Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 121 Sick Village

Looking at the grassland horse in front of him, Xiao Jie was quite surprised. Catching a horse as a pet... is interesting.

Unfortunately, this thing's combat power is obviously not as good as the wild boar, which is not difficult to see just by looking at the skills.

Two of the three skills do not increase combat power, only the kick can deal damage, and it also comes with a shrinking trait.

Its health is not as good as the wild boar. .

Fortunately, I have I want to become an immortal, so I don't lack this meat shield.

Because the loyalty is too low, there is no way to learn skills from it at present. This thing doesn't eat secret dog food, so I can only take it with me to cultivate feelings slowly.

"Let's go, Chengxian, let's continue our journey."

The two people and the horse walked along the edge of the mountain towards the outside of the valley.

Next, the two did not trigger the battle again. They carefully bypassed the galloping and wandering horse bandits and finally walked out of the valley at 10:10.

As soon as they left the valley, the scene in front of them suddenly became clear. The narrow vision originally surrounded by mountains became endless at this time.

Looking around, all I could see was a desolate, decayed, and dilapidated scene. There were barren farmlands and dilapidated houses everywhere. The forests and wilderness were gloomy and dark, giving people a feeling of decadence and apocalypse.

There was only the sound of wind and crows in my ears.

Xiao Jie felt a little uneasy. Although he liked to explore the map in the game, this was a game that cost his life.

(I shouldn't encounter any big monsters as soon as I go out, right?) Xiao Jie thought comfortingly.

"Chengxian, keep your eyes open and try not to leave the main road. We have already left the Novice Village. The road ahead is not easy to walk."

I wanted to become an immortal, and I also realized the seriousness of the matter and agreed.

Fortunately, probably because they had just left the Novice Village, the two did not encounter any monsters in the first few minutes. There were only a few wild dogs on the roadside, shrinking and looking from a distance, not daring to approach.

Soon a crossroads appeared in front of the two, and a road sign fell to the ground, and the handwriting on it was still unrecognizable.

I want to become an immortal and hurriedly took out the map to check it out.

"Go west to Ghost Mist Ridge, the map shows the recommended level is 17-25."

"Go north to Bixia Mountain, there is a Bixia Village at the foot of the mountain, and Baiyun Temple is on the mountain."

"Go east to Luoyang Plain, Luoyang Town is located in the central area of ​​the plain, and the recommended level of Luoyang Plain is 8-22."

Xiao Jie pondered for a moment, "Let's go to Bixia Mountain to hand in the task first. Remember, try not to leave the main road."

This is also the game experience summarized by Xiao Jie. In online games, it is best not to deviate from the main road when adventuring in high-level maps. Usually, there are fewer monsters on the main road, and because players usually move along the main road, high-level players will deal with small monsters on the road, which further reduces the risk. So in theory, as long as you follow the main road, it should be relatively safer.

However, this road to the north can't really be called a main road. At the beginning, it can accommodate several horses running in parallel, but soon it became a country road.

Fortunately, there were no monsters along the way. Maybe they were all cleared by the masters of Baiyun Temple? Xiao Jie guessed.

The Bixia Mountain could be seen from afar. The two of them just stared at the direction of the mountain and paid attention to the surrounding movements. However, the more they walked, the quieter it became. Soon, even the crows could not be heard. This silence made Xiao Jie feel heavy.

After passing a forest, a village suddenly appeared in front of the two. It should be the so-called Bixia Village.

However, a line of prompts appeared on the screen.

[System prompt: A new map "Sick Village" was found. ]

Xiao Jie's heart tightened. This name made him instinctively think of some bad memories.

"Stop, something is wrong!" he said.

Bixia Village has become a sick village. There must be something wrong.

Standing at the entrance of the village, Xiao Jie can see a street leading to Bixia Mountain not far away. A stone staircase winds up the mountain and disappears in the misty forest. The shadow of a Taoist spire can be faintly seen on the top of the misty mountain.

But to get there, you have to go through this village.

Xiao Jie carefully observed this "sick village". This village was obviously abandoned. Most of the dilapidated thatched houses collapsed or simply turned into a pile of ruins. The only brick house still had traces of being burned.

He walked forward a few steps to take a closer look. Suddenly, a strange groaning sound made Xiao Jie's scalp tighten.

He looked closely and saw a humanoid object covered with black pustules slowly walked out of the ruins.

That thing vaguely looked like a person. The clothes on his body had rotted away, revealing a twisted and festering body. Because it was too serious, his facial features were no longer recognizable.

Plague zombie: Level 12, HP 580.

Damn, so thick blood? Although it looked slow and easy to bully, Xiao Jie did not dare to attack it. Plague zombies - maybe there is some skill to poison.

And after careful observation, there seemed to be quite a few diseased zombies. They were far away and had not been noticed before. Now, with the appearance of the first zombie, diseased zombies soon emerged from the ruins and the streets one after another. They seemed to move very slowly, gradually approaching the two people, but it was a creepy feeling.

The corrupted face, the body covered with pustules, and the low groaning sound made people shudder.

"Retreat, retreat." Xiao Jie's scalp numbed and he retreated decisively.

"Don't you want to fight?"

"After a few rounds, I can tell that this thing has a problem."

Generally speaking, the level and strength of a monster are linked. If a monster is particularly weak in one aspect, then it must be ridiculously strong in other aspects.

Of course, if it is a garbage game with no logic and no balance, I won't mention it, but this game is obviously not.

A level 12 monster must have a level 12 strength, so these diseased zombies are definitely not easy to mess with, even though they move slowly.

Although I don't know exactly why they are not easy to mess with, Xiao Jie doesn't plan to test it with his life.

"Let's go around."

On both sides of the sick village are abandoned farmlands, covered with withered weeds. It doesn't feel very safe, but at least it is much more open than the stuffy environment in the village.

"Luo Bo, explore the way ahead."

Xiao Jie didn't care about loyalty and happiness. In front of his life, everything stood aside.

At the command, Luo Bo snorted helplessly and moved forward in the half-human-high weeds. The two followed behind him, ready to attack at any time.

Suddenly, the carrot made a hissing sound and retreated.

It was indeed a cowardly trait.

Xiao Jie observed carefully and saw a black thing quickly emerging from the weeds.

It was a big rat!

Looking at this furry guy, Xiao Jie actually felt a little familiar.

Finally, he encountered a familiar monster.

However, he immediately found something wrong. This big rat also had a lot of pustules on its body. Although it was not as scary as those diseased zombies, it was equally shocking. Even its eyes were two black holes, which were creepy.

Diseased rat: Level 9, HP 340.

"Damn, retreat!"

The big rat had already discovered the two people, and didn't care about the difference in the number of people, and rushed over.

This made Xiao Jie even more scared.

"Retreat, retreat!" He shouted while shooting arrows desperately. Xiao Jie had a feeling that if the big rat got close to him, nothing good would happen.

Maybe he would get the disease. The last corpse poison incident was still very impressive.

The two men and the horse quickly retreated in the direction they came from, shooting arrows as they retreated, and at least they managed to kill the plague rat halfway.

They didn't even dare to touch the corpse, and they ran back to the crossroads in one breath before stopping.

"Forget it, Brother Feng, let's go to Luoyang Town first. There is more than one Taoist temple in Fengyinzhou."

"Okay, let's go learn martial arts first, and then we'll make plans after we learn martial arts."

He was a little puzzled. Since there was a master living in the Baiyun Temple of Bixia Mountain, why didn't anyone care about the village at the foot of the mountain?

Fortunately, he didn't accept the task of looking for the master at the beginning, otherwise it would be more dangerous.

As they walked east, they discussed where to hand in the magic talisman.

The item annotation of this magic talisman said, [Maybe some Taoist priests in the Taoist palace will be interested in this. ], but it did not specify which Taoist temple or Taoist palace to hand it in.

This shows that it should be free to choose.

According to the map marked on I Want to Become an Immortal, there are currently four Taoist temples and one Taoist palace in Fengyin Prefecture.

Xiao Jie hurriedly said, "Tell me about this Taoist palace in detail."

"This Taoist palace is called Xuanxu Palace, located in the north of Xiaofeng City, the capital of Fengyin Prefecture. If we want to go there, we need to go to Luoyang Town first and then walk all the way east to the main city, and then climb a mountain to the north."

Xiao Jie's eyes lit up, "Since handing in the magic talisman is to open up reputation, why not go to Xuanxu Palace? This Taoist palace sounds much more high-end than the Taoist temple, and it should not be too dangerous if it is close to the main city."

Since this game runs according to realistic logic, there must be relatively fewer monsters near the main city, and it may be easier than going to Baiyun Temple.

I Want to Become an Immortal said: "That's true, but will Xuanxu Palace bully customers? The larger the sect, the more difficult it is to enter."

Xiao Jie thought to himself, okay, I can think of this.

"It's not a big problem. If we want to enter, we can just enter the Good Dao Palace. At worst, we can slowly brush up our reputation and complete tasks. With the magic talisman as a stepping stone, we should be able to open up our reputation. Naturally, we have to take a good gamble."

"Okay, Brother Feng, I'll listen to you.

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