Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 7: Cultivation

Two hours later, the spirit horse stopped at a small mountain surrounded by mountains.

A clear stream flowed at the foot of the mountain, and a few small fish swam happily. The two walked out of the carriage, and the spirit horse soared into the air and returned along the same route.

Looking around, except for the relatively few trees in the south, the east, west and north sides were surrounded by tall ancient trees. This place was thousands of miles away from Yucheng, basically close to the edge of Liupi Mountain.

More than a hundred years ago, Qiu Huaren had just successfully established his foundation when he was chased by his junior brother and the Shenxue Sect. He hid from place to place and finally left the sect. He traveled thousands of miles to Liupi Mountain, a relatively free and safe place for casual cultivators.

Among the many mountains in Yushan, which is under the jurisdiction of the Demon Sect Fantasy Sect, he chose Aoshan as his own cultivation cave.

Aoshan is located on the edge of the Fantasy Sect's defense formation. Although it is dangerous, it is quiet and close to Yushan. It is convenient for finding spiritual herbs or killing monsters and taking treasures.

Qiu Huaren led Wang Lu along the stream, through a pine forest that covered the sky, and came to a small courtyard covering three acres and leaning against the mountain.


A red wooden door that was ten feet high and five feet wide was pulled open from the inside by a tall pomegranate wood ape puppet.

The master and the apprentice walked in, and the pomegranate wood ape puppet closed the door, and then stood at the door motionless.

A spiritual energy that was three times stronger than the outside world came to the face. There were two flower beds on the left and right of the yard, planted with various spiritual herbs and flowers of different years, colorful and pleasing.

At the end of the courtyard stood a two-foot-high wooden house. Qiu Huaren pushed open the wooden door. The wooden house had three rooms, one on each side except the hall in the middle.

In the center of the hall was a nanmu coffee table that was about ten feet long and six feet wide. Four sky blue straw mats were placed around the coffee table. The straw mats exuded a faint fragrance that filled the entire hall, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

The wooden wall facing the main door was decorated in the form of a secular bookshelf, with various exquisite ornaments placed in each grid, including calligraphy and paintings, wood carvings, vases, antiques, strange stones, strange branches, pens, ink, paper and inkstones, etc.

Qiu Huaren pushed open the wooden door of the room on the left, and there was a shutter, a bed and an empty wardrobe hanging in the room.

He reached out and patted the wooden wall on the left side of the wardrobe three times, patted it down twice, and then patted it vertically up four times.

A "click" sound was heard, and the wardrobe automatically rotated halfway, revealing a two-person wide passage.

"Disciple, follow me in."

Qiu Huaren said.

In the passage, white stones paved the ground, emitting a clear white light, illuminating the entire passage.

The two walked slowly for a few miles and came to an empty cave, where the spiritual energy was two points better than that in the courtyard.

There was a stone table and four stone benches in the middle of the cave, and six paths led to different places around it.

Wang Lu followed his master to the path on the right, and walked ten feet away. A stone door stretched in front of him.

Qiu Huaren used his magic power to aim at a small hole as thick as a finger on the stone door. In less than five breaths, a small red round stone pillar emerged.

He pinched the small stone pillar with his thumb and index finger, and pulled it outward with force. "Click, click, click", the stone door slowly slid to the left.

Entering the stone room, a strong smell of incense came.

In front of the stone wall, six tablets were placed on three rows of wooden racks from top to bottom. A purple incense altar was placed on the stone table in front of the wooden rack, and the fragrance came from there.

Qiu Huaren picked up three incense sticks from the stone table and lit them. He knelt on the cushion in front of the stone table and bowed respectfully three times.

He handed three sticks of incense to Wang Lu and said to him, "Disciple, these are the six leaders of our Liufu Sect. The most senior one is the Six-Character Patriarch, known as the Six-Character Immortal. He founded the Six-Character Sect, followed by the second to sixth generations of leaders. Our Six-Character Sect has been passed down for more than 3,000 years. The sixth-generation leader, Yunkong Daoist, is also my master. When I was young, I was attacked by a traitor and the Shenxue Sect and was seriously injured and died. The sect also dissipated. I escaped this disaster because I went out to seek a foundation-building opportunity. Now there are only two of us left in the Six-Character Sect. You sincerely kowtow three times and bow nine times to the six ancestors, and you will officially join our Six-Character Sect. From now on, you will be the only successor of our Six-Character Sect in the world of cultivating immortals."

Wang Lu heard what his master said, took the incense, kowtowed three times and bowed nine times to the six tablets, and solemnly and solemnly inserted the incense into the incense altar.

He looked carefully from high to low, and heard Qiu Huaren's detailed description of the life of the six ancestors, which made him yearn for it.

After a long time, the two walked out of the stone room and came to the adjacent room, where there was a wooden bed and two round cushions woven from unknown spiritual herbs.

Sitting on the cushions, Wang Lu sat upright, and Qiu Huaren carefully took out a yellowed paper ancient book.

Qiu Huaren handed the book to Wang Lu and said to him, "Disciple, you should read this book carefully during this period. I will come again in ten days. If you encounter any problems, I will answer them one by one."

After that, he walked out.

Wang Lu picked up the ancient book, and the three tadpole ancient manuscripts of "Six Talismans" came into view.

He opened the first page, and it was obvious that the first page was completely different from the following pages.

It said, "This Six Talismans was obtained by me in a secret realm, so I broke through the merit and practiced it, and was able to establish the Six Talisman Sect."

He then turned to the second page, "Everyone in the world says that cultivating immortality can lead to immortality and the same lifespan as heaven and earth, which is true; but if you want to achieve it, you must fight with heaven and earth, seize the essence of heaven and earth, absorb the spirit of all things, and go against heaven, so that you can achieve immortality and hold the ears of heaven and earth. Cultivating immortality, what is immortality? There are people on the left and mountains on the right, and you can only be equal to the mountains. We should break the mountains before we can break the sky, and break the immortal mountains before we can break the immortal heaven. The road is long and arduous, and I will search up and down."

"To cultivate the great way of talismans, the five elements need to be mutually generated and restrained, and the cycle continues. The human body also contains the five elements, First, open up the five elements, make them circulate back and forth, regenerate yin and yang, and combine the two into one, which is five combined into one. Jump out of the five elements and break free from yin and yang, and it will be six. "

"In the human body, liver wood, heart fire, spleen earth, lung metal, and kidney water are the five elements of the external manifestation. The first step of cultivation is to open up the heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney. The five elements, then connect the eight extraordinary meridians, and the hidden acupoints, so that the five elements of the human body can continue to grow, and then transcend life and death and gain great fortune. "

Wang Lu couldn't help but be fascinated, his heart was surging, and he followed the narration in the book, as if he had escaped into a magical world.

He unconsciously turned to the third page, and saw a picture of a person's body on the third page, with the eight extraordinary meridians of the human body marked. He saw a small arrow from the human nose, through the heart through the main meridians, along the hands, around the feet, to the head, and finally to the outside of the nose. The book noted that this cycle is the Great Zhoutian.

Wang Lu took a deep breath of spiritual energy as shown on the diagram, and controlled the spiritual energy to follow the direction of the arrow to go to the meridians of the body. However, just when it reached the heart, the spiritual energy suddenly dissipated...

Again and again, until he was sweating and panting, he still failed once.

At this time, he was exhausted physically and mentally. Wang Lu fell directly on the wooden bed and fell asleep. Three hours later, he woke up again.

Looking at the "Six Talismans" on the stone table, he tried again and again in disbelief.

Failure, failure, failure...

Don't care, just fight with you. Wang Lu held this unshakable idea and kept repeating it. He fell asleep when he was too tired.

He didn't know how many times he tried and how many times he fell asleep due to excessive fatigue...

After thousands of efforts, he finally cycled through a big circle.

He was overjoyed, endured the fatigue, and was afraid of losing this feeling, and couldn't help but cycle the big circle over and over again.

Wang Lu closed his eyes tightly, and when he reached the tenth cycle of Qigong, bursts of white smoke suddenly emerged from his head, and his whole body seemed to be soaked in water. He could no longer bear the fatigue and was exhausted. He fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

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