Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 83: Grave Heart

As soon as he entered the passage, the mysterious suction force suddenly appeared. Wang Lu was transferred to a magnificent hall before he could make any resistance.

He quickly stabilized his body and looked around. The hall was two hundred feet long and wide, and five feet high. A rare golden moonstone was inlaid on the smooth stone wall of the hall.

In the middle of the hall, there was a strange white jade pool of six feet long and four feet wide, and it was unknown how deep it was. Three strange but lifelike monsters were carved on a smooth palace wall, staring straight at the stone pool. They were so lifelike that they seemed to be ready to drill out of the stone wall at any time.

Looking closely, it turned out to be three strange beasts, Chi, Mei, Wang, and Liang.

Chi, Mei, Wang, and Liang seem to be four different foreign objects, but in fact, Wang is one, and Chi and Mei are each a monster.

The three monsters had human faces and demon bodies, and they looked fierce, dancing and waving their hands. They stared at the stone pool with their bloodshot eyes as big as copper bells, as if there was some great treasure in it, which made them so vivid.

The whole hall was empty except for the stone pool and the demons and monsters.

Unable to resist curiosity, Wang Lu followed their line of sight and walked towards the stone pool, slowly approaching.

Approaching the edge of the pool, he looked down.


Wang Lu exclaimed, almost scared to death.

You don't know until you see it, and you will be shocked when you see it. Sun Xue, who was one step ahead of him, was lying quietly at the bottom of the dry pool about three feet deep, like a sleeping beauty, with a peerless appearance that brought disaster to the country and the people, quiet and beautiful.

His heart trembled and he jumped away.

He had no idea whether Sun Xue jumped down by herself or was brought to this strange stone pool by something, and he didn't know whether she was still alive.

He tried to shout a few times, but got no response.

He released the bow-holding puppet again. Under the command, the bow-holding puppet kept jumping into the stone pool to see if he could rescue Sun Xue.

However, when the puppet jumped and came to the range of the stone pool, it exploded without warning with a "boom" and disappeared into ashes.


This sudden scene made him feel scared and sweaty.

Originally, he was going to go to the bottom of the pool to save Sun Xue. On his impulse, he let the puppet try first. Sure enough, a terrible thing happened.

Everything should be done with caution. It was carefulness that saved his life.

With lingering fear, Wang Lu re-examined this strange hall and had the idea of ​​leaving.

However, the whole hall was integrated, and deep underground, there was no way forward, no way back, no way up, and a dead end down.

He felt depressed. Where was the way out? There was no way up and no way down.

In fact, he should feel lucky. Since Sun Xue entered Xiumen, she not only did not encounter any powerful opponents, but also obtained several enviable treasures. She almost arrived at the center of the mausoleum smoothly. However, she was swallowed by the empty stone hall and fell to the bottom of the pool. If Wang Lu had arrived first, he should be the one at the bottom of the pool now.

Thinking hard, Wang Lu was not thinking about saving Sun Xue, but how to get out of this cold and empty mysterious hall.

If he couldn't find a way out, he would have to wait for death and wait to be buried with Mingkong.

He looked at the whole hall again. Except for the three monsters and the stone pool, there was nothing.

He walked back and forth slowly in the hall, carefully checking if there were any mechanisms.

In addition to the stone pool, he knocked and pressed every corner and every position of the hall one by one, and also used the flying talisman to fly to every wall and roof of the hall to see if there were some different things. However, to his disappointment, he found nothing.

Walking to the edge of the stone pool again, looking at the beautiful Sun Xue, she was like a dream, and her arc-shaped delicate mouth corners were hooked into a charming and shallow smile.

It's really beautiful, Wang Lu said subconsciously.

However, the more you stare at a person, the longer you look at him, no matter whether he is beautiful or ugly, after looking at him for a long time, you will find that this person seems to have changed his appearance, no longer recognized, and even a little hideous.

Wang Lu moved his eyes to the three monsters, except that he felt that they seemed to be drilling out of the wall, and there was no other discovery.

But his intuition told him that there must be something that he didn't notice.

He was very alert and searched carefully in the hall again, but still found nothing.

He didn't believe in evil, took out the six-star arched moon blade, and the seven blades merged. A blade with a green light flashed, and stabbed it fiercely into the stone wall of the hall. There was a flash of lightning, and the stone wall was intact.

I don't believe it.

Wang Lu manipulated the Six-Star Arched Moon Blade to slash at the ground. Like a stone wall, the ground was extremely hard. I don’t know what material was used to build this hall. It was simply unbreakable and hard as a golden iron.

Three days passed. He searched the entire hall back and forth, but still couldn’t find even a little possibility of getting out.

This hall was like a cage, trapping and imprisoning him.

Wang Lu sighed deeply, sat down on the ground dejectedly, and stared at the three vivid monsters with lifeless eyes.

The hall was unusually quiet, and you could hear a pin drop.

Wang Lu, who was a little confused, released the Six-Star Arched Moon Blade and stabbed and stabbed the golden moonstone. This time it worked. The moonstone was chopped to pieces and fell off the stone wall and scattered all over the ground. Although it was broken into pieces, the golden light still covered the entire hall.

And a small gap appeared in the stone wall where it fell and embedded.

Wang Lu was overjoyed and stabbed the Six-Star Arched Moon Blade into the gap with all his strength.


The result was still the same. No matter how much he increased his magic power and strength, he just couldn't penetrate a bit. He didn't hesitate to spend magic power to form a blade array. Wherever the blade array went, everything was fine except for the "buzzing" explosion in the air.

After sighing, he released Zijiu.

Zijiu looked at the hall with sleepy eyes and saw three monsters. Two tentacles suddenly stretched straight, as if they were injected with chicken blood, as if they were suddenly refreshed.

In a flash, they came to the monster, and something amazing happened.

Zijiu didn't think twice and two gray crystal lights shot out from its small eyes, directly into the monster's bloody eyes as big as copper bells.

After shooting out two crystal lights, Zijiu seemed to be drunk, swaying in the air and falling down continuously. Wang Lu caught it in one step, and Zijiu fell asleep immediately.

After a while, Wang Lu felt that the monster seemed to have lost all its spirit. Although it still looked lifelike, it had lost its vivid spirituality.

Wang Lu put Zi Jiu back into the spirit beast bag, looked at the small half-gray stone, and muttered: This guy is too hard. You consumed one-third of a top-grade spirit stone in about half a month.

He was in a good mood and put another top-grade spirit stone with a bitter face.

The stronger you are, the happier I am.

Then, he also looked at Xiao Tong's injuries. Xiao Tong was still sleeping deeply, but he felt that all of Xiao Tong's injuries had healed, and her realm seemed to be constantly rising.

This, Wang Lu looked suspicious, it was too incredible.

Could it be that both of his spirit beasts could improve their cultivation by sleeping?

Seeing Xiao Tong recover, he put down a big thing in his heart.

Although he felt a little scared in this hall where no one could get any help, he was still a little comforted by the fact that he was accompanied by two beasts.

Wang Lu smiled foolishly.

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