Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 502: Star Sea Thousand Islands Map, Rui and Chen

Wang Lu weighed it over and over again in his mind, and soon, he made a decision. The Yellow Palace was right in front of him. If he didn't break in, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

The basis for his decision was Xiaolu and Xianteng.

As one of the owners of the seven tokens, even if he was trapped in the island formation and couldn't get out, he believed that Xiaolu and Xianteng would never watch him trapped, and then be imprisoned with him and go to the underworld together.

Since accepting Xianteng and Xiaolu, in addition to Xiaolu's help in alchemy, especially Xianteng is simply a vampire, not to mention that he has no effect at all, and bluntly told him about the other three clones, and also proudly said something that he had never heard of the "Cangxu" super strong man, which would only make him more troubled and worried.

There is nothing else.

Hehe, it's time for you two to bleed.

After thinking this through, Wang Lu completely dispelled his worries. With Xiaolu and the fairy vine as a foundation, as long as he didn't die, he could successfully step out of the secret realm no matter what kind of dangerous environment he was in.

His expression was determined, and the hot token burst into circles of misty yellow light, as if it was extremely eager to rush into the formation.

Wang Lu raised all his magic power and cast a spell. "Bang", the yellow light burst out like a ball of fireworks, and the token disappeared immediately.

He didn't hesitate at all, and the black light covered his body like a cheetah, breaking into the island with light smoke and light fog.


As if sensing the intrusion of an outsider, the whole island shook slightly, and the mountain fog was violently swaying.

For a time, the wind and clouds surged.

At the same time, on an island thousands of miles away in the vast and boundless Kujiang River, the vampire shopkeeper who was meditating to recover suddenly changed his expression. On the "Starry Sea Thousand Islands Map" floating in front of him, an extremely tiny yellow dot gradually condensed and formed at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a yellow star, fixed in a certain area on the map.

The shopkeeper immediately stood up and stared deeply at the newly conceived yellow dot, with a ray of surprise and complexity in his eyes.

If you look closely, in addition to the yellow dot, there are also blue and green dots on the map.

This means that the Blue Palace and the Green Palace have been found by the corresponding order holders. Now that the Yellow Palace has appeared, it means that the Seven-Colored Palace will soon be found by himself.

The scene took him back to twenty days ago...

At that time, he was struggling to follow the black line to find the whereabouts of the Seven-Colored Palace. A blue dot suddenly appeared on the "Starry Sea Thousand Islands Map" without any sign. He was puzzled. The black line seemed to be more spiritual. Not only was it much faster, but it also lasted a lot longer.

Just when he was puzzled, a flash of light suddenly passed through his heart, and he was shocked:

The Green Palace, one of the Seven Palaces, had been found by a strong man, so that the "Starry Sea Thousand Islands Map" phenomenon appeared.

Following, five days ago, a blue dot suddenly appeared, and the black line was more solid and more spiritual.

He couldn't help but want to give up looking for the Seven-Colored Palace and turn to look for the Red Palace, but was suddenly interrupted by the sporadic information from the "Starry Sea Thousand Islands Map":

Seven Palaces, as long as four palaces appear, he has a 99% chance of capturing the Seven-Colored Palace.

Now that three palaces have been revealed, nearly 60% of the chance is in front of him. How can he not be ecstatic? He can't help but clench his fists and shout out with a cry that he has been suppressing for a long time.


The sound spread over a hundred miles, and the river water suddenly surged.

There is only one palace left, and he can step into the seven colors, complete himself, and step into the avenue.


It was like a gust of wind suddenly blew up, as if hundreds of thousands of needles swarmed and shot at his body from all directions.


Wang Lu couldn't help but let out a painful groan.

The power filled his body, and the black light circulated like a stream, becoming more and more dense, which completely isolated the pain and countless dense breath.

In his perception, the yellow token went to a location in the center of the island. Only by forcing it through could he reach the location of the yellow palace.

Wang Lu roughly estimated that the distance was about twenty miles away.

He cheered up. Twenty miles was as easy as drinking water and breathing for him.

Although he was in such a large formation full of aura needles, and his strength was also rapidly fading, he believed that he could still do it.


When Wang Lu walked out thirty feet, a very bad feeling came to him. The sharp aura needles were still shooting all over the sky and the ground, but the formation seemed to have another change.

It was too early to draw a conclusion now, and it had to be verified.

Wang Lu walked forward with difficulty under the aura needles that were like a rain of pear blossoms. His sight was still forcibly blocked twenty feet away. There were lush and tall ancient trees all around. Apart from that, there was no sound, and there was no trace of even a small monster or bird.

And the place he walked on was actually a path full of yellow leaves from ancient trees. This road seemed to be deliberately built by someone and led directly to the center of the island.

All these were secondary. What made him feel a little cold was that this path did not go straight, but rather inclined downward. Wang Lu had a more accurate understanding of his previous thoughts.

After half an incense stick, the second thirty feet was left behind him, and Wang Lu tried to take a step forward.


Standing at the beginning of the third thirty feet, he couldn't help but sighed.

Sure enough, every thirty feet, as the terrain of the path drops, the space will become ten times heavier, and now it is twenty times heavier.

A distance of more than twenty miles, in total, at the end, it will be a thousand times heavier, and at the same time, you have to endure the mad stabbing of hundreds of thousands of needles. Once the mana is insufficient or the successor is weak, the end is only one word:

Death cannot be more dead!

The short twenty miles where Huang Gong is located is simply a road to purgatory.

Fortunately, he has the blessing of the five internal organs and six internal organs, and he also has a very deep mana foundation that is far beyond ordinary people. I believe he can hold on for these twenty miles.

He must be fast. The longer the time, the greater the consumption, and the more dangerous he will be.


Wang Lu burst out all his strength, and "Crossing the Clouds" was fully launched. He gritted his teeth, withstood the heaviness and the needles, and flew towards Huang Gong unswervingly.

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