Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 13 The Magical Use of Cause and Effect Points

Something exploded!

Chu Xiu's eyes lit up, and he immediately felt that the hard battle just now was worth it.

Although the explosion rate of the trial copy is much higher, it is also a great luck to be able to explode something in the first fight.

He couldn't wait to check it.

[Type 004 Ghoul Necklace]

[Level: Ordinary]

[Quality: Standard]

[Attribute: Magic (0.3), Weight 0.1kg]

[Ability: After wearing it, 10% of the spirit will be converted into strength and vitality, up to 1.0. If the conversion time exceeds 15 minutes within 24 hours, it will be irreversible and gain the trait: Ghoulification (E)]

[Ghoulification (E): Gain the power of the primary ghoul, physical fitness +3.0, spirit -3.0, life recovery speed +300%, and a certain degree of change in appearance. ]

[Evaluation: In the early days of the doomsday, people believed that the teeth of ghouls had some kind of venom that could transform living people into ghouls.

【But this is actually a wrong guess. The root of the transformation to a ghoul lies in an ancient curse, a contaminated secret treasure.

【This necklace is composed of eighteen fangs of 004-type ghouls, which contain the energy of the curse. It can allow people to not have to endure the torture of biting, and even have the power of a ghoul while retaining a certain degree of rationality.

【Are you tempted? 】

I'm not tempted!

Chu Xiu was speechless.

Who the hell would want to turn into that thing!

But as long as the transformation time is kept within fifteen minutes, this is a pretty good piece of equipment.

His spiritual attributes are obviously higher than those of ordinary people, but he doesn't have a good way to transform them into combat power. This necklace just makes up for this.

Although it can only transform 10%, it is better than nothing.

Chu Xiu is quite satisfied with this.

Not to mention, he has other gains.

23 causal points!

This is the big deal!

"Then, that, Brother Chu, did you explode the causal points?"

At this time, a stumbling voice sounded beside Chu Xiu.

Wang Long stood up with an embarrassed look on his face, rubbing his hands uncomfortably: "I, I just saw the blue crystal, that is the cause and effect point, right?"

"Yes," Li Shan also came out from the corner, "Chu, Chu Xiu, you will divide it according to what we agreed before, right?"

Chu Xiu did not speak, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became cold.

Yun Lu widened her eyes in disbelief: "You still have the nerve to ask for it?"

Wang Long's neck turned red when she said that, and he said angrily: "This, this is all agreed! At most, I will ask for less!"

"That's right," Li Shan also echoed, "What's there to be embarrassed about? I have completed my task!"

"You." Yun Lu wanted to say something, but was stopped by Chu Xiu.

He just looked at the two people in front of him and smiled faintly.

He knew why the two were so anxious.

The explosion rate of cause and effect points is very low, usually only elite monsters and bosses have the opportunity to explode, and most people get them by completing tasks.

Chu Xiu looked at the task rewards this time.

If you pass the trial mission, the basic reward is 100 causal points + a basic equipment, and there will be additional rewards based on the performance rating.

The three challenge missions reward 150, 700 and 2500 causal points respectively, and the world mission is as high as 50,000 causal points! There are also unknown item rewards!

However, these missions are difficult to complete by one person. Most of them are shared by multiple people, especially world missions, which often involve hundreds of people. Moreover, the proportion of people who can complete them within 30 days is frighteningly low. Basically, only the trials in the inner ring cities can be completed.

This shows the preciousness of causal points.

Of course, the drop rate of trial copies will be much higher, and there is a chance that the monsters will also be shipped, which is why so many people choose to take risks.

So what is the use of it as a hard currency in the abyss?

To explain it more strictly, causal points have the power of [cause to effect]. As long as the causal relationship is determined, the process can be shortened.

This sounds very confusing, but there is a very easy-to-understand explanation.

This thing is a deep blue point addition.

The scope of its application is very wide. The cultivation of skills, the creation of equipment, the learning of knowledge, and even the growth of spiritual objects can all be completed directly by adding causal points.

Good things like this. Is he crazy to give others?

Honesty? Agreement?

Sorry, demon cultivators don't have that stuff.

Chu Xiu quickly adapted to his new identity.

If this corpse ghost didn't explode with good things, he might still pretend to share some to maintain the fragile union between the four people.

But now.

"Only power is everything."

Chu Xiu thought to himself, ignoring Wang Long and Li Shan, and moved the causal points to his professional level with his mind.

Add points!

The moment he consumed the causal points, Chu Xiu immediately had a wonderful feeling. He seemed to see his own phantom, sitting cross-legged in a chaotic space, practicing "Infinite Reincarnation Art" day and night.

This phantom flashed by, and then Chu Xiu felt that his mind seemed to have a little more understanding, and his body also underwent some inexplicable changes, and a prompt popped up at the same time.

[Consume 1 causal point, gain professional experience*5]

The experience gained is not much, because the heavier the killing sins of the Infinite Reincarnation Art, the faster it will be practiced. Chu Xiu has killed too few lives now.

Speaking of killing evil, Chu Xiu's expression moved slightly. When he killed the corpse ghost, he clearly felt that there was something inexplicable entangled with his body. This feeling also occurred when he killed the giant moth before, but this time it was much stronger.

"Is that thing killing evil?"

However, unlike what was recorded in the Infinite Reincarnation Sutra, which would gradually erode the practitioner's rationality and induce him to fall into killing and be unable to extricate himself, Chu Xiu actually felt that after these killing evils possessed him, his mind became clearer.

"Strange, is it because I killed a creature from the abyss? The killing evil that was born is different from the traditional sense?"

He muttered in his heart.

However, there are too few samples at present, and he can't draw any useful conclusions, so Chu Xiu did not entangle, but without any hesitation, he invested another fourteen causal points in the professional level!

[Consume causal points*14, gain professional experience*70]

[Level up! ]

[Current level: ordinary level 2]


At the moment of leveling up, Chu Xiu felt a strong force surge into his body. He clenched his fists lightly, with an intoxicated look in his eyes.

Infinitely improving, surpassing everyone's power, isn't that the ultimate pursuit of magic cultivators?

Chu Xiu opened the panel, and suddenly a new character data appeared in front of him.

[Name] Chu Xiu

[Level] Ordinary Level 2 (1/400)

[Constitution] 3.46

[Spirit] 4.03

[Energy Level] 6.88

[Equipment] Ordinary bone armor +3, ordinary bone spear +4

[Profession] Heir of the magic path

[Talent] Perfect refining


[Unlocked new inheritance]


Constitution increased by about 1 point, spirit less than 1 point, and energy level increased by more than 3 points. Compared with the last time, the total improvement was slightly more, but not obvious.

However, Chu Xiu still felt that his body had undergone earth-shaking changes!

Now his body has slightly exceeded the limit of the human body!

Although his strength may still not be as good as those 200kg strongmen, and he may not be able to run the 100m as fast as Bolt, but in terms of comprehensive physical fitness, he has surpassed the top athletes!

If I have to say it quantitatively, Chu Xiu feels that he can now bench press 250 kg and run a marathon in less than two hours and ten minutes while sprinting the 100m!

"If I meet a corpse ghost again, even if it is a head-on battle, I will not be afraid at all!"

Feeling the powerful power contained in his muscles, Chu Xiu showed a relieved expression.

"Chu Xiu, you haven't used up the cause and effect points, have you?"

And just when Chu Xiu silently added points, perhaps because he felt his physical changes, or because he didn't say a word to reply, Li Shan finally couldn't help asking again.

Wang Long also said: "Chu Xiu, we agreed on the benefits before, do you want to regret it?"

The two of them stared at Chu Xiu, and they leaned against each other at some point, and Yun Lu also stood hesitantly aside.

The three of them seemed to have formed an alliance silently.

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