Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 51: Past Events of the Tian Family

The black cat said and roared like a threat, but Xiao Jie was stunned, "Wang? Are you serious?"

By the way, why does this cat speak in a smoky and hoarse voice, giving it a sense of deja vu as a gangster?

He knew that the sound was made up in his mind, but he was still speechless.

The black cat said in a hoarse voice, "Yes, I am the king of this mountain. Everything in this mountain is mine. Squirrels are afraid of me, pigeons are afraid of me, and even you stupid cats don't dare to be rude to me. Rush to pay tribute to me."

As it spoke, it used its front paws to pull out the remaining dried fish and starchy intestines at its feet. They were probably snacks fed by someone who was overflowing with love.

"If you want to compete for my position as king, we will have to fight!"

After speaking, he arched his back and assumed a posture of wanting to fight.

Xiao Jie found it interesting, but he didn't expect that the cat's thoughts were quite complicated.

"Dashan, you are talking about this little bumpkin behind you, hahahaha, you are so funny. Don't worry, little guy. I have no interest in competing for territory with you. I just want to go for a run and exercise."

The black cat tilted its head and looked at Xiao Jie, "Meow, okay big stupid alien cat, I believe what you say, but don't play tricks, I'm keeping an eye on you."

The black cat raised its front paws, pointed at its own eyes, and then at Xiao Jie.

The movements are quite a bit like a gangster brother.

Xiao Jie finally couldn't help laughing, turned around and went home under the angry and confused eyes of the black cat.

When Xiao Jie woke up the next morning, he felt a soreness in the muscles in his legs.

Damn, I actually strained a muscle.

He rubbed his thighs helplessly for a while. Well, it seems that in reality, he has to train himself to get used to the added attributes.

After breakfast, Xiao Jie went online early.

He couldn't wait to go to the farmland again to upgrade, but before leaving the village, he still had two things to do. One was to feed the dog, and the other was to ask the NPC about the Tian family's old house.

There was no rush to feed the dog, so Xiao Jie decided to go get information first.

Xiao Jie went straight to the farmland to the west of the village. Several farmers were hard at work driving their cattle and plowing the ground. The old cattle were panting and pulling the plow.

Some farmers are harvesting ripe wheat.

Naturally, farming in this game is not as complicated as in reality. You just need to turn over the ground, sow the seeds, water it, and then harvest.

A crop of food can be grown in just half a day.

There was no technical content in this job, but the price of food was very low and it couldn't be sold for much money, so Xiao Jie didn't do it.

The NPC named Tian, ​​one of the farmers named Tian Bao, was waving a hoe to help dig up the land.

"Brother, can you please lend me a moment to discuss important matters?"

But Tian Bao sighed, "Don't make fun of me, young man. What important thing can I do as a farmer? I haven't finished the work yet. If you have anything to ask, just ask."

"Excuse me, do you know anything about the Lao Tian family? They are the Lao Tian family in the abandoned farm east of the valley."

Na Tian Bao had a strange expression on his face, "Why do you ask this?"

"I would like to know how to enter the gate of the Natian family's old house."

"Hmph, I get it. You must be after the property in my ancestral house. Let me tell you, those are all the property of my Tian family. Now if there is a disaster, naturally put them there first, and wait for someone to recover in the future. In these troubled times, all the property of my Tian family belongs to me, so don’t even think about grabbing a piece of it.

Go, go, get out of here, I'm too lazy to talk to you. "

A dialog box popped up in front of Xiao Jie's eyes.

[Option 1: Brother, don’t be so excited. Of course I have my reasons for wanting to enter that old house. Just listen to my explanation. (persuade).

Option 2: Brother, why are you so anxious to refuse? God knows how many years it will take for the demonic and chaotic world to end. Instead of waiting for that vain hope, why not exchange some money for it? I have money here. As long as you tell me how to enter the old house, the money It's yours (bought).

Option 3: Boy, don’t give me a toast or drink as a penalty. Tell me honestly what’s going on, otherwise - hum... (threat). 】

Hey, as expected, this Tian Bao is actually a descendant of the old Tian family. It seems that this kid really knows something.

Otherwise this dialog box will not appear.

Xiao Jie looked at the three options and thought quickly.

Intimidation definitely won't work, and he can't kill anyone in the village. The most he can do is beat him up. It has no actual deterrent effect, and it can easily cause a big incident and lower the reputation of the villagers.

If you buy it, you can fill in the figure yourself, but I only have a few hundred coins in total, and I also need to repair equipment and buy supplies for emergencies, so I can't waste it.

Better to convince.

Our tongue is very powerful.

Whether it is persuasion, bribery or intimidation, you can use it on your own. Xiao Jie thought for a while and then thought of his words.

Decisively chose 1.

"Brother, don't be so excited. I have my own reasons for entering that old house. Just listen to my explanation.

I actually do it for your own good. That old house has been abandoned for so long. It has been exposed to the wind and rain and has no one to take care of it. It has long been dilapidated. Maybe it will be ruined in a few years. By then, all the money and house will be wiped out. It would be better Let me help you open it. If there is really something good inside, your share will be indispensable.

I am not a greedy person. I opened the door of the old house to find out the truth of some strange events. Do you know that there are demonic energy boiling around your ancestral house and monsters are rampant? There must be ghosts in this ancestral house. If I don’t help you get rid of them, it will be troublesome for you to take back the family property in the future. "

This remark is really effective.

Tian Bao’s face was tangled, but he had to admit that what Xiao Jie said made sense, and nodded with difficulty.

"What the little brother said makes some sense. Okay, I will believe you once. I don’t know how to enter my ancestral house, but I can tell you some things that happened in my Tian family back then.

But you must promise to help me do something. When my ancestors left the old house, they left in a hurry and didn’t bring the land deeds with them. If you want to take back the family property in the future, it may be a hidden danger.

If you enter the ancestral house, you should help me find the land deeds and return them to me.

If you are willing to swear a poisonous oath, I will tell you. ”

[System prompt: Trigger the task [Find the title deed], help Tian Bao find the title deed of the Tian family's old house, and issue the [Heavenly Punishment Oath]. If the title deed is found, it must be returned to Tian Bao. Do you accept it? Yes/No.]

Xiao Jie naturally chose to accept it. Anyway, it was useless for him to have that thing, so he would just return it to him if he found it.

If he couldn't find it, it would naturally not be considered a violation of the oath.

"Okay, as long as I can find the title deed, I will definitely bring it back to you, otherwise I will be punished by heaven."

Tian Bao nodded, "That's no problem, little brother, listen carefully-

My Tian family's past events were also heard from my ancestors. At that time, the disaster had occurred for more than a hundred years, and most of the Ginkgo Valley was affected by the disaster. It was uninhabitable. Many residents scattered in the valley fled to Ginkgo Village to settle down. It is said that Ginkgo Village is blessed by the fairy tree and can ensure safety.

My Tian family is a big family with a large business. The head of the family, Tian Youcai, is a martial arts expert, and there are many servants and people. He barely managed to keep the family business.

However, the demons were becoming more and more rampant. Although my great-grandfather Tian Youcai tried his best to protect the family business, he was still more and more powerless.

Later, he met a strange Taoist from somewhere and got a treasure from him. It is said that this treasure is very magical and can summon heavenly soldiers and generals to come down to earth to protect my family. No matter how many demons and monsters there are, they will not be taken seriously.

What exactly this treasure is now untraceable, but according to my father, the treasure is very powerful. When it was used, it really summoned many heavenly soldiers and generals.

It’s just that these heavenly soldiers and generals look scary. The servants of my Tian family have no experience. When they saw the heavenly soldiers and generals, they were scared and ran away. Only my Tian family was left.

At that time, there were five people in my Tian family. My ancestor was Tian Youcai’s second son named Tian Erhu, and there was an eldest son named Tian Daniu. The head of the family was Tian Youcai, the mistress Tian Li, and an old man whose name I can’t remember.

Originally, the family of five and the heavenly soldiers and generals they recruited could have made a living, but unexpectedly, Tian Youcai went crazy and drove the whole family out. He sealed the gate and hid in the old house by himself.

I don’t know what happened afterwards. I only know that my ancestor later ran to Yinxing Village and settled down. After that, I didn’t hear about other people. The remaining people in the Tian family didn’t follow, and I don’t know what happened to them. "

After listening to this story, Xiao Jie thought to himself that there were a total of five people in the Tian family. In addition to the second son who fled to Yinxing Village, there were still four left. The Tian Li who he killed yesterday should be one of them.

The so-called heavenly soldiers and generals are probably not real. Could they be referring to those scarecrows?

Anyway, this treasure is definitely a good thing, but it is not certain what hidden dangers may exist. Since Tian Li has become a demon, most of the other people will not be spared. This may be the effect of the treasure.

I am afraid that the way to enter the gate depends on the remaining demons.

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