Absurd deduction game

Chapter 534 I want to treat you

Everything hidden behind the curtain is in sharp contrast to the neat and relaxing school doctor's office. One side is white and the other side is dirty.

Two blood-stained white single beds lay in the center of the half of the room behind the curtain. There were scratches from sharp objects on the sheets, and more than half of the cotton wool in the pillows had been dug out by something unknown. There were some pieces of meat that could not be seen in shape. Scattered beside the bed.

The black-and-white checkered floor was also dyed black and red, with vein-like lines extending from the bottom of the bed to the surrounding walls.

Hanging on the wall are various ferocious instruments that look suffocating. There are five or six knives of different lengths. In addition, giant scissors, maces, hammers with spikes, heavy the ax...

The final visual effect given to Yu Xing was that he seemed to have seen the small room in the ancient old house in the TV series where torture was used to extract confessions.

The psychology teacher finally stood up from behind her desk. Even when she stood up, her head could not be seen in her long braids. She moved a few steps, her walking posture was very strange, and she slowly moved behind Yu Xing's chair.

Yu Xing couldn't see the psychology teacher anymore, so he could only guess the position of the psychology teacher through his two cold hands on his shoulders.

"You are a very interesting transfer student." The psychology teacher leaned down and brought his lips to Yu Xing's ear, "It's a pity that you are sick, I will cure you."

Yu Xing couldn't feel the psychology teacher's breath at all. It seemed that this guy also didn't obey the carbon-based human body structure, just like him in the water.

He smiled and asked: "How can it be cured?"

"How about it? Well... I will guide you to do something while chatting with you. Please believe me, when you are cured, you will not only be able to return to campus life, but also become the most popular among teachers. Student with red armband." The psychology teacher stood up straight again, and the chair turned into a structure similar to a wheelchair at some point - probably when the iron ring inside the chair was pierced.

She pushed the chair that Yu Xing was sitting on all the way to the single bed. The curtain fell again, this time isolating him in a dirty and terrifying space.

"So it's like this. Many of the students with red armbands in the school came from you, right?" He looked at the space more carefully, but seemed to suddenly have an interest in chatting, and began to turn around and ask the psychology teacher question.

"Of course, I have contributed many high-quality students to the school." Perhaps because he thought there was no possibility of escaping from his chair, or perhaps because he had a strong desire to show off the masterpieces he had arranged, the psychology teacher's voice was filled with intoxication. , I don’t mind spending more time with Yu Xing.

Fortunately, Yu gained another piece of information. It turned out that the Red Armband students might not have compromised out of their own cowardice and retreat at the beginning.

This school is really digging holes for students all the time and in all directions.

First destroy the students' minds with the psychology teacher, or is it hypnosis? Torture? In short, they are alienated in this way, and then let them eat. The degree of alienation becomes higher and higher, and they gradually become numb, becoming a useful tool for monster teachers to monitor their students.

When it reaches a certain level and cannot maintain human form, it will be given up and imprisoned in a dormitory to await death.

Such miserable students are called "excellent students".

If you think about it carefully, this incident actually fits the world view of this copy from beginning to end - the students with red armbands created value for the teachers at the cost of their lives and becoming monsters, so they are one level higher than trash.

"Teacher, what do you think my current psychological problem is?"

Yu Xing half-smiled, turned his head, and saw only a small braid and half of a middle-aged woman's face.

"You are not very interested in studying and have undue malice towards your classmates. From my experience, you must have been contaminated by the murderous ghost in the women's room last night after seeing her. It caused a distortion in your heart."

"Teacher believes in you. Before seeing the response, your thoughts must not be what you say now. You will be a very well-behaved child, and I...just help you get back to that."

The psychology teacher pushed him to the desired position, twisted his body and walked towards the wall. This time he finally saw clearly what the psychology teacher looked like when he stood up.

The psychology teacher's lower body was covered in a simple long skirt that covered her feet. Her braid was even longer and dragged all the way to the ground. The ends of her hair were piled on the ground and could not be seen.

As she moved around, countless tiny tentacles seemed to be squirming where her legs should be in her long skirt, making her look like she was twisting and moving.

The braid seemed to be alive, slipping under the skirt from time to time.

She came to the wall, looked at the row of murder weapons, and smiled: "The first thing we have to do is to break open your contaminated skin, let the dirty ghost energy inside have an outlet to evaporate, and let The black blood flows out of it, giving you a clean body."

She longed to see fear in Yu Xing's eyes.

But after waiting for a second or two, she only saw the student who was restrained by the chair with his head lowered and staring at the hem of her skirt.

Her chest rose and fell, as if she was a little angry, and then she raised her voice, trying to get the other person's attention: "Do you want to choose a tool yourself? Classmate Roy."

Only then did Yu Xing look at her, and his eyes wandered around the wall. He didn't look like he was being forced to choose which knife should be used to pierce his body, but he was choosing a concubine.

"That's it," he said.

The psychology teacher who likes to see other people's fearful looks was already very unhappy. Hearing such an indifferent tone again, his eyes darkened: "Which one?"

"That's it."

"Which one?"

"That's right, teacher." Yu Xing looked puzzled, "Do you want to take some time to treat your hearing?"

"This is not a hearing problem." The psychology teacher could vaguely see that this student was playing tricks on him, just like he had just sang along with classmate Sam and told a lot of useless information.

"That knife, the sixth one from the left." Yu Xing finally pointed out the correct location for her and selected her favorite skinning tool.

The psychology teacher followed his words and saw that the so-called knife was the most ferocious and huge knife on the entire wall, rivaling the ax next to it.

She sneered and took down the heavy knife, her slightly weak arms barely able to hold it firmly.

"Your courage is commendable. I feel your determination to cooperate with the treatment, which makes the teacher very happy. So... where to start?" She dragged the big knife and walked step by step, her eyes filled with blood and madness.

But the question was originally meant to heighten the atmosphere of fear, but Yu Xing asked as a matter of course: "You are a psychology teacher, how can you ask me?"

"..." The woman who was about to make a horrifying expression like a murderer was immediately stopped.

"You are really good at talking, let's start with your mouth."

She raised the knife fiercely and brought the tip of the knife close to the corner of Yu Xing's mouth.

Yu Xing took a look and guessed that it was a procedure that was nothing new but very popular, that is, cutting the corners of his mouth all the way to his cheeks, turning him into a smiling clown.

It seemed like this was the case in many deductions, and he just couldn't understand it. Even if these people wanted to find pleasure in this kind of thing because of their psychological perversion, they couldn't be so perverted together. It's not like clowns kill people. Damn, what kind of service are you doing with a smile?

"Teacher, your hands are shaking." In order to express concern, Yu Xing remained motionless. After two seconds, he even stretched his head forward a little, as if to facilitate the movement of the psychology teacher, "Is this knife meant for you?" It’s too heavy for me, and I think it’s too strenuous for you, and you’re a bit embarrassed.”

"Your focus is really strange." The psychology teacher said bitterly, but this was the one she had just asked Yu Xing to choose. It would be too shameful to change it midway.

Zhao Yijiu guessed right before leaving. The psychology teacher is indeed the kind of person who is not good at fighting head-on. She needs the assistance of tools and the confinement of a chair. From every detail, she looks like a person who can attack mentally. , but the body is very fragile Zhan Wuzha.

It was because of this that Yu Xing took a fancy to and "humiliated" her from this angle.

"Why can't you just shut your mouth and let the teacher treat you quietly?" The psychology teacher stared at him, and the tip of the knife finally touched his skin and slashed to the side!

The knife was too big and she couldn't control the strength. The knife cut a little deep. One corner of Yu Xing's mouth was completely cut open, and the bloody flesh was neatly separated. It didn't look like a smiling clown anymore, but more like that. Crack…Rip Man.


Blood spurted out, Yu Xing's eyes darkened, and he looked at the triumphant psychology teacher from bottom to top. A dangerous light flashed in his dark pupils, and his pupils tightened.

It really hurts, because it's not just cutting open the skin on your face, it's 30 times more painful.

But there is no one else here, just like a crying child gets candy. If there are no adults around, the child will not get any sweetness even if he cries until he loses his breath.

No one looked at Yu Xing, and he was too lazy to show his pain. The physiological tears were forced back in an instant, but a smile appeared on his lips.

This is right.

The pain that no one sees can make him recall his former ruthlessness from the pain.

The psychology teacher saw that the corner of his mouth that was not cut was slightly raised.

"Teacher, you are so cruel." Yu Xing sighed softly, as if he was stating a fact that made him very helpless, and it was also like a half-truth and half-false accusation.

"..." The psychology teacher had never seen this kind of student before, and for a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

"Look, it's really hard to even speak. Do you hate my mouth so much? But aren't you the one who keeps asking me questions... I just answered your questions, so you're still not satisfied? "The current situation on his face made Yu Xing's voice slightly muffled. He was not very satisfied. He mobilized the power of the curse that started to boil in his body and restored the corners of his mouth to their original state in an instant.

The psychology teacher's expression cracked again. She looked at this scene in disbelief and looked at Yu Xing with some suspicion: "Aren't you a student?"

In this school, teachers, librarians, boarders, chefs, all employees are not human beings, except for those students who have not worn red armbands. Each of them is fragile, fearful, and vulnerable to touch. The poor little bird will die.

So who can tell her why the bird in front of her is a mutated bird that can regenerate its limbs?

The information she possesses does not include this item!

The pain disappeared, but the nerve-paralysis feeling just now still remained in his mind. Yu Xing smiled: "This question makes me very confused. Of course I am a student, your student! But I don't like you very much. If you start with my face, since you are breaking open the skin to clean out the dirt, why don’t you try another place?"

"What do you think of the chest? The heart is here!"

"What about the abdomen? If you take out the intestines section by section, you can make a long rope."

"How about the legs? The leg bones are very white and big. You can try to extract my bones and make a psychology puzzle."

"Ah, forget it between the legs. This place is as important as my face. It's better if you don't touch it."

Like a madman who has no fear at all, he discussed with the psychology teacher where to start cutting with an attitude of "what to eat for lunch". Every time he said more words, the psychology teacher looked at him more strangely, and finally directly cut the knife. Let it go.

"Enough!" The tentacle-like thing under the psychology teacher's skirt squirmed crazily. At a certain moment, she felt the fear and awe rising from below.

But the feeling only appeared for a moment, so fast that she couldn't even react to capture it.

"Tell me, who are you?" She began to hesitate and became confused. In front of Yu Xing's madness, she seemed to see the same kind.

"What? It's really disappointing. We agreed to treat him." Yu Xing curled his lips and suddenly exerted force on his wrists, breaking the iron ring with his flesh and blood.

His physical fitness was not given by the deduction system, and only a small part could be recovered. The iron rings on the chair were just ordinary iron rings, which were more than enough to imprison those students, but they seemed a little weak to imprison Yu Xing.

Because of this, he didn't dodge just now. After all, they were here. If he also dodges, the psychology teacher will ask them all to go back, that would be boring.

He will definitely need psychological treatment when he comes. He finally got the treatment process from the psychological teacher. How can he be worthy of himself if he doesn't use it.

After breaking free from the iron ring, he put his hand on the iron ring around his waist and broke it with a force.

A malicious look gradually appeared on Yu Xing's face, and the psychology teacher felt a sense of crisis. He did not intend to dwell on who he was at this time and why he was not as fragile as ordinary students. He directly carried the knife and used inertia to strike. Cracked down.

The fierce knife split the air and went straight to Yu Xing's head. He didn't intend to show mercy this time. If he didn't dodge, he would be split in half.

Yu Xing kicked it with his feet. The wheels underneath made the chair very flexible. With a little force, he turned the chair sideways before the knife struck him. Then with a click, the big knife struck his arm.

Cut it off without any doubt.

"It hurts a lot, teacher." Yu Xing said softly, and his legs broke free. He stood up, picked up his own limbs on the ground, brought them to the wound, and used the power of the curse to repair the part of the quilt. Split cells, tissues and skin.

The psychology teacher looked at him as if he were a devil.

"Let's do this, teacher, since your professionalism is not up to the mark, let me provide you with psychological treatment." Yu Xing arrived in front of the psychology teacher almost instantly, holding up the knife she wanted to cut off with one hand, and holding the knife she wanted to chop off with the other. One hand grabbed the psychology teacher's waist and pushed her down on the chair.

The knife fell to the ground. Yu Xing's eyes flashed with ferocity. He grabbed the braid and pulled it up. A piece of fiber-like silk was pulled out between the end of the braid and the ground.

He twisted the braid twice and fixed the psychology teacher on the back of the chair.

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