Everything in the world has a point. Human beings, by nature, need a goal to rise in order to burn their will.

It was designed that way, so it is only natural that it melts into the novel.

Jinjo as a vampire, a monarch as a demon, an archmage as a wizard, and an ice knight as a hero.

There are many paths to climb.

So, what is the pinnacle of dragons? That’s right-

[The dragon king. I haven’t heard that title in a long time.]

is the dragon king

A dragon said to be the closest thing to God. those who reign on top.

A person worthy of the title of ‘King’, which is different from normal dragons.

worthy of its majesty. She crosses her chin, crosses her legs, and sits on the throne and looks down.

[Hmm. Knowing my name is over. Obviously, I said my name and nothing happened.]

hmmm. Ignisia let out a fishy moan. The intent to kill was slightly weakened in the eyes looking down, but that didn’t mean it disappeared.

I carefully put down the Michael I was carrying, and lifted up the running Levitein and held it in my arms.

The atmosphere is infinitely serious, but it’s strange that he’s the only one smiling brightly.

I stroked the smiling Leviathan’s head and continued to look straight ahead.

[Benia is still alive. no. I’m alive.]

“okay. stay alive Now we’re talking a little bit. I’ve been like that since the beginning.”

Will you listen to me now? Did I even make an oath in “Long Word”? huh? I say? tell me

From now on, will my bounty shine?


Contrary to my wishes, the atmosphere did not reverse. The guy’s expression became sharper, and Michael, who had been dropped off, came forward and stood as if protecting me.

“Stay behind me.”

“You are weaker than me.”

“It is only now. If I have to fight her, I can destroy this space.”

“You didn’t break it on purpose?!”

“Hey, on purpose?! Don’t tell me that I didn’t break it to get you up!! Don’t bet on work!!”

no. I’ve never said that before. What the heck

You’re not that kind of character.

Whether we talked about it or not, Ignisia opened her eyes and continued to say what she had to say.

It’s good that people are consistent. He’s a dragon, not a human.

[I’ll be alive. There is also a case where the dragon’s blood continued to be turned over and became a dragon. The movement you showed doesn’t make any sense if you didn’t take the dragon’s power.]

“no. I’m used to-“

[Sounds absurd.]

no it’s true how to do it I’m really bored to death.

[And I liked the boy. that there is nothing you can do Dragons are possessive. It’s a story that just kills you and uses magic to break your brain.]

I will welcome you Dragons live for a long time, so their brains are hardened, so the story doesn’t work.

[I’m glad I’m alive.]

Simultaneously with those words, the guy stretched out his hand. Is it because he’s still a dragon?

He just stretched out his hands in the same posture with his chin clenched, but every move looks elegant.

Looking down, chin, outstretched hands. Everything comes together to create an arrogant king.

What came out of his hand was a huge fireball. I knew instinctively that if I touched it, I would die instantly.

A magic that could not even be eaten with [Spel Eater]. Even if you try to cut it, the heat is so great that the sickle melts before you cut it.

It was such a powerful skill that even Michael swallowed dry saliva.

How do I avoid this, and even if I do, what’s next? I can’t hear it even if I use a “rogue”, so there’s only one way?

It was time for me to keep rolling my head without giving up. footsteps are heard

no. Clearer than footsteps.


verbal sound.

[Do that. Ignisia.]

Looking back, there.

[Because I, Benia, are here.]

The last method stood proudly. Seeing that, I-

“What are you doing pretending to be cool?! I almost died because of you!! I came right after I finished!! I didn’t come out!!”

“Tea, let’s be patient!! You have to be patient!!”

“Let it go!! let it go!! Benny!! Wanna die!!!”


It was fun, but more than that, I was annoyed.


—Be, Benia?!

—Yes. It’s me. This kid just saved me. send it


-And being too possessive is not good either. Stealing someone else’s stuff is no better.

-Go back first. I need to talk and go back.

with the same words. We were sent back to where we were. Benia said, ‘I will take responsibility for this and apologize.’ I said.

I will come to bow my head.

Still, I thought I was going to die. A fireball still glows in front of me.

“I think it gave me a real lifespan of 10 years.”

“That’s it. Why is the woman who didn’t listen to us even after death is so obedient in front of Benia?”

“ah. Dragons also have ranks. Not all dragons are the same.”

“Is that so? It’s like an angel.”

then. In the first place, being a dragon king means rank.

The number of dragon kings is fixed just like Jinjo and Archmage.

Jinjo and the Five Archmage. Seven monarchs. One ice knight. There are six dragon kings.

This number is set by the world. Should it be called deterrent? In order to achieve balance, more cannot be created.

And I’m really glad that all these dragon kings got together and stopped Ignisia before they were plotted to kill humans.

“In the first place, I wished Benia had come from the beginning.”

“That’s it. Raphael did this too…”

I would. Michael blurted out the end of his words, so he nodded as if he understood.

“If it was Raphael, I would definitely do it. Maybe it was Raphael, not Benia? I must have been preventing the dragon from rising up and trying to destroy mankind.”

“Benia is much better. Still, I do repairs.”

Raphael doesn’t. We made eye contact with each other and nodded.

After that, well, I just walked away without a word. Riding the warp gate towards the house, patting the back of Levatein, who is leaning in my arms if he is tired.

slowly. I just walked slowly.

“You’ve been through a lot.”

“you also.”

There were occasional conversations like this, but not many. Perhaps it was because of the embarrassment of what had happened earlier at Rare, or because Michael kept his mouth shut.

As I was walking, I saw a regular pizza place.

“Then I’ll stop here. I have to go home and unwind.”

“yes? Where.”


“He said he likes Hawaiian pizza. I’ll buy you a plate. Eat and go.”

“no. I said I don’t like-“

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Michael’s words did not follow. It’s not a physical element. Not that anyone stopped talking.

It was cut off by a very natural element.

That’s right.


stomach cramping. At the second hearing today alone, Michael covered his stomach.

“Hey, this is… that’s… not!! I am not the same pig as Raphael who eats cake and becomes hungry again!!”

“know. I ran around like that, but I’m hungry. Are you going to eat?”

“…I’m just hanging on to this one.”

What does it take work? oops thank you I smiled and entered the store, ordered a variety of pizzas, and sat down on a nearby chair.

If you pat Levitein on the back, a gray-haired person sits next to him.

“Erase today’s work from your memory.”

“What happened?”


“all? Like an idiot in Rare, the alarm went off twice in the army and in the ship?”


A sharp sound rang out, so I reset my brain.


[Mom!! Have you been to a strange place?! The red lady just showed me something strange~~]


[yes!! It was fun!!]

“It should have been fun. Right, Seong-Hoon?”


scary. It’s too scary. What are you afraid of? The blonde in front of me is so scary.

Obviously, talking with Leviathan and smiling kindly, he only gets cold when he sees me.

If you look at Leviathan again, flowers bloom in the background, and if you look at me, a blizzard strikes.

What is this? You’re not that kind of character.

“Mr. Sung Hoon.”


“You just look very much like Lee Shia. But you said you were going to work, didn’t you?”


“Did you say you don’t date women?”


“You said you were really going to work, so you left Lachesis too, didn’t you?”

“That’s you—”

“Are you there?”


scary. It’s too scary. Why am I being questioned?

“But what’s next to you? Isn’t the gray haired girl next to her? Not a woman, but an angel?! Then what am I?! Am I just an angel?!”

“Sudden identity confusion?!”

“What kind of chaos is chaos!! It’s not like that because Sunghoon is talking nonsense!!”

“You’re talking nonsense, Raphael. Calm down for now. According to this person’s logic, ‘family register mates don’t treat each other as people.’”

“You are missing!!”

At that, Michael immediately turned his head and said, ‘It’s been a long time. Zion. What do I say?’ say the same thing

Do you want to hear the word aunt like that?

“You still bought pizza. Look.”

“It can’t be pizza. He said he almost lost Levatein too.”

“It was irresistible. but you got it back Dad is strong.”

“Even in the face of my violence?”

It’s weak without a hitch. I bowed my head and continued to listen to Raphael’s nagging.

Sunghoon is always like that. lie again. Promise me you won’t in the future.

I just heard the same words. After listening for such a long time, he fiddles with my head as if Leviathan was pitiful.

[Are you okay, Dad?]

“Levitain. Do not sympathize with this person.”

[Alas. But Dad. I have a question.]

What. When I raise my head, Leviathan asks with a bright smile.

[Why were you hugging your aunt before?]

At that moment, the atmosphere became colder.

Raphael’s eyes, which had been shining like sapphires, became closed in an instant, and his neck twisted while squeezing, and he looked at me tiredly.


“Hug, hug? Never did that!! Michael broke his leg!!”

but it’s ok In times like these, our strong-willed Michael-sama will take care of you.

I will definitely say this. ‘Calm down. Raphael. Am I crazy?’ the same thing-

do i have to?

If I look to the side asking for help. Our white haired Mr.


Hold the fork in your mouth and avoid your gaze.

what’s the matter. do not do that.

“why? Why are you avoiding your gaze?! If you do that, then you really do!”

“Lee Seong-hoon….”

“Do not come!! Don’t come!! I can explain!! you explain?! Michael, say something!”

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Michael is broken.


“Your brother is a really bad person.”

Why are you going to Zion?

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