Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 17 Rich second generation Shen Zhuo, team invitation

Faced with the girl's invitation, Chu Xiu naturally had no reason to refuse.

Everyone went up all the way. The 31st floor was full of roadblocks, and some warning traps could be seen at intervals.

"Follow me closely, don't step on the traps on the ground. It took me a long time to make them." The girl wiped the sweat from her forehead, "By the way, my name is Guan Ke."

"Chu Xiu."

As the two talked, they had arrived at the 32nd floor.

On other floors, scattered gravel and wooden boards can be seen everywhere, but here they have all been cleaned up and piled up near the stairs. Together with wooden tables, wardrobes, door panels and other sundries, it seems to have formed a simple defense bunker nearly two meters high.

Looking through the gap, you can see that at the end of the corridor, there are two boys sitting on a small bench, one with a pile of clothes next to him, and the other holding a dead mutant rat in his hand, fiddling with something.

"That's Xu Hang and Song Ziping, their professions are tailor (D) and perfumer (C), and the latter is responsible for processing food when he has nothing to do."

"Because of the perfumer, even if these rats are gutted, the smell will not attract those monsters, and the perfume he mixes can also cover our smell at night."

"This profession is good," Chu Xiu nodded, "What about you, what is your profession?"

"Puppet master (D)." Guan Ke said, and continued to lead the four people up.

"Puppet master?" Chu Xiu was surprised, "There is such a profession in the abyss? Is it to make dolls?"

"It's to make dolls," Guan Ke corrected, "My dolls can be used as monitors. There are all kinds of professions in the abyss. What's so strange about this? What's your profession?"

"Bone patchworker (D)."

Guan Ke paused: "You sound like you made it up."

"The professions in the abyss are so strange." Chu Xiu smiled.

"Tsk," Guan Ke curled his lips, "What about your talent?"

"Bone polishing (D)."

Guan Ke: ". You just made it up."

Chu Xiu laughed and changed the subject: "What about your talent?"

Guan Ke rolled his eyes: "I won't tell you."

Then: "So what can you do?"

"I can make equipment with corpses."

Hearing this, Guan Ke looked back at the bone armor on Chu Xiu in surprise: "So you are not a rich second generation?"

"No," Chu Xiu shook his head, "My father is a factory worker, and my mother is an accountant in a small company."

I don't know if it was his illusion, but after saying this, Chu Xiu felt that Guan Ke's eyes seemed to be more friendly.

While chatting, everyone came to the rooftop. The water tank was not far from the door. The road in the middle was covered by a huge piece of patchwork cloth, forming an almost closed space.

"This is the work of our tailors, so that when we get water, we don't have to worry about being discovered by nearby flying mutants." Guan Ke said.

"Not bad."

Chu Xiu was a little surprised. I have to say that their small group is quite decent.

Everyone came to the water tank, and the water inside was already covered with a layer of green algae, but with the help of the water purification device, it was barely drinkable.

And there were enough of them, so it would definitely be fine to last at least seven days.

Chu Xiu was completely relieved, and took out the water bottle and drank it in big gulps. The eyes of the other three people were also shining. After getting Guan Ke's nod, they couldn't wait to pick up the filtered water bottles nearby and drank it "gulp gulp".

The cold water flowed across his throat, and Chu Xiu felt that all the cells in his body seemed to be moisturized.


He drank in big gulps, at least drinking a liter of water at a time.

The other three were similar, which made Guan Ke laugh: "You guys are really stupid. Why are you so thirsty that you come to find water?"

"We have mushrooms to eat," Yunlu was in a very good mood after drinking the water. With curved eyes, he took out a handful of mushrooms from the storage space, "Sister, these are for you."

Guan Ke took it with a smile, but then frowned: "Although there is no shortage of water, food is really a big problem. I wonder if others have harvested anything."

Yunlu took a bite of the mushroom: "Sister, don't worry. My talent is food perception (B). I can help find food."

After the voice fell, Guan Ke looked at Yunlu with a surprised expression on his face. Before he could speak, a hearty laugh suddenly sounded in the corridor: "Food perception? Hahaha, then our team has everything."

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and saw three men and one woman walking up. The first one was about 1.8 meters tall, handsome, wearing a finely crafted leather armor, and carrying a big sword on his back.

He walked in front of the crowd, smiled and extended his hand: "My name is Shen Zhuo. I heard Zi Ping say that there was a new person downstairs, so I came up to see him."

Chu Xiu silently looked at Shen Zhuo. Whether it was the leather armor on his body or the big sword behind him, there were complicated and mysterious inscriptions engraved on him, which seemed to be equipment with extraordinary power.

Obviously, this person should be the rich second generation mentioned by Guan Ke.

Everyone greeted him in turn.

Except Chu Xiu, the other three were a little restrained in front of him, especially Li Shan, whose tone unconsciously carried a hint of respect and flattery.

As luck would have it, his stomach just happened to growl at this time, which made his face red all of a sudden, ashamed and annoyed, as if he felt that he had lost face in front of an important person.

However, Shen Zhuo didn't care at all. Instead, he waved his hand and several pieces of mutant rat meat appeared in his hand: "Brothers, you must be hungry. Eat something to fill your stomach first. Don't worry, although these rat meats have a strong smell, they are edible."

Li Shan was flattered and took it. He looked at Shen Zhuo with gratitude. Others also took a piece each.

But Guan Ke frowned a little: "Shen Zhuo, these are all foods found by the team together. You should discuss it before giving it to others."

Hearing this, the four people who were eating stopped, and Shen Zhuo waved his hand indifferently: "It's okay, you eat, and these meats are all in my account."

Guan Ke opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, just "tsk" unhappily.

Yun Lu was a little embarrassed and wanted to return the rat meat, but Guan Ke stopped her hand: "You eat it, I'm not targeting you."

As for Chu Xiu, he finished it within ten seconds of getting the rat meat. The main point was to eat it early.

While the four people were eating, Shen Zhuo had been looking at them. When they finished eating, he smiled and asked, "I don't know your names yet, what are your professions and talents?"

The four people introduced themselves one by one, Shen Zhuo's eyes lit up, and he praised each person after he finished speaking.

"Power burst? Great! Our team is in need of combat professions!"

"Poacher! This profession is great, stealth, skinning, and reconnaissance can greatly improve the safety of the team!"

"What? You can use corpses as weapons? Great! This way we won't lack weapons in the future, and it will definitely greatly improve the overall strength of the team!"

His praise made several people feel good, especially Li Shan, who had an expression of "a man will die for his friend".

So in the end, when Shen Zhuo invited them to join the team and pass the trial together, almost no one hesitated to join.


"Sorry, I refuse."

Chu Xiu looked at the handsome boy in front of him and said calmly.

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