Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 153 Monkey Valley

This game is really full of dangers, Xiao Jie muttered to himself while looking at the screen.

You can encounter such emergencies while rushing on the road. Encountering an adventure is a surprise, and encountering this kind of situation is just a pure shock.

You said that you, a group of monsters, did not stay at home and wait for adventurers to come to the door to attack, but actually ran out to kill people and rob goods. Isn’t it a bit too unprofessional?

Xiao Jie secretly complained in his heart and sent a message to Yu Chengxian.

Yin Yue Sui Feng: Chengxian, how are you, are you safe?

Yu Chengxian: Safe, there are no monsters around.

Yin Yue Sui Feng: Where are you now?

Yu Chengxian: Open the map I gave you, I am not far south of the pagoda.

Xiao Jie opened the map photo that Yu Chengxian sent him at the beginning. In the woods southeast of Luoyang Plain, there is indeed a sign of a pagoda. The map is marked as [Rebirth Pagoda]. Further south is a black fog, which is obviously an unexplored area.

Most of the areas on the map given by the village chief have been explored, and only the more dangerous adventure areas are black, which means that I may have entered a dangerous area, which makes him a little worried.

Yin Yue Sui Feng: Be careful not to walk around, I will go to meet you soon.

I want to become an immortal: OK, Feng brother, come here quickly, I have a task here.

Hmm? Xiao Jie was a little surprised, the tasks in this game are rare, and I am also very lucky.

He locked the target and galloped towards the forest.

Xiao Jie did not dare to go too deep, only moving on the edge of the forest with sparse trees, occasionally encountering one or two wild beasts, and the warhorse accelerated and left behind.

It is so cool to have a warhorse, there is a sense of elegance like passing through a thousand flowers without getting a leaf on the body.

The only thing to pay attention to is not to hit the tree, otherwise it is easy to get into trouble, but with Xiao Jie's operation, as long as he concentrates, such low-level mistakes will not occur.

After running for ten minutes, Xiao Jie saw the spire of the pagoda from a distance, towering above the forest, standing there in a dilapidated state. When he got closer, he found that the pagoda was actually a monster spawning point. The door of the pagoda was closed. On the weed-covered square below the pagoda, there stood a fat monk with a lot of flesh, stewing a big pot.

Wujie (Cannibal Monk), Level 19 Elite. HP: 1000.

There were also a few skinny old monks around, waiting eagerly for the meal.

Wujie laughed when he saw Xiao Jie, "This donor, meeting is fate, why don't you stay and have a bowl of vegetarian food before leaving?"

Xiao Jie didn't dare to stay, so he suddenly accelerated and bypassed the Rebirth Pagoda, and rushed south along the remote path. The monk Wujie gave up after chasing him for a few steps, turned around and walked back to his big pot.

Xiao Jie looked sideways behind him, and saw that the monk Wujie looked at the old monks one by one, and said with a smile: "Buddha said that cutting meat to feed the eagle, you can fill my belly, which is also a merit." Then he picked up an old monk and threw him into the pot. The other old monks saw it, not only did not panic, but looked at the big pot greedily.

Xiao Jie's scalp tingled, and he sped up again.

Fortunately, there were no particularly scary monsters after that. After comparing the map several times, he finally found the location of I want to become an immortal.

In front of him was a bamboo forest, and I wanted to become an immortal standing in front of the bamboo forest, talking to an NPC.

In front of the bamboo forest was the entrance to a valley sandwiched between two high mountains, and the valley was full of dense trees.

Xiao Jie looked at the NPC carefully.

It was a man dressed as a woodcutter, with a white cloth wrapped on his head, and blood oozing faintly, carrying a load of firewood behind him, and a hatchet hanging on his waist.

Zhang Dazhuang (injured woodcutter): Level 8, HP 210/240.

Not bad, doesn't look threatening.

He ran up to me and jumped off his horse. I was surprised and shouted: "Brother Feng, you were so handsome just now. Thanks to you for leading the monster away, otherwise I would be in danger."

"Why are you being polite? We are all brothers. What's the situation with this person?"

Zhang Dazhuang (injured woodcutter): "Ah, homecoming people, it's great to see you. I have heard about your deeds. Can you do me a favor? My monkey escaped into the valley ahead and disappeared. Can you help me find it?"

"Your monkey?"

"Yes, that's the monkey I raised since he was a child. It's very smart. I don't know why it suddenly went crazy and escaped to the valley. If you can help me bring the monkey back, I am willing to teach you my ancestral martial arts."

"Ancestral martial arts?" Xiao Jie thought to himself, is this true? What kind of martial arts can a level 8 NPC have?

"Of course not. Don't think I'm just a woodcutter. We also use knives to make a living. This martial art was suddenly enlightened by my grandfather when he was chopping wood. It is definitely very powerful."

System prompt: Trigger the task [Find the Monkey], help the woodcutter find the monkey "Maomao" who was lost in the Monkey Valley.

Task reward: Sword fighting skill × 1.

(Martial arts suddenly enlightened while chopping wood? Could it be a one-stroke cut?)

He was not very interested in the task reward. Even if it was not a one-stroke cut, it was probably just a similar ordinary fighting skill. It can't be said to be useless, but it is not very valuable to him now.

But he was somewhat interested in the Monkey Valley.

There must be a lot of monkeys living in the Monkey Valley. Maybe you can learn the recipe of monkey wine. If you can learn how to make monkey wine, then you can really make money. If you have money, you may not be able to learn advanced martial arts.

"Why don't you go find it yourself?"

"There are a lot of monkeys living in that valley. When they get close, they throw stones at me. You see, my head is broken. How can I dare to go in?"

There are indeed monkeys, which are good and worth a visit.

Look at the time, it's only two o'clock, there's still some time before dark.

Xiao Jie clicked to accept the task.

"Okay, this matter will be taken care of by our brothers. Let's go in and take a look."

I wanted to become an immortal, but I was a little surprised, "Ah, why does Brother Feng suddenly want to do this task? The reward is not that good."

"I am mainly interested in the monkeys in the Monkey Valley. If this task is easy to do, I will do it by the way." He didn't care much about this combat skill. What good skills can a woodcutter have? The main reason is that now the Monkey Wine The prices were rising steadily, and Xiao Jie couldn't help but want to talk to a monkey. Moreover, he had never seen a monkey in this game before, so he couldn't help but be a little curious. This monkey had hands and feet. If he could catch it as a pet, he didn't know what skills it had.

I want to become immortal, and the two of them walked towards the valley.

The woodcutter reminded loudly from behind, "Be careful, those monkeys can be very ferocious."

Xiao Jie didn't take it seriously. This guy was just a level 8 civilian. He was able to walk out alive and only lost dozens of points of blood. What was he afraid of?

Besides, he had beast language skills, but to be cautious, Xiao Jie still summoned Xiong Da.

The pet will automatically disappear when it is too far away from its owner. When you are on the road, you have to ride a horse, so it will disappear every time you run.

Fortunately, you can summon it again at any time by using the summoning pet skill.

Two people and one bear walked towards the valley, observing the mountains on both sides as they walked. The two sides of the Monkey Valley were surrounded by steep mountains, which were very steep.

Inside the valley are dense forests, towering and precipitous. The thick branches and leaves block the sunlight, making the surroundings appear quite dark.

Cuckoo quack! A strange cry made Xiao Jie look up, and sure enough he saw a big monkey lying on the tree, carrying a straw bag filled with stones.

Stone-Throwing Ape: Level 6, HP 120.

Now I feel more at ease, it's just a level 6 monster, but I'm here to learn skills, so I'd better be polite.

"Don't do it, I don't mean any harm." Xiao Jie shouted loudly.

"Gugu Gaga, can you speak our language? What are you? Human? Big monkey?"

"I'm a human, but I just understand a little monkey language."

"What are you doing here, human?"

"I'm here to find a lost monkey."

"Gugu Gaga, there are monkeys everywhere here. Does the monkey you are looking for have a name?"

"It's called Maomao."

"Cuckoo quack, coo quack, look for Maomao, look for Maomao! Someone is looking for Maomao." The monkey suddenly yelled like crazy, while banging the tree trunk with the stone in his hand, and a sound of rustling could be heard in the woods. With the sound of the monkeys, countless monkeys emerged from the valley, swinging around on the branches, hanging densely on the surrounding woods.

Xiao Jie looked at it and screamed inwardly that it was not good. Although these monkeys were not high level, only six or seven levels, they were all hanging on the trees, and most of them were long-range monsters. It was really difficult to fight with these monkeys.

"Get out of here humans, there's nothing furry here."

"Get out!"

"Get out!"

Something's wrong! Why are you so excited? Is there something special about this Maomao?

The originally neutral-colored monkeys all turned into red-named monsters in an instant.

Holy shit, what's going on?

Xiao Jie was shocked, and a stone flew towards him in the next second.

The stone's accuracy was not very good. Xiao Jie ducked down to avoid it, but I wanted to become an immortal but got hit twice. Fortunately, the damage was not high and only a few drops of blood were lost. The two of them hurriedly raised their shields.

Stones rained down.

The smashed shield made a clanging sound.

Xiong Dake had no shield to protect him. He was hit seven or eight times at once, and he howled in anger.

"Damn it, these monkeys are crazy, get out quickly."

Even if you have a bow and arrow at this time, it's useless. The opponent's attack is too fierce. If you fight back, you will definitely be attacked wildly. I can't shoot so many monkeys with my own blood shot.

The two people held up shields back to back to defend and retreat, but they were still hit several times. Fortunately, the monkey's damage was not high, and the two people escaped from the Monkey Valley in embarrassment.

Xiao Jie looked at the blood volume and saw that it had only lost more than a dozen points, but the durability of the shield was almost destroyed.

Xiao Jie looked towards the valley with lingering fear.

"Damn it, I didn't expect a group of monkeys to be so deadly. Why are these monkeys so excited?"

I wanted to become an immortal and guessed, "Could it be that this Maomao is also a monkey prince or something?"

Xiao Jie thought to himself: How could there be so many princes? Besides, since Maomao was raised by a woodcutter, how could he be a monkey prince?

Besides, it’s impossible for monkeys to have any royal status.

"Could it be that the woodcutter mistreated the monkeys, and then Maomao told the monkeys in the valley, so the monkeys all wanted to vent their anger on their fellow humans?"

Xiao Jie was not sure.

"Let's do this. You and Xiong Da wait outside, and I'll go in alone to investigate."

"Ah, Brother Feng, those monkeys are hard to deal with! And they are already hostile. Won't you be attacked if you go in?"

"Don't be afraid, I know bestiality, and I still have this."

Xiao Jie said as he clicked on the equipment column and directly activated the equipment special effect of the Phantom Orb - transforming into a human form!

[Humanoid Transformation: Allows you to randomly transform into a human shape and fit in with the surrounding environment. 】

With a pop, a burst of white mist enveloped Xiao Jie's body. When the white mist dissipated, he turned into a savage.

He has strong bronze muscles and eight-pack abs. He wears animal skin shorts and a rattan belt. His hands and feet are bare, and his hair is disheveled. At first glance, he looks like Tarzan.

Let me go. Xiao Jie was a little surprised. This effect that matches the surrounding environment is really magical. It is so smart that even this savage can transform it.

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