Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 640: Conceiving a Baby (Part 2)

Endless spiritual energy flows into the cave along every tiny crack.

It is roughly estimated that at least 600,000 strands of spiritual energy flow into Wang Lu who is surrounded by the formation. All the pores of his body are like whales sucking water and swallowing them all.

Wang Lu is like a gluttonous beast, swallowing as much spiritual energy as it comes.

The concentration of spiritual energy at this time is comparable to the outer periphery of Tianyun Secret Realm, more than a hundred times that of the outside. This shows the extraordinary and magical nature of the "Intermediate Low-level Spirit Gathering Formation".

Wang Lu sits cross-legged, his eyes closed, and his hands pinch the magic formula. A stream of spiritual energy like a flood bypasses the golden elixir in a certain pattern, travels through the body for a large circle, and turns into a mysterious breath similar to magic power that keeps penetrating into the round and integrated golden elixir.

Under the infiltration and transformation of this mysterious breath, the golden elixir slowly transforms into a human form bit by bit, and at the same time releases a force that spreads from the dantian to the whole body, completely transforming it, silently but visible to the naked eye.

Wang Lu was completely unaware of this, and just kept a tight grip on the clear spiritual consciousness at the spiritual platform, constantly manipulating the spiritual energy coming from all parts of his body, operating it accurately and without error over and over again.

However, as time went by, Wang Lu's body, which was like a bottomless pit, gradually returned to normal, and the excess spiritual energy accumulated in the cave, just waiting for the last moment of spiritual energy filling his body and turning into an infant.

In the blink of an eye, nine years passed.

There were more than ten thousand gray and white waste talismans with no spiritual power scattered on the ground of the cave. One thousand four hundred and ninety-nine intermediate and low-level talismans only existed for one year. Whenever the spirit gathering array was exhausted, under the control of a simple array, another one thousand four hundred and ninety-nine intermediate and low-level talismans would automatically arrange themselves into shape and form a large spirit gathering array again.

This was the tenth year.

Swish, swish, swish, swish...

The intermediate and low-level spirit gathering talismans automatically formed again, surrounding Wang Lu tightly.

At this time, the golden elixir in the Dantian in the body has transformed into a fist-sized baby exactly like Wang Lu, with a body as white as jade, flawless, and eyes closed.

Upon closer inspection, the baby is intact, except for a green onion-like index finger and toe thumb missing from the left hand and right foot.

Once fully grown, the Nascent Soul is halfway successful.

Just wait for the spiritual energy to infuse the body to awaken the Nascent Soul, and then take the thunder tribulation to give spirituality and strengthen its body, and then it can become a genuine Nascent Soul strongman.

Half a year later, strangely, no matter how the mysterious aura operates, the index finger and toe can't grow, which makes Wang Lu, who is completely immersed in meditation and holding a ray of clarity, feel a little anxious and uneasy.

There is still half a year before the spirit gathering array will lose its effectiveness, and it is precious that there has been no interruption in the nearly fifty years of seclusion and cultivation. It can be said that the time, place and people are all right. At such a critical moment, the Nascent Soul is still incomplete.

If Wang Lu is still awake at this time, what went wrong?

He will surely be eager to question and reflect on himself?

Where did it go wrong? Where exactly!

Wang Lu screamed in his obsession. He couldn't wake up. Once he woke up, his Nascent Soul would die in his womb. He couldn't tolerate any interruption or pause.

Whenever he woke up, the seemingly mysterious disorder in his body, but with hidden rules, would instantly stop disordering, regardless of the operation of spiritual power, the operation of magic power, and the promotion of the mysterious aura.

These three magical powers that transformed into Nascent Soul were like wild horses that had broken free from their reins, running wildly in the body. The cultivators would go crazy and become useless at best, and die on the spot at worst.

In fact, in the most hidden void in his Dantian, there was something that was more anxious and worried than him. It even wanted to forcibly wake up Wang Lu who was in meditation, but if it did so, not only would Wang Lu be completely disabled, but he and Xiao Lu would also follow him to the underworld.

It was the Immortal Vine Gourd.

The Immortal Vine Gourd was not only extremely anxious, but also cursed Wang Lu in his heart. He wished he could beat him up, beat him so hard that he would rather die than live, and beat him so hard that he wouldn't even recognize his parents!

What went wrong? You are still missing one thing. It's true that even a wise man can make mistakes!

You forgot such a crucial thing!

You are really stupid and foolish!

Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!

No one or anything can interfere with the thunder tribulation of a cultivator's realm breakthrough. If there is any interference, the Heavenly Dao will reduce the level by ten times, and it will be almost impossible to stop the super tribulation that will instantly destroy Wang Lu.

However, the thunder tribulation will not classify the cultivator's life magic weapon and spirit beast as aliens.

Because they are connected to the cultivator's bloodline, they are almost one and the same, and there is no difference between them.

Thinking of this, the gourd was shocked. Yes, doesn't this guy still have that mysterious butterfly?


Hulu sighed deeply. Zijiu was also seriously injured and could not protect himself. If he could not recover this time, he might not be able to get up.

If Wang Lu knew that Zijiu was almost dying, he would be so sad!

If Zijiu really died in the future, he would fight to the death to kill the body sect and the Yu family, and kill them all and wash the blue sky with blood!

Forget it, for myself and Xiaolu, I will help you again even if my origin is exhausted. I hope you can find a place with deep wood spirit and save Xiaolu. I hope you will not disappoint me in the distant future.

In the empty hole in the dantian, the fairy vine gourd gave a bitter smile like a human.

The body shook immediately, and a light breath like smoke, as if from another world, appeared as fast as sparks, and suddenly passed through the heavy shackles of spirit, magic power, mysterious breath and profound power, and went to Wang Lu's spiritual platform.

At this moment, it was as if space was stagnant and time was still. This breath rushed into Wang Lu's vast soul in a mysterious way, appearing and disappearing.

It was so fast that even the heaven and earth were blinded, and it operated as usual.

Po Ying Dan!

When these three words suddenly appeared in Wang Lu's soul, and a ray of clarity floated in his heart, the gourd in the void hole turned into a tiny dot smaller than the mustard seed of Mount Sumeru, slowly sinking, without a trace of breath, and became one with the Dantian.

If Wang Lu cannot reach that realm in the future, the gourd will turn into yellow earth with him, and even if there are three clones, it will never be awakened.


Wang Lu unconsciously moved his knuckles lightly, and a white elixir as white as snow was thrown into his slightly opened mouth.

An inexplicable force, under the blessing of spiritual energy, magic power, and mysterious breath, intertwined and merged in the blink of an eye, and all went into the Yuan Ying.


Like a huge bell, a profound sound that struck his soul rang out in his mind, and the Yuanying's left index finger and right big toe grew out instantly.

The Yuanying was flawless.

But, his eyes were still locked.

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