problem?!

-Yes!! That’s not the problem!! Go ahead and threaten Lee Sung-hoon!! Here’s some basic information and what you need to know. Lee Sung-hoon’s home address

─Si, God?!

─Yes. Did you get it all?

─Yes? Yes. I did get it… Wait a minute.

after that what God laughs, and Gabriel falls. That was the only story.

“Is that the result of being nailed to a tree?”

Gabriel managed to come down from the tree and checked his condition by removing the branch attached to his head.

Wings disappeared, his body was 10 times weaker than before, and the magical power and divine power contained in his body were almost cut in half.

“what’s this….”

Will I ever be able to meet that person with this? How else to go about it

‘We should meet first.’

It felt like anything would happen if I met that person. Since there was no other way in the first place, Gabriel listed the addresses and information he had stored in his head.

As a result-

“How do you see the address? where is this How do you find it?”

I realized that I was completely ignorant of the underworld.

“I will go back. I have a lot of work to do. I’m not the boss who makes a situation where subordinates die like Raphael unnie—!!!!!”

No matter how much I shouted, no one answered in the resounding forest.

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