Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 253 NO00fc: Never drunk

She hopes to join the Icarus Liberation Front as an insider... So, is this her real purpose?

Jim looked at Hanel without saying a word, with an uncertain expression on his face.

At this moment, the representational topology displayed by the other party showed full sincerity. But even so, Jim still couldn't be sure whether this was the other person's true thoughts.

Of course, this is because the other party's adjustment path is special, allowing her to hide her true thoughts from herself.

But more importantly, Jim really can't connect her with the person she was twenty years ago - not because she doesn't look like the person she used to be, but because she looks too much like her twenty years ago.

It's so unreal, as if these twenty years don't exist.

On the other hand, whether it was the person who personally released the Goddess of the Dark Moon from the Abyss Dark Web to the basic reality; or the person who actually controlled the Icarus Liberation Front... Jiang Zhou knew that that was actually him.

Therefore, the idea that the Icarus Liberation Front is controlled by the Orpheus Secret Cult is pure nonsense.

Of course, there is no doubt that Hecate’s influence must be taken into consideration... But what this goddess of the moon is currently pursuing is to analyze human emotions. There is really no reason for her to try to turn the entire human society into a dead world filled with brainless zombies.

But even so...

"Okay, I promise you."

Jim nodded.

"Just as you said, I will help you dig out information from within the 'Icarus Liberation Front'..."

He paused here and then continued:

"If the Orpheus Secret Cult is really related to them, I will also help you find out all the masterminds behind it."

His tone was undeniably serious.

[Hey, hey, hey...are you serious? 】

At this time, Chen Wan, who had been silent at the side before, said this.

[Brother, even a guy like me can see that your old sweetheart wants to take advantage of you]

It seems that this dead nerd is sharper than I thought...

After hearing Chen Wan's reminder, Jim couldn't help but sigh - he really didn't expect that this guy would rarely be sober when it came to emotional issues.

However, Jim did not reply to Chen Wan's persuasion.

He didn't need Chen Wan's reminder, he also knew that the other party was using him.

From the moment he saw the other person again, he felt a complete sense of disobedience...

The two met after twenty years, and the way Hanel behaved—whether it was the tone or expression when she spoke, or even the little gestures she inadvertently revealed—was almost the same as the person she knew in the past. the difference. Coupled with the maintenance of today's developed medical beauty industry, Jim could hardly see any trace of the passage of time on her body except for her clothes.

However, this shouldn't be the case...

As the saying goes, experience shapes personality. Twenty years is enough time for a person's personality to subvert several times. In fact, she did not choose to die silently in that dry well, escaped the pursuit of the Eden resettlement area government, and joined the Anthroposophical Ethics Inspection Committee... After experiencing so much, she should never meet herself again. , and still treat myself with the same attitude as twenty years ago.

Not to mention the things that happened in the past twenty years would not be recalled so easily, and then they would talk straight to the point about work just like they did in the past.

She still uses her old nickname, still maintains her speaking habits, and even acts like a young person, getting jealous and angry because of her emotional experiences over the years...

If you just look at her appearance, then she is almost the same person as Hanel twenty years ago - the person she dreams of meeting again, but who she absolutely should not be able to meet again.

Can you imagine that your childhood friend who used to pee and mud with you when you were a child, after meeting you twenty years later after experiencing the ups and downs of life, the first thing he did was to pull you to pee and mud again?

Jim shook his head mentally.

No adult should have such childish thoughts.

So why does the other party deliberately maintain the appearance of the past?

Is there another reason or difficulty, or is it simply that you just want to make better use of your own?

"No matter what your real purpose is..."

Jim spoke next, staring closely at Hanel.

"As long as what you want to do does not violate my moral bottom line, I will help you to the end."

Only this time, he was willing to be used by the other party to compensate for the things he had done in the past...

It's time to let yourself go completely from the past and truly embrace a new life.

At this moment, two images of Hanel were reflected in Jim's eyes - in addition to the Hanel in front of him who was wearing the uniform of the Anthroposophical Ethics Supervisory Committee, there was also the one whose limbs were bent and bent in a dry well, waiting to die in pain. Hanel.

It was a ghost from the past, a nightmare that Jim couldn't get rid of over the years.

Like the mother and son who had died by her own hands, she would often appear in flashbacks at the corners of alleys or in dark corners of rooms. They remind themselves of their incompetence over and over again, and then torture those fragile places in their hearts.

Adjusters of the Orphic path are "soul hackers" who can hack into the consciousness of others, but because of this, based on their special mental structure, when they develop mental illness, their symptoms will be more severe than ordinary people. More difficult to deal with.

The best way to truly get rid of those "ghosts" from the past is to resolve those past regrets.

There is no way to appease the "ghosts" of the mother and child - unless he can gain the ability to destroy the Apollo creatures or the Eden settlement government. But if he wants to make Hanel's phantom disappear, this may be his last chance.

"From now on, there will be no debt between us."

Jim said at last.

Hanel also looked at Jim seriously, and after a long time he said softly:

"It seems...the past twenty years of experience are not as fruitless as you said, right?"

A lonely look flashed across her face.

Jim did not reply to her question, but continued:

"In addition, let's agree in advance that the relationship between us is just an employment relationship... You entrust me to investigate matters related to the Orpheus Secret Cult. You can scan the QR code on the business card for the specific fee."

After speaking, he threw a business card towards the other party.

Hanel subconsciously caught it.

Looking at the business card, she opened her mouth and hesitated for a long time before speaking:

"It's not even enough to just be friends... Do you really want to go to this extent?"

For a moment, Hanel's tone of voice seemed to go back to the past - a time when they were still young and still had beautiful imaginations about the world.

Jim recalled a time when he made an outrageous joke, causing the other party to mistakenly believe that he was seriously injured while chasing a criminal. On the phone at that time, Hanel, who kept asking about his current status, had the same tone today.

Jim wanted to ask her, then why did you never tell the truth in front of yourself. But at this moment, the gap in his heart has been filled.

So he didn't reply, just shook his head.

"Then...you can always apply through my contact now, right?"

There was a hint of humility in Hanel's voice that she might not even be aware of.

Continuing silent, Jim opened the [Contacts] option in the brain-computer interface.

[New contact added: Little Sparkle]

[Confirm the modification note is: Héloïse Hanel]

[Confirm to modify the contact group to: Customer]


"Then it is an honor to serve you, Mademoiselle Héloïse."

After making the above modifications, Jim walked over and stretched out his hand, shook it gently with the person who was both familiar and unfamiliar to him, and then politely let go.

"It's not too late, please come back."

He said politely.

Héloïse looked at him, and for a moment, Jim thought she might want to say something to him.

Or, you are looking forward to what the other person can say to you.

He doesn't understand.

But in the end, after saying "goodbye" softly, she picked up the coat from the side and left in a hurry.


After Héloïse left, Jim opened himself a bottle of champagne.

A great victory - I found two high-quality clients who were not short of money for the same case.

After taking out the champagne that he had collected for a long time, Jim told himself why he wanted to open it.

He was able to record one hundred and fifty Ore in one day, and with one invoice, he was able to get double reimbursement. This was a great job that he had never dared to think about in the past.

I should have been happy.

Jim thought before he drank himself to death. (End of chapter)

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