Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 101 The corpse-driving ghost general

The first to approach the village wall were the thousands of soulless zombies.

They advanced slowly and firmly, like a tide.

Xiao Jie looked at the soulless zombies and was a little confused. Although there were many of them, they were no threat to the village with the village wall. So what if they were a big show? They were shaking even when they walked, let alone attacking the city.

He was confused, but the NPCs on the wall had already begun to prepare for the battle.

"Archers - get ready - shoot!"

With Yang Baichuan's order, more than a dozen archers on the village wall began to shoot arrows. However, the sparse rain of arrows fell on the huge group of zombies, only knocking down sporadic monsters, and had almost no effect on the zombies that were like a tide.

"Let's start too!" Xiao Jie said, finding a position with a wide field of vision, and raised his hand to use a move - combat skill: continuous arrows!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Four arrows were shot in succession. Xiao Jie added all the 5 points of attributes obtained at level 8 to agility, which made his agility attribute as high as 27+3=30 points, just enough to allow the chain arrow to shoot an extra arrow.

A soulless zombie was hit by four arrows and fell instantly.

"I'll do it too!"

Full Moon Shooting!

I want to become an immortal. The bow is fully drawn. He bought an iron bow on this shopping trip. The attack power is as high as 28 stabs, 200% weapon damage, and one arrow can kill a soulless zombie in seconds, and even directly penetrate three or four.

However, the damage gradually decreased, and it was only a wound but not a death.

Dongfang Sheng also raised the light crossbow in his hand. His attack was not so exaggerated, but as long as he could get a headshot, he still had a chance to kill it instantly.

At this time, the zombies had approached the wall, and they were completely live targets. He shot arrows at the zombies one by one.

The four of them found their positions and continued to shoot. Together with the surrounding archers, the surroundings were filled with the sound of bowstrings stirring, and soulless zombies were constantly shot to the ground.

However, such a small loss was nothing to the thousands of zombies. Soon the zombies rushed to the bottom of the village wall, waving their arms in a mad rush, scratching and biting at the solid village wall made of logs.

Xiao Jie stood on the village wall and looked down. He could see countless zombies waving their arms in vain, like fanatical fans under a concert.

That's it? Xiao Jie was a little amused for a while. He shot one in the head with an arrow. This thing is just here to give experience.

A kerosene pot was thrown down, and the flames rose. In the blink of an eye, there were five or six kill prompts.

Others followed suit, shooting with bows and arrows, throwing kerosene pots, and slaughtering the zombies to their heart's content.

Because of the four-person team, the prompts for gaining experience are almost non-stop. Although there are only one or two points at a time, it is still considerable when accumulated.

"Haha, so cool, this monster attacks the city just to give experience." I shouted excitedly.

Ye Luo snorted coldly, "Don't get excited too early, this is just the beginning.

Sure enough, after killing only two or three hundred, I heard - Dingling! Dingling! A strange bell sounded.

It was the corpse drivers who started to perform the ritual.

The secret technique of corpse driving - the violent corpse group!

The soulless zombies suddenly became manic, as if they had taken stimulants, and instantly became lively and rushed to the wall of the village.

The front ones were squeezed down in the blink of an eye, and the ones behind kept climbing up along their companions' bodies, forming several rising piles of corpses in the blink of an eye.

The soulless zombies actually knew how to stack up.

Climbing on each other, they kept rushing towards the village wall.

The village wall was only three meters, and they were about to climb up.

Xiao Jie's scalp numbed when he saw it. He didn't expect that these soulless zombies that posed no threat could become so cruel.

"Gunpowder pot! "With a loud shout,

[Gunpowder Pot (Consumable)

Throw: Causes 50 explosion damage to a small area.]

The four of them threw the gunpowder pot towards the bottom of the pile of corpses together. Boom boom boom! In a series of explosions, bones and flesh flew everywhere, and the pile of corpses piled up by soulless zombies was directly blown down.

Xiao Jie thought to himself that it was good that he listened to Ye Luo and bought this thing. It really works very well.

Ding! Ding!

Another bell rang, and the corpse driver continued to cast spells.

The corpse group also continued to charge.

Listening to the strange bell ringing continuously, Xiao Jie was secretly concerned in his heart. The violent state of these soulless zombies was definitely not normal. Under normal circumstances, the soulless zombies encountered in the wild had little desire to attack. Obviously, this should be some kind of spell effect of the corpse driver.

So does it mean that as long as those corpse drivers are killed, these soulless zombies will return to their original state of no threat?

"Everyone, prepare to focus on the corpse drivers, starting with that Wu Gang. "

A corpse driver only has 440 HP, and can be killed in a few rounds.

But those corpse drivers seemed to know this, and they were far away, not approaching, just ringing bells behind.

"Look at my brother Feng!"

"Don't worry!" Xiao Jie hurriedly stopped him, "Have you forgotten? The humanoid monster has a high IQ. If it is injured but not killed, it will be troublesome for it to be on guard. We continue to clear the monsters and pretend not to notice them. When those corpse drivers get closer, I will shout to focus fire, and we will shoot together to ensure that we can kill the target in seconds before it runs away. "

At this moment, two more piles of corpses appeared under the wall of the village, and everyone hurriedly launched another round of gunpowder pot bombing. The crisis here has just been resolved, and there is another problem at the gate.

At the gate, there were also groups of soulless zombies scratching and rushing towards the gate.

Fortunately, the gate has been reinforced with 2000 points of durability, and its defense is extremely high. It is not something that these crazy zombies can break. It seems that it can last for a while.

The militiamen above the gate kept throwing rolling logs and stones downwards, knocking zombies to the ground. In the blink of an eye, dozens of corpses were piled up outside the gate.

At this moment - a corpse driver suddenly came out of the crowd and walked towards the city gate.

The bell in his hand rang rapidly.

The secret technique of exorcising corpses—corpse explosion!

The stomachs of those fallen corpses instantly inflated like balloons, and a pile of corpses turned into a pile of 'corpse balls' in the blink of an eye. It looked funny and horrifying, followed by a series of dull explosions.

Boom boom boom!

These 'corpse balls' exploded like bombs. One-third of the door's durability was instantly blown away, and all the walking corpses around it were blown over.

Damn it, this is what corpses are used for?

jingle! jingle! Another zombie driver approached the city gate. As his bell rang, more than a dozen black-haired zombies were driven towards the damaged city gate. These level 8 and 9 monsters were not like that. The imbecile soulless zombies are comparable.

Each of them was tall and powerful, covered with black hair. They rushed under the village gate and beat them wildly. The durability of the gate continued to decrease visibly to the naked eye.

"Quick! Support the main entrance!" Yang Baichuan shouted and fired arrows at the zombies at the door.

Xiao Jie saw an opportunity. In order to use the corpse explosion, the corpse exorcist was only twenty or thirty meters away from the gate. It was a good time to focus on killing.

"Don't worry about those zombies, prepare to gather fire to drive away the zombies - wait for my command!"

Several people quickly moved a distance towards the gate to ensure that everyone had sufficient shooting range.

The corpse chasers were still chasing the zombies and smashing the door, not noticing the movement on the wall at all.

"Now! Cum!"

Full moon shot!

A flurry of arrows!

Deadly flying knife!

Swish swish swish!

In an instant, all kinds of bows, crossbows and flying knives were directed at Wu Gang. The corpse hunter screamed and was first penetrated by the full moon shot, and then shot into a sieve in an instant. He turned around and tried to run away, but the second round of shots was also fired. come over.

After taking only two steps, he screamed and fell down, and was shot directly.

The remaining two corpse chasers hurriedly retreated when they saw it.

"Focus on the corpse chaser!" Yang Baichuan suddenly roared, and Xiao Jie was surprised to see Yang Baichuan shoot out a full moon shot, instantly piercing the other corpse chaser.


84! One arrow directly lost one-fifth of his health.

The archers also focused their fire, and in the blink of an eye the second corpse hunter also fell down.

"Hahaha, disciples, don't think that your master is giving it to you for free." Yang Baichuan laughed, and then said anxiously: "Quickly use your banging thing to give those zombies a few hits."

Xiao Jie was extremely surprised for a moment. Although he had already experienced the intelligence of these NPCs, it was really eye-opening for him to be able to fight like real people.

But now is not the time to sigh. A round of gunpowder pots was quickly thrown at the zombies outside the door, blowing them up and down, leaving them with no health left. Then there were several rounds of arrow rain to hit them.

Seeing that this wave of threats was lifted, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, the crisis has just begun.

Lin Yutian looked at the village in front of him with a sneer in his eyes.

As long as he destroys the village in front of him and absorbs all the living souls in it into the body of the ghost general, he can restore at least 30% of the strength of the ghost general. With such a powerful subordinate, he will surely make a fortune in this troubled world. share of the foundation.

Those mortals thought they could survive after fighting off a few zombies. It was really ridiculous.

Lin Yutian (dead warlock): "Go my servants, open the door! Devour the souls of those living people!"

The ghost general on the side snorted coldly. He was not used to obeying the orders of mortals, but the dozen or so spells and seals engraved on his body forced him to obey orders. Strength, to break through the inferior spell you cast on me, I must kill you and these ant-like humans).

Waving the ghost general's halberd, he rushed toward the door.

With a height of three meters, it was almost as high as the village wall, and its huge size brought terrifying pressure.

Seeing the ghost general rushing through the corpses and heading towards the gate, everyone on the wall changed their expressions.

Xiao Jie immediately looked at the long blood bar on the ghost general's head.

Corpse Owl (weak ghost general/Guardian of Lin Yutian): Boss level BOSS, level 16, HP 1400/4000.

Hey, this guy’s blood volume isn’t full! Yes, it has been sealed for 700 years, and it is probably almost exhausted.

Fortunately, it is in a weakened state. If it reaches 4,000 health at full state, the level is probably not what it is now, so stop fighting and just wait to die.

However, this situation is normal for the BOSS arranged for Novice Village.

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