Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 156 White Ape Sword Master

After completing the task and receiving the reward, Xiao Jie was in no hurry to leave.

It's rare to meet such a worldly master, so you have to go through it carefully.

Generally speaking, if the NPC's favorability reaches 100, you can get a gift from the other party. Granny Li can give you a good Qinggong secret book. If this worldly master can reach 100, he will not be able to give you a peerless martial arts. .

Of course, Xiao Jie can also imagine that the more senior someone is, the harder it will be to increase their favorability, but it all depends on man-made efforts, and people always have to have dreams.

And Xiao Jie now has a huge advantage, that is, the white ape cannot be communicated with other players at all. It can be said that it is his own exclusive strategy target. This condition is unique.

He said happily at the moment: "Thank you, Senior Yuan, for making it possible. With this recipe, I will definitely be able to brew the best wine. By the way, Senior Yuan, if you need anything else, just ask me. I will try my best to help you." ”

"No need, I'm living happily in the mountains. Everything I need is readily available, so you don't need to worry."

Seeing Bai Yuan's attitude becoming colder, Xiao Jie thought to himself that this master was indeed difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, I was prepared.

"Ah, by the way, Senior Ape, this junior also brought some other things. I wonder if Senior Ape is interested."

As he spoke, Xiao Jie placed the items in his bag on the ground one by one. The nature of this animal cannot be understood by human thinking. According to Xiao Jie's experience these days, the minds of animals are often simpler and childish, more similar to human children.

Despite the old-fashioned tone of this white ape, looking at the happy expression on his face while making tea and dressing up, he is no different from a child.

Xiao Jie had calculated exactly this and deliberately placed things all over the floor.

The white ape had a nonchalant expression at first, but after looking at it, he couldn't move his eyes away.

"Hey, what is this?" The white ape picked up a book "The Travels of Strangers" and flipped through it without knowing why.

"This is a book." Xiao Jie explained, "It is used to record knowledge."

"The Travels of Strangers", "The Book of Herbs", "Jiuzhou Chronicles", and "Illustrations of Mountains and Seas" were all found by Xiao Jie in the old house of the Tian family.

"Book? I've heard people talk about this thing. It turns out that it looks like this. I heard that reading can make you smarter, so I have to take a look. I'm almost stupid after hanging around with these hozens all day long. It's rare for me to be a bit stupid. It’s something for entertainment and fun, I’ll study it carefully.”

As he spoke, he picked up a book and pretended to read it.

Xiao Jie's eyelids twitched, "Brother, you seem to have picked it up backwards."

However, he decisively did not remind him that he should not be too upright.

The white ape read a few pages but couldn't figure it out. He opened another book of mountains and seas and said that this time he finally understood it a little bit - there are illustrations.

"Yes, yes, you really need to read more books to be a monkey. I like your thing very much. I want it. What do you want? I can trade you some fruit."

"Senior Yuan, you don't have to be polite. These are the filial piety from this junior. I'm very happy that you like this junior. How can you ask for anything in return?"

The best reward is favorability.

"Oh my, how can this be so embarrassing?" Bai Yuan said, but he carefully folded a few books and stuffed them into his arms.

[System prompt: The nameless white ape’s favorability towards you has increased by 3 points, and is now 48. 】

Xiao Jie thought there was a way, continue——

"And here, look, Senior Ape, these are the bowls and plates used by humans to eat. I think they are just right for you to hold fruits."

"I recognize it, I recognize it. I've seen people use it before. Okay, I want this one too."

[System prompt: The nameless white ape’s favorability towards you has increased by 1 point. 】

Just a little... It seems that it must be a rare thing that Bai Yuan has never seen before in order to gain a higher favorability.

Fortunately, I bought a lot of things.

"And this, look at this thing, it's very fun."

This time, what he took out was a windmill and a rattle, both of which were bought at a toy stall. As expected, the white ape was beaming.

"Okay, okay, I've seen this thing before, but I've never played with it. Let me study it carefully."

It rose another 3 points.

Xiao Jie continued to give them to him one by one. The white ape's preferences were quite strange. Some things were inexplicably able to tap into his hobby, such as giant crab meat. I originally thought that the monkey would not have any reaction to such things, but he didn't expect it. The favorability increased by 3 points.

However, not everything can go up. Occasionally, he will do bad things with good intentions, such as giving a piece of high-quality firewood. I thought the monkey would be very interested in this stick-like thing.

Unexpectedly, Bai Yuan was furious and lost two points.

Fortunately, most gifts can still increase the person's favorability, and at worst, they may lead to disinterest.

In a short time, Xiao Jie had given away most of the things he could carry in his bag, and his favorability level had reached 64.

After looking at it, there really wasn’t anything left to give.

The rest are all equipment. I definitely can’t give away what I use, but I have a spare one that I can give it a try.

Bows and arrows are definitely not good. These are used by hunters. The monkeys might get very angry when they see them.

You can try this knife.

He has a total of three knives on his body, the Yanling Knife, the Blood Drinking Knife, and the Big Knife.

According to his experience, each item can only increase favorability when given for the first time. It will have no effect the second time. Therefore, if you want to increase the favorability, you still have to give good things.

Xiao Jie gritted his teeth and sent the Yanling knife away.

The white ape was holding the Yan Ling Dao and seemed a little surprised and a little emotional. "Hey, this knife is pretty good. Do you want to give it to me?"

"Yes, I think Senior Yuan is a master. If you like this knife, just give it to Senior Yuan."

"Haha, it's rare for you to be so kind, but I really want to get a knife to play with." It took the Yanling knife and made a sharp dance.

They actually started practicing in the open space like this.

His body is like the wind, his agility is like a shadow, and his sword skills are like a god. Xiao Jie can still see the movements of the white ape at first, but in an instant, he can only see an erratic white shadow, flashing in front of his eyes. Go, and the cold knife light flashing in the air.

A gust of wind blew up some leaves, and as soon as they entered the white ape, they were all split into two halves.

Damn, what a powerful swordsmanship! This white ape is actually a master with a knife?

With this kind of fighting power, even the chivalrous and unparalleled warrior at the time was probably not that good at all.

This agility must be at least 100 or above!

This sword technique must be at least master level, maybe even grand master level.


Bai Yuan finally finished practicing his sword skills and returned to Xiao Jie. Looking around on the ground, not a single leaf was intact.

"Not bad, I like this gift very much."

[System prompt: The nameless white ape's favorability towards you has increased by 10 points. You watched the swordsmanship exercise practiced by the White Ape Sword Master, and your swordsmanship experience has increased by 500 points.

White Ape Sword Saint? Is this its true identity? Then this good feeling must be fully cultivated.

Yes, this knife was not given away in vain. It increased the favorability level by 10 points and also increased the sword skill experience by 500 points.

Xiao Jie comforted himself in his heart, saying that this Yanling knife had been with him for so long, and now it was finally time to replace it with a new one.

The Blood Drinking Knife is still there. I will wait until I have money from selling the Monkey Wine to buy a better one.

Xiao Jie looked at the favorability score and found it had reached 74.

But I can’t find anything else to send.

"Senior Yuan, is there anything else you want? As long as you want it, I will definitely get it for you."

The white ape pondered for a moment, "You are a good person for giving me so many gifts. I do have something I want, but it's a pity that you can't give it to me."

"What's that?"

"Hmph, just don't say it." After saying that, he ignored Xiao Jie.

It seemed that the favorability was not enough, Xiao Jie became more and more interested.

He could feel that once he got what the white ape wanted most, he would definitely get the best reward. Sooner or later it must be filled up.

By the time Xiao Jie returned to Sao Feng City, it was already five o'clock.

Xiao Jie did not stop, and went to the auction house again and started to buy the materials for making monkey wine. Fortunately, the wild fruits needed for wine making were actually sold, and they were not expensive at all, only a few cents each.

The clay pot costs fifty cents each, and the only more expensive material is Lingsha grass, which costs 150 cents.

After some calculation, all the ingredients for making Monkey Wine cost 280 Wen.

If you sell one for 1,000 Wen, you can earn 720 Wen per piece. Even if the transaction tax is removed, you can still earn 620 Wen.

This is more profitable than secret dog food.

Xiao Jie immediately scanned the goods, but unfortunately there were not many wild fruits for sale in the auction house. Xiao Jie swept them all away and calculated that they were only enough to make twelve bottles.

Xiao Jie directly hung up ten bottles and waited to collect the money tomorrow.

The other two bottles are left in the bag and may come in handy.

When he reached Fangshi, he saw the crazy Taoist man again.

To his surprise, the crazy Taoist was lying on the ground crying, looking heartbroken.

"Brother, what's going on with this guy?" he asked the player setting up a stall nearby.

"The money was stolen."

"Stealing money? Did the players do it?"

"Who else could it be but the player?" The man said gloatingly, "Damn, you cheated me out of ten taels of silver, but now it's better, someone else has stolen it all, so you can take it out on my behalf."

Xiao Jie was surprised: "Can you steal things in this game?"

"Yes, it should have been done by a snitch player. The core skill of this profession is stealing. You can steal things from humanoid monsters - don't worry, you can only steal from monsters and NPCs, not players."

Xiao Jie was a little surprised that there was such a profession that could steal money. Wouldn't players in this profession make a lot of money?

But I guess there should be restrictions.

Seeing the mad Taoist crying miserably, Xiao Jie suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

"Taoist priest, don't cry."

"I have no money, how can I not cry?"

"I have something that can make you no longer sad."

Right click and give as a gift - Monkey Wine.

"Drink a bottle of wine to relieve your worries."

The crazy Taoist was stunned for a moment when he saw the monkey wine appearing in his hand. He drank it all in one go and sighed, "It's a good wine, but it's a pity that it's not as good as the fairy wine in the Immortal Palace. If I have a chance to invite you to try it someday, it’s called fine wine, and your wine is just average.”

This bastard really deserves to steal, and he's still bragging after he's like this.

"You're welcome. It's just a good deed. Let's forget about the fairy wine and all that."

"Wait a minute, I'm not a freeloader. I don't have any fairy wine now, so I'll give you a secret book of fairy magic."

[System prompt: The crazy Taoist gifted you the item [Secret of Immortal Techniques]].

Xiao Jie hurriedly opened his backpack and checked it.

【The Secret of Immortal Dharma (Garbage)

Item introduction: A blank bamboo scroll with simple words scribbled on it, which has no value. 】

Although Xiao Jie was mentally prepared, he was still disappointed. It turned out to be a liar. Fortunately, he didn't invest much this time.

He roughly understood the positioning of this crazy Taoist. Xiao Jie had encountered this kind of NPC when he played World of Warcraft before. There was a "peerless treasure merchant" in Shattrath City, selling all kinds of garbage with awesome names, such as incredible extraordinary stones, genuine treasure hunting amulets, and shark teeth of swift water...

The names are more awesome than each other, and the prices are also very expensive, but they are useless.

It is purely used for fun. Many players were fooled at the beginning, especially the genuine treasure hunting amulets. Many metaphysical players even bought it and put it in their bags even though they knew it was useless, just to seek peace of mind. Xiao Jie had done this before, but the facts proved that this thing was useless. When touching the corpse, the black hand was still the black hand.

This crazy Taoist should be a similar existence.

Fortunately, a bottle of wine only costs 280 coins, which is not too bad compared to those who were cheated of ten taels of silver.

Xiao Jie looked at the secret book of immortal magic in his bag and hesitated whether to throw it away. After a moment's hesitation, he still couldn't bear to throw it away.

This kind of strange thing may come in handy at any time.

If it doesn't work, you can give it to the white ape as a gift or something.

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