Xu Jingyi got up and said seriously, "What's the matter?"

"Student Xu, are you interested in coming to Dongdu to specialize in artificial intelligence, medical health and nursing?"

Xu Jingyi was taken aback and shook her head slightly.

"Student Xu, you can think more about it. Japan's research on artificial intelligence far exceeds that of China and the United States. Especially now that artificial intelligence has been established as the core of realizing super-intelligent society 5.0, you will definitely get the best treatment if you come here." Professor Morita looked at her eagerly, "Especially your research on robot emotion makes up for a big shortcoming. Originally, I have always been worried about whether the cold robot can really take care of the patient after studying medicine? Will the patient feel that Too cold, but if the robot also has feelings, these will not exist."

Professor Morita is a very good person, but because he is a neighbor, Xu Jingyi could not agree.

"I'm sorry," Xu Jingyi organized the language, "I don't want to leave my country."

"Hehe, it's not that you won't come back when you leave," Professor Morita shook his head with a smile. "You are still young, so you should go out and study more. When you return after your studies, wouldn't it be of greater benefit to the country."

Xu Jingyi was just about to refuse more strongly.

I heard a hoarse American accent not far away.

"Professor Morita, I invited you here to teach an open class, not to rob my proud disciple."

Wen Sheng looked over, and Xu Jingyi saw Director Tian and Professor Li Wenfeng coming here.

"Hehe, Tian Jun, I didn't expect her to be your disciple," Professor Morita was obviously disappointed, "I didn't come to **** a proud student, I just thought she was suitable for further study abroad. You imprisoned her in China and didn't let her broaden her horizons. , it will be delayed."

"Oh, why am I delayed? It's the delay if you really want to take you to Japan. You can't teach this one to be an all-rounder." Director Tian became unhappy. Don't hurry to get a ride."

Professor Morita looked back at Xu Jingyi and confirmed that there was no heart in her eyes, and she was a little disappointed. She took off her hat and bowed slightly, and then handed Xu Jingyi a business card with both hands, "You are the most promising picture I have ever seen. Young people of the Spirit Award, I really look forward to seeing you at Kyoto University."

"Thank you," Xu Jingyi accepted politely, but she knew she would definitely not go.

When Professor Morita left, Professor Li took the lead in speaking: "I just can't tell if there is an outsider. Laotian, this is my favorite student, don't pry at the corner here."

Director Tian gave him a sidelong glance: "The indicators above are all down. This is the graduate student I brought. They are all praised by old Morita to win the Turing Award. They must be my close disciples."

The Turing Award is equivalent to the Nobel Prize in Computer Science.

After finishing speaking, Director Tian looked at Xu Jingyi a few times, and he was able to alert the people above to be directly inserted into the university. How huge is the backstage energy? But he was only curious for a while. Director Tian himself didn't care. He had been doing scientific research all his life and only looked at hard power, regardless of that.

"She is under my hands and will definitely break the record for the youngest person to win the Nobel Prize in Biology!"

In the face of the good seedlings, the two highly respected professors are like children fighting for candy, and they are unwilling to forgive.

Zhao Xiaomeng patted her on the shoulder and joked: "It's the same as looking for an heir. Haha, just pick two rooms on one shoulder!"

The system light **** were all dizzy with laughter, [Hahaha... What metaphor is this, inheritance of children? Hahaha, host you... you can always be responsible but heavy responsibilities. 】

Xu Jingyi: "…"

Zhao Xiaomeng was just joking, but he didn't expect Director Tian and Professor Li to look over at the same time.

Professor Li was the first to speak: "Xiao Xu. Otherwise, you can follow me to graduate school, and now you can do double masters. I know your strength, and I won't hold you back. It's the same sentence, my private laboratory. You can use it as you like, the assistant will call it as you like, and the subject will be picked as you like."

Professor Li's postgraduate and doctoral students accidentally smashed the test tubes with irritating gas and sneezed collectively.

Director Tian breathed a sigh of relief, Li Wenfeng was going to declare war if he was going to spend his blood.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he also improved the conditions: "In terms of artificial intelligence, you can use my assistant whenever you need help. In addition, there is a recently retired Galaxy No. 5 national computer in the next building. You can apply for it at any time."

Director Tian's disciples suddenly had a short-circuit and power outage in the computer room, and they had an ominous premonition.

Li Wenfeng also squinted at him. The computing speed of Galaxy No. 5 ranks among the top in the world, but it consumes a lot of power. Director Tian's words are also sincere.

Xu Jingyi's eyes lit up, the intelligent robot white rabbit's joints, she abandoned the equipment and replaced it with jelly synovial fluid, which must be reconciled with laboratory equipment.

To upgrade Lily's intelligence, a large number of words, models and other calculations must be used. With the help of Galaxy No. 5, the speed will naturally soar faster.

What's more, these two are both 21st century professors with teacher morality and ability, and it is worthwhile to be a teacher.

"Can the place be made public?" Xu Jingyi asked.

Director Tian and Li Wenfeng looked at her in surprise at the same time, Li Wenfeng hesitated: "You need a password key, you can bring at most one person in."

Director Tian, ​​who had a live broadcast with Xu Jingyi, reacted and said in surprise, "Could it be that you want to live broadcast?"


Zhao Xiaomeng muttered: "It's really doing one line of work and one line of love!"

Director Tian almost choked to death when he heard this.

He wanted to say that you are not suitable for the live broadcast industry at all, and you shouldn't waste your talent and time on this bells and whistles, but recalling the full university counseling room, the new generation who pay attention to personality, after a pause, he chose to acquiesce.

Xu Jingyi held the material, and a young man in a white lab coat with a mask in front of him unscrewed the door of the laboratory.

She opened the live room.

[Anchor, you didn't start the live broadcast in the morning and noon, I miss you! 】

[Yes, we want to witness the growth of Lily with you, don't get tired of the Internet because of that idiot Wen Chou! 】

[Anchor, I heard that you are in Xiangyun University, are you still there? Can I still meet you! 】

Xu Jingyi glanced at it: "No. The Lily system will be upgraded tomorrow, and the joint jelly of the robot must be made first today."

【what? Make jelly? Anchor, are you going to become a food anchor? 】

[Anchor, can I apply for a trial? 】

Naughty netizens are just bored and swiping the screen. They see the cold and silvery appliances around them and know that this is definitely not a kitchen.

[Wait, anchor, what's the matter with those slender hands on your right? someone! 】

Because this sharp-eyed netizen swiped too much and brought the rhythm in the live broadcast room, Xu Jingyi explained: "This is Senior Brother Fan, here to help."

Brother Fan, who was wearing a mask, didn't even glance at Xu Jingyi, and opened the sterilization room on his own.

Was transferred by a phone call to deal with Xu Jingyi, a doctor to deal with a graduate student? It's a big joke in the world, no matter how you think about it!

Even if she could publish in Nature, he...well, well, he really couldn't.

Senior Brother Fan held back his breath and said in a muffled voice, "What do you need me to do?"

Xu Jingyi took out her phone and handed it to him: "Just do it."

Senior Brother Fan choked and muttered: "It's really unprofessional." I've never seen anyone entering the laboratory to transmit information on a mobile phone.

He took a closer look, and the steps were astonishingly simple, nothing more than multiple Hofmeisters.

He frowned and said angrily: "You really want to make jelly? You are wasting my time."

Brother Fan didn't see that when he said these words, a barrage appeared on the live broadcast, "Ow, ooh... I finally saw someone who questioned the anchor again. I'm looking forward to slap in the face!" Just touch it, don't touch it"…

Xu Jingyi took out the test tube without changing her face: "No. The Hofmeister effect can lead to chain entanglement, hydrophobic interaction, and microphase separation areas in the hydrogel network, resulting in an increase in the mechanical strength of the hydrogel. Add a little more After handling, the hydrogel has strong toughness and restores the ability to resist compression."

Senior Brother Fan choked, and then asked curiously, "Well. Then what?"

"Brother's research direction is to improve the activity of deoxyribozymes, right?"


"Then just follow along," Xu Jingyi ignored him, bowed her head and began to prepare reagents.

[Hahaha... That student Fan's fingers are frozen in the camera. 】

[I understand, that kind of sadness that I wanted to hear but was stopped abruptly! 】

"Induction heating power supply."


"Where's the high-speed refrigerated centrifuge?"


Xu Jingyi made preparations and observations in an orderly manner, and occasionally said a few words: "Class I deoxyribozymes that specifically sense zinc ions and hydrolyze and cut DNA at specific sites."

"Three mutants of deoxyribozyme I-R1 isoforms were isolated by screening again."

"The thermal cycling operation increases the turnover rate of class I deoxyribozymes by about 30 times, and the effective kcat value reaches 0.5min-1."

Xu Jingyi did not name the name, but Brother Fan knew that this was for him. He had vague concepts about these concepts when he was writing his thesis, but because of the lack of that little touch, he was unable to get started.

So now, she is preaching and receiving karma to solve confusion?

Brother Fan struggled for two seconds in his heart. Compared with the pain of not being able to graduate after studying hard for a doctorate, it seemed less embarrassing to start off with Yan Yi.

Without Xu Jingyi's urging, Brother Fan began to actively cooperate with the experiment.

With the help of a laboratory veteran to help with the equipment, the experiment speed is more than doubled. Xu Jingyi glanced at Senior Brother Fan, she was quite good, and it seemed that there was no need to change people.

When Xu Jingyi finished making the jelly and injected it into the joints of the robot white rabbit for a while, she closed the live broadcast amid the eager expectations of netizens that "Xiaobai will appear soon" and "buy, buy, buy".

She turned around and saw Senior Brother Fan looking at her with a complicated look, paused, and said, "Have you applied for a patent?"

"? No, what's wrong?" Xu Jingyi really didn't have this concept.

Inventions and creations in the 25th century are all recorded in personal credit reports, and there is no possibility of falsification at all.

Brother Fan slapped his head: "You really trust me." He pouted at the jelly, "Do you know how many disabled people there are in the world? How much can flexible prosthetics sell for? Do you know the profit of your invention of jelly? How big is it..."

Brother Fan really did not exaggerate, the white rabbit's flexible 360 ​​rotation and jumping appearance was deeply imprinted in his mind. The only difference is the addition of this pink gel.

"Oh," Xu Jingyi frowned slightly, "so everyone in medical equipment will focus on this?"

"Of course, you are a little celebrity anyway," Senior Brother Fan showed a strange expression, "Those netizens don't know the goods, there will always be people who know the goods, maybe..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Jingyi received a call.

"Xiao Xu, just now a medical representative called the school office, and I heard it just when I was there. It seems that he has a relationship with the director of Renai Hospital and wants to buy the gel lubricant you made," Professor Li said slowly, " Do you want to see me?"

"not see."

"Xiao Xu, after all, you are your biological parents, and you can't escape when things go wrong," Professor Li sighed.

"I will meet, but it's not yet time," Xu Jingyi replied calmly.

She didn't like to talk shit, and Xu Jingyi enjoyed the feeling of crushing the opponent with her strength, so that she had to come to worship. It's just that she is not qualified now, but the capital will be accumulated soon, wait a little... When Xiaobai and Jingmen make it, the time is almost ripe.

Turn to the first floor of Renai Hospital.

A man in a neat suit ran upstairs in a hurry, and his hair was almost blown up.

He pushed the treasurer's office away: "Sister! You really want to help me this time."


"I found a super useful material. Didn't my brother-in-law want to open up the market for medical equipment," the man said excitedly. "We can definitely make a profit by winning that patent! As long as we can win it."

The woman sitting in the first seat looked very gentle, manicured her nails calmly, and said softly, "She's forty years old, and she's still so frizzy. Since you said it so well, then take it down. Recently, we have helped the Gu family a lot, and in H province, there are few experimental material units that don’t care about their face.”

"It's really few," the man complained, "Xiangyun University is one of them."

"Oh?" Liu Yi sat up slowly, rolling her eyes, "How did you find out?"

"When that person was live-streaming the production," the man answered honestly.

"Stupid, everyone is doing it on live broadcast, then you can just copy it like a gourd, and what kind of patents are you wasting money on," Liu Yi said as a matter of course.

The corner of the man's mouth twitched, but he didn't dare to resist his elder sister, so he only said cautiously, "These things are a thousand miles away. Just watching that kind of unclear video is useless."

"Then what do you mean by running?"

"I was in school, and I heard someone call her Xu Jingyi. Didn't you say that the daughter of my ex-wife went abroad for further studies? I guess she may have come back, since everyone is relatives..."

"Impossible!" Liu Yi felt heartbroken when she heard the name, and waved impatiently, "It's not a relative. It must be someone else."

"Sister, you didn't even see..."

"It's definitely not her," Liu Yi said firmly.

This stupid younger brother of his own doesn't know the power of the hands, what a giant in China, it would be great if her daughter could climb up to Young Master Gu one day.

As for her private transaction with Li Qiuqiu, Xu Jingyi was imprisoned. These are all personal scandals of the Xu family, and no one will say.

Thinking of this, she sent a message to her daughter, asking how is the cooperation with Gu Haochu's company? Have you taken the opportunity to get acquainted with Young Master Gu?

But when her brother left, Liu Yi, who was sitting there quietly, began to be in a daze, and the three words Xu Jingyi kept spinning in her mind.

Liu Yi couldn't help flipping through the envelope in the drawer, frowning, and finally called the detective she was most familiar with.

The video that Xu Jingyi went viral in the circle of friends was originally just a joke.

Unexpectedly, the next day, the official WeChat account of the People's Daily wrote - "You look so smart when you "take out your mobile phone"! "Recently, at Xiangyun University, a female student took out her mobile phone in the classroom, not only did not get reprimanded by the professor, but even the professor came over to study the mobile phone together. This is how it happened? "After that, he explained what happened in the lecture hall with pictures and texts, ups and downs, relaxed and orderly.

Final conclusion: Every Jingjing student is the pride of the future of the motherland, proud of you!

A large number of netizens commented:

[666... ​​Recently this guy is really everywhere, with his own hot physique]

【Like "Mobile Girl"! 】

[How can there be so many quiet years just because someone is carrying a load, this must be the pillar of the future! Waiting for you to become talented! 】

[Am I the only one who thinks Wen is ugly and cool! 】

No, it's not just the netizen who has few likes.

The one who really thinks Wen Chou is going to be cool is Wen Chou himself.

Those who are big traffic Vs are most afraid of stepping on the bottom line of the country. Wen Chou really didn't expect that teasing a female anchor would cause such a big social reaction.

And the country will go through an investigation period, a one-size-fits-all approach, an investigation period, and a final judgment period from paying attention to one thing to dealing with one thing, which lasts for three months or even more than half a year.

Wen Chou secretly admitted his cowardly behavior in order to pass the initial investigation period safely.

But wait and wait, but wait to praise Xu Jingyi's news.

People who don't understand may not think it's meaningful, Xu Jingyi is really smart, so what if you praise her!

There is no problem with praise, but this is the person praised by the People's Daily, and the person praised by the party's mouthpiece. Can such a person be slandered by being splashed with sewage?

How dare you slander the public account of such a person, what is the strength of the country's credibility? What can happen?

These are bright signs!

Wen Chou was so nervous that he was sweating.

He didn't even report that he was lucky for a long time. Within three days, the official blogs such as Ziguang Pavilion and CCTV.com ended in turn, especially Ping'an City B named @wenchou, criticizing the other party's reckless behavior and inciting netizens to be unscrupulous and serious. .

The person who collected a lot of criticism from Guan V last time was PG1. Afterwards, everyone knew that he was cold.

In this wave of Wen Chou, the official V who ended up was only more or less than PG1.

It's so fast to collect the "Dragon Balls"!

Wen Chou, who was sitting in front of the computer, stared at him, staring at the official media in disbelief, drenched in cold sweat.

He was very deeply aware of a problem, this time he will definitely kick the iron! And it's in titanium!

Xu Jingyi has official media protection, and she made it clear that she wanted to shoot him to death for spreading rumors.

How to do?

Is it too late to admit mistakes now?

But at this level, is it useful not to admit mistakes?

Just when Wen Chou struggled to make rhetoric and spent two hours carefully editing a long Weibo to send an apology, a white page popped up on the “patta” Weibo, prompting: Sorry, your account is abnormal and you cannot log in at the moment.

Wen Chou stared blankly at the display. He thought he had entered the wrong account number, but after verifying the account password again and again, the prompt still popped up.

He was slow to realize that his Weibo account might have been blocked.

The moment he realized this, Wen Chao only felt his eyes go black.

How long did it take him to get hot, how could he be so unlucky!

Especially thinking of that single advertisement costing more than 10,000 yuan, Wen Chou was so distressed that he was about to bleed.

"Old Zhou! We had a pretty good relationship before, look at my Weibo account, can it be restored?" Wen Chou tried to calm down.

But Lao Zhou was very perfunctory: "Old Wen. Everyone is an adult, and you can see the meaning above. Why should I make some words too clear, it's not hurting feelings."

- Talk about understanding hurt feelings? If you don't understand, you will hurt Lao Tzu's money!

Wen Chou took a deep breath: "Old Zhou! I have been operating this account for a few years before I reached the number of fans I have now. Now you have blocked me indiscriminately, which makes no sense. I'll be honest with you, It was a netizen and I who submitted articles before, denounced the filth of the academic circle. I was outraged and only posted a Weibo for the purpose of helping. Even if it turns out that I misunderstood, it should be my own apology. I deleted the Weibo. I admit my mistake. But why shut down my Weibo indiscriminately?"

Lao Zhou sneered: "Lao Wen, I don't know what kind of character you are. And those words just now shouldn't be explained to me. This time, the Internet police above directly asked us to close our blog. According to the relevant regulations, the website has no right to Unblock it. If you have a lawsuit, you can apply through legal means."

- Hehe, it's a high-sounding thing to say.

The official media are all on her side, which means that the political leanings are on her side. It is impossible for him to go to any court of the first level to win the lawsuit.

Wen Chou was so sullen that he almost didn't mention it.

To make matters worse, Xiangyun University took advantage of this wave to directly sue Wen Chou to the court for cyber libel.

When Wen Chou received a call from the court at home, he couldn't help but sat on the ground and didn't get up for a long time.

A word flashed in his heart, regret.

He suddenly resented Gao Zhongliang very much, very much the other party chose him to be this early bird!

Why is Gao Zhongliang able to retreat, but he has to encounter these hardships. He will print out all the chat records with Gao Zhongliang and go to the court after making adequate preparations.

And Gao Zhongliang, who was hated by him, was sitting in the detention center with a shaggy beard and fearful eyes. He was in no better condition than him.

Gao Zhongliang said repeatedly: "I have never contacted foreign spies. I am innocent. I have explained everything I can."

He never imagined that he would have the experience of spending the night in a detention center. Thinking of the strange eyes he might encounter after returning to school, he felt an urge to take revenge on society with shame.

"How did one of your students investigate so clearly? Most of the information in that piece is kept secret," the interrogator said with a blank expression.

"I, I really don't know, someone told me after seeing it," Gao Zhongliang covered his forehead with one hand and raised his head suddenly, "Yes. He is a senior who often shows white teeth when he smiles. But I don't know his name. what."

- The purely time-consuming interrogation has finally made some progress.

No mental oppression, no verbal coercion, and no beating or scolding.

The expressionless interrogator was also relieved. He made an internal phone call: "Let the criminal investigation sketch expert come over."

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