Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 90: Wandering Bandits

"Damn it, this damn thing runs really fast!"

In the forest, Xiao Jie and I wanted to become immortals, one behind the other, chasing the little monster who found things. However, we were still getting further and further away from the little monster.

Especially since I want to become an immortal, I only have 10 points of agility. Even if I take off my armor and giant axe, I still can't keep up with my speed.

Even Xiao Jie was being left further and further behind.

Xiao Jie felt bad, he was going to let it run away if this continued, so he simply shot an arrow. However, the distance was too far. The little scavenger moved flexibly and easily dodged the arrow. He even had time to turn around and make a move. grimace.

"Release the dog! Give me the meatball!"

"Yes, give me Thunder! Get it for me!"

The two hounds immediately rushed out. Meatball ran a little faster than Xiao Jie, but Xunlei was like an arrow leaving the string, and went out in a blink of an eye.

This hound was newly bought by me to become a fairy. Its combat power is much weaker than that of Broken Tooth, but it also has its advantages. It comes with LV3 sprinting.

This time it finally came in handy.

When he saw Xunlei chasing after him with a cry, the little monster was also startled. He didn't dare to save his strength anymore and quickly started to accelerate.

The demon and the dog disappeared from their sight in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Jie felt slightly uneasy. They had gone too far now, far beyond the map they had explored in the past. There were no monsters ahead. This feeling of being out of control was really not good, but this time The arrow was on the string, but there was no room for hesitation.

All we can do is run as fast as we can and try our best to catch up.

It's not a big problem, Xiao Jie comforted himself.

Most of the monsters encountered in this game so far are not faster than the player. The only ones that are more troublesome are wild dogs and corpse dogs, but with the current strength of the two of them, even if they encounter a pack of dogs, it will not be a big problem.

If they encounter a strong enemy with a dog that attracts hatred, the two of them will have enough time and distance to choose whether to fight or flee.

Besides, this game is full of variables. If you are really afraid of this, you might as well stay in the village like Wang Kaigou and not come out.

After running, the two of them rushed out of the forest. Suddenly, a clear view appeared in front of them. In a large open wilderness, a road went straight north, leading all the way to the valley pass in the distance.

In this wilderness, you can vaguely see some figures riding horses, patrolling back and forth.

Not far from the woods, there was a knight patrolling slowly.

Wandering Marko, level 10, HP 420.

"Brother Feng, it's Ma Kou!" I screamed immediately when I wanted to become an immortal.

Xiao Jie's eyes also tightened. This thing was mentioned in his brother's strategy book of "I Want to Become an Immortal"——

Wandering Mako: The enhanced version of bandits usually appears on horseback. They are very maneuverable and therefore extremely dangerous. Once discovered, it is difficult to run away, so do not provoke them in the early stage. If you encounter them, hide quickly to avoid being discovered. most……

At this moment, the little scavenger demon was leading Xunlei towards the Makou.

"Call the dog back quickly."

"You can't shout back!"

The pets in this game do not have such a precise control mechanism. Players can only give instructions. How well they are completed depends entirely on the pet's own AI.

At this moment, the distance was too far, but Xunlei couldn't hear the order at all. He only remembered the last order and chased after him.

Seeing the little scavenging monster rushing under the horse's belly, it didn't attract Marco's attention at all. However, when Thunder rushed over, what greeted it was Marco's broadsword.

The sword slashed, the horse's hooves trampled, and there was a thunderous cry, directly to the northwest.

Rouqiu shrank his neck when he saw it, quickly stopped charging and hid behind Xiao Jie.

Xiao Jie and I wanted to become immortals and we also stopped. I wanted to become immortal and wanted to cry but had no tears. I just bought a dog and I only had it for less than two days.

However, before he could feel sad, Marco had already rushed towards the two of them.

If a pet triggers a battle, the owner will also enter the battle.

"You came just in time. I'll kill you to avenge my dog."

I Want to Become a Immortal said as he quickly put on his armored giant ax and prepared to fight head-on. He is very confident in his current strength. So what if he is not level 10? It is only two levels higher than zombies. He is not a BOSS. See how I fuck you.

Xiao Jie also drew his sword and charged up, and stood side by side with I Want to Become an Immortal, ready to fight. He was just a level 10 mob, not a boss. There was nothing to be afraid of in a 2-on-1 fight.

Seeing that Ma Kou was about to rush to the two of them, he suddenly kicked the war horse. The horse accelerated instantly and rushed to my right side. The thick-backed saber in his hand was rounded and slashed towards the lower body.

"No, hide quickly!" Xiao Jie shouted, but it was already too late.

As soon as I wanted to make a move, I was slashed on my body with a knife. With a puff, -48!

One knife killed a quarter of Yuchengxian's health.

Since I Want to Become an Immortal put on this armor, my defense has been astonishing. Even Ximen Wuhen has never dealt such high damage.

"Holy shit, that's a lot of damage."

Xiao Jie was decisive, "The opponent has a speed bonus, let's retreat! Go into the woods and fight again."

Xiao Jie felt that something was wrong from the moment Marco accelerated his speed.

The logic of horse battles and infantry battles are completely different. Infantry battles are close combat, while horse battles involve repeated charges. Each charge only has one chance to attack. Therefore, there is a saying of "big battle" in single combat between generals. A round is actually a hedging between the two sides.

When a warhorse charges, it is extremely fast. Therefore, even if you do not swing your weapon, the speed of the horse alone can make the weapon produce great lethality. If the man and the horse are one, and you attack while the horse is accelerating, the damage will be extremely huge.

Therefore, in some horse-riding combat games, there is often a concept of speed damage bonus. The faster the speed, the higher the damage bonus.

The most typical example is the lance charge. Riding a horse, holding a lance, and sprinting at full speed, you can kill all enemies in one blow.

The so-called equality under the lance, Xiao Jie, who has played Mount and Blade, is particularly touched by this.

Although Mount and Blade is not as powerful as the lance, it can also deal two or three times the damage.

It seems that this game also has the concept of speed power bonus, otherwise this knife would not be able to cause such high damage.

Cavalry has the advantage of speed. The opponent can attack whenever he wants, and the infantry has no way to do it.

The best way to win is to retreat into the woods. As long as he can't run, he is not afraid.

However, the horse bandit seemed to have seen the purpose of the two men, and suddenly circled around, blocking the two men and the woods.

Then he turned his horse's head and rushed again.

"Take off the armor, prepare to roll!"

It is absolutely irrational to fight against the cavalry head-on, but although the horse is fast, it also has its weakness, that is, it is difficult to turn.

Just use rolling to avoid the frontal attack, and take advantage of the time when he turns around to output the bow and arrow.

I want to become an immortal is obedient, and the armor is immediately removed. The moment the warhorse kills close to him, he suddenly rolls, and the knife swings into the air.

Xiao Jie took the opportunity to shoot two arrows in a row. Because the target is large, it is easy to hit.





Before he could shoot the third arrow, the horse bandit turned around and rushed towards him again.


Xiao Jie's roll was more freehand, and the horse bandit's attack was completely cut into the air. On the other side, I want to become an immortal also changed to a bow and arrow and started to output.

The two men fired randomly, and after a few rounds, Ma Kou's health dropped by one third.

"Let's do it this way, let's kite it to death."

Ma Kou was hit by several arrows in a row, and suddenly roared, and actually rode straight towards him on horseback.

Xiao Jie used the same trick again, and rolled violently, but Ma Kou pulled the reins and stopped the warhorse, stood back, raised his front legs and stomped down hard on the ground.

War trample!

Damn, Xiao Jie was so scared that he quickly took a rolling gourd, and finally successfully avoided the horse's hoof by rolling twice.

Just about to use a rolling knife to get some damage.

Bang! The moment the horse's hoof landed, a shock wave directly shook him out.

This war trample actually has a small range of splash effect.

Although it was a bit embarrassing, Xiao Jie was relieved. The splash damage of the trample was not powerful, just a few points of damage, as long as he was not directly stepped on by the horse's hoof, it would not be a big problem.

Moreover, the opponent stopped like this, and lost the speed advantage when charging, and immediately became a target for both of them.

After Xiao Jie stood up, he directly fought face to face, and cut the horse in half with one move.



Ma Kou also immediately turned his horse and slashed back, -18!

There is a damage penalty when attacking on horseback. In this kind of close combat, without the speed advantage, Ma Kou can't take advantage at all, and the damage is not as high as the bandits.

Over there, I Yuchengxian shot two more arrows, and in the blink of an eye, Ma Kou's health was more than half.

Xiao Jie was about to take advantage of the victory and continue to make efforts, but Ma Kou suddenly roared, kicked the horse fiercely, and fled to the distance.

"Damn, don't run!" I Yuchengxian couldn't help but curse. I finally wanted to kill him, but he ran away. I haven't avenged my dog ​​yet.

"Come back, you grandson, if you have the guts, continue to do it."

The bandit actually stopped, took out a horn from his arms and blew it violently - woo woo woo!

Amid the melodious sound of the horn, two wandering bandits came galloping from the distant wilderness, three horses running side by side, one holding a spear, two waving sabers, shouting, and rushing towards the two together.

Xiao Jie shouted in horror: "Fuck, run quickly, into the woods!"

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