Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 215 NO00d6: I'm Still Angry

When his consciousness returned to his body in basic reality, there was only less than sixteen seconds left on Booker's wrist.

The anxious feeling flooded his heart again, but when Booker saw that the flesh-damaged Hecate was still by his side, he immediately relaxed.

Since Mr. "Paradox" had previously promised that he would free the Nord resettlement area from the company's control, make Liao Qi's last battle a legend, and make the struggle of the Icarus Liberation Front a lighthouse-like legend. Then, that existence would not let this resettlement area come to an end in such a funny way.

As he expected, when there were fourteen seconds left in the time, a notice with the electronic official seals of six Olympus companies was sent through Icarus' public channel.

Minerva, Venus, Neptune, Apollo, Vulcan, Pluto; the above six Olympian gods agreed unanimously, out of consideration for the safety of millions of people in the Nord resettlement area, They will be willing to accept any "reasonable" demands from the Icarus Liberation Front.

These include withdrawing the company's armed forces within one month, non-interference in the operation of the government of the Nord resettlement area, recognition of the legal status of the Icarus Liberation Front, fulfillment of the terms of ensuring the basic survival of the resettlement area in accordance with the contract during the coalition government period, and compensation for damage to the foundation of the underground stratum repair costs, provide low-interest loan assistance for equipment renovation in resettlement areas, strictly implement the "Biological Rights and Interests Protection Act", invite human intelligence ethics supervision committees to settle in...

In other words, the Nord settlements would break free from the chains that the Olympian gods had bound them. As the resettlement area was originally designed, it became a gathering place where humans can survive safely in this crazy world after the "post-Great Impact Era".

The six Olympus companies jointly stated that they are willing to compromise with the threat of an unknown non-governmental organization. This is definitely enough to shatter the three views of most people.

Those "city of one man" with the "King of Mercenaries" sitting in command cannot obtain such good conditions. What is the background of the Icarus Liberation Front? Or are they kidnapping the biological mothers of those company directors—if they have them and still care about them—to threaten them into making such a decision?

In the future, after this announcement was made public, thoughts similar to this appeared in the minds of the vast majority of netizens watching.

The speculation, doubts, and conspiracy theories brought about by this will be as intense in the future as the resistance inspired by this incident. And it has brought countless undercurrents and conflicts around the world, on the World Wide Web, and even in some corners of the abyss and dark web.

But at this moment, when Booker saw the announcement, he just breathed a long sigh of relief—the lives of millions of people were hanging at his fingertips, and the heavy moral pressure before almost threatened his life. The spirit was completely crushed.

Just when he was about to make a public announcement immediately and confirm his acceptance as the leader of Icarus, Hecate on the side stretched out her hand to stop him.

There were only ten seconds left before the explosion.


Booker raised his head and asked urgently.

"The penultimate article, 'Since the contract takes effect, all conflicts between the company's armed forces and the residents of the resettlement area will stop. If a conflict occurs, it will be regarded as the full responsibility of the party that initiated it.' This article needs to be revised."

Hecate did not look at Booker, but cast her gaze towards the dome in the distance that was damaged by the battle and flashed with mosaic stripes.

She looked at a few small black dots there.

"Liao Qi's last battle is not over yet."

"Then now I..."

Booker looked at the countdown number on his watch, slowly changing from 7 to 6, and asked immediately.

"Add an additional note that this clause will not be fulfilled until the Wolfsbane team is completely wiped out... They will agree."

Hecate said this, and Booker typed and sent those words almost instinctively.

Four, three, two...

When the countdown jumped to "two", a notice with the logo of Pluto Deep Diving Company popped up.

In accordance with the company's employee rules, they terminated the employment relationship with everyone on the Wolfsbane team.

In other words, the last three remaining players were all fired. What they will experience later has nothing to do with the company.

Booker turned off the explosion program before the number jumped to "one", and at the same time posted a company announcement with an electronic official seal on the official channel of the Icarus Liberation Front.


Looking at the bloody number, Booker let out a long sigh of relief.

"This is finally over..."

Although his whole body had been transformed into a prosthetic body, Booker felt so exhausted that he wanted to sit down against the wall.


Hecate said from the side.

She raised her hand slightly as she spoke, and the holographic projector beside her lit up.

Images from the Icarus Liberation Front's propaganda channel "Nord Voice of Justice" were projected onto the aerosol curtain.

"It's just beginning."

Under the leaden broken dome, with his wings also broken behind him, Liao Qi was engaged in the last battle of his life.


After struggling to stop the bleeding with the "sewing claw" in the medical kit, Bai Dong leaned on the half-collapsed sofa, waiting for rescue to arrive.

She had contacted the hospital 13 times before, and 12 of them were busy. After finally getting connected, the other party also said that the hospital is completely out of manpower—several high-level adjusters fought in the urban area, and the number of casualties caused by the aftermath of their battle has now exceeded Two thousand, there is really no resources allocated to her who will not die in a short while.

But a few minutes later, the other party took the initiative to call. Said that the best medical emergency team had been arranged, and immediately sent a flying car to take her to the upper level, a hospital with Apollo's biological background, and give her the most comprehensive treatment.

"Why did you change your mind so quickly?"

Bai Dong asked puzzledly.

The other party faltered and said that he was not sure, but the management system of their hospital was purchased from Apollo Bio, maybe the source of her phone signal was reported to the past.

When making an emergency call, it will directly locate the patient's location to the hospital.

Finally, the other party asked carefully:

"Are you really in the community where 'Liao Qi' lives? Have you seen anything nearby?"

Liao Qi? How would they know?

Bai Dong expressed his doubts, but the other party said excitedly:

"Don't you know? It's all going crazy now - Liao Qi from the Icarus Liberation Front, who killed the company's elite troops like a dog, dared to play the 'coward' game with the gods of Olympus, and won at the last second .That bastard bet us all and said it's all just a personal vendetta... Fuck! Turn on the 'Noord Voice of Justice' channel, he's still making movies with company dogs!"

The man's voice was mixed with excitement and fear.

Then, the guy on the other end of the phone didn't know what he saw, and started yelling for a while, with a few sporadic words like "fuck those company dogs", "handsome", "fucking cool" and so on Passed over.

I don't know what his attitude is.

After a few more seconds, the man hung up the phone in a hurry as if he remembered something.

Bai Dong remained silent, activated the retina projection screen, and connected to the Nord Voice of Justice channel.

I don't know what kind of professional equipment was used to shoot the scene. The picture at this moment is so clear that Bai Dong would rather not be so clear.

Liao Qi, whose body was shining with electric sparks and whose prosthetic bodies kept falling below zero, was fighting three four-meter-high black prosthetic bodies in the sky.

It's not like the real adjuster battle in Bai Dong's impression, but more like the adjuster battle imagined by native people in those film and television works.

There is no complex and delicate tactical game, no unexpected weapon as a trump card, and no performance competition under high-speed maneuvering.

Yes, it's just savage and cruel, endless battles to the death.

Bai Dong saw that Liao Qi broke through the opponent's line, and swung the giant blade in his hand to chop off one of the arms. Then with a wave of his hand, he pulled the opponent closer to him, and then poured the wings flowing like mercury on his back from the opponent's cut.

For a moment, electric light began to circulate inside the man's body, as if a metal can was placed in a microwave.

As a senior mental adjuster, Bai Dong already knew Liao Qi's state just by looking at his inhuman behavior pattern.

That is a state of no return.

I killed him.

Bai Dong thought to himself.

Even if he was not the culprit, his phone call must have accelerated his death.

She allowed the guilt to slide into her heart like a knife.

At this moment, Liao Qi in the live broadcast was throwing away the useless adjuster in his hand like trash.

But if I were given another chance, I would still tell him this.

Bai Dong suddenly thought.

She does not regret her choice, and she also believes that Liao Qi will not regret her choice either.

After all, Liao Qi is such a person - facing the insurmountable wall, some people will bypass it, some will argue that the wall must exist, and some will kneel by the wall and cry bitterly. But he will definitely choose to keep hitting this high wall with his body until his flesh and blood are bloody, until he collapses.

This world is cruel and complicated, and perhaps it is not suitable for a pure person like him.

Perhaps using all his strength to change the track and pull it back a little bit would be the best ending for him.


Bai Dong sighed.

Even if he is like this, will he have anything to say at the end?

she thought sadly.


"Is the shooting effect so good? It couldn't be synthesized in real time, right?"

In the basement of the "Dark Blue Zone" bar ruins, Blake, who was lying on a chair, slapped his thigh and stood up with a cane.

Then, he was slapped on the back of the head by his sister White, and he was slapped back on the stool.

"Don't block my view!"

Shen Lan looked at the muscular bodyguard brother and sister who were playing tricks and silently turned the screen to the maximum.

"Can you all see it?"

she asked over her shoulder.

No one answered her behind her.

Each of them stared at the screen, as if trying to imprint what was happening at this moment into their minds.

In the picture, Liao Qi's prosthetic body was broken and his whole body structure seemed to be disintegrating in the next second. After killing one of the three-meter-tall adjusters covered in black and red mechas, he struggled in mid-air—it seemed that the output of his anti-gravity engine was not enough to keep him suspended in mid-air .

But in the next second, he directly swung the knife at himself, cutting off all the body below the legs - in the battle in the sky, the prosthetic bodies of the lower body are useless, it is better to discard them all, and let the remaining energy run at full capacity Anti-gravity engine.

In addition, many external prosthetic bodies that are still attached to his pitifully small "Mercury Wing" are constantly detaching, peeling, and falling.

Liao Qi no longer had the extra energy to run them, and there were two people left in front of his eyes—they were fired by Pluto Deep Dive Company, and all the offensive prosthetic bodies on their bodies were locked. At this moment, they can only use basic mobile equipment and melee weapons that can be used without permission.

So, it's a brutal and primal fight.

"I'll help him."

Among the crowd in the basement, a boy who looked childish drew out his weapon and stood up.

He is a member of the Icarus Liberation Front Operations Group, a depth 1 adjuster with no promotion path.

In fact, the twenty or so people in the basement of the "Dark Blue Section" bar at the moment are all members of Icarus—they were used by Deep Blue to use their connections in the previous arrest operation carried out by the resettlement district government in cooperation with the company The person who was saved.

"Sit down."

The leader of the crowd said:

"From the first floor to the seventh floor, when you get there, everything will be over."

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the big screen again.

"All we can do now is witness his end."

The boy who had picked up the weapon stood there, clenching his teeth tightly. After a while, he sat down again without saying a word.

Except for this brief conversation, the more than twenty members of Icarus remained silent.

Deep Blue felt a deafening silence.

Unable to bear such a solemn atmosphere, Shenlan forced herself to focus on the screen again.

Looking at the almost fragmented crazy adjuster, Deep Blue had a hard time connecting Liao Qi at this moment with that young man who uttered nonsense about his aesthetics when they first met.

Recalling the "open-mindedness" when the other party took off his hat when they first met, Shenlan suddenly couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Her laughter was particularly harsh in the solemn atmosphere of the basement.

"Sister Shenlan, what's wrong?"

White on the side asked nervously, and then gestured for her to stop laughing.

Although they saved the members of Icarus, but the atmosphere is so funny now, White is worried that this group of members of the organization who are full of grief and anger will do something impulsive.

Shen Lan covered her mouth and laughed for a while, and finally stopped her laughter.

She wiped the tears from her eyes and said:

"Nothing, I just remembered some things from the past."

Then she looked at the screen again, where Liao Qi was dismantling the second company dog ​​with a high-frequency vibrating knife.

“Now, I can’t find the person responsible for my membership being canceled by ‘Theseus Cargo’.”

she said softly.

Then, she said:

“It has been the honor of my life to have worked with you.”


Those idiots warned Christie three times in a row, but in the end she chose to show her middle finger in the channel and cut off the communication directly.

Then, she continued to use high-standard filming equipment to live broadcast this not-so-high-standard battle to the world.

How could those smart fools end up like this if they didn't do as many things as they did?

It has also exceeded the limits of human intelligence, and it is something that cannot be grasped in the brain.

At this moment, Liao Qi was fighting with the last member of the wolf poison team.

Aconitum-1 is said to be the prototype body of the "Aconitum" series of natural adjustment people, with enough combat experience to fill a box of "tactical memory".

Even if all the offensive prosthetic bodies in his body were locked, he could barely resist fighting with Liao Qi, who was already exhausted.

He just needs to keep dragging on until the other party can't support it.

Of course, he didn't know that even if he dragged Liao Qi to death, Christie, who was broadcasting live from the side, would crush him to death.

But although it is very difficult, it is best for Liao Qi to kill the enemy himself.

Christy thought.

Then, Liao Qi surprised her for the last time—at the last moment when the prosthetic body was about to disintegrate, he rushed directly to Wutou-1. Then he tore out the corona core from his chest and stuffed it into a penetrating wound on the other side.

Before the explosion, Liao Qi said something that was quickly swallowed up by the flames and sound waves.

Christie used the equipment of "strong observer vision" to observe and restore it before recording it.

"I have to say, he's extremely handsome."

Christie bowed her head to the firelight, she murmured.

She then posted those words on the Noord Voice of Justice channel.


Panting, Falconman stared fixedly at the last enemy in the sky.

At this moment, he was falling downwards.

The feathers on the wings are constantly peeling off, and the body is constantly getting heavier.

The last enemy, the enemy that I can't let go, is getting farther and farther away from me.

He yelled unwillingly, but it was of no avail. Falling was his destiny.

"it is ready."

Once again, the voice of the mysterious girl "Xiao" appeared in his ears.

"You've done enough."

The girl's figure appeared next to him like a ghost.

"not enough……"

Falconman murmured.

"Xiao" didn't say anything, just nodded. Then, she ignited the remaining wings for him with her own hands, so that he could fly the last journey.

"Is there anything else you want to say before you die?"

After doing all of this, "Xiao"... No, Hecate looked at him calmly and asked—after Liao Qi fell into the valley of mental terror, she was always guiding Liao Qi.

Flames and air waves are spreading around. At this moment of trance, it is hard to tell whether it is fantasy or reality. The man who does not know whether it is Liao Qi or Falconman looked at the sky and said slowly like a chant:

"If anyone asked me how I felt before I died..."

He remembered that this was a poem he had heard when he was a child (note*), but he didn't quite know how he heard it... Maybe his father read it to him in his arms?

During the explosion, Liao Qi's final roar was recorded by Christie and echoed over the entire Nord resettlement area.

"Tell them I'm still angry!" (End of this chapter)

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