Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 92 Golden Monkey Island

Wang Lu hurriedly fled far away. He was really scared, afraid that the queen bee would chase him regardless of everything.

If it weren't for his talisman that stopped the queen bee for a moment, he would have most likely fallen in the silver flower forest.

He endured the severe pain and fled to a small hill with tall trees thousands of miles away. He found a hidden place and used the six-star arched moon blade to crackle and create a temporary cave.

Then he released the cheap formation flags to cover the cave. Wang Lu sat on the ground panting and took out a bunch of pills in a mess and swallowed them whole. He didn't care about so much. The pain reached his bones. He held two medium-grade spirit stones in his hands and meditated to recover.

The queen bee's sting was too poisonous. Without the Tongxin Jade of the Ten Great Flowers, he would have died long ago. He would have died without the queen bee chasing him.

Although the silver in the sea of ​​consciousness was slowly fading, and the silver wrapped in the soul was also gradually disappearing, he felt that it was not that simple. His mana was extremely depleted, and he needed to recover first before thinking about other things.

As for the pain, just bear it. Believe that it will be fine if the toxins in the body are expelled.

A month passed in a flash, and Wang Lu sat upright, sweating profusely.

Suddenly, he shouted softly, and a small silver liquid bead was forced out from his index finger. The silver bead seemed to have life, swaying left and right, and was about to fly away.

Wang Lu hurriedly pinched a spell to stabilize the silver bead, took out a jade bottle, and forced the silver bead into it.

After inserting the bottle stopper and sticking a prohibition talisman, the silver bead calmed down. He felt that the silver bead would be useful in the future.

As soon as the silver bead left the body, the pain disappeared, the whole body was comfortable, the mana was running freely, and he recovered again.

Tongxinyu, if it weren't for you, my life would have been handed over. You, who only have a petal left, must be cherished.

Wang Lu took out the map, looked at it, put away the battle flag, and walked out of the temporary cave.

He looked in the right direction and flew away.

Five days later, a huge mountain lake appeared before his eyes.

The lake was called Chengguang, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and it was boundless. The water was vast and vast. Under the blowing of the mountain wind, it rippled with layers of waves.

There were scattered islands in the lake, some large and some small, some thousands of miles long, and some several miles long.

Under the impact of the endless waves, a piece of white jade beach was washed out, and the sun was scattered, and a group of white jade halos of different sizes appeared, which was very moving.

The island was shaded by green trees, and the sounds of birds and beasts kept coming out.

Wang Lu released the sound blade, flew thousands of miles, and landed on one of the large islands with a radius of a thousand miles.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak."

As soon as he landed on the island, a group of golden-haired demon monkeys rushed towards him with a roar. Two huge purple hammer shadows fell from the sky, and a group of demon monkeys were hit and jumped on the ground. Although they had no wounds on their bodies, they were in great pain from the expressions of one or two grinning and shouting.

Seeing that the newcomers were fierce, they scattered like beasts.

Wang Lu ignored this group of vanguards.

This island is called Golden Monkey Island, where a group of golden monkeys who can brew spirit wine live.

The golden monkey clan is very rare. All golden monkeys are born as level 4 demon beasts, but few can break through to level 5. It seems that they are under a spell, making them complacent and lingering.

Fortunately, due to the large number of the entire clan, there are still more than 20 level 5 golden monkeys.

More than 20 Jindan-stage strongmen guarding, there are relatively few people who have the courage to rob their spirit wine.

You have many monkeys, but do I have few talismans?

Since he drew the Jindan period talisman, Wang Lu has become more confident. In addition, he can compete with ordinary Jindan mid-stage masters, which makes him more confident.

He wants to try whether he can snatch the spiritual wine from the golden monkey clan alone.

This time he wants to snatch it openly, not stealing it in secret.

Thinking of this, Wang Lu let out a long roar, and the depression that was suppressed in his heart by the queen bee was spit out. He suddenly felt clear-headed and wise, and his magic power increased by one tenth in an instant, and his spiritual consciousness suddenly increased a little.

He was stunned and didn't understand that cultivating immortals is to have a clear mind. Only when the mind is pure can one be brave and diligent and invincible.

The sudden enlightenment made his strength rise again.

The purple gold double hammers roared out and chased the group of golden monkeys. Along the way, the island was in chaos with beasts running and birds flying.

Soon, they went deep into the distance of 200 miles, and a large village like the secular world was hidden in the mountains and forests.

The village had two floors, more than ten feet high, and covered a vast area. They were all built with golden unknown spiritual wood. The large village was backed by a mountain with lush trees and gurgling streams.

The guarding golden monkey saw the monkey group being driven away by two whistling purple hammer shadows, and two golden lights appeared in his eyes. In the blink of an eye, they shot at the hammer shadows, and the hammer shadows disappeared without a trace.

Wang Lu held the purple gold double hammers on his head and followed the monkey group leisurely, swinging them from time to time. He didn't expect the monkey group to bring him to their nest. This was a pleasant surprise.

When the hammer shadow dissipated under the penetration of the golden light, his figure officially came into the eyes of the two guards. Looking at the two golden monkeys at the top of the fourth level, Wang Lu smiled and said, "Go and call your leaders out, saying that someone is coming to rob the spiritual monkey wine."

After speaking, he let out a long roar, and his heroic spirit rushed into the sky.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak." The two golden monkey guards saw that Wang Lu was not yet at the Jindan stage, and they were still talking nonsense. They picked up two stick-shaped spiritual weapons, bared their fangs, and surrounded him.

Wang Lu didn't even look at them, and threw out two thunder talismans.



Two loud noises, the yellow hair of the two guards was burned black, bleeding profusely, with tiny flashes of lightning in their wounds. They stared at Wang Lu in disbelief, and suddenly fell to the ground.

He knew that the golden monkeys had spirituality that was rare among ordinary monsters, and could understand his words. He also knew that the Golden Monkey Island was isolated from the world and lived a self-sufficient life. He did not kill them, and the two golden monkeys would recover after a period of recuperation.

Moreover, the Golden Monkey Clan never participated in every war between humans and monsters.

Strangely, they did not obey the orders of the Red Ape Clan and other powerful monster clans, and had never heard of how the monster clan in the Wild Sea treated them. Not only that, the Red Ape Clan even said that if there were any Nascent Soul cultivators who relied on their cultivation to rob the spirit wine, the Red Ape Clan would never show mercy.

It was not that there were no Nascent Soul cultivators who did it, but everyone who came was killed by the masters of the Red Ape Clan. After several times, no more Nascent Soul cultivators came.

Thus, such a strange situation was created. Facing the coveted spiritual monkey wine, the golden monkey clan lived leisurely and unrestrained.

Ordinary Jindan-stage cultivators could not take them, and might even die on this island, while Yuanying-stage strongmen would not set foot on this island due to the warning of the red ape clan.

Their spiritual wine has the effect of spiritual milk. The top-level thousand-year spiritual wine is even almost on par with the legendary ten thousand-year spiritual milk, which can be called a great treasure in the world of immortal cultivation.

Seeing that the two guards did not even take a single move, the monkeys were immediately frightened and trembled, and screamed everywhere.

Wang Lu did not continue to move forward, and stood upright with his eyelids drooping like an old pine tree.

After a while, the monkeys suddenly quieted down. Rows of level 4 peak golden monkeys jumped out from the back of the village like an army, lined up in a row, and slowly walked out from the back with 25 golden monkeys that were obviously taller and stronger than the monkeys, covered with golden hair. They seemed to be old, and all of them were holding golden crutches in their hands.

The golden monkey in the middle had a strong demonic aura, and must have reached the level of a level 6 demon beast.

It looked at Wang Lu, who was resting with his eyes closed and motionless, sensed it, and pointed at the two guards on the ground. The four golden monkeys quickly lifted the two blackened bodies to the back of the village.

Then, it pointed at the third burly golden monkey on the left with a golden stick.

The burly monkey screamed "squeak", bowed slightly to the old golden monkey, and did not see how it moved, leaving a residual shadow and coming to Wang Lu in the blink of an eye, and swept across with a stick in a flash.

Seeing the golden monkey so swift and powerful, the monkeys screamed with excitement and cheered for it enthusiastically.

However, just as the monkeys were shouting, the old golden monkey frowned slightly.

The situation on the field took a sharp turn for the worse. The burly golden monkey hit Wang Lu with a stick, and Wang Lu was instantly shattered like a mirror.

It was a phantom.

The golden monkey knew that he was going to be in trouble, and was about to fly away, but suddenly, an extremely sharp emerald green dagger stopped at his forehead, and two daggers stopped at his waist.

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