Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 400 Four Beasts City

Wang Lu came to the room and used the token to open the room formation. This restriction only serves as an early warning and simple protection. Although it has a single function, it can delay the danger to a certain extent.

He sighed and couldn't help but miss the inverted six consciousness formation that had been completely broken and accompanied him for so many years and made him feel safe.

But there are so many people, where can I find the formation man with a pig head mask?

In the world of immortal cultivation, there is blood and rain, and all kinds of dangers come at any time. If you want to save your life, you need not only strong strength, but also the blessing of external objects. The formation is a powerful means of defending against foreign enemies. It is indispensable.

Wang Lu meditated and adjusted his breath. Soon three days passed. With full spirit, he walked out of the room and came to the outside of the city without stopping. He released the bird-shaped flying treasure, jumped, adjusted the direction, and quickly flew towards the Four Beasts City 100,000 miles away.

After nearly two days, a huge city covering an area of ​​more than a thousand miles was in sight.

The surrounding sky was dotted with flying treasures of various colors, whizzing towards the Four Beasts City.

He roughly estimated that the number was at least more than two hundred. Just in this single direction and time point where he was heading to the Four Beasts City, there were hundreds of people rushing to the Four Beasts City, which showed the prosperity and prosperity of this city.

Wang Lu landed on the ground, unfolded his body skills, and fled to the Four Beasts City at the average speed of a Jindan stage cultivator.

The Four Beasts City was surrounded by an unnamed blue stone wall that stretched for thousands of miles and was sixty-six feet high and five feet thick. The four major gates in the southeast, northwest, and northeast were engraved with two golden characters on the gates: "South Gate".

The gate was thirty feet high and twenty feet wide. On both sides of the gate, two powerful Yuanying early stage masters sat leisurely, turning a blind eye to the cultivators coming in and out. Wang Lu took out the token purchased from the Chuhai Sect. With a spell, the token emitted a circle of faint blue light, and he stepped in smoothly.


Seeing the scene in the city, Wang Lu subconsciously exclaimed. Thousands of spotless white jade stairs extended down from the city gate. A four-beast city that could not be seen at a glance was located under a city wall of about thirty feet. It was like an arrogant ancient giant beast with a body of more than a thousand miles, but was firmly trapped by the cage-like city wall, faintly emitting a wild and unruly aura that split the sky and the earth.

Trapped beasts still fight.

The entire city, all the buildings are built with a muddy yellow ore. The city is shaded by green trees. The sun shines through the tall trees and is scattered in every corner of the city, giving people the illusion of being in an oasis in the yellow sand desert.

The Qiongqi, which symbolizes one of the four beasts of the Four Beast Sect and one of the ten great beasts of the ancient times, was built by the Four Beast Sect into a giant tower covering an area of ​​more than ten thousand acres, fifty feet high, and domineering.

This is the symbolic building and symbol of the Four Beast City.

No matter who you are in the Four Beasts City, the sky is completely forbidden. If you want to fly or ride a flying treasure out of the city, the consequences are not very serious, but one word, death. You will be strangled by the city defense formation without leaving a single slag, and it will be reduced to ashes.

The streets in the city are wide, and there are many businesses, large and small shops are lined up, and people are coming and going. Wang Lu walked into the Four Beasts City with flowers along the white jade stairs.

When he just walked down the last white jade staircase and stepped into the yellow block, he suddenly felt that his body was more than ten times heavier. He smiled "hehe", and he had heard that the Four Beasts City not only forbids flying, but also for body.

It's just that this ten times pressure is like tickling to him. His body shook slightly, and a circle of extremely faint black light instantly wrapped him, and the ten times pressure disappeared instantly.

Wang Lu wandered around the Four Beasts City leisurely and with interest.

In the city, the streets are crisscrossed and connected in all directions. Various shops of various arts and crafts are presented in front of him with different styles. One of them is like a blooming rose. Although it is only muddy yellow, it has a unique shape and a unique flavor.

Wang Lu looked at it carefully and laughed. It turned out that this was a branch of the Heishuixuan, a sect of pure female cultivators in the Six Swords Market of Tianjian Mountain, stationed in the Four Beasts City.

More than 20 foundation-building and golden elixir-stage cultivators were excitedly holding a pink, delicate and small rose token and lined up at the flower-shaped gate. One of them, a handsome and extraordinary male cultivator in purple, opened the gate like a rose bud in an instant. The token emitted a pink light ball and he successfully entered the gate and disappeared.

"Hey, fellow Daoist, this is your first time in Four Beasts City, right? You may not know that among the current foundation-building disciples of Black Water Pavilion, there is a woman named Mei Yue who is outstanding in temperament and outshines all the other beauties. You have not seen her. When she arrived in Four Beasts City three years ago, on her first day, the scene was so intense that the streets were completely deserted, countless cultivators flocked to her, and she was listed as one of the top three beauties in the northern border. The cultivators who came to Black Water Pavilion were like a rushing river, flocking to her."

Just as Wang Lu was watching with great interest, a slightly excited voice sounded beside him.

Wang Lu turned sideways, and a handsome and tall young Jindan early stage cultivator in a white robe stood ten feet away from him, and spoke with a beaming face.

"Oh, fellow Daoist, do you also want to get close to her?" Wang Lu teased.

"Haha, I'm Wu Xiaohu, a local of Four Beasts City. I'm not afraid of being laughed at by fellow Taoists. Anyone who has seen this girl named Mei Yue will be tempted, and I am no exception."

"Everyone loves beauty. If you have the chance, you must see it. If nothing else, it's also a pleasant thing to broaden your horizons, right, Brother Wu?" Wang Lu looked like a bald man, with a wicked smile on his face.

"Haha, great minds think alike. Let's not talk too much. See you again if we are lucky. I will go to queue up." Wu Xiaohu was like a generous and free-spirited person. He clasped his fists, walked quickly to the line of more than 20 people, and happily lined up.

Wang Lu smiled and continued to look around.

An hour later, a phoenix-shaped loft covering dozens of acres came into view. He was secretly happy and followed the crowd into it.

Yinluanxuan, but the usual silver color has now turned into muddy yellow.

Coming to the spacious and transparent hall, the layout is almost exactly the same as other places, but as a branch of Yinluanxuan, the largest city in the northern border, there are hundreds of separate rooms.

A silver-clad disciple in the middle stage of foundation building came up with a smile and welcomed Wang Lu into a separate "C 63" room.

Wang Lu took out the Golden Throne Order and a valuable amount of spiritual stones, and asked him to get a jade slip about all the big and small events recorded in the Northern Frontier in the past ten years, and told him to ask the deacon to come over.

When the silver-clad disciple saw the Golden Throne Order, he was shocked and immediately thought about it.

He entered Yinluanxuan because of his family relationship when he was young, and worshipped an elder. He successfully built his foundation six years ago. Under the arrangement of the elder master, he was assigned to the Yinluanxuan branch in the Four Beasts City, the largest city in the Northern Frontier. He has always adhered to the principle of caution. He has never been like this today. The first move he made was the jade slip about the major events of the entire Northern Frontier in the past ten years that Yinluanxuan spent a lot of money to find. He has violated the principle of passing on information upwards, but the moment the Golden Throne Order appeared, his previous persistence in his heart was broken in an instant, and he no longer had any worries.

This was the first time he received a distinguished guest with a Golden Throne Order, and his intuition told him that this person's identity was extraordinary.

He took the Golden Throne Order respectfully, but did not accept Wang Lu's spirit stone. Without saying a word, he took out a crimson jade slip and gave it to Wang Lu, telling him to wait for a moment, and left in a hurry.

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