After the small water polo fell into it, the little water splash failed to splash.

Xu Jingyi sat on the stage and tapped the virtual keyboard very calmly. She had already seen the slime begin to carry out the order to remove the garbage under the sea, but the others did not know the specific situation.

Everyone only saw the small ball disappearing silently. Even if they stared at the big screen, they could not see what was happening on the sea. The white floating object was still floating on it, and there was still a faint stench floating over from time to time. There were many people at the scene. Rubbing his eyes suspiciously, he looked down at his watch again, guessing if the garbage disposal experiment had not yet started.

The staff in City G were already nervous, because they knew very well that Xu Jingyi had turned on the environmental protection robot and issued an order to clean up the garbage. Now is the time to verify whether the product is effective.

The audience in front of the TV and the live broadcast were also very nervous. Unlike the self-doubt of the live audience, they clearly saw Xu Jingyi's gestures, so they were worried about whether the equipment could work normally.

At present, it has been one minute since Xu Jingyi pressed the button, but the sea is still calm, and there is no movement at all.

[Su Yan: I have a bad premonition in my heart now! it should be no problem! 】

[Baby Chen Momoda: Don't have a crow's mouth upstairs! The boss has experienced so many storms! How could it fail. Rest assured, there are definitely big moves brewing. 】

[Sighing in vain: ah ah ah! ! I'm just nervous! Not only my classmates studying abroad, but also my great-grandmother chatted with me about the live broadcast of Xu Xuejie's experiment! I don't want to go wrong! 】

[Feng Yuan: I said, can you not be so vain! The boss has brought us enough! Experiments are inherently uncertain, even if something goes wrong! Don't you love the big guy? No... The boss is still our boss! I will definitely make a comeback and make others kneel and shout 666! Take it easy, it's fine. 】

Another minute passed, not only the audience in front of the TV, but also the people on the scene were vaguely suspicious. The scene was no longer silent, and there were already low voices of discussion. Even the media sitting in front of them couldn't sit still, and they all stood up and started playing with the cameras.

Zhang Feiyu, who was standing in the background, did not change his face, but he was so anxious that he was beating the drum. He was more worried than Xu Jingyi about whether the experiment would be successful, because it meant whether G City could become famous, and it also meant whether he could play a role in politics. Win the turnaround.

"Go and ask about the situation," he whispered to the secretary.

It was obvious that there was no beginning or end, but the secretary still clearly walked to the backstage monitoring center. He cautiously spoke to Xu Jingyi: "Ms. Xu. Is there any problem with the experiment of environmentally friendly robots?"

Xu Jingyi was stunned for a moment and pressed the headset: "No problem."

"Then when will the effect be seen?"

"ten minutes."

"Then. Can we explain the situation to the audience? There are too many people at the scene, and I'm afraid there will be changes."

After Xu Jingyi heard the words, she tapped her finger on the data for a while. She looked away from the computer screen and frowned at the already restless crowd.

Getting up, she walked to the microphone not far away.

At this moment, some of the reporters, who were languid and almost chatting, immediately regained their spirits, and immediately turned their cameras to Xu Jingyi.

Xu Jingyi's appearance instantly attracted everyone's attention.

In front of everyone's eyes, Xu Jingyi drooped her eyes and even yawned a little. Such a calm and easy-going state immediately calmed everyone's anxiety.

Xu Jingyi said lightly: "We need to deal with 100,000 square meters of garbage at one time. Slimes must collect enough energy underwater to start action. Ten minutes. You should see the effect in ten minutes. Don't worry, be quiet. Wait. Okay?"

Her last sentence was okay, and she just said it casually.

Unexpectedly, tens of thousands of people shouted in unison: "Okay!" The voice was so loud that it could almost break through the sky.

Xu Jingyi was startled, and Zhang Feiyu and other government officials who were sitting in the backstage looked shocked.

A sour Confucian department-level cadre said, "What the people want! Wouldn't this be unfavorable in officialdom?"

"You're wrong," another whispered. "It's a good thing what the people want. But if it's too big, it's not so good."

"Why? Water can carry a boat and capsize it."

The person who spoke to him looked at him with a look of "look at this little fool": "Anyone can listen to these words? These words are for admonishing the king! The words of admonishing the helm of the boat!"

Suan Ru, who had spoken at first, was startled and murmured, "Then... Then she is taboo?"

The person who spoke to him no longer wanted to reply to such a funny ratio whose political EQ is 0! If Comrade Xiao Xu is in the officialdom, it may cause taboos among people at the same level. But she's not here! She is in the scientific world! And she has a very penetrating mind, that kind of person who has absolutely no right to devote herself to technology. Such people will not cause taboos, but will be quite popular.

Now everyone has calmed down consciously. The audience at the scene actually wanted to make a noise, but when they saw Xu Jingyi on the stage sitting cross-legged again and typing on the keyboard, they unconsciously became... afraid to speak.

Ten minutes is a short time, but a long time for tens of thousands of people looking forward to it.

At this time, someone suddenly whispered: "There are still thirty seconds. I will start counting silently."

If a person meditates for 29 seconds, the people around him will meditate for 28 seconds. People are group animals, especially this kind of tense atmosphere is particularly easy to be driven.

The countdown is like the most intense infectious virus. When the number 8 is reached, it has almost become a chorus of tens of thousands of people in the audience.

The reporters standing in the front row got up one after another and aimed their cameras at the excited countdown crowd behind. Two live reporters couldn't help but count down to 5 together...

The leadership of the backstage control area in City G stared at the monitor screen, trembling.

There are two cadres who are not mentally strong. They have already put their hands together and started to pray silently. Now that the emotions of the masses have been mobilized, this matter must be accomplished!

"4!" Some audience members couldn't help cheering.

"3!" The audience in front of the TV picked up their drinks.

"2..." The number has not yet been counted, "Buzzing~~~" The sound like the roar of a giant beast swept in from not far away, directly covering the volume of the countdown of 10,000 people.

Humans are naturally afraid of unknown and powerful creatures. Just now, they were counting in unison, but at this moment they were silent and did not make a single sound.

Dozens of drones quickly flew to sea level. More than a dozen high-definition TV screens broadcast the scene on the sea at the same time.

Everyone was stunned by what they saw.

Under the sky, the sea surface began to vibrate violently, stirring up layers of waves, and the endless sea water began to rotate under inexplicable power. It was as if a giant hand was spinning and fluctuating at the bottom of the sea, the waves were rising higher and higher, and the speed of the whirlpool was getting faster and faster.

After a while, a huge, unfathomable hole similar to a longan visible to the naked eye appeared on the sea level.

A spectator's potato chips fell to the ground, a spectator spit out a mouthful of water, and a milk doll pointed at the TV and shouted, "Grandma, is the sea leaking?"

"My God! What is that! Moses divided the sea?"

"I don't feel the wind at all. How did this whirlpool appear on the sea level? Will we be in danger?"

"My mother! What should I do now?"

The voice of the audience at the scene is also the anxiety of all the audience in front of the TV and the leaders of City G in the background.

-How to do?

[Toffee Big: Playing so big? ! There are so many people on the coast! No danger! 】

[Angel with Hidden Wings: I'm not worried about that longan now. I'm worried that the audience will stand in fear and lead to a stampede. 】

[Laughing Ruo Anran: I hope nothing happens! Otherwise, Mr. Xu will be miserable. 】

I don't know if Mr. Xu will be miserable, but if something happens, the leadership of City G will definitely be miserable.

Zhang Feiyu called the security department at the first time: "Now we must stabilize the emotions of the audience, and we will get into the cars in batches depending on the situation! Remember! Your attitude must be gentle and firm, and you must not be anxious to prevent stampede incidents."

The armed police on the other end of the phone wiped away sweat: "Leader! I suggest not to evacuate urgently. The masses are far more numerous than the officers and soldiers. Once there is chaos, I'm afraid..."

"Now is the time to care about political gains and losses! Human life is at stake!" Zhang Feiyu fumed, he changed his suave and refined image, and roared at the surroundings, "What are you still standing here for, now you all go to do it for you? Prepare for the evacuation of the masses.”


The leadership team just took orders, and at this moment, deafening exclamations came from outside.

They looked away, trembling all over.

The endless sea water suddenly rose into the sky, and from the concave vortex, it suddenly turned into a giant water column, and it rose and circled rapidly, as if a dragon climbed out.

The water dragon is surrounded by silvery-white stars. It is quite beautiful from a distance, but from a close distance, it is all garbage attracted by centrifugal force.

The audience at the scene raised their necks one after another, their expressions were quite uniform, and they watched the world-class wonders quietly like chickens.

The audience in front of the TV even stepped on the barrage, digging at the computer screen, and their eyes were unbelievable.

Abroad is also clamoring for the impossible audience media, they... they have swelled their faces at the moment, kneeling in front of the keyboard to watch the man-made miracle.

The media reporters were going crazy. They rushed to the coast one by one desperately. Several dedicated themselves rushed to the front. They were almost stunned by the waves brought by the dragon's absorption of water. host.

"Audience friends, I am at the forefront of City G now, and you can see the great power created by the environmentally friendly robot invented by Xu Jingyi. I am about tens of meters away from the place where the dragon absorbs water. Cameraman, go to the back and try to put I'm in a box with the Dragon Soak. Yes.

You can see how amazing the amount of water this pulls up! There are definitely a dozen floors, not even dozens of floors high! Amazing, so amazing! What the **** happened in the sea! How could such a powerful dragon absorb water! My God, is this movement really cleaning up garbage? Instead of a weapon display! "

- This host's rant, perfectly fits everyone's brain hole.

The leaders of City G took a breath, and the bosses of City B who were watching the live broadcast widened their eyes in shock.

The U.S. emperor and the leaders of the Sakura Kingdom clapped the table with trepidation, discussing what if this thing could be manipulated by humans? Isn't this a man-made typhoon? Artificial dragons absorb water?

Some experts and professors have begun to calculate the strength of the dragon's water absorption through satellite survey data, and then let everyone take a breath.

The water column has a maximum diameter of about 50 meters and a height of 180 meters.

Such a huge dragon absorbs water, coupled with the centrifugal force brought by the rotation, if it can really be controlled by humans, even the largest aircraft carrier in the world is not enough for the opponent to sweep the tail!

"Your Excellency! This dragon absorbs water with a distance of no more than ten meters left and right, so it shouldn't move!" An expert from Sakura Country wiped his sweat, "If movement is its flaw, it shouldn't take the initiative to attack."

"It can't attack! Can't it defend yet!" The Sakura National Army's face was ashen, "This thing is too scary. Let me just say, if Huaguo just wants to deal with the garbage, why should he tell the world like this! Now I am I see, this is advocating force! How can it be repaired! Could it be suggesting that if we don’t obey, we will sweep out neighboring countries as garbage!”

"Your Excellency! You are thinking too much."

"I don't think it's serious at all. Our Sakura Country is facing the sea, and if China throws one in the nearby waters! This kind of natural disaster will cause huge economic losses at any time." When, I must attend to see!"


There are many countries that have the same idea as Sakura State, and it can even be said that most of them recognize that they see the "connotation of China" and are gearing up for the National Day ceremony, but as China itself...

Chief Xun called the meteorological department at the first time, and he also needed to keep an eye on various data of water absorption by artificial dragons to avoid meteorological disasters. Unexpectedly, the subordinate responded that Xu Jingyi had already reported to them and explained the principle, confirming that it would not cause a chain disaster.

Hearing this, Zhang Yaowu slammed his palms together: "This thing is so good? It's so big that it can still be controlled internally? It's really powerful! Old Xun, there are many rough men in our army, and we need to clean up the garbage, or else Give our army a little more. Um... Can you invite Mr. Xu to help us adjust according to local conditions?"

"Turn your ass! It's really a big misunderstanding!" Gu Xiangwan couldn't help but swear, he wiped his glasses, took a deep breath and looked at Chief Xun, "I really didn't expect... this, this movement will be like this. Great! This is really…”

Chief Xun looked at the spinning dragon sucking water on the TV, showing a hint of helplessness: "Comrade Xiao Xu. It's really been ... creating surprises for us."

Gu Xiangwan sighed: "I can almost guess the psychological activities of the American Emperor Mao bear and the cherry blossom countries. This misunderstanding..."

Gu Xiangwan is in charge of the intelligence department, and he has to weigh and refer to many things in international diplomacy.

"Thanks a lot."

"It's not hard. It's just... a little bit caught off guard." Gu Xiangwan shifted his glasses and suddenly smiled, "But that's fine. It's not necessarily a bad thing to be wrong."

"That's right." Chief Xun nodded slightly, "It's time to make the voice of our country."

The other old men nodded in unison.

The water dragon along the coast of G City has been spinning. For three minutes, everyone stared at the picture, motionless, and no sound came out.

Although the Dragon Absorption appeared, the momentum was like a doomsday natural disaster, but the strange thing was that three minutes later, the detected data value remained at the original appearance, no increase or decrease. It can basically be judged that it will not threaten the people on the shore, which makes the leadership of City G also relieved.

"Quickly, contact Ms. Xu and ask when this dragon's water absorption phenomenon will end." Zhang Feiyu immediately instructed the secretary.

The secretary tried to connect Xu Jingyi, but found that the other party didn't answer the phone. It was not until she heard the sound of "Hello" audition that she realized that Xu Jingyi was already standing in front of the telephone.

The secretary trembled, she was really afraid of this scientist who never played cards according to common sense.

"Everyone. Be quiet." Xu Jingyi whispered.

Humans are really too small in front of the mighty forces of heaven and earth.

Under the blessing of the giant dragon's absorption of water, everyone subconsciously followed Xu Jingyi's instructions, quietly, staring at each other without moving, looking at her with awe, admiration and obsession, as if everyone was holding their heads on their heads. #obsessedbuff#.

Xu Jingyi calmly pointed to the dragon's absorption of water: "Slime scans a lot of seabed garbage, plastics, heavy metals, crude oil pollution, waste, etc. Some of them can be directly absorbed into energy, but some of them need to be physically decomposed first, and then Take chemical degradation. This is the most convenient physical decomposition method.”

A reporter below couldn't help but want to ask for details, but suddenly realized that this was not a press conference.

"Because there is too much garbage to deal with on the bottom of the sea. It is estimated that the dragon's water absorption state will last for two days. Although the vicinity is within a controllable range according to the program, I hope you don't watch from a close distance." Xu Jingyi calmly said.

—Two, two days! !

The leaders of City G are going crazy. It takes a few minutes for a dragon to absorb water to be considered a large-scale natural disaster. It has to stay here for 48 hours. For such a long time, there are too many variables.

Zhang Feiyu: "Stay here all night long. Raise the cordon and strictly prohibit anyone from approaching 100 meters."

Several leaders exchanged bitter faces and nodded in agreement.

"I also put a filming robot on the seabed. Watch the world channel on Kuaishou - Xiaoqiu. If you are interested, you can see how the seabed garbage is digested." Xu Jingyi finished the advertisement blatantly, and then fiddled with the microphone. , "Also. I'm standing here to announce one thing."

When Zhang Feiyu heard something bad, he hurriedly said to the secretary, "Stop her! There are so many people on the scene! Things must be announced slowly one by one! Don't be too anxious. I'm afraid that the excitement of the crowd will cause trouble!"

The secretary kept dialing the phone and running down at the same time, stepping on a pair of sky-high, running more neatly than the average athlete, she wished she could immediately rush to the stage to calm Xu Jingyi down.

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