Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 201: Walking into the Darkness

Secret Skill - Sweeping the Clouds!

Xiao Jie swung his sword and swept through several bandits like a harvester. Three of them fell down instantly wherever the sword passed.

As soon as he stopped, the last two remaining bandits with low health attacked from both sides.

Before Xiao Jie could use his body movement skills.

A black shadow came up from the left, but it was Ye Luo, who instantly appeared behind a bandit with low health.

Backstab! Puff, a simple sword stabbed out, and a bandit with low health fell to death instantly.

Zombie attack! With a loud snort, another bandit was also knocked to the ground by Ye Luo's zombie servant, who held him and bit him, and he died in the blink of an eye.

"Well done." Xiao Jie praised, turned around and looked, the ground was full of bandit corpses - it was easier for two people to level up than one person.

"Aww!" A roar came from not far away. This guy pulled three bandits with one bear, and they screamed when they were chopped by the sword.

Fortunately, he had high HP and high defense, so he could still hold on.

"Here it comes." Xiao Jie said, and slashed at the bandit with a one-sword splitting flash.

A moment later, the last three bandits in the bandit camp were also chopped to the ground.

The entire bandit camp was completely razed.

Xiao Jie couldn't wait to find the treasure chest deep in the camp, opened it, and immediately burst out a lot of blank equipment.

Unfortunately, his luck was not good, and he didn't even get a green outfit.

The two quickly picked up these junk equipment. Looking at the backpack of junk equipment, Xiao Jie really missed I want to become an immortal.

"Alas, my luck is not very good today. There is not even an elite monster in this camp. I thought I could get some good stuff."

Ye Luo said: "Just be content. It's just a brass treasure chest. This amount of shipment is normal. Besides, the efficiency of killing monsters in a bandit camp every day like the two of us is not something that most people can do."

Xiao Jie thought so too.

Today is the third day after the recovery of Black Rock Village. In the past two days, the two have been leveling up together and clearing the bandit camps in the wilderness around Black Rock Village.

There are still too few bandits near the village. Ordinary players are happy to fight, but he got impatient after killing a few. It took him half a day to kill a monster. How long will it take to practice?

So he decisively invited Ye Luo to go to the bandit camp together.

It must be said that it is really happy to have a strong teammate who knows how to cooperate to level up together, especially when Ye Luo also has a baby. Although the zombies she summons are not as tough as the big bear, they are also quite strong. It is not a problem to fight a bandit alone.

Two people plus a bear and a zombie, two small trumpets of level 15 or 16, are more efficient in brushing monsters than an ordinary five-man team.

After two days, they successfully reached level 17.

Xiao Jie added all the 5 attribute points he obtained to endurance. His Tiger Roaring Skill has been practiced to the sixth level, with a full 600 points of internal force, which is already very durable.

However, his stamina became a shortcoming. Whether it was combat skills or secrets, or even just running, he would consume stamina. There were very few opportunities to take medicine during the battle. In order to avoid having to stop and take powerful pills from time to time, Xiao Jie could only spend 5 precious attribute points on stamina.

Now Xiao Jie's basic attributes are.

Constitution: 27 (equipment +2).

Endurance: 22 (equipment +2).

Strength: 22 (equipment +2).

Agility: 49 (equipment +5).

Except that his health is still a little low, he is very strong overall. Fortunately, he has the blood-supporting equipment of Red Jade Blood Marrow, and 320 health is not bad.

In the past two days, he not only successfully upgraded to the next level, but also saved a lot of silver in the past few days. He sold monkey wine and secret dog food, plus the spoils from the monsters, and saved more than 30 taels of silver.

At this rate, even if he didn't risk going down to the mines and tombs, he could become a first-class master in one or two years just by killing monsters, selling food, and saving money to buy equipment and secrets.

It can be said that he has now left the most dangerous stage.

But Xiao Jie couldn't stop, because the grudge between Liu Qiang and him would be settled sooner or later.

Now he was not sure whether Liu Qiang knew of his existence, but he did not rule out this possibility. Danger could come at any time, and he had to become stronger as soon as possible, the sooner the better.

Ye Luo looked at the time and said, "Okay, Brother Feng, let's stop here today. We're going to go down to the mines tomorrow, so we'll prepare before it gets dark."

"I'm ready." Xiao Jie said, and he had already prepared everything he should have.

Ye Luo was surprised: "Come to think of it, why are you playing games so eagerly? It's as if something is chasing you."

Xiao Jie sighed, then smiled and said: "Why don't you tell me your story, and I'll tell you my story."

"Haha, no thanks."

"Don't be like that, we've been together for so long, and you're still so distant. To be honest, I'm curious about how you know so much game information. I feel there must be a story. Tell me, maybe I can help you figure it out."

After two days of leveling up, the relationship between the two was not so bland.

At least they could joke a few times.

Ye Luo smiled slightly, "How about this, when we come out of this mine, if we're not dead, I'll tell you my past."

Xiao Jie was speechless, "Hey, you seem to be setting a flag."

"Ha, do you still believe this?" Ye Luo asked with some amusement.

Xiao Jie was quite serious about this. "I used to run a studio. Metaphysics sometimes really exists. As the saying goes, metaphysics can't save the innocent, and money can't change fate. It's better not to joke around, not to mention this game... If you set a flag like this, it's easy to get into trouble."

"Hahaha, don't worry, I won't die no matter who dies on this trip." Ye Luo said confidently.

"No more talking, let's retreat first." He summoned a donkey and rode it away with a hum.

This woman...

Back in the city, Xiao Jie sold the junk equipment he had found today. He finally checked the supplies prepared in his backpack. After thinking about it, he was still a little unsure.

Tomorrow he will officially go down to the mine. It's impossible to say that he is not nervous.

After playing so many games, Xiao Jie knows very well that no matter how strong the monsters on the surface are, they are limited. Usually the most terrible enemies and the most dangerous traps are hidden in maps such as caves, tombs, and dungeons.

Or he should ask someone.

Thinking in his heart, Xiao Jie opened the QQ group.

Yin Yue Sui Feng: Everyone, I will go to the mine with the guild tomorrow. Do you have any suggestions?

Liu Xing Yu: Damn, awesome, going to the mine at level 17? Take it easy, bro.

Bei Di Gun Wang: That's right, I'm already level 21 and I haven't gone into the mine yet, you're really awesome.

Wen Tian Wu Ji: My suggestion is to carry a light escape talisman with you in case of an emergency. Although it's a bit expensive, it's really useful.

Light escape talisman... that thing costs more than one million, and it's in short supply, most people can't buy it even if they want to.

This thing is equivalent to a return scroll, which can instantly teleport out of the dungeon. Although there is a few seconds of casting time when using it, it can still be called a life-saving artifact in general.

However, this thing is generally not available for purchase. Only by brushing up the reputation of the sect or completing the tasks of the worldly masters can you get one.

At the beginning, Master Qingfeng almost gave me one to become an immortal, but unfortunately I gave it up in order to join Xuanxu Palace...

Don't say I don't have the money, even if I do, I have no place to get it.

Yinyue Suifeng: Is it more practical? That thing is not available.

Anran: If you don't have the light escape talisman, get a few magic talismans. In short, run when you encounter danger, don't hesitate. In addition, remember to clear monsters as much as possible along the way, and remember the monster refresh time. Don't be afraid of trouble. As long as the back road is clear, it is still easy to run.

Wentian Wuji: Yes, oh, by the way, if you have the light condensing talisman, bring a few.

Yinyue Suifeng: Light condensing talisman? That thing is very expensive, isn't it enough to bring a torch?

Anything related to talismans and elixirs is not cheap, and torches are so cheap, 100 coins each.

Wentian Wuji: The light of the torch is not strong enough, and there will be blind spots. The most important thing is that the torch needs to occupy one hand, which will affect the combat effectiveness at a critical moment.

Xiao Jie was secretly concerned and decisively ran to the auction house to buy three.

He continued to chat with people in the group while operating.

An Ran: Don't be too nervous. Generally, as long as you don't go too deep in the mine, it should be fine. Remember to explore step by step and don't rush in without thinking.

Niu Baoguo: I haven't been to the mine, but I heard from people I know that there are a lot of zombies in the mine. Remember to bring some glutinous rice cakes.

Everyone talked about it and made a lot of suggestions. It can be seen that only An Ran and Wentian Wuji have experience in going down the mine, and the suggestions they gave are still very useful.

Yin Yue Sui Feng: Haha, thank you for your suggestions, now I have a general idea.

Xiao Jie quit the game, turned off the computer, and went to bed early that night.

Xiao Jie got up early the next morning.

At eight o'clock, Xiao Jie arrived at Heiyan Village on time. This village is very close to the Laotie Mountain Mine, which is why the Dragon Flying Knights chose to recapture this village before.

He first met up with Ye Luo, and then the two rode side by side in the direction of Luotie Mountain.

The closer they got to Luotie Mountain, the sparser the vegetation around them became. When they arrived at their destination, the surroundings had become desolate.

Luotie Mountain is a bare stone mountain range, covered with gravel. Because it is a mine, the mountain is blue-black, and several huge black mines are distributed around the mountain.

There is a small mine, which does not spawn monsters and is very shallow. On weekdays, many players will mine in this cave, but the mineral yield is not rich, which is only slightly better than the wild.

Even so, it has become a treasure land that many players are fighting for.

However, no one dares to enter the real Luotie Mountain mine.

At this time, the two came to the entrance of the main mine. The rocky environment, the dark cave, and the strange sound of wind at the entrance made people feel inexplicably terrified.

Several people have come to the mine, and are clearing the monsters near the mine - Stone Spirits. This is an earth-type monster with high HP and high defense. It needs heavy weapons to deal effective damage. It is very troublesome to kill, but because gems occasionally explode, it is also favored by some players with axe and hammer weapons.

Xiao Jie even saw Dongfang Sheng, who was smashing a Stone Spirit with a ghost iron halberd.

Boom! The Stone Spirit was smashed to pieces and turned into a pile of rubble.

"Haha, a piece of jade exploded! I made a profit - hey, Brother Feng, you are here too, and Sister Ye Luo."

Xiao Jie glanced at the people around him, all of whom were core members. Seeing how they fought monsters, they were obviously familiar with each other.

"Have you joined the core members too?"

"Not yet, I'm still in the probation period. Brother Feng, you don't mind, right?"

"Uh? What should I mind?"

"That's good, that's good."

At this time, more and more players gathered, and several stone spirits were quickly killed. Everyone waited at the entrance of the cave, looking inside, each of them was full of expectations and uneasiness, excitement and uneasiness.

At nine o'clock, Qianlong Wuyong finally arrived.

"Hey, why are there so few people?"

Indeed, compared with the team of more than 50 people three days ago, only more than 30 people came today.

"Why else, I guess they are afraid to come." Xianyu said with contempt.

Xiao Jie was not surprised by this. Although there was a victory in retaking Black Rock Village three days ago, many people were still scared when they heard that they were going to go down to the mine.

Everyone came here to make a living. Isn't it good to fight monsters near the village and slowly save money to buy martial arts secrets? Why do you have to go down to the mine desperately?

But wealth and honor are sought in danger, and there are many courageous people.

Xiao Jie counted, a total of 37 people, which is enough.

And in this way, there is no need to worry about too many idiots. Those who dare to come must have certain strength.

Qianlong Wuyong said: "It's better to have fewer people. This cave is extremely dangerous and we can't force it. Our goal today is to explore the periphery of the mine. This is not too dangerous because someone has explored the mine before. At least from the current intelligence, there are no too dangerous monsters on the first floor of the mine except for some mining zombies.

Let's get familiar with the terrain of the first floor first, and after the exploration is clear, we will go deeper into the second floor tomorrow. We will proceed step by step to ensure that each section of the mine is safe before going deeper into the next section. In this way, we can ensure the safety of personnel to the greatest extent."

Xiao Jie thought that everyone seemed to think alike.

"But after all, we are going down the cave, and no one knows what we will encounter below, so everyone must take care of each other, obey the command, and never act impulsively.

Several guest officials, as well as core members, you all have to play a backbone role.

According to our previous grouping mode, I will lead Group 123 to form the vanguard team.

Xianyu - you lead Group 456 to be responsible for the rear,

Yinyue Suifeng, you lead Group 7 and 8, and Deidara will be with you. You must ensure Deidara's safety. This is your main task.

Okay, if there is no problem, then let's go."

After assigning the tasks, Qianlong Wuyong led Group 123 into the mine.

Watching the dozen people in front holding torches and walking into the darkness, Xiao Jie took a deep breath and walked in with the squadron.

Finally, it was Xianyu and the three groups at the rear.

As soon as they entered, the surroundings were immediately swallowed by darkness.

The cave was extremely dark. It was not always a good thing that the game had too many details. If it was a cave in another game, although the light would be very dim, you could still see something. After all, you had to consider the player's gaming experience.

Some caves in games were no different from the outdoors except that they were called caves.

But the cave in front of me was extremely dark. If there was no light source, there would really be no light at all. There was only a small area illuminated by the light of the torch.

Outside the torch, it was dim and dark.

After walking a dozen steps, when I looked behind me, I could only see a circular hole, which was getting farther and farther, smaller and smaller. As the mine twisted, it soon disappeared.

Xiao Jie felt a little uneasy. He now knew why going down the mine was so dangerous. The visual defect alone was enough to kill him.

There was a monster hiding anywhere, and you couldn't see it. If you were not careful, you would be ambushed.

If you lost the light source, you would really have to wait for death.

"Everyone cheer up, Ye Luo - can you see the surroundings clearly?"

"No problem." Ye Luo's profession is a night walker. This profession has an ability called dark vision, which allows him to see things clearly even in a dark mine cave, which makes Xiao Jie feel relieved.

In fact, assassins also have the ability of low-light vision, but it is much worse than that of night walkers, and can only barely see things in the dark.

After walking along the mine cave for a while, a strange roar came from the front.

"It's a zombie!"

Xiao Jie looked forward, and the light of the torches in the front team was busy. He could see Qianlong Wuyong commanding his team members to chop and kill several charred humanoid monsters.

Because they were in the cave, the sound became extremely terrifying after refraction.

Xiao Jie observed for a while and then felt relieved. The mining zombies were not exactly the same as the zombies he had encountered before.

Each mining zombie carried a basket of ore on his back and a pickaxe in his hand. The surface of his body gradually became rocky due to long-term contact with ore. It was a monster with super toughness.

Fortunately, like ordinary zombies, they move slowly and have no intelligence. As long as you know the distance and smash them with heavy weapons, it will be fine.

Deidara was a little nervous.

"I said, you all stay close to me, don't let the monsters rush me."

He summoned three floating fireballs, which surrounded him. It seemed to be some kind of defensive spell, and it also had lighting function.

Xiao Jie looked at him in confusion, "Deidara, are you not good at close combat?"

"Nonsense, I am a pure magician, and my basic attributes are basically not increased much - except for physical fitness, I will be useless if I am rushed. You have to protect me."

A team member comforted: "Deidara, don't worry, the front team has cleared all the monsters, and we don't need to fight in the back row..."

Ye Luo suddenly interrupted at this time: "That may not be the case - be careful, the team ahead has missed a monster, prepare for battle!"

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