Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 141 The Threat from Tianxiahui

Xiao Jie stood in front of the grocery store, cleaning his backpack, watching the deposit in the backpack grow, and secretly calculating in his heart.

He killed more than 200 mermaids in a day, and the various items dropped filled his backpack.

The most common one was shells. No one wanted this thing in the store, and it couldn't be sold for money, but it was a pity to throw it away, so he could only put it in his backpack for the time being.

According to Xiao Jie's past game experience, this thing might come in handy in the future, such as unlocking a special reputation and being able to shop in a special camp.

Fortunately, this thing can be stacked, and more than a thousand shells only occupy one grid, which doesn't take up too much space.

Although the mermaids killed were all small monsters and didn't drop very good things, there were occasional surprises.

What made Xiao Jie most satisfied was the pearls that were dropped by the mermaid pearl seekers with a small probability. He touched the corpses more than a hundred times today and touched a total of three. The store's recycling price was 500 coins per piece, and the auction house could sell it for 800-900 coins.

The three pearls were put up for auction, and there was a harvest of more than two taels of silver.

Adding other miscellaneous broken equipment and so on, it made more than four taels of silver.

Adding the reward given by Granny Li, a total of fifteen taels of silver, even if the consumption costs such as potions, arrows, and repairs are removed, there is still a profit of ten taels of silver.

But it is still not enough. There is still one more day to grind tomorrow. It is estimated that by then, twenty taels of silver will be no problem. At most, I can buy a packhorse. That thing runs too slowly. It is no problem to hide from bandits, but I am afraid that I can't escape if I encounter a wolf pack.

If it really doesn't work, I can only sell the house deed.

Over there, I have also cleaned up my backpack, and the two found the ramen brother who was still setting up a stall.

Seeing the two people coming, the ramen brother was stunned at first, and then he was shocked, "Fuck, you two are leveling up too fast, one level a day?"

If yesterday can be explained by having a high experience before, then today's level has reached 12, which is completely inexplicable.

"Haha, it's just so-so. I found a good leveling point. How about it? Are you interested in coming together?"

Ramen brother was surprised: "Brother, are you kidding me?"

"I'm not that bored. The monsters at this leveling point refresh quickly. It's a bit difficult for the two of us to fight. It would be more comfortable to have one more group. I think you are a very honest person, so I'm asking. If you are not interested, forget it."

"No, no, no, I am interested, but brother, since you are so open-minded, I will tell you the truth. Although my level is as high as 16, my equipment and skills are not too powerful. Don't despise me."

Xiao Jie was not surprised by this. Although there was a four-level difference, the purple clothes on the two of them were not what Ramen brother could imagine. If they really fought, Xiao Jie would be very confident that he could kill the opponent even without a pet. If he added a pet, it would basically be a sure win.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you have a horse - you have a horse, right?"

After these two days of experience, Xiao Jie discovered that running in the wild with a horse or without a horse is completely different. If you have a horse, you can just run away when you encounter a monster you can't beat, but if you don't have a horse, you will die.

There are many monsters in the wild that run faster than humans, especially those four-legged beasts, which are almost all faster than humans.

When Xiao Jie came to Luoyang Town, he was lucky to have the beast affinity and avoided monsters as soon as he encountered them. Otherwise, he might have had a hard fight at that time.

So it doesn't matter if Ramen Brother is a little weak. If he didn't have a horse, he really didn't dare to take him out.

"With a horse, you can rest assured."

"That's no problem, but let's talk about your specialties as a warrior so that I can arrange tactics."

Ramen Brother immediately introduced.

The warrior profession relies on fists and feet to fight monsters, and the attack type is unarmed attack.

The core skill of a warrior is [Southern Fist and Northern Leg]. When using fist and leg techniques to attack, you can get an additional 30% damage bonus to agility and strength, which makes the damage of a warrior's fist and leg skills comparable to that of other professions equipped with weapons.

Moreover, Ramen Brother has completed the professional task and has the professional exclusive skill [Acupuncture Point], which can immobilize humanoid monsters.

In addition, various fist and leg techniques often have internal injuries, shock, knockdown, and repulse effects. It is a profession that tends to fight alone.

However, the shortcomings are also obvious. The attack distance is relatively short, and there is a reduction in damage when hitting heavy armor. It is also relatively weak to deal with groups of monsters, and it will also be restrained by large units.

Xiao Jie nodded. From this point of view, Ramen Brother will not be of much help in clearing small monsters, but it will definitely come in handy against elite monsters or BOSS.

Mermaids are also humanoid creatures.

"How is it, is it okay?" Ramen Brother asked a little nervously.

"No problem, we just need a controller."

"Haha, that's great, when are we going?"

"Tomorrow morning."

As the three were discussing, Xiao Jie suddenly saw someone walking towards them, and immediately coughed, and the three stopped talking.

The person who came was Yun Xiaoke, the little leader of the Tianxiahui.

"Brother, can I have a word with you?" Yun Xiaoke asked politely.

However, after learning the face-changing skills yesterday morning, Xiao Jie knew very well that this was just a cheap disguise.

"What's the matter?"

"Brother, you've upgraded very quickly. Are you interested in joining the Tianxiahui? We can take care of each other..."

"Not interested." Xiao Jie interrupted the other party directly.

"Haha, don't be so hasty to refuse, actually..."

"I don't have time to chat with you. If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Ha, brother, you really have a good eye, so let me tell you straight. I want to buy your upgrade points. Brother has upgraded two levels in two days. He must have discovered a special leveling place. As long as he shares it, we can do it in the future. We are friends, and we in the world will definitely take good care of our friends.”

"Haha, I have no idea what you are talking about. In a place as big as the Luoyang Plain, there are monsters everywhere. You can't level up anywhere. We don't have a fixed leveling point. We just fight while walking."

"Brother, you are boring. There are indeed many monsters in this game. It is rare to find a place suitable for spawning monsters and upgrading. After all, the cost of exploration is too high, and you will die accidentally.

Both of you can master level ten alt accounts, which shows that this leveling point is very safe. If you level up one level a day, you can see that there are a lot of monsters.

Let's do this. I won't take your money for nothing. The fixed price is five hundred thousand. "

Xiao Jie sneered in his heart, don't say this leveling point doesn't exist - there are only two days at most. Even if it does exist, why are you fooling me with half a million?

"Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Boy, don't be so shameless. Believe it or not, I will lead people outside the city to kill you." Yun Xiaoke's tone suddenly changed and he said with a hint of threat.

Is this the same thing again? The standard gangster look, there really is nothing new.

Xiao Jie is quite familiar with this kind of person - Liu Qiang was like this back then. This kind of person bullies the weak and fears the strong. The more polite you are, the more arrogant he becomes.

But he is often fierce and stubborn, and he is the first person to give in when faced with a real threat.

He suddenly sneered, "So are you threatening me? Haha, are all the young people today so arrogant?

Okay, since you want to die, I can make it happen for you. Tomorrow at twelve o'clock at noon, you take your people, and I will take mine, and we will have a life-or-death showdown outside Luoyang City, see you there or not.

Of course, if you want to play dirty, that's fine. Let's place a bounty on each other to see who dies first. "

Although Xiao Jie didn't like to cause trouble, he wasn't really afraid of the other party. There were rules in the game, and it didn't mean that high levels and large numbers of people meant they could be tyrannical.

If he really gets angry, he has several ways to kill him.

It’s just that there’s a big price to pay.

Besides, this Tianxia Guild is just a small and medium-sized guild. The president is only level 28 and is not here yet. The highest level of Yunxiaoke and his group are only about level 20, so they can be arrogant in Luoyang Town. That’s all.

If it doesn't work, you can still ask An Ran for help. The other party owes you a favor and can come to support the situation no matter what.

Of course, he was not prepared to do this unless absolutely necessary.

He was sure that people like Yun Xiaoke would bully others and not dare to cause trouble. As long as he showed that he was not someone to be trifled with, he would most likely be able to scare the opponent away.

Of course, if the other party really wants to start a fight, the worst thing you can do is run away in advance. Change the map to level up. It's not shameful for us to hide and develop at a low level.

It's not too late to take revenge once your level is up.

However, things did not go beyond his expectation, and Yunxiao Ke was really calmed down by his words.

Yun Xiaoke is only a small leader in Tianxiahui. He is in charge of more than a dozen small accounts. If there is really a big backer behind the other party, he really can't afford to offend him.

As for offering bounties to each other, he is full of food. He plays games to make money and gain strength, not to fight for others.

"Hahaha, brother, don't be angry, I'm just kidding. We are all good, law-abiding citizens. We don't play gangster tricks, don't fight, don't fight. What's the matter? Since brothers don't want to sell, forget it. We'll see you later."

After saying that, he left in despair.

Xiao Jie was not very surprised by this reaction. This kind of person bullies the weak and fears the strong, and most likely does not dare to provoke hard trouble.

But toads don't bite people, but they respond to them. Do you think it's okay if you threaten me and give me a slap? In the future, when he becomes stronger, he must find an opportunity to kill this guy.

Brother Ramen was worried for a while, "Brother Suifeng, people from Tianxiahui are not easy to mess with. Do you have some great friends behind you?"

"I know a few of them."

"Haha, no wonder, then you won't be afraid of them, but you still have to be careful outside the city in the future. By the way, where did we talk..."

Xiao Jie did not continue, but said, "Let's discuss it in another place."

The three of them came to a private room on the second floor of the inn, and then continued to discuss tomorrow's leveling.

Xiao Jie was about to plan tomorrow's tactics for the two of them, when suddenly, a face poked out from the wall.

Immediately afterwards, a dark and fuzzy human figure came out through the wall. This human figure showed a translucent texture and floated in mid-air, like a 3D black shadow.

Look at the shadow head again.

Ghost Pawn (Feng Buping's follower): Level 14, HP 280.

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