The hatred he said was too great, it was like poking a hornet's nest.

The message below the official website of the TV station was slaughtered by various Huaxia emoticons: With your IQ, it is difficult for us to communicate. It is recommended that you reorganize your language, and the dog should not think that you can talk casually because you are ugly. Are you acutely mentally handicapped? Nuwa's spiritual stone can't make up for your IQ.

The reporter heard that the head of the headset was in a state of desperation and asked him to pay attention to his words.

However, people are emotional animals, and they are often easily infected on the spot. Maybe the reporters will regret their actions after the military exercise calms down.

But at this time, in the place where the war is raging, in Gru's words like brainwashing again and again, not only the soldiers have become Chinese blacks, but even the reporters have become temporary Chinese blacks. I'm not wrong!" He tore off the headset and said at the same time, "Maybe what I just said made the people of China unhappy, but I didn't say anything nonsense. Soon, he walked over to General Norman and asked seriously, "General, this joint military exercise, the Huaxia Fleet did not arrive at the designated position on time, right?"

Norman gave him a serious look, hesitated, and nodded: "Yes."

The reporter shrugged lightly again, then glanced at the camera. After that, he didn't say anything, and began to focus on broadcasting the various "great\" weapons of the U.S. imperialists.

The director of the TV station, because he was reluctant to give up this exclusive traffic, and after warning the reporter, he did not say any more discriminatory words, so he could only turn a blind eye and let the reporter continue to host

But the people of Huaxia were so angry! The reporter really didn't say anything afterward, but the contemptuous look and the mocking shrug were even more hateful than speaking. Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Where does this reporter live! Human flesh comes, I won't spray him with feces, I'm not a human being!

It's so cheap, it's so cheap! Ah, ah, I'm going to be pissed.

Take it easy. I just want to ask, where are our warships at this time? Did they really not arrive in time? If this is the case, rationally speaking, although he is cheap, he is not wrong!

shit. I don't care! Anyway, I'm a brainless blow!

Can you be a little more rational when you say that you are brainless! China needs to develop healthily, instead of being spoiled by the people as a fool. Not being punctual is a major mistake, isn't it? When the network was divided into two camps, suddenly a person came out weakly and interjected: that. What are you still arguing about? Haven't you been paying attention to the TV? There seems to be something wrong with the military exercise now... All the gunfire has stopped.

The netizens who were making a lot of noise on the Internet rushed to the TV collectively, and then gaped.

Holy crap! Who can tell what happened to that flying dolphin?

; Time returned to twenty minutes ago, when Norman was arranging new combat orders, and suddenly, all the screens on the command ship collectively appeared snowflakes.

The crowd exclaimed

Don't panic! This should be an enemy jamming device. Now switch to backup communication equipment and contact the Queen's fleet. "Norman looked calm, but was actually very surprised. When did the Queen's Kingdom develop such a powerful interference device, he must study it when he went back." He immediately began to investigate. "

"Yes!\"The Lord will calm down. The other soldiers also calmed down. After all, this is just a joint military exercise, and even if it is a bit embarrassing, it will not lose their lives.

At this moment, the mutation resumed, the fighter jets on the warship were still swaying uncontrollably, and even the control system of the warship itself showed a snowflake, and the alarm of being invaded sounded.

"What's the matter!" Norman jumped to his feet.

Looking at the vast sea with bad eyes, the cherry blossoms, the queen and other countries have their brains broken! This is a joint military exercise, a show for everyone. How can you do such a "face-slap" thing in order to be the best! Why, do those guys still want to take this opportunity to show that the US emperor is not good!

General Norman made up a lot of conspiracy in an instant, and he slammed the console: "Messenger. Go, let the artillery and artillery prepare for battle."

"Yes!\" The soldier swallowed. I always feel that the general is so angry that he wants to make trouble. Will it not be in line with the tradition of joint military exercises?

However, when his eyes fell on the snowflakes, he also agreed with the general's feelings. Now is the moment of domestic live broadcast, and he really should teach Sakura Nation a lesson.

These videos were also sent to the live channel synchronously. The netizens who originally gathered were from different countries. The original unanimous remarks on "Hua" also showed a clear division. What a ****! Ah? The joint military exercise, we, the US imperialists, did not attack any heavy weapons at all. Do they understand the rules? Haha. Calm upstairs. They only dare to have fun in this kind of \"false\" joint military exercise. If we really want to fight, let's not talk about the Queen's Kingdom, the small countries of Sakura still have to rely on the defense forces of our American Empire!

Can you, the American emperor, have a face! We have a self-defense fleet in the Sakura State, and our country's scientific research capabilities are already very strong. Can't you who claim to be a strong country lose so much?

Sakura Country has always been the little follower of the US Emperor, any questions?

The U.S. Empire and the Sakura Kingdom are not involved. But this kind of weapon is clearly something that we can only get from the Queen's Kingdom! Can the people from the small Sakura people claiming above have a face! Report!" A soldier quickly trotted to Norman's side and gave a military salute, "General . A large number of infrared reactions and bubble vortices suddenly appeared in the nearby waters. After investigation, it is not any preparation of weapons and equipment. "

"Infrared reaction? Not a weapon?\"Norman was a little surprised, could it be the migration of marine life?\"He frowned,\"Using ultrasound to drive them away. After all, this is a live broadcast, lest those environmentalists make trouble again.

"General Hui is not a marine creature!" The major looked surprised and handed over a pair of binoculars, "General, you can take a closer look."

Norman glanced at him in surprise, then picked up the binoculars and walked to the corridor. Seeing this, he was so shocked that he was speechless.

The fleet that was lined up neatly on the azure sea that was familiar to it was already crooked like a drunken man. What's even more surprising is that there are two hill-like beings arched over the sea.

But how is this possible? With no wind and no waves, how could the sea level bulge out like two huge azure blue mountains like a desert?

In fact, not only him, but all the soldiers participating in this joint military exercise were horrified by this object on the sea level that was different from common sense. Countless navy soldiers stand beside the hull green, leaning on the guardrail and watching the landscape on the sea

At this time, the busiest and most blinded ones were the technical arms. The super-strong electronic interference forced them to put down the supervisors in their hands and carry out repairs desperately, while the messengers ran back and forth until they almost vomited blood.

"Could this be... a sea beast?" Norman couldn't help but shouted loudly: "Prepare to attack!

"General! It has already been attacked.\" A rear admiral came towards him, and he seemed to have just crawled out of the water, all wet, a little embarrassed, "but the shells seemed to be absorbed after they entered, except for Making the mountain bag bigger doesn't do anything?

Mountain bag getting bigger?

"Yes!\"The major general's face showed a hint of guilt,\"It was originally about the size of a sea whale. After we tried to attack many times, the size of this monster became bigger and bigger. Even a nearby one The ship was swallowed up."

"Swallowed the boat?\" Norman was shocked, trembling in his heart, "How many people died? How many battle losses?!" The general is relieved! Except for a few who were stunned by the sea wind and waves, no one died!" The major general immediately added, paused Suddenly, his expression was a bit complicated, "That monster only devoured the metal of the ship, and we all vomited it out.

Norman "..."

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and his face was solemn: what the **** is going on? How did this ghost appear?"

Three minutes ago, they suddenly floated up from under the sea. "

"Damn it! Three minutes!\" Norman's expression became more solemn, and this speed was too fast, "What the **** is this..."

"Report!\"A soldier ran towards this side desperately, \"Report!\" The voice roared as if something extremely terrifying had happened.

At this delicate moment, his emotions infected many soldiers, and Norman noticed that many people had panicked faces. "Shut up! Calm down!\" Norman snorted. He can't wait to kick this guy who shakes the military's heart into the sea

"General! This is Huaguo~~'s~~\" When saying the word Huaguo, the soldier even shouted a dolphin sound, shocking everyone present.

What? Chinese? Norman pointed at the big water bag outside in disbelief, "Are you sure?"

Does Huaxia have such a powerful secret weapon?

Not only silently lurking under their noses, but even swallowing ammunition and metal, blocking off the communication system, leaving them alone.

And this secret weapon is getting bigger and bigger? Could it be that they want to take the opportunity to wipe out the ships?

For a time, Norman made up many conspiracies in his brain.

At this moment, the sea level, which had been in the state of a small hill, suddenly tumbled, and the surrounding fleet was also pushed swaying by the rising waves.

Everyone was terrified to grab something that could stabilize their bodies. Suddenly, a huge light blue dolphin made up of liquid like a liquid rushed over the hill and flew towards the warship. Followed by a huge octagonal octopus broke free from another mountain bag, stretched its claws, and showed its teeth and claws.

"Shoot!" at this moment. The captains of the three fleets let out the same roar.

Because the calibrator, intelligent equipment and radar and other facilities all failed. So what can attack is the most primitive part of artillery weapons.

Although there are few types, but when more than 100 naval artillery shells are fired in unison, the scene is still extraordinarily spectacular.

The resident reporter rushed to the edge of the warship without fear of death, tied his waist to the iron railing with a rope, and then introduced to the audience: "Dear viewers, although there are uninvited guests like Hua Guo in the middle, our country is full of firepower... …”

"bang bang bang..."

The large basin of seawater smashed down like a scourge, smashing the reporter into a chill.

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