Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 195 Let’s go down the cave

The more Xiao Jie knew about the Qinglong Club, the more he was sure that this guild was definitely an offline guild.

The difference between online and offline guilds is huge, and the most direct difference is the control over guild members.

Xiao Jie used to work in a studio. He could basically do things as easily as his arm in an offline guild, but not in an online one. Sometimes it would take several hours to recruit people.

The Qinglong Club can do this. Even if it loses a large number of people, it can be quickly replenished. Moreover, they started almost at the same time. It can be seen that it is a studio in reality.

Thinking about the fact that Liu Qiang was willing to use two activation codes to trick himself, it can be seen that the Qinglong Club must have a large number of activation codes in his hands.

The power behind such a guild is definitely not ordinary. Fortunately, the Dragon Knights are not bad.

Now that both sides are aiming to slay dragons and establish a country, Xiao Jie has a hunch that there will be conflicts or even wars between the two sides in the future.

This is a good opportunity to settle accounts with Liu Qiang, but to do this, he must gain enough status in the guild.

Thinking of this, Xiao Jie also became concerned about the development of the Dragon Soaring Knights.

He immediately entered the Luoyang Town branch, downloaded the monster force information of the Luoyang Plain, and analyzed it.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Xiao Jie entered the chat room of the Dragon Soaring Knights Luoyang Town branch on time.

Others have arrived, and there are a total of five people participating in the meeting and decision-making.

Qianlong Wuyong (Qiuqi Captain): Level 26. (Branch President)

Xiaobailong (Shesheng Captain): Level 25 (Deputy Branch President)

Xianyu (Swordsman): Level 32. (Guest)

Deidara (Five Elements Warlock): Level 25. (Guest)

Yinyue Suifeng (Beast Tamer): Level 16. (Guest)

Seeing Xiao Jie appear in the meeting room, Xiaobailong and Xianyu didn't say anything, obviously they had also watched the duel video.

Xiao Jie suddenly felt a little strange. He could understand other people, why would this Xianyu be a swordsman? You know, if a player has multiple professions, the system will directly display the highest-level profession.

It's impossible that all three of his professions are basic professions? In the end, he was a general among the short men? He was shown as a swordsman? That's too miserable.

Deidara: Damn, what's going on? A guest official of level 16, it's a bit outrageous.

Xianyu: Didn't you watch the video? He killed a level 29 Qigong master alone.

Deidara: Ah, you are the one who killed Xiongba? OK, OK, just ignore what I said.

Qianlongwuyong: Okay, everyone is here, our meeting officially begins. Today we are here mainly to discuss the development path of our Luoyang Town branch.

Recently, the branch has received a lot of new members, and the total number has exceeded 50. Everyone is still in the stage of leveling up. According to the instructions issued by the president, this situation must be changed. We must organize everyone to level up and fight BOSS together to improve our overall strength.

The current development strength of the Falling Sun Plain is very low. Several large monster forces have not been attacked much, and their strength is at its peak. Therefore, if you want to attack a monster force, you still need to make a good plan. If you have any suggestions, please speak up.

Salted Fish: Haha, the big job is finally here. I can't wait. Do I need to think about it? It must be to attack Black Wind Mountain. The bandits in Black Wind Mountain have been robbing for so long, and their family must be very rich. As long as they can take it down, they will definitely take off.

Deidara: The bandits in Black Wind Mountain have a mountain stronghold to rely on. It's okay to fight on the periphery and brush small monsters. If you want to take down the main stronghold, there will be heavy casualties. How many people do you plan to die? Thirty or fifty?

Salted Fish: Damn, how can it be so dangerous? It's just a group of bandits. Besides, how can you play this game without taking risks? Then tell me where to level up without danger?

Deidara: It must be the Hundred Wolf Cave. The Wolf King in the Hundred Wolf Cave can definitely drop epic equipment. Moreover, there is no fortification in the Hundred Wolf Cave. We can just push all the way and it will be over. There is no need to attack the city at all.

Salted Fish: Hehe, do you think I don’t know what you are planning? The Wolf Demon Priest drops magic skill books. You must be going for this.

Don’t you think that if you lure the Wolf King out, will there be fewer deaths?

Deidara: Ha, just like you are not going for the skills of the bosses in Black Wind Mountain. Don’t think I don’t know that you have a part-time job as a bandit at level 20. You will definitely feel the most comfortable when you rob things.

You are already over 30 and you don’t go to join the main group but are here to rob resources. Aren’t you ashamed?

Salted Fish: I just like to help newcomers kill monsters and do tasks. What’s your business?

Deidara: I think you are afraid of death.

Xianyu: You sound like you're not afraid. How much experience can you get here at level 26?

Seeing the two guest officials start to attack each other, Xiao Jie was speechless. These peripheral members are really unorganized and undisciplined, and everyone has their own little calculations.

But why didn't Qianlong Wuyong say anything? There should be a plan for this kind of thing.

Qianlong Wuyong: Let's talk nicely, Yinyue Suifeng, do you have any opinions?

Xiao Jie certainly has his own ideas. He did some homework today.

He typed immediately.

Yin Yue Sui Feng: I think with our current strength, it is not realistic to attack Black Wind Mountain and Hundred Wolf Cave. Of course, it is not to say that we can't defeat them, but if we really go all out, people will definitely die, and there may be a lot of deaths. Considering the nature of this game, it is obviously not worth the loss. Too many deaths will easily cause the morale of peripheral members to lose. I think the most urgent task is to focus on development.

It can increase experience points and gain some material benefits, so I suggest to attack the mines in Luotie Mountain.

Salted Fish: The mines are full of zombies, and the undead monsters are very hard to beat.

Yin Yue Sui Feng: Yes, zombies are indeed difficult to beat, they are hard and have high damage, but the biggest advantage of zombies is that they have no IQ, which is not available in Black Wind Mountain and Hundred Wolf Cave. The humanoid monsters have too high IQ and too much uncertainty. If a wolf king suddenly appears, or the bandits set up an ambush, it is easy to lose manpower.

Zombies are different. They are all brainless monsters. Basically, they are just difficult to fight, but we have so many people, the output is definitely overflowing, and we can kill them no matter how hard they are.

Moreover, as long as you occupy the mine, you can mine. As far as I know, you can only dig the lowest-level iron ore and copper ore in the wild, but you can dig high-level ore in the mine, which is very meaningful for improving the strength of the entire union, and it can also allow peripheral members to enjoy a wave of mineral benefits, which is very helpful for improving morale.

After all, the monsters' drops are limited, and it is a sure-win business to dig some materials to sell.

If you fight a national war in the future, you will need a lot of ore resources to arm the army, which needs to be prepared in advance.

Moreover, there is a chance to spawn corpse kings in the mine, and the corpse kings will drop skill books of various professions. As long as you can kill a few, whoever can use the skill book will be given priority, so that everyone has the opportunity to get promoted.

Xiaobailong: Is it too risky? If you go down the cave, it is easy to cause confusion if you don't cooperate properly.

This is true. Since this game is very realistic, going down the cave is definitely not just changing the map.

Lighting alone is a problem. The cave is pitch black, so there must be a light source. Even if you light a torch, you will never be able to get the same view as on the surface.

It is more likely to encounter emergencies and accidents.

Yin Yue Sui Feng: That's right, so I suggest that we first attack a village occupied by bandits to train the troops and gain some reputation.

There are many villages outside Luoyang Town, but with the advent of the disaster, most of these villages have been abandoned. They have either become dead abandoned places where plague zombies are rampant, or they have been occupied by bandits and robbers from Black Wind Mountain and become monster nests.

Luoyang Town issued a decree to recover lost territory, and taking down a village will reward a large amount of reputation points.

However, these villages have fortifications and are guarded by small bosses. It is not easy for ordinary people to take down three or five teams.

However, with the strength of the Dragon Flying Knights, it should not be a big problem.

Qian Long Wu Yong: So we will attack the village first and then take the mine. Do you have any opinions?

No one said anything, mainly because Xiao Jie's two proposals had no direct interest in him, and he could not find a reason to oppose. In addition, whether it was Xianyu or Deidara, they were somewhat interested in the skill book that dropped from the corpse king.

High-level skill books must be given to those who contribute the most in the battle, and as the two of them are the strongest guest officials in the level profession, they can easily get the greatest contribution as long as they perform normally.

Qianlong Wuyong: That's it, I'll ask the staff to make a plan tonight, and we'll set off at nine o'clock tomorrow morning-Xiaobailong, submit the meeting minutes to the headquarters, and then send a notice to all players in the group, explaining tomorrow's leveling action, requiring all core members to be present, and peripheral members can choose whether to join, and adjourn.

The next morning at nine o'clock-

The square of Luoyang Town was crowded with players of the Dragon Flying Knights.

Hearing that the guild was holding an event, local players signed up to participate, as many as forty or fifty people.

Among them, there were only a dozen core members, and the rest were peripheral members.

At this moment, Qianlong Wuyong rode a pure white horse, wearing silver armor, and came to the square.

It must be said that the military commander profession is definitely the coolest one among the basic professions in terms of appearance.

"All new members, please come to my side."

Many new members gathered over there.

Qianlong Wuyong said to the newcomers below: "Today is the first event held by our branch this month. I think you must not know much about our guild. First of all, welcome everyone to join our guild. Now that you have joined this big family, you are a part of this guild. In the future, we must help each other and support each other...

Our guild is committed to maintaining fairness and justice in the game, harmonious order, and helping weak players survive in this cruel game world.

This game has always been very cruel, and the fights between players are very fierce. Our president really can't accept this reality, so he established the Dragon Knights to establish an absolute order and a game society where players live in harmony and help each other, so that everyone can truly enjoy the benefits brought by the game and reduce unnecessary casualties as much as possible.

I think you have seen dead players, and you may even know someone who died in the game. This is really heartbreaking..."

Qianlongwuyong's passionate speech, citing classics, immediately resonated with many people, especially those whose companions died, such as the Weird Fox trio. At this moment, the three of them were listening and communicating privately using voice software.

Ji Fengzhiyin said excitedly: "He is so right. If the players of this game can live in harmony and help each other, the two of them will not die."

Weimianhu disagreed, "If they really think so, why don't they just send people to wait in the Novice Village?"

Ji Fengzhiyin was speechless, "They don't owe us anything."

"Humph, if they are really that good, they should do this. I think they just want us to suffer and die, so that the remaining people will be grateful."

Mu Qingliu was stunned. He didn't expect Weird Fox to think so.

Monsoon Hidden was a little unhappy, "If it weren't for Brother Feng, we would have died long ago. Isn't Brother Feng also a member of the Dragon Soaring Knights? You still say this after being rescued. Do you have any conscience?"

"Humph, I think Brother Feng may not be of the same mind as those people."

This made the two stunned for a moment.

"Okay, this is the purpose of our Dragon Soaring Knights. I know that such a purpose sounds a bit too idealistic, and I won't force you to accept it. But if anyone wants to fight for this goal, you can apply to become a core member. However, I have to say it in advance. Ordinary members can maintain a high degree of freedom. Everyone can do whatever they want as long as it does not harm the interests of the guild.

But once you become a core member, you must take on greater responsibilities, obey orders, and obey discipline..."

As soon as these words came out, the players immediately talked about it. This ideal sounds good, but becoming a core member... It sounds so strict.

Most people don't like to be constrained, especially discipline and obeying orders. It makes people feel very depressed.

So although the response to Qianlongwuyong's speech was very enthusiastic, few people actually applied for registration.

But it's not that there are none at all.

"I want to apply to join."

"I also apply to join."

Soon three people applied to sign up.

"And me, I also want to become a core member!"

Ji Fengzhiyin and Mu Qingliu were immediately surprised. It was Guimianhu who said this.

Both of them were a little speechless. You just said that you doubted other people's motives, why do you want to join now?

Although the two of them admired the Dragon Soaring Knights' actions to help newcomers and their plans to establish the order of the game, they were quite resistant to applying to become core members.

Unexpectedly, Guimianhu chose to apply to become a core member.

"Very good, you can submit your application to the Organization Department. After today's event, someone will explain to you the disciplines that core members need to abide by and the assessment items that need to be completed to become core members."

"Fox, what's wrong with you?" Ji Fengzhiyin asked puzzledly.

Guimianhu said proudly, "What do you know? This is an organization that really does big things. If you want to really get ahead, only this can succeed."

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