Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 67 Economic Theory of Leveling

Xiao Jie watched his character sheath his sword and cleanly solve the enemy. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief behind the screen. His state finally returned. With the improvement of the character's attributes and the comprehensiveness of his skills,

the character's operation feel finally began to approach those action games he had played in the past, and his own operation advantages could finally be brought into play.

During the entire battle, except for the failure of the blade counter at the beginning and being stabbed, not a drop of blood was lost.

"Brother Feng, you are so good at operation!" I Yuchengxian was dazzled and cheered loudly.

"Haha, it's okay, you come next."

"No problem!" I Yuchengxian said eagerly.

Xiao Jie picked up the copper coins dropped by the bandit, and the two continued to move forward towards the hillside.

Not far away, there was another bandit.

Xiao Jie stopped, but I Yuchengxian stepped forward.

The bow and arrow opened the monster, and seeing the bandit rushing over aggressively, I Yuchengxian jumped and chopped directly.

This jump was somewhat embarrassing, because the weight was too high, so I only jumped more than one meter away, and the action of chopping with the giant axe in my hand was also a little clumsy.

The bandit stopped suddenly, and the axe of Yuchengxian suddenly hit nothing. The moment he landed, the bandit chopped with a knife.

I Yuchengxian did not dodge, but directly took the bandit's attack and used combat skills.


Halfway through the charge, the bandit's big knife chopped on Yuchengxian.


Amid the sound of metal friction, a red word -11 appeared on my head.

This iron armor is hard enough, and this knife didn't hurt at all.

And I Yuchengxian's combat skills were finally released.


With a puff, the axe chopped the bandit firmly.



This damage is really a bit amazing. 20 points of strength combined with the damage of combat skills directly killed nearly one-third of the bandit's health.

The bandit screamed, but did not retreat, and slashed with two more swords.





I want to become an immortal still did the same thing, bearing the bandit's attack and attacking again with a heavy axe.

Split - Stone - Slash!

Puff! -62!

The bandit's health was directly over half, and he was hit hard.

I want to become an immortal took a charged heavy blow to the half-kneeling bandit!

He fell to the ground directly.

He came up to take the execution attack!

He chopped down the bandit lying on the ground with an axe and killed him.

Xiao Jie was so shocked that he shouted "Fuck you". Although I want to become an immortal's fighting style is not as pleasing as his, it also has a sense of violent pleasure.

It can be said that there is no skill at all. The main thing is to exchange blood. Relying on the temporary toughness of the stone-splitting slash, the fighting skills will not be easily interrupted. In addition, the iron armor resists damage, and the battle becomes so simple and rough.

It must be said that recklessness has its advantages. His style of play is absolutely efficient in killing monsters, which is simply unreasonable.

He is not afraid of encountering bandits holding shields, because the giant axe has the effect of breaking shields.

The only problem with playing this way is that it consumes too many blood bottles. On average, you need to drink a bottle of Xiaohong to kill a monster. A bottle of gold wound medicine (small amount) is 50 coins. A bandit drops about 25 coins on average, which means that you will lose 25 coins for killing a monster.

Of course, bandits may drop things, but players' equipment also needs to be repaired. Although this iron armor is very hard, it is estimated that it will cost a lot to repair it, so in general, you will still lose money.

Overall, it is estimated that the loss can be reduced to about 20 coins. 20 coins, that is 200 yuan. Killing 100 monsters, 20,000 yuan will go in...

Xiao Jie quickly calculated the price in his mind.

"How about it, Brother Feng, my efficiency is not bad." I want to become an immortal and said excitedly, and drank a bottle of Xiaohong.

"It's quite efficient, but it feels very expensive."

"It's not a big problem. I still have the money to buy medicine." I want to become an immortal said nonchalantly. He could carry a backpack of golden wound medicine this time.

"It's good if you can bear it, but don't worry. Let's practice by each of us first. When we are almost done, we can go together."

The two started fighting again.

It's not only leveling up, but also practicing combat skills.

These bandits are quite suitable for training. They have certain strength, but not too strong.

I want to become an immortal's battle is as simple and rough as always. He carries the attacks of the bandits and uses combat skills without thinking. After the stiffness, he will attack and execute with power.

In contrast, Xiao Jie's fighting style is much more elegant. Relying on the speed advantage brought by high agility and light weight, he constantly uses the kite to turn over and roll to avoid the enemy's attacks, and then find opportunities to output.

When he is fully focused, he can often kill the enemy without losing a drop of blood.

Of course, playing like this is very mentally exhausting, and you need to take a break from time to time.

Occasionally, Xiao Jie would try to use the blade return, but unfortunately, this trick was too difficult to operate. He only succeeded twice after five or six attempts.

This ratio is really not high. It is okay to get slashed twice when fighting small monsters. If you make a mistake when encountering a BOSS monster, it will be fatal.

It seems that practicing the blade return is a long way to go.

When both of us have practiced it, Xiao Jie started to let me become an immortal together.

With two people and two dogs, killing a lone bandit is really like playing. A mindless group fight will knock him down.

When encountering a pair of bandits, two people can pull one each and cooperate with the hunting dog to easily solve the problem.

In the morning, the two of them cleared out the bandits on a small part of the ridge in one go.

However, as they gradually approached the bandit camp, the number of monsters gradually became dense, and Xiao Jie had to stop moving forward.

At this moment, Xiao Jie's experience value has increased to 53%.

At this rate, he can level up again before dark.

However, Xiao Jie can feel that the experience value required for this upgrade is increasing. Obviously, the efficiency of the two people's monster hunting has increased a lot today, and the experience value of the bandits is much higher than that of the scarecrow, but it is still slower than yesterday.

According to Wang Kai, in this game, level 30 is already considered a small master, and players above level 40 are rare, belonging to the ranks of great masters. Ordinary players are generally more than ten or twenty levels. It seems that the experience value required in the later stage must be particularly outrageous.

The loss of weapons for killing bandits is obviously much greater than that for killing scarecrows. I am afraid that I will have to prepare a few more knives in the future.

"We can't go forward. The monsters ahead are too dense. It's dangerous if we attract too many."

"Brother Feng, it should be okay. I think it's okay for us to pull three."

"No, we can't take risks."

Although two people can probably beat three bandits, it's unnecessary even if there's only a 10% chance of failure.

And after killing so many bandits, the durability of the weapons is running low.

The blood bottle is almost used up.

It's time to go back and rest.

The two began to walk back. Unexpectedly, when they were about to go down the mountain, the bandits that were cleared out before suddenly appeared again.

And two of them suddenly appeared.

"One person, solve them quickly. It's not advisable to stay here for a long time!"

Xiao Jie said, and quickly pulled a bandit to start.

He knew in his heart that it seemed that the bandits would refresh in about 3 hours. If he stayed any longer, the bandits that were cleared out before would probably refresh.

It would be bad if they were surrounded.

Now hurry down the mountain to rest. You can come back in the afternoon to invite another wave.

The battle was resolved in no time, and I didn't expect that the bandit would actually drop a knife.

Hey, it's out.

All the garbage that came out this morning was clothes and pants, and now finally a weapon has appeared.

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