Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 185 The grand narrative of Dragon Traveling the World

Xiao Jie sighed: "It's all thanks to my elder brother for teaching me the peerless swordsmanship."

"Haha, you helped me so much, what's the big deal about teaching you a set of swordsmanship? It's just that you are honest. If it were another human, they would definitely use some nonsense to frame me, and they would enjoy the gift of the immortal.

We are brothers, don't mention the word thank you again in the future."

Xiao Jie felt ashamed after hearing this. But he laughed and said: "That's right, brother, I won't be polite to you in the future."

Xiao Jie said and looked at the time. It was just past noon, only 12:30, and the two duels combined did not take half an hour.

"Brother, I'm going to leave here and continue to exorcise demons, practice martial arts, and improve my strength. Do you have any plans? Do you want to go with me?"

Yuan Bai shook his head and said, "No, no, I'm too old to practice martial arts. If you want to go, go. I think this big city is pretty good. It's not easy to come to this world, so you naturally have to experience the taste of human beings. Have you finished your business? Kill those two enemies, and I don't think anyone will make things difficult for you anymore."

Xiao Jie couldn't help but feel a little regretful. When he was dueling just now, he felt particularly relieved when he thought of the white ape on the side. Even if it was a life-and-death duel, he had an inexplicable confidence when fighting.

How cool it would be if there was always a 46-level thigh by his side to protect him.

But he also knew that the white ape couldn't follow him all the time. Before, he just promised to help him deal with the dangers of the Tianxiahui. Now that the matter is over, it is naturally impossible for the other party to continue to follow him.

Of course, if he begged and pleaded that there was still danger and he needed someone to protect him, the white ape might still follow him for a while, but that would probably hurt their relationship.

And it probably wouldn't last long.

Besides, he couldn't do such a thing.

"In that case, big brother, we can only say goodbye now."

"Brother, don't be in a hurry to leave. How about we go for a drink first? It can also be regarded as a farewell drink for you. I think the restaurant yesterday was good - the taste of the food, tut tut." Yuan Bai said with a look of aftertaste.

Xiao Jie thought that you are greedy, but in this situation, he was reluctant to part like this. After all, the two of them have known each other and experienced a lot.

"Then come on, brothers, we won't go home until we are drunk today."

When the two came to the restaurant, Xiao Jie looked at his backpack. There was still a balance of more than ten taels of silver, so he could afford to eat.

While the waiter hadn't come to greet him yet, Xiao Jie opened his backpack and opened the two trophies first.

The first one to be opened was the one dropped by Yunxiaoke. Double-click the mouse, and the package disappears and turns into a stone seal.

[System prompt: You get the item ‘Spirit Stone Talisman’. ]

Huh? It turned out to be this thing... Xiao Jie was a little speechless, thinking it would be some kind of equipment.

But it’s okay, this thing is worth at least one or two hundred thousand. I didn’t dare to go down to the tomb cave easily before, and this thing was completely useless. Now I have mastered the peerless magic skill - the key is that I am not afraid of being trapped underground with the phantom trace, and I can try to explore in the future.

This thing is also useful.

Next is Xiongba’s spoils of war, but it is a purple package. Xiao Jie is looking forward to this thing, thinking that this time I must get a good thing.

Double-click the mouse, a white light flashes, the package disappears, and it turns into a black robe.

[Black Robe with Black Gold Dragon Pattern (Robe/Epic)

Weight 8.

Body Defense +24.

Equipment Special Effect 1: Black Gold Dark Armor. It prevents your body from being attacked and triggering a vital blow.

Equipment special effect 2: Dragon pattern true meaning. Increase your strength, agility, physique, and endurance by +2.

Item introduction: A gorgeous black robe with a dragon pattern sewn with black gold thread, which hides a mystery and can provide additional protection for the body's vital parts. It is said that the dragon is the symbol of the king. The black gold dragon pattern is exquisite and has a hint of the dragon's true meaning, so it can comprehensively improve the wearer's attributes. 】

What a good thing!

Xiao Jie's eyes lit up when he saw it.

A piece of cloth armor can increase the body defense by 24, which is quite good, not to mention that these two equipment special effects are quite practical, all basic attributes +2, and immunity to vital attacks, wow, wow, wow, these are special effects that can directly improve strength.

More importantly - this outfit is handsome enough.

It just so happens that he is in need of a good outfit, and he is still wearing a white leather armor.

Xiao Jie put on his clothes directly, a black robe with dragon pattern, holding two swords, and wearing the Shura ghost mask, he has an inexplicably fierce and brutal temperament.

Xiao Jie was in a good mood after getting the top-quality equipment.

"Waiter, bring up any good wine and food you have."

"Haha, my second brother is really generous."

The wine and food were served soon, and the two of them ate and drank to their heart's content, discussing their respective plans for the future while eating.

"I plan to stay in this big city for a while, enjoy the prosperity of the world, and see the various aspects of the world. Where are you going, brother?"

"I plan to go back to Luoyang Town to continue leveling up - um, that means polishing my martial arts, and by the way, exorcising demons. I heard that there are wolf demons and robbers in Luoyang Town. In the past, my martial arts were low and I couldn't eliminate them. Now that my swordsmanship has become a good opportunity to show my skills.

By the way, big brother, what should I do if I want to find you in the future?"

"You can find me here in a short time. As for what happens next, we will meet again if we are destined."

As the two were chatting, Yuan Bai's ears suddenly moved and he snorted, "Brother, I'm drunk. I'll sleep for a while. You can do whatever you want."

After saying that, he fell asleep on the table, snoring, and a line of zzz symbols appeared on his head.

Xiao Jie couldn't help but be stunned, thinking what was going on, when did this old monkey have such a poor alcohol tolerance?

But then he heard a horse neighing coming from the street. The horse's neighing was long and high, as if it had an echo, and it was as deep as a dragon's roar. Xiao Jie immediately had a guess in his mind. Sure enough, a moment later, he heard a sound of people walking up the stairs, and saw a man wearing black armor striding up. Who else could it be but Long Xing Tian Xia.

"Ah, Brother Suifeng hasn't left yet. It's just right. I have something to tell you - you run fast, and I'm so busy with the aftermath..."

Xiao Jie laughed in his heart. He didn't expect that the name would be different after killing two people.

Before, he was a little brother, but now he is Brother Suifeng. It turns out that showing strength is the best way to gain respect.

As Long Xingtianxia was talking, he suddenly saw Yuan Bai lying on the table and was shocked.

Level 46 hermit... Long Xingtianxia was originally very concerned about recruiting Yinyue Suifeng, and now he became more cautious.

This kid is really extraordinary.

"President Long wants to see me for something?" Xiao Jie pretended to be surprised, but he had already guessed his purpose in his heart.

"Of course there is something - let's talk in another place, don't disturb this - senior."

There are not many people who can make Long Xingtianxia call him senior.

The two moved to a table next to them, and Long Xingtianxia got straight to the point, "I don't like those beating around the bush, so I'll say it directly. I hope Brother Suifeng will join our Longxiang Knights."

These words made Xiao Jie stunned. He guessed that there would be such a thing, but he didn't expect the other party to be so direct.

"Well... I'm used to being lazy. Besides, I'm just a level 15 trumpet. President Long..."

Long Xingtianxia saw Xiao Jie trying to shirk his responsibility and interrupted him directly: "I know what you're thinking, brother. Individual players like you don't like constraints, and you must be naturally disgusted with a large guild like ours, especially since our guild is always engaged in formalism, such as establishing order and harmonious games. You must think that we are selling dog meat under the guise of sheep, and we are creating some bad names to enhance the strength of the guild.

I understand, I understand, but before you refuse, please listen to my reasons first."

"Uh, how can that be... Actually, I admire your guild."

"Haha, don't be polite to me, I would think so too, After all, no one likes to be controlled by others. It’s fine to be bound by laws in reality, but no one likes to face this in the game.

But brother, have you ever thought about a question, why do laws exist in reality? "

Xiao Jie thought for a moment, "Because people need it?"

"Yes, people need it, they need laws to protect their own safety. It’s the same in the game, but there is no strong law enforcement agency to enforce the law, which makes it a lawless place.

Do you know how many people died in this game in the past year? "

"How many?"

"Thirty thousand!"

Xiao Jie thought to himself, is this true? The server capacity of this game is only ten thousand people in total.

But think about it carefully, it’s not impossible. At the beginning, the black windbreaker of the game player management bureau said that the annual mortality rate reached 80% or 90%...

Anyway, it’s a lot. In this way, it’s not difficult to die two or three thousand people.

"How do you know so clearly?"

"I can only say that I have a special information channel-how many dead people have you seen in these few days, brother?"

Xiao Jie recalled that there were really many, there were dozens of them.

"This is the result of no order, only chaos. Everyone fights for their own interests, just like the Warring States period. Why is Qin Shihuang revered as the greatest emperor of all time? It is because he unified China, ended the endless chaos and internal strife, and united the power of the entire China.

What I want to do is actually the same as Qin Shihuang, to end the current chaotic situation in the game and establish a unified game order.

Only in this way can the game players restore the situation of peaceful coexistence and no longer waste internal energy.

Only in this way can the power of the players be gathered to explore the real depth of the game.

And to achieve For this, there must be a leader, a creator of order. In fact, I don't like to do these things. I chose the profession of a military general, the third-level general of the cavalry. This profession is indeed very strong in the game, but it is useless in reality.

With this energy and resources, why don't I play a magic system? It would be so cool to use the magic of immortals.

Why do you say I do this? It is to build a harmonious game. Only a commanding profession like the general of the cavalry can maximize the power of the army in the national war. "

Xiao Jie was slightly stunned, thinking that it was really the case. At least if he had so many resources, he would definitely go the route of the magic system.

From this point of view, Long Xing Tianxia made great sacrifices to establish a harmonious order.

However, since he read the human path chapter of the nameless Tao Sutra, he has a deeper understanding of human nature. People always use some more beautiful and high-end things to package their true purpose.

Who knows that Long Xing Tianxia has other purposes?

Some words can be believed but not completely believed.

Xiao Jie pondered for a moment, and suddenly asked an irrelevant question, "I heard that President Long has an official background, is it true?"

"I can't admit this, nor will I deny it, but I do have some special connections.

The reason why I chose to take this path is also related to these relationships behind me." Long Xingtianxia said it quite obscurely, but the explicit and implicit hints were already very obvious.

"I won't hide it from you. My goal is to slay the dragon and found a country, unify the nine states, and establish an order system covering the entire game. At that time, all players can adventure in the game safely and securely, and will not be bullied by people like Tianxiahui, and will not be treated unfairly.

And at that time, we can also organize players to act in groups, and even organize large-scale player armies to sweep monsters' nests. In this way, players can get promoted while maintaining maximum safety. Isn't it good?

Like the current scattered and guerrilla style of play, most players can only bully some small monsters, and they can't even level up safely. It's simply inefficient. I think you should have some experience."

"I know, this kind of future sounds boring and uninteresting. How can I get revenge? It's refreshing, just like Xia Yi Wushuang. Actually, Xia Yi Wushuang is a good person. I know this very well, so I had people drive him away before.

But Xia Yi Wushuang's behavior can't bring real harmony to this game. He can punish evil for his friends today, but tomorrow someone kills good people in the same name? How do you know whether he kills good people or bad people?

At that time, there will be no way. Anyone can kill people in this name, so I admire Xia Yi Wushuang, but what he did is definitely wrong. I can only drive him out of my sphere of influence.

Such people will inevitably be destroyers of order. I hope you can understand this.

If left alone, the game environment will eventually evolve into the law of the jungle. "

Xiao Jie had to admit that Long Xing Tianxia's words made some sense.

As a senior game player, he has been exposed to many game environments, especially those games where studios are rampant, which often end up becoming so-called cesspools, and everyone competes with each other to see who has no bottom line.

"I understand, but why me? Why are you telling me that? I'm just a level 15 trumpet."

"Haha, don't underestimate yourself, you can level up, you can gain experience, but personal strength cannot be measured by these external things. You definitely have the potential to become a real strong man. Most people are destined to go with the flow. There are only a few people who really create history, and you are such a person.

I have seen a lot of players in this game. Tianxiahui bullied so many people, why didn't anyone stand up? Everyone is thinking about their own interests.

If you can hide, hide. If you can't hide, find a big guild to join. No one wants to go against the Tianxiahui. After all, there is no benefit in going against them. It's just a waste of time.

Only you, brother Suifeng, dare to stand up and fight Tianxiahui.

And you are a ruthless person, I can see that. If you want to kill someone, then kill him. You have been aiming to kill people since the fight. You killed the core figures of Tianxiahui and directly broke Tianxiahui apart. Most people can't do this.

In the future, I will slay dragons and build a country. I will have to face various challenges. A hero needs three helpers. It is not possible without a few reliable brothers under my command.

Moreover, this person must know when to be ruthless and cannot be soft-hearted. To unify the nine states, there will inevitably be a war. By then, hundreds of people will die. Ordinary people may be afraid, feel guilty, and retreat when the time comes. But I can see that you are definitely not that kind of person. For a truly harmonious world and true peace, you will definitely do what you should do and know that some sacrifices are necessary.

The so-called thunderbolt means show the heart of a bodhisattva. This is the truth. "

Xiao Jie was surprised to hear this. Long Xingtianxia has great ambitions.

Moreover, he is not sure whether he is a ruthless person. Long Xingtianxia is definitely a ruthless person. It seems that in order to achieve his goal, he will not hesitate to kill thousands of people.

Just the picture he described makes people feel excited.

National war, thousands of players fighting NPCs, it's exciting to imagine. If this is an ordinary game, he will definitely join in without hesitation and complete the hegemony of unifying Kyushu.

But this is a death game after all, and his goal is to gain power and revenge - to become an immortal.

Although it is not completely in conflict with the struggle for world domination, it is not very compatible.

Long Xing Tianxia seemed to have guessed his thoughts, "I know that doing these will consume a lot of energy and time, but you have to know that the game Jiutu is an online game, and there is strength in numbers. With the support of the guild, whether it is leveling up, exploring new maps or fighting bosses, it will be twice as effective with half the effort.

The current situation of this game is a mess, which actually leads to very limited development and utilization of game content.

If we can really achieve our goal and unify the world, then we can gather the power of all players in the game, and what can't we do? Even becoming an immortal or a god may not be without a chance.

Maybe at that time, everyone will work together to develop the in-depth gameplay of the game, so that everyone can become an immortal and ascend to heaven."

After hearing this, Xiao Jie was shocked by Long Xing Tianxia's idea, even though he was a man with a wild imagination. Damn, this guy is really bold...

He didn't refuse immediately, "I need to think about it."

"Ha, it's okay. Our Longxiang Knights emphasize like-mindedness and will not force you. Of course, it would be better if you can join. I am looking forward to it. As long as you are willing to join, you will immediately start as a branch president. Moreover, our guild has very good benefits and will never treat brothers unfairly. Brother, please think about it carefully."

Watching Long Xing Tianxia leave, Xiao Jie fell into deep thought.

"Haha, you don't really want to join a second-rate guild, do you?" A slightly sarcastic voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Xiao Jie was stunned, and when he looked up, he saw another person in front of him, a Taoist in a gray robe.

Shen Suan Tianmo (Xian Shu Master): Level 36, HP 820.

Xiao Jie was shocked, level 36! Damn, where did this master come from?

But he was not too nervous, because his elder brother was sleeping next to him.

"What do you mean?"

"That Long Xing Tian Xia game player is pretty good, but unfortunately his mind is too narrow, he only thinks about the trivial things of the mortal world, and ultimately falls behind.

This game has gods and demons, and even if secular power is established, it is just a castle on the beach, which can restrain some ordinary mortals, but is meaningless to the real strong. Only a very few people can comprehend the true secret of this game - and now you have such an opportunity.

Let me introduce myself, a member of the Pantheon - Shen Suan Tian Mo, hello Yin Yue Sui Feng."

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