Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 490 The Great River

Wang Lu accidentally got the yellow token among the seven tokens. After understanding some secrets of the Kujiang Secret Realm, he wanted to kill the shopkeeper and had a strong killing intention towards other holders of the five tokens.

He dared to deceive himself and come to die. He was really tired of living.

According to the news from the token, more than 80% of the treasures in the Kujiang Secret Realm are hidden in the surging river, and these treasures are divided into seven palaces corresponding to the seven tokens of red, orange, red, green, cyan, blue and purple.

However, the seven palaces have always been mysterious. Every time the secret realm is opened, the spatial position will continue to change, which is extremely difficult to find. Even the token holder can only try his luck based on some sporadic hints.

Even if the luck is deep and one of the palaces is found, only the corresponding token can break the ban. The rest can only look at the treasure mountain and return empty-handed.

As for the fact that each token holder has to find six other monks, one is because each token can only bear the aura of seven people at most, and the other is that the core treasure of each palace can only be collected by the seven people who are infected with the aura of the token.

But, the most important thing is that only when the seventy-seven forty-nine people are strong can the time for the secret realm to be opened be extended to the longest.

This is what the seven token holders need and want to see the most, which can greatly win them time to find the seven palaces.

Although the shopkeeper told them in a guessing tone at the beginning, it was not a guess, but the jade slip had already given him the answer clearly, but the shopkeeper pretended to be confused and played tricks, which made the six of them feel that time was running out and uneasy.

His heart is worthy of death.

When the secret realm is closed, the person with the token can only take one of the six people away, and the remaining five will be ruthlessly abandoned and become the nourishment of the Kujiang Secret Realm.

In this case, a terrible idea suddenly arises: only by meeting Caiying can we verify it.

Throughout the ages, since the appearance of the Kujiang Secret Realm, no one has ever taken the core treasure of the Seven Palaces, and there are very few people who can enter the Seven Palaces, and there are only one in ten thousand. In addition, there are many dangers in the Seven Palaces, and less than five people have taken the treasures.

Could it be that this is what Hulu said to himself before he left, that there is a real place where there is a great treasure in the Secret Realm?

Wang Lu smiled grimly. The Seven Palaces are located in the seven main branches, and there is a big river two thousand miles away. Maybe the Yellow Palace is located in it.

What natural materials and treasures on land, all of which were thrown behind his mind.

God has treated him so well, and the yellow token is no less than a treasure from heaven, which is in line with the saying-if you don’t take what God gives, you will suffer the consequences; if you don’t welcome it when it comes, you will suffer the consequences.

The six-star arched moon blade after the blessing of 35% of the "Thousands of Threads Blade Formation" consumed nearly one-third of Wang Lu's mana despite the short time. He had to perfect his mana and maintain the peak state to deal with various powerful water monsters in the river.

He found a natural secret cave, set up the formation plate and flag, took out a pill, and meditated to recover.

In less than a day, his mana was perfect as before.

Refreshed, Wang Lu used all his strength to spread his body skills, striding briskly and leaping towards the river.

His speed was greatly suppressed, and he could only fly at a speed of 200 feet per breath. In addition to the blocking of the powerful monsters in the secret realm, it took almost half an hour to reach the edge of the river.

Wang Lu's ultra-high speed of nearly 500 feet per breath was suppressed by more than half, and this was only possible with the support of his relatively strong body. It is conceivable that others might be suppressed even more.

At a glance, the wide river was shrouded in a thin layer of mist that blocked the sight and consciousness.

The silent river water kept rushing, the waves rose and fell, and kept rushing towards the shore. The river water was a little turbid, and even at the shallow riverside, the exact situation of the river bottom could not be seen.

There were dozens of islands of different sizes scattered in the river, and the islands were shrouded in clouds and mist, and only a rough outline could be vaguely seen.

A trace of panic suddenly emerged, and Wang Lu squinted his eyes and stared at the river. He struggled repeatedly in his mind, whether he should go to find the Yellow Palace to find out?

His intuition had never deceived himself, and the feeling that frightened him had appeared, indicating that there must be some extremely powerful monster in the river, and it might even kill him.

Although he didn't know whether this river was the location of the Yellow Palace, and he didn't know what kind of treasures were in the Yellow Palace, but if you want something, you must pay for it. There is no good thing that can be easily obtained in the world.

After all, he still couldn't withstand the temptation of the Yellow Palace.

The token emerged. According to a Qi-seeking spell transmitted from the token, he quickly cast hundreds of spells and pointed a finger at the token.

The yellow light shone strongly, then suddenly shrank, forming a straight and solid yellow line.


At Wang Lu's shout, the yellow line broke away from the token and flew away.


At the same time, Wang Lu followed the yellow line closely, walking on the waves.

But what made him a little depressed was that the yellow line was like a headless fly, running around on the wide river.

Sometimes it flew to a small island and flew away quickly, and sometimes it took him into the river. Gritting his teeth, he followed it in...

After repeated and aimless tossing, the yellow line became fainter.

An hour later, like a candle in the wind, it was shaky and shattered.

Arriving at an unnamed island with a radius of about tens of miles, Wang Lu stared at the gray world, listening to the slight gurgling sound of spring water coming from the island, in a daze.

Due to the great isolation of vision and the need to prevent sudden attacks from monsters in the river at any time and the strange smell that permeated the rich spiritual energy, he defended himself impeccably at all times. Even though his strength far exceeded that of the cultivators at the same level, he could not withstand the mess of the yellow line.

His mana was consumed exponentially, and his strength was also lost a lot.

The most important thing is that if he wants to generate another yellow line, he has to spend one-sixth of his mana.

The two are superimposed, and every time the smell yellow line is formed and destroyed, most of the mana and one-quarter of the strength are lost in vain. Once he encounters a sudden danger, he will be in a more dangerous situation.

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