Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 33: Fierce Fight

"Ha ha ha ha......"

Hou Jie laughed wantonly, and after more than a month of perseverance, he finally succeeded in building the foundation and officially entered the foundation building period. From then on, he had the capital to establish himself in the world of immortality.

Putting away his joy, he quickly walked towards Tingyu Mountain.

For more than a month, everything in the City Lord's Mansion was peaceful except for the noise of a large number of children.

Since the last time the child was kidnapped, Lu Shun has spent a lot of money to recruit more than ten masters from the seventh to eighth levels of Qi refining from several nearby cities to guard the entire city lord's palace.

The current City Lord's Mansion can be said to be impregnable.

Lu Shun specially sent goatee counselors to go door to door to inquire about the children's parents.

After careful consideration, the four children were specially assigned to the most heavily guarded room in the city lord's palace. Wang Lu lived in the wing next door.

The little butterfly hatched, and he seemed to have friends to rely on and talk to, and his mood gradually became brighter.

After a month of slumber, the little guy woke up. The twenty middle-grade spiritual stones in the spirit beast bag were consumed by it and turned into twenty small gray stones.

After waking up, the little butterfly flew up and down in the room, shuttling back and forth around him, so happy.

He thought for a while and said to the little butterfly: "I brought you out of the Jiuyue Secret Realm, and you are more purple than gray, so let's call you Zijiu, okay?"

The little butterfly flew to his shoulder in an instant, tapped his face with its tentacles, and flew happily from Wang Lu's left shoulder to his right shoulder as if it had a name.

Wang Lu was so happy that he took Zi Jiu to the square outside the mansion. He said to Zi Jiu, "I don't know what you are capable of. Can you show it to me?"

Zi Jiu lay lazily on his left shoulder, indifferent to Wang Lu's words.

When Wang Lu saw this, he thought of Song Fengyu and couldn't help but laugh: "Looks like bad luck, I got a lazy guy."

Hearing Wang Lu's words, Zi Jiu's wings vibrated slightly in protest, and Wang Lu felt pain on his shoulders like a knife.

"You're not a small person, you can do it."

Wang Lu was overjoyed. If Zi Jiu went all out, he could at least trigger a wind blade storm.

However, Zi Jiu seemed unwilling to stay in the spirit beast bag. In desperation, Wang Lu had to weave a straw nest for it, put it inside, and put two high-grade spirit stones in the nest for it. growth, and set up a simple restriction to prevent the spiritual energy from leaking.

The Spirit Beast Pill is nowhere to be found at the moment, and I don’t know if Zi Jiu likes the Spirit Beast Pill.

The little butterfly naps a lot. After waking up, it basically sleeps for ten hours every day.

It's just that the spiritual stones are consumed too quickly. A middle-grade spiritual stone will be used up in less than half a day. Fortunately, his family is still relatively rich. The sect rewarded him with a thousand high-grade spiritual stones, which is equivalent to 100,000 middle-grade spiritual stones. Spiritual stone.

However, as his cultivation improves and Zi Jiu grows, the cost of spiritual stones will increase. There is no need to worry about it for now. You will still need to work hard to draw talismans to earn spiritual stones in the future.

Wang Lu smiled painfully and started practicing with two low-grade spiritual stones in his hands.

Although there is no increase in mana, after each practice, he can clearly feel that certain acupuncture points and meridians in his body are constantly being opened or are about to be opened, and his spiritual consciousness has also increased slightly.

It has been more than a month, and he estimates that the other party will take action in the next few days, so he must always maintain peak condition to meet unexpected needs.

In the middle of the night, dark clouds covered the sky, the stars were sparse and the moon was dim. Ten monks in the late stage of Qi refining were guarding a hidden corner of the city lord's mansion.

One of the female cultivators, who is about thirty years old and has reached the seventh level of Qi refining, is hiding in a big tree and is letting go of her consciousness to sense all the disturbances in the house.

Hou Jie used the invisibility charm to appear quietly, and after a brief moment of sensing, he fled towards the female cultivator.

He came to the female nun, and before she could react, a bloody hole appeared in her heart.

As a master in the foundation building stage, he actually used the invisibility talisman to sneak attack on the monks in the Qi refining stage. He suddenly had the illusion that killing a chicken with a big sword was useless, but as long as he could resurrect the ghost king, he could not be too careful.

Hou Jie calmly eliminated the ten guards and checked each room one by one.

After looking at about fifty rooms, he didn't encounter any children with purple halos, which made him feel a little strange. He calmed down and continued searching.

After more than ninety rooms in a row, there was still no child who fit the bill. He secretly wondered, could it be that someone had leaked the news? Only he and a few of his subordinates knew how to look at the Qi.

He shook his head, probably not, maybe because there were so few children with such visions.

When all the rooms were searched, he couldn't help but sigh, is it possible that Tian Jue is the King of Ghosts?

No, Lord Ghost King had already predicted that he would be able to gather eighteen people. Lu Shun and the others must have guessed something and placed these children in another place.

At this time, a woman who was doing rounds walked into the room with a lantern. He had an idea and cast a spell on the woman and asked, "Are there any other special children elsewhere in the house?"

The woman replied with blurred eyes: "Four children have been placed in the most heavily guarded room in the mansion."

"take me."


The woman drowsily led Hou Jie through a corridor, walked across a small arch bridge, crossed a pavilion, turned around and came to a room, and then went back under Lu Shun's spell.

At this time, Wang Lu, who was meditating, was completely unaware of what was happening outside.

His spiritual consciousness does not have the ability to penetrate objects. It is said that only cultivators who have reached a very high level or cultivators who specialize in spiritual consciousness can do this, but there are very few spiritual consciousness techniques in the world, at least there are none in the Dream Sect.

Just as Hou Jie stepped into the room, Zi Jiu in the next room seemed to be awakened, suddenly flew to the wall, and instantly appeared in front of him.

Seeing a demon butterfly suddenly appear, Hou Jie was so surprised that he was hit by gusts of wind blades, which made him flustered.

Wang Lu suddenly woke up, passed through the earth wall, and casually used a spell to make the four awakened children fall asleep again.

At the same time, he secretly used his magic power and shouted loudly.

The whole city lord's mansion seemed to explode like a thunder. At the same time, the city lord Lu Shun and the head of the Lu family Lu Ming led the clan's masters to rush over.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Hou Jie jumped out of the room and came to the garden, laughing wildly: "Today, let you see the power of the foundation-building period."

He removed the invisibility talisman, and with a burst of magic power, the momentum of the early stage of foundation-building was undoubtedly revealed. Wang Lu seemed to be in a strong wind. He immediately stabilized his body, gathered all his magic power, and swung a crazy hammer. The hammer shadow as big as the room smashed towards Hou Jie.

"Come on."

Hou Jie took out a fiery red top-grade magic weapon flying sword, and sent the flying sword forward. A red sword shadow about ten feet wide split the hammer shadow into two, and the remaining force was about to come to Wang Lu.

A burst of wind blades hit the sword shadow, and the two dissipated one after another.

Wang Lu didn't care and attacked Hou Jie fiercely. Hou Jie had never encountered such a crazy fighting style.

He knew Wang Lu's thoughts very well.

However, his magic power was three to five times stronger than the opponent's, so Wang Lu could only adopt a desperate fighting style to wait for the arrival of reinforcements from the City Lord's Mansion.

Thinking of this, he was furious, gave up defense, and started to attack Wang Lu.

In less than ten breaths, Wang Lu's mana was exhausted, but the little butterfly was at ease in his attack, and Zi Jiu was like a flash of lightning, shuttling back and forth in the gaps of the sword light.

"Thief, where are you running!"

A burst of shouting came, and Lu Shun arrived in time with several cultivators in the middle and late stages of Qi training.

Everyone took out various magic tools and greeted Hou Jie fiercely. Wang Lu took the opportunity to drink a small sip of spiritual milk and added a newly drawn fire dragon lantern talisman.

This talisman is a defensive primary and intermediate talisman, and it took fifteen spiritual materials to draw such a talisman.

As soon as the mana was restored, Wang Lu joined the group attack.

"You forced me to do it!"

Hou Jie blocked left and right, very embarrassed, and said hatefully.

He took out a golden rope about one foot long and threw it into the sky. The rope disappeared without a trace and instantly appeared in front of a cultivator in the late stage of Qi Refining. It was wrapped around his neck unexpectedly, and the cultivator died without even a cry.

"Everyone, be prepared for defense."

Lu Shun reminded.


He was answered with a cold snort.

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