Absurd deduction game

Chapter 528 Mutual Attraction

After the three deducers and Lien, who was forced to go to the toilet, returned to the classroom, no one in the class seemed to have seen it. No one dared to ask what happened.

No one cared about why Lisa didn't come back. Even the little sisters surrounding Lisa and Lisa's classmates all kept the most direct silence about this.

"Squeak--" Yu Xing sat down in his seat and moved the chair. The legs of the chair rubbed against the ground, making a short and harsh sound.

The students around him trembled at the same time. Even the white-haired girl at the front desk sat up straight, like a cat whose tail was stepped on. When they slowly realized that this was just a noise, their racing hearts had already stopped. It's hard to calm down.

The book in front of Oliver was changed to another one. He turned his head slightly and seemed to trace Yu Xing with his peripheral vision. Then he stopped paying attention to Yu Xing and focused on the book.

For the first time, Yu Xing was so honest. He finished his physics homework without doing anything, and then started to read. The subsequent evening self-study time was peaceful, although he and other students faintly heard some strange noises upstairs, such as filming. Balls, dragging heavy objects, etc., but in general, the will-o'-the-wisp upstairs did not spread to them.

The bell that ended the evening self-study rang in the depressing and solemn atmosphere.

The cheerful ringtone became a bit harsh at this time. I don't know if it was an illusion. The volume of the ringtone seemed a bit too loud. There were also some weird noises mixed in, like someone scratching the door with their nails.


Even so, Yu Xing still heard a slight sigh of relief in the classroom. In any case, the end of the evening self-study meant that they were almost safe again today.

The monitor with the red armband came down from the stage, and the other students began to pack their things, and then walked out in groups of about four or five.

"I went out to use the bathroom. I guess you already know everything you should know." Jack came to Yu Xing's right side with his schoolbag on his back and chuckled, "Are you scared? Do you want to go back to the dormitory with us?"

He pointed back, and there were three boys from the next class standing there. They probably had a good relationship with Jack. They all leaned on the window frame of the window in the corridor and whispered hello to Yu Xing.

After leaving the classroom, the corridors, stairs, and the road leading to the dormitory were still full of ghosts. Jack winked at Yu Xing, glancing suggestively at Oliver who was silently packing his things, and almost The word isolation is written on the face.

There were fewer and fewer people in the class. Yu Xing smiled. He knew that after his reaction in the afternoon, Jack might not have much interest in making friends with him. The invitation was just to ensure that he would not get along with his classmate Oliver. The table goes together.

Seeing that Yu Xing didn't express his position, Jack's eyes flashed with impatience, and then he said half-explanation and half-threat: "We don't dare to go back together because there are cases of two people disappearing together, and we don't dare to have too many people go together. , when there are many people, there will always be one who is ignored.”

He stretched out two fingers, separated them, and pointed at Yu Xing and Oliver respectively: "If you go with him alone, you are looking for death. If you go with us, including you, there will be exactly five people, no more, no less."

"I know, your friends are still waiting for you, come over quickly." Yu Xing slowly packed up his things and stood up, "Don't keep them waiting."

Jack couldn't hear Yu Xing's rejection, and his expression became even worse. It seemed as if a deeply suppressed ferocity appeared in his eyes: "You just experienced those things today, and you are not afraid at all?"

Yu Xing shook his head matter-of-factly: "Of course I'm scared, so I'll see the psychiatrist in the school clinic tomorrow."

Jack: "..."

This is the first time I heard such fear with such confidence.

And the school doctor's office...

Everyone in Class 4 knows that the school doctor's office is a place that no one can enter.

Students in other classes would only go to the school doctor's office when they were injured, but their class was different. Johnny, the head teacher, often pretended to care about them and found various reasons to send them to the school doctor's office.

Today, Uriel, the deskmate of the physics class representative, went to the school doctor's office and came back from his evening self-study.

His mouth was tightly sewn up with red thread, and the fine stitching made his mouth look like a squirming and crawling centipede.

This is how therapy talks in class.

Of course Jack had also been to the school doctor's office, but that was already in his freshman year of high school. He had just entered school at that time, and he didn't know how scary this school was. He tried to be a school bully like he did in junior high school, and beat someone that day.

as a result of……

He trembled a little when he thought of the consequences.

But he quickly covered it up and shrugged his shoulders pretending not to care: "Since you don't know the heart of a good person, then so be it."

After saying that, Jack turned around and left. Seeing this, the three boys outside the window also retracted their hands to greet Yu Xing, becoming visibly indifferent.

"What did that big guy say to you again?" Wen Qinghuai leaned over and watched with interest as Jack went back to bed with people from other classes. "He didn't seem to have many friends in Class 4. I didn't expect that his friends were next door."

Zhao Mou and Zhao Mou followed closely behind, but Qu Xianqing did not come over. He also found two girls from the next class at the door of the class. When Yu Xing looked over, she happened to turn around and nodded slightly.

Fortunately, she understood that Qu Xianqing really planned to become a real lone wolf now. The two girls from the next class were probably her roommates. There was one missing person. Maybe they were what Qu Xianqing said at noon. Uncomfortable Roommate" related.

Yu Xing's trust in Qu Nianqing made Yu Xing look back and answer Wen Qinghuai's question: "Jack didn't say anything. Maybe he just forgot that I have three roommates and thought that I needed his charity."

"He doesn't think you don't have anyone to keep company with, right?" Zhao Mou taunted from a distance, "Do you look down on the transfer students too much?"

Zhao Yijiu: "Let's go."

Yu Xing: "Well, let's go."

After all, the teaching building is an unsafe place to gather. Even after the evening self-study, the students here have obviously experienced enough to loosen their insistence on the concept of silence, which does not mean that it is a good decision for them to chat here. .

From beginning to end, Oliver turned a deaf ear to their conversation, and now he stood up and left with his schoolbag on his back.

Yu Xing had no intention of asking him to go with him. First of all, Oliver didn't seem to be very gregarious. Even if he wasn't bullied, he wouldn't be a group-oriented person.

Secondly, it was only the first night, so there was no need for him to break Oliver's own behavior so quickly. At this time, observation was more important than change.

Yu Xing noticed that Oliver's footsteps did not hesitate, as if he was used to going back to the dormitory alone every night. A question that vaguely had its own answer when it was raised appeared in his mind.

Since others are so scared and say that two people are not safe, then how does Oliver survive safely every day? He was alone.

If Yu Xing were a ghost, he would prefer to strike alone, because that way there would be fewer variables and a higher success rate.

As for the answer to the question, Oliver is the special one. He is bullied and targeted by other students in the classroom. His fear seems to appear more when facing his classmates, but he has a mediocre response to the legendary ghost. In other words, he hides his emotions better so that people can't figure out what he is thinking.

It is obvious that other students are afraid of things they cannot see.

His classmates continue to disappear, but Oliver has survived until now alone.

As long as Yu Xing does a little association and processing, he can get a closed-loop karma script - Oliver was bullied by his classmates, maybe he died, turned into a ghost, and started to take revenge on his classmates; or Oliver and these ghosts were together Yes, some kind of agreement was reached, so the ghost not only did not harm Oliver, but also helped Oliver get revenge.

For example, Lisa, who took the lead in bullying Oliver this afternoon, is now a dead person.

But such an answer can only exist in association and processing. Not to mention that Lisa will suddenly have an accident, it is probably because Qu Nianqing forced her to tell her about her late self-study, just about revenge. Didn't Lisa bully Oliver before they transferred here?

She hasn't survived until now, not to mention that the people who bully Oliver are basically students in Class 4. Why did the death spread to the entire teaching building?

There is only one thing that is certain, there must be a deep connection between Oliver and the "ghost" in the concept of St. Jonis Middle School in this copy.

When all the deducers left the classroom, the classroom was completely empty. When Yu Xing looked back, he suddenly frowned.

He felt as if he had forgotten something.

When the four of them walked down the dimly lit stairs to the teaching building, Yu Xing finally remembered what he had forgotten - the white-haired girl.

It's really strange. He always reminds himself to pay more attention to the white-haired girl sitting at the front table, but he basically only observes the white-haired girl's behavior for a short period of time after that, and then he seems to ignore it. This girl exists. After school today, he didn't see when this girl left.

If he needed to discuss her now, Yu Xing would probably only be able to think of the white-haired girl's back and her action of lying down directly after class. At most, he would be able to provide information about a white-haired girl with an oriental face.

He actually didn't even know the white-haired girl's name. Every time he passed her, he never thought to glance at her ID tag.

"Does anyone know the name of the girl sitting in front of me?" Yu Xing asked in a very normal tone while walking along the path towards the dormitory building.

The pace of the four of them was not very fast. Compared with the urgency of others rushing on their way, they were more like taking a walk, so they were soon left behind. They could only see more than thirty meters ahead through the flickering street lights. The one who leads them.

Therefore, no matter what they discuss, no one will hear except the "ghost" nearby.

"The girl in front of you?" Zhao Mou thought for a moment, then suddenly realized, "The one with white hair seems to like sleeping very much."

Wen Qinghuai picked up the topic: "That girl is very conspicuous. I saw her the first time I entered the classroom in the afternoon. She is the only one with white hair in the classroom."

Zhao Yijiu was more straightforward: "I don't know."

After he started, Zhao Mou immediately said: "Although I have some impression, I don't know her name. Yes...it's a bit strange, why haven't I asked about it?"

Wen Qinghuai: "I don't know either. Except for the first glance when she entered the classroom, I didn't seem to notice her after that."

Sure enough, everyone remembered her, but no one thought about getting to know her.

Once this conclusion appeared, Zhao Mou and Wen Qinghuai immediately discovered the problem.

Wen Qinghuai habitually began to analyze this person: "Another special role. What role does she play in this class..." As he spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into his own soliloquy. and muttering.

Zhao Mou is good at collecting information, and he needs to be more rigorous in analyzing information. He did not immediately become interested in this character, but had another perspective. He teased Yu Xing: "The position you chose is the legendary protagonist. Seats?”

In the front is a white-haired girl with a strange presence. Her deskmate is a "weak person" who is bullied by the entire class. On the right is Jack, the biggest boy in the class. There are Rebecca and others in front of her.

Almost all the influential figures in the class in terms of setting and plot are concentrated around Yu Xing.

And even the movements of these characters are almost related to Yu Xing. Throughout the whole day, Yu Xing was noticed by the whole class because of his deskmate and desk. Jack also liked to find Yu Xing - most of the time today he was trying to win over him. , it will probably turn into finding trouble in the future.

Compared with Yu Xing, the other transfer students who are deducers receive much less attention. They more commonly socialize with the surrounding students on a small scale after class, and those students usually don't have any useful information.

The gap is obvious after such a comparison. Zhao Mou was originally joking, but after thinking about it, he suddenly became serious: "Don't you think this is abnormal? As a dungeon, the plot should treat the five of us equally."

"It's like you are attracting the copy's attention." Wen Qinghuai also said, "It's not even possible to tell whether you are being targeted or favored."

When Yu Xing heard this question, he recalled the sound coming from another small space in the women's restroom that he heard at the door of the men's restroom. There was indeed a feeling that the copy had been approaching him, and there was even a little bug.

"Who knows." He replied.

"He chose the seat himself." Zhao Yijiao suddenly said, "The key person was originally sitting there. He chose that seat himself. If he changes to another person, the treatment will also change."

When they entered the classroom to choose their seats, they did so entirely on their own initiative, and Yu Xing was the first to choose.

Looking at it this way, it seems like it's just a coincidence.

Only Yu Xing's eyes flashed, and he had a premonition - not only was the copy approaching him, but he was also unconsciously approaching the unknown behind the copy.

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