Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 520 Entering the Palace

The shopkeeper looked longingly at the treasure mountain of Colorful Palace and was unable to enter. His heart was filled with confusion and he was puzzled.

He must have overlooked something, he thought hard for a long, long time.

Suddenly, the shopkeeper suddenly realized that the reason for everything was still the token.

The seven tokens correspond to the seven palaces. If you want to find the specific location of the colorful palace, you need to open any four of the seven palaces. At the same time, you also need the guidance of the key object "Thousand Island Map of the Star Sea" to achieve it.

In the same way, the appearance and opening of the Colorful Palace can only be achieved by investing any four tokens at the same time.

God, at such a critical moment, where do you want me to find this last, damn fourth token?

Are you trying to kill me?

"Ah ah ah ah ah......"

Anyway, the Colorful Palace cannot be opened, and your own path will end because of this. Since you cannot open it, then go on a killing spree!

kill! kill! kill! kill! kill!

Angry from embarrassment, the shopkeeper looked at Tan Dongyue and Duan Muqing fiercely.

In an instant, the two of them were at odds with each other, and a bloody battle was about to break out.

At the critical moment, a man and a woman broke through the river fog at a furious speed and appeared.

This scene immediately stopped the furious shopkeeper and made him stop.

Perhaps, there will be twists and turns, which is also unknown?

The visitors were none other than Wang Lu and Caiying.

Rushing like crazy, the two finally arrived on the last five days before the secret realm was to be closed for half a year.

Wang Lu looked at the three people present calmly and nodded to Caiying.

She immediately took out an orange token and threw it towards the Colorful Palace without a second thought under the enthusiastic expectations of the three shopkeepers.

"call out!"

The token was like an orange lightning bolt, seemingly breaking through layers of space, and in an instant, it disappeared into the Colorful Palace.


A strong gust of wind came from nowhere, causing the hair of the five people to dance wildly and their spirits to fly.

The shopkeeper didn't know if he thought he was superior in strength, but he didn't care about Wang Lu and the other four at all. He stared intently at the boundless light that was as bright as a colorful sun bursting out with a pair of scarlet blood eyes.

"Brush, brush, brush, brush, brush..."

The three huge colorful ancient seal scripts of "Colorful Palace" were engraved one by one under the interlacing carvings of colored lights.

When the last stroke of the word "palace" is drawn, "boom", a dazzling colorful light blooms like a huge colorful flower, which is extremely dazzling.

At the same time, a road of colorful light formed like the sun and the moon from the gate of the Colorful Palace, as if it stretched across countless realms.

"let's go!"

While the three shopkeepers were still in shock and joy, Wang Lu took Caiying's hand and embarked on the colorful road without hesitation.

There was a "swipe" sound and disappeared.

The shopkeeper looked at Wang and Lu who had disappeared, sneered, and jumped up, which was also instantaneous without leaving a trace.

Tan Dongyue and Duanmuqing looked at each other and stepped on it one after another.


When all five people were teleported away, the colorful light erupted even more violently. The entire Bitter River Secret Realm surged with colorful light in an instant, and then disappeared immediately.

For a time, the roars of various monster beasts came and went without stopping.

At the same time, the Colorful Palace quietly disappeared, and the entire Bitter River secret realm was filled with the roar of beasts and birds that shook the sky.

Billions of miles away, in the quaint hall of Bagua Mountain, the super sect of the Four Beasts Sect in Northern Xinjiang, the old man with chicken-skinned crane hair and wrinkled hair kept saying goodbye quickly in the direction of the Linglong Sea.

Soon, an extremely vague colorful light suddenly emerged from the water mirror in front of him.

Seeing this light, the old man suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood. He suddenly became sluggish and collapsed to the ground.

But he ignored it and frantically took out a jade slip and shouted: "Seven colors appear, the secret of heaven is in chaos!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the jade slip disappeared and the old man fell into coma.

In less than ten breaths, the sect leader Du Que, the leader of Qishan Mountain Li An, and the master of Fuling Mountain Huang Xiaolong came to the place where the old man fell.

Seeing this, the expressions of the three people changed, especially Li An, whose expressions of nervousness and anxiety were vividly etched on his face.


Du Que made a gesture and fired a spell. An extremely gentle and soft milky white halo enveloped him and slowly penetrated into the old man's body.

Half an hour later, the old man woke up with his eyes blurred.

The three of them immediately clasped their fists. He sat up cross-legged with difficulty, accepted it calmly, and said with a wry smile: "Oh, I am old and useless. The three of you must listen carefully. The Colorful Palace that has been rumored for hundreds of thousands of years has finally appeared... ....The great age is coming, and the heavens will be in chaos. Not only me, but also the immortals from the Tianyuan Sect are anxious and eager to try. No matter whether this world can break the heavens this time, it is bound to happen. Just like the secular world, dynasties will change. You must seize every opportunity, maybe you can win "that" glimmer of hope. Xiao Quezi and Xiao Long, you two will go first. I have something to say to Anli. "

Hearing this, Duque was shocked, but he and Huang Xiaolong left peacefully.

After the two left, Anli patiently stood still and respectfully.

"I already knew about the person you three let go. Hey, that's it for now. Xiao Ion, you can leave too. Don't... look back..."

The old man seemed very tired. He clutched his chest and finished speaking breathlessly. He uncrossed his legs, closed his eyes, and there was no more sound.

The old man, just like that, lost all his vitality and died suddenly.

"No, uncle!"

An Li hugged the old man who had guarded the Four Beast Sect for 3,300 years tightly, and cried out in grief for the first time.

At this time, there were only two fake infant realm masters in different places and the sword master who attacked Wang Lu. Seeing the colorful light sweeping over like a tide, they all showed a look of doubt.

The remaining 41 people were all buried in the Bitter River.

They gained a lot. As long as they walked out of the secret realm, they could exchange for a large amount of resources. If nothing unexpected happened, breaking into the Nascent Soul stage would be as easy as drinking water and breathing.

However, except for the sword monk with the purple token, the final fate of the remaining two people was still to accompany the 41 people and become the nourishment that nourishes the Bitter River.

They didn't have the token, and they knew nothing about the impending danger. They also looked forward to the fantasy of maneuvering and pushing forward after leaving the secret realm.

Fate, it's just like fate.

What belongs to you is not yours, but whoever "Laozi" lets it belong to.

Isn't the ultimate goal of cultivating immortals to get rid of "Laozi", enjoy great freedom and become that "Laozi"?

Maybe, or not?

So, what does Wang Lu think?

When Wang Lu took Caiying to the colorful road, "click", a flash of lightning passed through his heart. He tried hard to catch and capture it, but in the end, he got nothing.

Just like that, he was taken away by a mysterious force.

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