Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 198: If you don't become a middle school student, you will be wasted.

"You rely on more to win, but I don't accept it - ah!" Li Qing, the 'mountain-splitting tiger', screamed and collapsed.

Xiao Jie watched the BOSS fall and thought, is this the end?

In the past, I was used to fighting hard and defeating the BOSS with difficulty. Now, seeing the BOSS being beaten to death by dozens of people using long-range weapons, I just took the opportunity to steal a few knives and ended the battle. It was really not used to it.

However, Xiao Jie knew that this was the BOSS battle in the true ideal state of the death game. There was no need to fight desperately, no need to take personal risks, it only required everyone to cooperate closely and shoot arrows with more people.

If every BOSS could have such an easy ending, then this game would be really fun to play.

This is still a shield-wielding BOSS. If you don't hold a shield, you may be able to win more easily.

With the BOSS defeated, the few remaining bandits were also eliminated one by one, and the battle in the village was completely over.

However, the operation to regain the village is not over yet. The last step of 'capture the flag' needs to be completed to complete the occupation.

Of course, the BOSS's body must be touched first.

"Lucky star, touch the body and remember to turn on the video."

"I understand, Captain."

A player named Hongyun Dangtou stepped forward and picked up the BOSS's body.

He must be the luckiest person in the guild, so he immediately sent the drop list to the team channel.

Xiao Jie took a look and said, He, it fell well.


A total of four treasures were dropped.

Especially there is a secret book of internal strength! Xiao Jie thought to himself that this was a good thing. He was worried about lack of internal strength, but he just didn't know if he could get his hands on it.

After touching the body, Qianlong did not use it, but he was not in a hurry to divide the spoils. Instead, he led everyone to the central square of the village. At this time, in front of the village chief's house, there was a large flag with the logo of Black Wind Mountain on it. .

There is also a circle of light around it.

[System prompt: Entering the aperture can occupy the current monster stronghold. Warning: This behavior will trigger a collective siege by surrounding monsters. 】

Xiao Jie thought that was the case.

"Everyone, please don't enter the aperture. Be careful - when the village is recaptured, the flag capturer will receive 1,000 points of Fengyin State reputation. Anyone who wants to increase their reputation can sign up - of course, guild points will be deducted."

"I sign up!" Dongfang Sheng shouted hurriedly. He was in a hurry to gain reputation as a general.

"I'll sign up too!" The other person shouting was the Clueless Fox. Now he had learned a lot of information in the group, and finally sadly discovered that his profession seemed to be practicing the splits.

Gunslinger is one of the least interesting professions.

But fortunately, it's not too late to make amends. A level 10 gunslinger and a level 20 military general can double-transform into an 'unparalleled fighting general' at level 30, although the 'unparalleled fighting general' is not as capable as the 'horse cavalry general'. A group of soldiers, but with more powerful individual combat capabilities, it can be considered a good alternative.

Therefore, it is also necessary to gain reputation and so on.

"How far are you two from gaining respect?"



Qianlong Wuyong said: "Okay, then you two can come together. Each of you will deduct 30 points. Is that okay?"

"No problem, no problem." The two agreed hastily.

"Then take it."

The two immediately stood within the aperture of the flag.

It was quite difficult to occupy the stronghold. After waiting for a few minutes, a white light finally flashed and the flag disappeared instantly, turning into a flag of Fengyin State.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in Xiao Jie's ears.

[System prompt: Your guild has successfully recovered the lost village Black Rock Village. Based on your performance in this battle, your reputation in Fengyin State has increased by 216 points, and your reputation in Luoyang Town has increased by 432. Point, your reputation in Fengyin State has reached respect. 】

Hey, is this respect?

Xiao Jie was a little speechless, but he remembered that there were reputation rewards for killing Yunxiaoke and Xiongba before. In addition to the 500 points given in the previous defensive battle of Novice Village, he had almost reached the level of respect.

Now I add another touch, which is just the right amount of respect.

Unexpectedly, he was the first to be promoted to respect. This thing didn't mean much to him, but it was of some use. At least he could get a discount when he went to the state capital to buy things in the future.

Next, Qianlong Wuyong took everyone to the village chief's house to open the bandit treasure house.

[System prompt: Your guild successfully plundered the bandit's treasure house and obtained 5,795,000 gold, 756 stones, and 1,421 wood. Obtained 892 grains and 214 spirits...]

Seeing this system prompt, everyone suddenly beamed with joy. There were so many good things, and now they had some.

Qianlong Wuyong said: "Okay, now it's time to distribute the spoils.

First of all, all materials belong to the guild and do not participate in distribution.

Everyone can participate in the distribution of money, but the BOSS drops will be auctioned first. As for the drops of the mobs, whoever picks them up will get them, and there is no need to hand them over.

The specific distribution plan is calculated based on the points in the guild. If you haven’t seen it, you can check it out. "

Xiao Jie read this guild points system in advance yesterday.

It is somewhat similar to the DKP in the games he has been exposed to in the past, but not exactly the same.

All players who participate in the event can get basic points as long as they do not make mistakes, do not have major omissions, and obey the command to complete their tasks.

The team leader and guest official will get 20 points, the core members will get 15 points, and the peripheral members will get 10 points.

In addition, those who have special performance or make mistakes in the action will be evaluated according to the size of their performance, 30 points for great merit, 20 points for medium merit, 10 points for small merit, 30 points for offense, 20 points for medium offense, and 10 points for minor offense.

The final addition is the total points. The spoils will be distributed in the form of auctions, and players need to use points to bid, so it is very important to accumulate points in an event. Those with good performance and more points can naturally get the best drops first.

The points were calculated quickly and announced in the team channel.

Most people have no merits or mistakes, so they only have basic points.

Xiao Jie took a look and was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he was still a score tyrant.

First place in points: Yin Yue Sui Feng (Guest), basic points 20 points, jumped onto the wall with Qing Gong, killed the bandits and archers, and solved the long-range threat on the main gate wall, medium Gong +20 points.

Participated in the siege of the BOSS, took the initiative to fight with the BOSS, and provided space for other people's long-range output, medium Gong +20 points. A total of 60 points.

Second place in points: Xian Yu (Guest), basic points 20 points, single-handedly broke through the bandits' line during the main gate battle and opened a gap in the formation, great Gong +30 points. A total of 50 points.

Second place in points: Deidara (Guest), basic points 20 points, used magic to blast open the gate, providing strong support for the attack, great Gong +30 points. A total of 50 points.

Second place in points: Xiao Bailong (Vice President), basic points 20 points, rescued several members in danger with bows and arrows during the battle, great Gong +30 points. A total of 50 points.

Third place: Qianlong Wuyong (branch president), basic score 20 points, participated in the siege of BOSS, took the initiative to fight with BOSS, and provided space for other people's long-range output, medium merit +20 points. A total of 40 points.


The second to last place: Dongfang Sheng: basic score 10 points, participated in the siege of BOSS, used special combat skills to control BOSS, small merit 10 points.

Purchased the opportunity to capture the flag and deducted 30 points, a total of negative 10 points.

The last place: Guimianhu: basic score 10 points, purchased the opportunity to capture the flag and deducted 30 points, a total of negative 20 points.

Tied for the last place: Unyielding War Ghost: basic score 10 points, violated discipline, rashly broke into the BOSS room, triggered the BOSS battle in advance, and brought potential danger to the team, and deducted 30 points for major offenses. The total score is negative 20 points. Given that he has died, he will not be punished.

Seeing such a detailed scoring list, Xiao Jie nodded in approval in his heart. It is not the lack of spoils that is the inequality. The fairness of the guild's distribution of spoils often determines the centripetal force of a guild.

This scoring distribution mechanism is generally reasonable. Those with great ability and strength have higher basic points and more room to play, so they are naturally willing to participate in such activities.

Even those with weaker strength have the opportunity to obtain the right to obtain equipment by desperate performance.

If you don't want to fight desperately, just follow the steps and you can get some benefits, and there is no danger.

However, although Xiao Jie thought so, it was obvious that not everyone was satisfied.

"Why do we peripheral members only get 10 points?"

"That's right, we all fought hard together, why do the core members get five more points than us?"

"Yeah, and the guest's points are a bit too much."

Qianlong Wuyong snorted coldly and said: "This is a death game, not a game of house. The strong will naturally work harder and get more rewards. If you are not convinced, go up and fight the BOSS next time.

As for why core players can get more points-if you encounter a particularly dangerous task, you can run away, and the core players must stand up. If you are not convinced, you can also apply to become a core player. As long as you are willing to listen to orders and obey discipline, I can also give you five more points.

This scoring rule has always been in the group file and can be viewed at any time. I am very surprised why you only raised questions now, just pretend that you didn't see it before.

Now I reiterate that joining the guild requires abiding by the rules, and you can quit at any time if you are not satisfied."

The few who spoke up stopped talking immediately.

Xiao Jie was amused. Those who spoke out might not really not understand this truth. It was just that everyone was used to the fact that the crying child gets the milk, the louder the voice, the more reasonable it is. They would make a fuss first.

However, there is no fairness in reality, especially in the game.

Take Deidara for example. He only made one move from beginning to end, but this big fireball is irreplaceable. If he used melee to smash the door, there would be casualties.

And it would give the bandits enough time to react. This is the strength of the magic profession.

With this move, he can secure the top three points. And to put it bluntly, as a guest official, he is still the object of the guild's wooing, and his status is definitely much higher than that of salted fish.

After all, salted fish are just higher in level, while magic professions are all high-end talents.

As for the ordinary peripheral members, most of them are here to gain experience, reputation and money. Basically, they will not work too hard and always put their lives first. Naturally, the guild will not care too much about such people.

You can recruit a group at any time.

The old problem is solved, and a new problem arises.

"But this is unfair to our melee group. Those ranged groups don't have to fight hard, and they still get the same points."

"That's right, I was besieged by two bandits just now, and I almost died."

Several melee groups complained again.

Qianlong Wuyong's tone was obviously a little impatient, but he still tried to explain, "Although the melee group is dangerous, they have more opportunities to touch the bodies of small monsters, which is a kind of invisible benefit in itself. The ranged group does not have such a good opportunity. Don't tell me that you didn't pick up the drops when you killed monsters before?"

As soon as this was said, the ranged group also shouted.

"That's right, you guys are so rich, don't be so ungrateful after getting the benefits."

"If you don't agree, I'll go to the melee group next time. It's just to beat up the monsters. What's the danger?"

Xiao Jie looked at this scene and secretly mourned for Qianlong Wuyong. He also ran a guild and a studio. When there are many people, people's hearts become complicated, especially adults who fight for their own interests. Everyone feels that they have not taken enough and want to get more. If they don't have enough management ability, they really can't control the situation.

Fortunately, this Qianlong Wuyong also has some experience. "That's enough. If you are dissatisfied with the distribution plan, you can raise it at the summary meeting in the afternoon. Now we will distribute the spoils according to the points.

First, we will divide the BOSS's drops. Everyone can bid, and the one with the highest score will win.

Then the monetary income of today's event will be distributed according to the remaining points. If you don't want money, you can save the points for the next guild event. Now start bidding.

The first item is Li Qing's head (task item). You can go to the state capital to exchange for 500 reputation points and 50 taels of silver. The minimum price is 30 points. If you want it, you can pay the points."

This is a good thing. Not only can you exchange for reputation, but you can also get silver.

Xianyu: "All in!"

Deidara: "I'm all in too!"

Both of them have 50 points, so they can only ROLL.

In the end, Deidara had more points and successfully took Li Qing's head with 50 points.

"The second item is Tiger Roaring Skill (Intermediate Internal Skill), 30 points at a low price, if you want it, pay the points."

"50 points!" Xianyu shouted without hesitation.

"51 points." Xiao Jie smiled and quoted his price.

This is the advantage of the score tyrant, you can get 100% of what you want, and you can get it at the lowest premium.

Xianyu was speechless, thinking that it would be better if he had taken the initiative when fighting the BOSS before, but it doesn't matter, this is just the beginning, there will be many BOSSes to get in the future.

Qianlong Wuyu laughed a few times and divided the secret book into Xiao Jie's bag.

Xiao Jie's heart was immediately low, and he had to say that it was great to follow the guild, and it was easy to get the intermediate internal skill. This thing would cost at least 100 taels at the auction house. It really is true that there is strength in numbers.

"The third item, Tiger-head dipped in gold knife, low price 30 points."

"41 points." Xianyu directly learned and applied, ready to harvest at a low price. Now the only one who can compete with him is Xiaobailong, but Xiaobailong is a long-range profession.

"50 points." Who would have thought that Xiaobailong would come out and intervene.

"Damn, you don't use the knife, why are you fighting with me for this?"

"I can sell it at the auction house. It's a blue weapon, and it can be sold for dozens of taels at least."

"Then I'll get 50 points too."

Another roll point.

Fortunately, this time I was lucky and successfully won this tiger-headed knife.

"The fourth item, Iron Mountain Armor. Low price 30 points."

"30 points." Qianlong Wuyong said, but this time no one followed the bid, and Xiaobailong didn't mean to bid, so Qianlong Wuyong successfully got it.

Finally, it was time to divide the money.

The money robbed from the bandits' treasure house was evenly distributed according to the total remaining points. The harvest of more than 570 taels of silver, everyone can get at least a dozen taels - except Dongfang Sheng and Guimianhu.

Add to that the drops from the monsters before, and everyone is happy.

"Okay, everyone, we have divided up what can be divided. If there are any unused points, you can save them for the next event. I will use the order to recruit refugees after 12 o'clock. At that time, the village will change from a neutral map to a wild village. If you want to loot the houses, you can act quickly, otherwise looting after 12 o'clock will be stealing."

Upon hearing this, everyone scattered and rushed towards the houses.

These houses were previously occupied by bandits, and you can always find some swords, armor, clothes, books, wine, meat and food in them.

One penny is ten yuan, so everything is valuable, even pots and pans are not spared. Everything that can be put into the backpack is packed up and taken away to the store to sell for money.

Xiao Jie did not collect the loot. Those little things were not enough to satisfy him. Besides, as a guest official, he should have some dignity.

He was looking at the introduction of the Tiger Roaring Skill.

[Tiger Roaring Skill (Intermediate Internal Skill)

Basic effect: Each level of skill increases your internal strength limit by 50 points.

Physical effect: Each level of skill increases the power of your roaring skills by 10%.

Learning requirements: Proficiency in internal skills, physical fitness 30. ]

Xiao Jie hesitated slightly. He originally wanted to save money to buy a book that increased internal strength, preferably with internal strength recovery effect.

However, the intermediate internal strength would cost at least 180 taels of silver, and it would be hard to save enough for a while.

It would be unreasonable not to practice the secret book now.

And as for the roar skill - by the way, Big Bear seems to have a shocking roar.

It seems that many beasts have this kind of skill. I have learned a dog bark before. Maybe I can learn skills such as tiger roar and lion roar in the future. Using them together can just bring out the power of this internal skill.

In the future, when you encounter a pile of monsters, you can use the roar skill to attack in range.

The only trouble is that you need 30 points of physical fitness to practice, and you only have 27 points (basic 25, black robe with black gold dragon pattern +2 points), and you need to stack 3 more points.

Let's see if I can get equipment or pills that increase physical fitness.

Just as I was thinking about it, Dongfang Sheng came over.

"Brother Feng, my reputation has reached Respect."


"Haha, I have to thank you."

Xiao Jie laughed: "Why thank me? I didn't help you improve your reputation."

"Don't hide it from me. I have asked the core members. It was you who proposed the plan to attack the village, right? You must want to help me, right? Brother Feng is really a good friend."

"Haha, don't think too much, I just mentioned it casually when it happened."

Xiao Jie's words were not modest.

He did have a little idea. Everyone would have their own calculations during the meeting, and he was no exception. The plan he proposed to recapture the village first and then attack the mine was also based on his own considerations.

Recapturing the village can improve reputation, which just helps Dongfang Sheng complete the prerequisite for improving reputation.

The corpse king BOSS in the mine can help Ye Luo complete her next stage of career unlocking conditions. There are not many undead BOSS in this game, and the corpse king is the easiest one to encounter at present. There is a whole guild to help fight, so how can such an opportunity be missed.

In addition, he also needs to experience the underground maps such as mines and ancient tombs in this game. When he reaches level 19, he needs to enter the ancient ruins to unlock the inheritance of the Qi Refiner. At that time, it will inevitably be dangerous.

Now practice in the mine first and accumulate some experience in exploring in the mine tombs. It can be said that it kills three birds with one stone.

Of course, he will definitely not say these. At least on the surface, all these actions have nothing to do with him. It is completely a plan he proposed for the development of the Luoyang Branch of the Dragon Knights.

Dongfang Sheng didn't say anything after hearing it. It would be too deliberate to say anything more.

"By the way, Brother Feng, I want to apply to become a core member of the guild. What do you think?"

Dongfang Sheng also saw that becoming a core member will definitely have better development. The core members are their own people, and the peripheral members are at most temporary workers.

As for obeying discipline and following orders - just obey, anyway, it's not too dangerous under normal circumstances. If it really comes to a time when you need to risk your life, can you still be stupid enough not to run? The worst that can happen is that you will be expelled from the guild.

But I want to join but I'm afraid that Brother Feng will be unhappy, thinking that I'm leaving the boss behind and hugging a bigger thigh.

So I asked this question.

Xiao Jie didn't know Dongfang Sheng's complicated inner drama, and he was a little strange in his heart, thinking, why are you asking me?

After thinking about it, he asked for his opinion anyway, so it's not good to say nothing.

So he said seriously, "I think you should do it according to your own ideas."

Dongfang Sheng fell into deep thought after hearing this - what does Brother Feng mean by this? Is there any deep meaning?

"Brother Suifeng, why don't you go and collect it?" It was Deidara who came over.

"I've already got the good stuff, there's no need to fight with ordinary members for that little bit of stuff."

"Haha, Brother Suifeng is really a man of vision, unlike that salted fish, who is simply embarrassing the old players."

Xiao Jie looked up, and saw that the salted fish didn't care about that, and directly rushed into the largest house with a few people, taking everything, even the water tank outside the house into his backpack.

Xiao Jie was also a little speechless, and he really didn't know how to describe this salted fish...

"He has always been like this?"

"That's right, I guess he thinks his account is useless and has nothing to pursue, so he just lays down, and I don't know when he will quit the game."

It feels like a loss to quit the game with 3 physical basic professions. It can be upgraded to more than 30 levels, and it is obvious that they have experienced many ups and downs. In the end, they just got a good physical grid, which is really not a big gain.

"I don't think he will quit the game willingly. Forget about him. You've been slacking off the whole time. Apart from releasing a big fireball at the beginning, you didn't make any moves afterwards and just watched the whole time. If you had thrown two fireballs when fighting the BOSS, you wouldn't have become the leader of a new player."

Deidara complained repeatedly, "I didn't mean to slack off. I just had no choice. I majored in fire magic and minored in wood magic. Fire magic can easily hurt teammates by mistake, and wood magic doesn't have any output skills. I can only watch."

Xiao Jie thought that this was possible. Not to mention magic, even when shooting arrows, you have to be careful. There is no such thing as no harm to friendly forces in this game.

"By the way, do you know the Five Elements Escape Master? Is there any difference between it and the Five Elements Warlock?" He has made up his mind to deal with Liu Qiang in the future, so he naturally needs to understand the other party's professional ability first.

However, the Five Elements Escape Master seems to be quite unpopular, and Ye Luo didn't even know about it. Now seeing Deidara, the Five Elements Warlock, Xiao Jie instinctively feels that there should be some connection between the two.

Deidara asked: "Why are you asking this?"

"Nothing, just asking casually, if you are not convenient to say it, forget it."

Deidara said proudly: "Then you asked the right person, it is not inconvenient. Most people may not know the profession of Five Elements Escape Master, but I talked about it with my master so I know a little bit. Five Elements Escape Master is a half-magician, and Five Elements Warlock is a full-magician. You may not understand this thing.

Half-magician is a limited spellcaster, and full-magician is a full-magician.

For example, the sword master is a half-magician, a swordsman + Taoist priest, who knows some spells but not many.

And the Thunder Master is a full-magician, Taoist priest-Thunder Master-Thunder Master, a good family.

The full-magician relies entirely on spells to make a living, so it is close to The combat ability is generally weak, but the spell limit is very high. At a high level, you can cast very exaggerated spells, even the kind that can flatten a mountain with a flash of lightning.

Half-magic? The upper limit is limited. It belongs to the wild way of half-way cultivation.

The five-element escape magician is a half-magician, like a thief, assassin or other profession who is a part-time Taoist priest and then a second-level. Fighting is flashy, spitting fire and splitting, just like Naruto.

It is completely incomparable to us, the five-element magicians who master the power of heaven and earth and the true meaning of the five elements.

But it is still quite advantageous compared to ordinary physical professions. "

It turns out that it is really related to Naruto... Xiao Jie secretly remembered Deidara's words in his heart, and then he was a little amused.

"By the way, you look down on the five-element escape magician so much, why did you give him such a name?"

Deidara was very familiar with Xiao Jie. He didn't think about Xiao Jie's question at all, but laughed and said: "Haha, if you don't have a middle school, you are a waste of youth. "

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