Absurd deduction game

Chapter 971 The boy with red cloth shoes

In the town, he moved slowly due to various considerations. When he reached the mountain, it was like arriving at Yu Xing's happy hometown. He could move at his speed.

The hills closer to the town are covered with traces of human activities. Some people have planted vegetables on the hills, some have cut down trees to make wood work, and some have also erected their graves there, with fragments of graves scattered here and there.

Yu Xing brought three corpses to a place with relatively few human traces. Anyway, Li Huaihua's family was dead, and even the only close neighbor, the aunt, was also dead. No one would come to worship her, so she might as well find some peace and quiet. It's a place where at least it won't be disturbed by humans.

He didn't even use a shovel to dig the graves. A few rotten roots he caught dug through the soil like earthworms and broke out. In a short time, two grave pits were cleared.

One for Aunt Zhang, and one for Li Huaihua and Xiao Magnolia.

Xiao Yulan wanted to be buried with her mother. She said that now that her mother could not come back for the time being, she at least wanted to see their bodies reunited.

Yu Xing made two coffins using plants from the mountain forest. When the branches and rattan were pressed extremely tightly, their hardness should not be underestimated.

Zhao Ruru helped, putting the coffin into the pit, putting the body into the coffin, and then covering it layer by layer and sealing it.

Two slightly raised small graves settled in this deserted and quiet place.

Little Magnolia squatted next to the graves of herself and her mother, and finally reached out to touch them. She didn't know what to think and patted the soil gently, just like a mother would do to coax her child to sleep.

Now it is the child who puts his mother to sleep.

After doing this, the two of them returned to the town without stopping.

At this time, the hourglass in the lower right corner of Yu Xing showed ten o'clock in the evening.

He wasted a lot of time. If it weren't for Li Huaihua's incident, he would have gone straight to the Zhao Mansion, and he would have arrived by now.

"Huh, even though I didn't do anything, it's really hard on me." Zhao Ruru stepped onto the streets of the town again, took a deep breath, and then chuckled, "Then I will do it alone. After all, we The two of us have received the same mission, and if we are still together, the progress of the mission will definitely be far apart, and you don’t want to do that, right?”

Seeing Zhao Ruru showing unabashed interest in the hidden mission, Yu Xing asked, "Don't you want to find a watchman?"

"Oh, you can look for clues while looking for the watchman. There will be no conflict." Zhao Ruru put his hands behind his back, pretending to be old-fashioned, "Have you discovered the benefits of me as a fortune teller and are reluctant to let me go?"

"It was you who wanted to follow me, and you behaved yourself when you got an advantage." Yu Xing clicked his tongue twice. In fact, it didn't matter to him that Zhao Ruru was on the same road. If we act together, we can each play our role, and if we act alone, we can be free.

Zhao Ruru stood there and waved her hand, with a cunning look on her face. It was hard not to think that she had already figured out the location of some clues based on the hexagrams.

Now I don't want Yu Xing to get a piece of the pie, so I choose to speak now.

Yu Xing ignored her and walked away with Xiao Magnolia in his arms. Zhao Ruru did not follow him as expected, and a pair of smart eyes watched him off in the darkness.

"Does that sister have a secret?" Xiao Yulan also saw something was wrong. Her cold soul was firmly locked in Yu Xing's arms. A small hand was placed on Yu Xing's shoulder, and a small hand grasped it. Touching the skirt of his chest.

Wow, that sister would freeze her head if she touched her, but this big brother is willing to hug her!

"Yes, that's how the world of dirty adults is." Yu Xing replied with a chuckle and walked back towards the Zhao Mansion.

He was just joking and didn't think there was anything unkind about Zhao Ruru's actions.

It is human nature that if you are not careful, you will not be able to get more opportunities for yourself to become stronger, and he may not be able to get the clues that Zhao Ruru can find.

Xiao Yulan thought about the so-called adult world, and thought that fortunately she would never be an adult.

Lying stiffly in the arms of her scary big brother for a while, Xiao Yulan's cautious nerves like a hedgehog gradually relaxed, and her round chin rested on Yu Xing's shoulder.

After her father died, no one hugged her like this. Her mother often hugged her, but in a different posture.

She hadn't been surrounded by such strong arms for a long time. This arm was harder than her father's. No wonder he beat her so hard just now.

Xiao Yulan thought so and turned to look at Yu Xing's face.

Their heads were very close to each other, and Yu Xing looked forward, turning a blind eye to her little moves.

Xiao Yulan thought to herself that although this big brother is scary when he is fierce, he is quite good when he is not fierce.

It would be nice if it were not a living person.

Without Zhao Ruru, a noisy girl, Yu Xing didn't bother to open the topic. One person and one ghost suddenly fell silent. Only occasionally could he see ghosts whispering on the wall reflected in some lanterns.

The topics of those shadows were much more normal. Most of them were talking about gossip about high-ranking people, as well as new interesting things that happened in the market every day.

There is a ghost who even knows that the price of cabbage has increased by one penny at the morning market, and he doesn't know where he heard it.

Yu Xing walked slowly along the way and collected many little secrets that no living person could tell directly. For ordinary people, hearing ghosts chatting in the middle of the night might be frightening, but for deducers, this city is full of secrets. The ghosts on the wall are the decentralized version of teahouse information!

There is also a lot of information limited to ghosts.

He was so excited that he almost forgot that there was a little female ghost in his arms.

Children are always restless. If their mouths are closed, they must be thinking about all kinds of things in their minds. The same is true for children with resentful spirits.

As soon as they climbed two steps and turned into a wider alley, Yu Xing heard Xiao Yulan say unexpectedly: "Brother, it turns out that you and that eldest sister are not husband and wife."

After being silent for so long, Xiao Yulan finally realized what she was doing.

Yu Xing came back to his senses and was stunned by this unexpected question, and then said with a smile: "Why do you think so?"

He and Zhao Ruru could walk with only one person's distance between them, and they never said anything like wife or husband. There was no ambiguity in their words and deeds. How could they be regarded as husband and wife by this child? I just realized it just now?

"Only couples go out together at night, otherwise if they are caught by others, wouldn't it be a private meeting?" Xiao Yulan said innocently, "When I was in the yard, I heard the bad uncle on the wall saying that you--"

"Tsk." Yu Xing held Xiao Yulan's butt and bumped her, telling her to shut up urgently, "Then did you listen to all the curse words of the elder sister?"

Xiao Yulan: "I heard it all."

Yu Xing: "..." Sin, sin, sin.

If they had known there was a child in the house, they would have found another way to annoy the ghost on the wall.

But since Little Magnolia can hear everything, why does Aunt Zhang come to Li Huaihua so many times and is stopped by ghosts on the wall, and Little Magnolia doesn't even come out to take a look.

He asked the question.

Compared to the interrogation-like atmosphere before, after finding out the whereabouts of Li Huaihua's soul and burying her bones, the atmosphere between them became much more relaxed, like chatting.

Xiao Yulan was no longer nervous and said casually: "I just want to stay with my mother. It doesn't matter if Grandma Zhang comes or not. And I was, um... very angry at that time, different from now."

Yu Xing guessed that when Xiao Yulan said angry, she probably meant the concentration of resentment.

Resentful spirits can be divided into clear and chaotic. When the resentment is too strong or the emotions are too extreme, it will be more difficult for the resentful spirits to control themselves, and they will be trapped in resentment and unable to wake up. Xiao Yulan was purely beaten to the point of "awake" by him. .

I'm afraid that Xiao Yulan didn't want to do anything except guard her mother's and her own bodies at first. Even Aunt Zhang who tried to help her mother when she was bullied was no different to her than a stone on the roadside.

After walking for a while, Yu Xing faintly felt that the temperature was getting colder.

The surrounding environment is no different. There seem to be more shops in this area. Even the shops that are deserted at night will hang up lights intentionally.

He seemed to feel something, and without stopping, he asked by the way: "By the way, when you saw me and the elder sister just now, did you feel there was any difference between us?"

"...There was no difference when we first met. They both wanted to kill him." Xiao Yulan answered very truthfully.


It seems that cotton thread is not a prop mentioned in the rules. Zhao Ruru's hatred in the eyes of ghosts is the same whether he has tied cotton thread or not.

After walking a few more steps, Yu Xing heard a squeak in his ear.

He turned his head slightly and saw what seemed to be a pastry shop, with the door open a crack.

The crack in the door was pitch dark, and you couldn't see what was inside. Even the plaque on the shop floor looked gloomy.

"Which careless shopkeeper forgot to lock the door?" Yu Xing muttered to himself. Xiao Yulan wanted to say something, but he pressed her head unintentionally, her mouth pressed against the shoulder and she couldn't open her mouth.

He walked straight past the pastry shop, not paying attention at all. The cold wind blew and made the red paper-cuts on the windows of the shop rattle.

About ten meters away, a small gray cloth tiger rolled out from the edge of the curb. It was only the size of a palm. I don't know who left it.

When Yu Xing got there, Buhu was blown everywhere by the wind again, and happened to roll to his feet.

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows and picked up the cloth tiger.

Children's toys made of traditional handicrafts are nothing special except for the dull color.

He held up the little cloth tiger and asked Xiao Magnolia: "Do you want it?"

Xiao Yulan: "..."

Although their family became very poor after their father's death, my mother had never picked up unwanted items and used them as toys for her.

This is too embarrassing.

"I don't want it, give it to that little brother." She pointed.

Since she was held in Yu Xing's arms, her front corresponded to Yu Xing's back.

He stretched out his hand and pointed at the back of Yu Xing.

Yu Xing turned around after hearing this.

The empty streets were not very clean, and the rotten vegetable leaves that the vegetable vendors had not cleared away were still left on the ground, turning into a puddle.

Streets in ancient times have always been like this. If there is no good control, it is normal to be dirty.

When Yu Xing walks on the street, the soles of his shoes will be stained with a lot of dirt from unknown sources.

And on this dirty ground, on the stretch of road that Yu Xing had just walked, a dirty boy grew up at some point.

Although the young man was not dressed like a beggar, his whole person was shrouded in a dark tone from beginning to end. There were many patches on his brown shirt, his short unkempt hair was messy, and his face and hands were exposed. The original skin color cannot be seen.

He was thin and thin, with a slightly hunched back. He could only reach Yu Xing's chest, which was about 1.6 meters tall.

As soon as Yu Xing turned around, he was face to face with the young man.

There was silence behind him just now, no footsteps could be heard, and it was unknown when the young man followed him.

Yu Xing's eyes fell and stopped at the young man's feet.

The boy's thin and protruding ankles protruded from his trousers, and then he put on a pair of red cloth shoes.

Among the dim tones from beginning to end, only this pair of cloth shoes is so bright that it seems like they are not on the same layer. At a glance, you can almost ignore the existence of the boy and only see this pair of red cloth shoes that suddenly appear in the night.

Because of the change in perspective, Xiao Yulan used her two short hands to lift herself up from Yu Xing's arms, half-twisted her body, put on a cute smile, and said hello to the boy: "Hello, little brother."

The voice was filled with the malice of a resentful spirit.

She is not a good person. Although she is now filled with a child's unique cute smile, which makes her even more attractive, but in her eyes, there is only rejection and malice towards the boy.

Maybe same-sex repulsion.

The boy didn't speak for a while.

Xiao Magnolia turned around and asked: "Brother, would you like to give this little brother a puppet? He doesn't look like a toy."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Xing felt a furry touch from the little tiger stuffed doll in his hand that was almost the same color as the boy.

He lowered his head.

Little Buhu is looking at him.

Literally looking at him.

Buhu's little head was raised at some point, and the eyes originally sewn out of cloth were gone, replaced by a pair of naked eyes. The dark eyes turned left and right, and then focused on Yu Xing.

But Yu Xing really felt like he was scratching his head.

It was some kind of fur, and his fingers could also feel the shape of the bones behind a layer of skin through the gaps in the fur, as well as the vague warmth.

The boy's head moved.

In this era where it is believed that body and skin are influenced by parents, both men and women have long hair, but the young man's hair seems to have been cut off with twists or copper scissors. It is uneven and only just past the chin. length.

The hoarse voice of a young boy who was in the stage of changing his voice came out from this miserable and pitiful little body, calm and numb: "I don't want a toy."

Yu Xing became interested: "Then what do you want?"

The boy didn't answer.

It seemed that he neither wanted to come forward nor leave.

Xiao Yulan said: "Brother, he has been following you for a long time, ever since he entered this street."

"Oh?" Yu Xing pretended that he had not sensed the cooling of the surrounding temperature and the sudden appearance of Yin Qi behind him before, tilting his head with interest, "Then, may I ask, why does the little boy who doesn't want toys follow me?"

The young man still had the same calm tone: "I didn't, I'll follow you."

Pause for two seconds: "It's just that we're on the same road."

When Yu Xing said the first sentence, he didn't feel it yet. When he heard the next two sentences, he found that the boy seemed to rarely speak, his pronunciation was a little weird, and it was difficult to form coherent sentences.

"Ah~ I'm just on the same road. It turns out I misunderstood you." Yu Xing smiled and said, "I'm so sorry. If I can walk this road, of course others can also walk."

Xiao Yulan: "But this little brother has been looking at you. He is obviously following you."

She had been staring at her elder brother's back with her cold eyes, silently, just like the wild dog that used to be entrenched at the end of the alley in her home.

The dog doesn't bark, and many children like to provoke it and play with it when they pass by.

But her mother told her not to get close to the dog, because dogs that don’t bark are fierce.

Later, the dog bit a lone child to death, ate the child's internal organs, and was then beaten to death by the child's grandfather with a stick.

She saw it all.

Magnolia was put down.

She looked up at Yu Xing, and then Yu Xing touched her head.

With a kind face, Yu Xing bent down and said to her: "It doesn't matter, my brother has something to do now. You first go to play with the uncle and brother who look alike. They should be together. You can meet them." Well, tell them you can send me a message now."

It doesn’t have to be a letter, a verbal message will do.

"Oh, okay." Xiao Yulan looked at the boy with dark eyes.

The little girl didn't care whether she was taken away or not. She agreed to be Yu Xing's messenger, so it didn't matter when Yu Xing sent her.

"You can go check around the medical center first. If it's not available, then look elsewhere." Yu Xing warned.

In this dark night full of shadows, Zhao Yijiu's mobility is fully maxed out. After finding Zhao Mou, he may appear in any corner of the town with his people.

"I know." After responding, Xiao Yulan's body turned into a burst of white smoke and dissipated in the air.

The scent of Magnolia quickly disappeared.

Yu Xing straightened up and winked at the young man: "If we are going the same way, why not go together?"

The young man witnessed the scene where he asked Xiao Yulan to leave, and his hands in his sleeves seemed to be clenched.

He refused when he opened his mouth: "I don't want to go with you. You go with me."

But after refusing, he stood still, neither moving forward nor retreating, as if he had to wait for Yu Xing to continue walking in front of him.

Yu Xing squeezed the furry cloth tiger in his hand to smooth out the flaws: "Then you are following me, aren't you?"

"I didn't." The young man's low and hoarse voice remained the same as before, "We are on the same road."

If this continues, it will be Che Zulun's words taking turns.

Yu Xing raised the corners of his lips and walked directly towards the young man.

The boy's body was tense, his head lowered, staring at his pair of red cloth shoes.

Yu Xing walked around behind the young man.

"In this case, you can go ahead, right?" Once he got closer, the pressure of Yu Xing's height was fully exposed. He looked down at the back of the young man's disheveled head and chuckled, "Also, you give me a gift I don’t like this gift of mine.”

With that said, he put the cloth tiger on the young man's shoulder.

As soon as Buhuhu left his hand, his appearance suddenly changed.

The illusion of a little stuffed animal faded away, and a big, fat, fluffy gray mouse just made a "chirp" sound, wiggled its nose on the young man's shoulder, sniffed the young man's neck, and then rubbed it affectionately.

"Look, I have the same color as you." Yu Xing leaned forward and raised his head to see the young man's expression. He looked like a bad young man who bullied poor children.

Oh no, it's a bad escort.

He also asked with a smile: "You raised him, right?"

Before he could see his face, the young man turned his head sharply to prevent him from looking.

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