Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 75 Hidden Advanced Jobs

After handing over the errand with the pigherder, and taking the reward of dozens of copper coins, Xiao Jie walked to the tavern to have lunch.

Just in time to see me coming from the butcher's side.

"Brother Feng, how are you feeding the pigs?"

"It's okay. I've learned a new skill."

"I also learned a new skill."

I wanted to become an immortal, but I didn’t bother with that. I just spent money to learn the new skill [Dissection] from the butcher. I can get extra fur and meat from beast monsters, and each level of the dissection skill also adds an additional 1%. The probability of critical strikes can also enhance combat capabilities to a certain extent.

Such skills are naturally not cheap, costing a full 1,500 Wen.

Xiao Jie said in his heart that having money is a pleasure.

Including the profit from hunting bandits yesterday, he now only has more than 1,000 coins in his backpack. Compared with my desire to become an immortal, that is far behind.

The two were discussing their harvest when they saw Wang Kai hurried over.

The two men breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll go, okay, okay, you two haven't left the village, have you?"

Xiao Jie wondered: "What's wrong, Brother Wang?"

"Ximen Wuhen will kill me if I don't eat beef."


Both of them were shocked, especially I Want to Become a Immortal. It was a bit unimaginable for him to kill someone in a game, especially when he knew it would kill someone.

Xiao Jie was not too surprised, but his heart sank. Did it finally appear? The PVP content of this game.

Although I knew that such a day would come sooner or later, I didn't expect to encounter such a malicious PK guy while still in Novice Village.

"what is going on?"

Wang Kai told me about the phone call he just made about not eating beef.

"I don't eat beef and I was given two million to help kill Ximen Wuhen. Alas, I'm worried about how to put up the reward. I originally wanted to find a former client to take over the job. But I didn’t expect that no one answered the phone after several calls.”

I wanted to become a fairy, but suddenly I thought: "Brother Feng, let's take over this job."

Xiao Jie was speechless, "Are you drunk? Can we fight?"

"We can form a team with Sister Yeluo. Are the three of us still afraid of him?"

Xiao Jie's heart moved slightly. If Ye Luo joins, he will be more confident. Although Ye Luo is only at level nine, he can feel that Ye Luo is definitely an old player, and his real strength is definitely stronger than he looks.

But will Ye Luo agree? It looked like she didn't like teaming up with others at all, and she wasn't short of money. Trying to seduce her with money would probably be too much, and Ye Luo leveled up by killing ghosts at night, so she didn't need to leave the village at all.

You have to find a suitable reason to convince her.

While thinking.

"Hello, brother Wang Kai, are you selling gold?"

Xiao Jie turned around and found that it was the newcomer named Dongfang Sheng.

Wang Kai said: "Yes, you want to buy gold? Let's talk about it first, I don't have many copper coins in my hand."

"It doesn't take much, just 3,000 Wen. It's enough for me to learn a skill and buy a weapon."

"Three thousand Wen is 30,000 yuan. Money first, money later. No bargaining. If you want, just add me on WeChat?"

Wang Kai had just accepted a deal worth three million yuan. Wang Kai was obviously not too interested in such a small deal worth thirty thousand yuan, but after all, it was his job and he still had professional qualities.

"Okay, Brother Wang, I'll add you right now." Dongfang Sheng was quite polite.

The transaction was completed quickly.

"By the way, I want to become an immortal. Thank you for your reminder yesterday, otherwise I might not believe in the secret of this game so quickly." Dongfang Sheng said solemnly.

I was a bit embarrassed to be thanked so solemnly, "Haha, don't thank me, it was Brother Feng who reminded you."

"Anyway, thank you both very much."

Just as he was about to leave, Wang Kai said: "By the way, let me remind you again, don't leave the village recently. That Ximen Wuhen is killing people in the wild. I will die if I don't eat beef."

Dongfang Sheng was shocked. He now completely believed in the mysterious setting of this game. He knew the meaning of death in the game very clearly.

The guy I don't eat beef saw twice yesterday. Unexpectedly, he was gone in the blink of an eye, and he suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

"I understand, thank you for reminding me, brother." Dongfang Sheng said very sincerely.

I thought happily that fortunately I was more cautious and did not leave the village rashly. At least the village was safe.

This 30,000 yuan is not a small amount for him, it is equivalent to one and a half months' salary.

But compared to the power that can be obtained, it is nothing.

First, I went to the weapon shop and bought a fine iron spear for 240 Wen, and a leather armor for 300 Wen. Then I found Tie Qianli and spent 2,000 Wen to learn the combat skill [Spear Thrust].

With weapons, armor and combat skills, I feel somewhat confident.

When he returned to the farmland and prepared to continue farming, he found that Tian Bao was being pestered by a man.

"Brother, please give me some money. Give me some money. I'm going to starve to death."

"How can I, a farmer, have any money? You bastard, why don't you get out of here." Tian Bao said as he punched the skirmishers on the ground.

The skirmishers also understood the stakes, and no matter how hard Tian Bao beat him, he would not fight back.

After taking a few beatings, he finally figured out the mechanism of being beaten. Although the villagers would beat him, they didn't dare to actually kill him, so they usually wouldn't do it again after knocking him down. Of course It would be bad if he resisted.

But as long as he doesn't resist, the other party won't dare to really kill him.

So Sanbing simply didn't fight back, but just kept asking for money.

"If you don't get out of here, I'll beat you to death."

"Okay, hit me, if you have the guts, beat me to death, killing is illegal, I don't believe you dare to beat me to death, if you have the guts, just come." Sanbing kept shouting.

He shouted while crawling towards Tian Bao.

Dongfang Sheng was shocked and thought, what's going on?

"Friend, don't be impulsive, this game is a death game, the game promotion is real, if you die, you really die."

Sanbing laughed, "Hahahaha, you idiot, you believe whatever others say, right? It's a death game, how can this be true, hahaha, you're so funny."

Dongfang Sheng was sprayed and was furious, but human life was at stake, he took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

He said seriously, "I'm not kidding. If you don't believe me, try the skills in the game in real life and you will know. Death in this game is really not a joke."

"You are a ghost, stay away and don't bother me to beg for food."

But the scattered soldiers didn't take it seriously at all, thinking that it was a joke. Even science fiction movies wouldn't dare to act like this. It's too fake.

Dongfang Sheng was completely angry and stopped talking.

Tian Bao was helpless after being tossed around. He didn't dare to really kill the beggar, so he had to admit defeat in the end.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you something, right? Here's a steamed bun, take it and leave quickly."

"Leave? You want to get rid of me with a broken steamed bun? What good are you thinking? You beat me half to death just now and it was in vain? No, you have to pay me some medical expenses today. A small bottle of golden wound medicine costs 50 coins."

Tian Bao threw fifty coins to him like he was avoiding the plague god, and finally got away.

Hey, he actually gave money!

The soldier was delighted when he saw the extra fifty coins in his bag.

[System prompt: Through your tenacious efforts, you successfully begged a steamed bun from the villagers and extorted 50 coins. This unlocked the advanced errand of the hidden errand [Beggar], the errand [Ruffian], and learned the skill [Extortion]. Do you want to accept the errand? Yes/No? ]

The soldier was surprised and delighted. This beggar can actually be advanced? This is amazing.

He decisively chose to accept.

[Extortion (Life Skill)

Use: To extort the target, you need to make an intimidation judgment. After the judgment is successful, you will randomly get a valuable item or a certain amount of money given by the target.

If the judgment fails, the target may enter a furious state.

(Whether it fails or succeeds, it will reduce your reputation in the current map).

Skill Description: As long as you turn into a pile of dog shit, people will not dare to step on your head. ]

PS: It will be available at noon tomorrow. Please be the first to order.

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