Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 322 Heavy Rain of Pear Blossoms

Wang Lu's words, as light as dust, gave the four people in Taishan Xing an extremely unusual feeling. Although his words were plain, they were undeniable and powerful.

The look of surprise on Tai Shanxing's face disappeared in a moment, and a hint of expectation disappeared. Fairy Zi Yue, who was covered in purple gauze and had a graceful figure, and the third prince, who was dressed in white and was as handsome as snow, looked at each other.

The most embarrassed Shi Yang was furious and laughed angrily: "Haha, my cultivation is low and my tone is quite loud. There are many people who want my life when I am old. Who do you think I am? Boy, I am going to show you today. See what it means that there is heaven outside the world, and there are people outside the world. I will teach you how to respect your teacher."

Wang Lu didn't react at all to Shi Yang's ridicule. He just folded his hands and said nonchalantly: "I advise you to cherish this little time left and take out all the defensive treasures. Otherwise, you will regret it." Not as good as that.”

When Fairy Ziyue and the Third Prince saw that Wang Lu was determined to kill Shi Yang and would soon kill him, they all retreated far away, for fear of causing disaster to the fish pond, as if they were sitting on a mountain watching the fight between tigers and tigers. attitude.

"Junior Brother Chen..." Before Taishan finished speaking, Wang Lu waved his hand to interrupt him.

"Give you a chance to use your strongest magical power, otherwise, you will die right now."

"Asshole, I will destroy you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Yang's body trembled, his magic power surged, and he was approaching the half-step Nascent Soul state in less than a breath.


Without saying a word, Wang Lu shouted loudly. The six-star Gongyue Blade was like a blooming jade firework for an instant, and then disappeared into the void. Suddenly, a strong wind blew across the entire training ground, sweeping towards Shi Yang. go.

A green flower of the other side seemed to bloom in front of Shi Yang's eyes and then withered. The strong wind that seemed to contain thousands of cyan wind blades kept torturing his body.


Shi Yang groaned, raised his hand, and a piece of red ancient jade came to the top of his head as fast as lightning, releasing a piece of red cloud that covered him airtight. He was like a ball that would never be extinguished in the wind. The flames, despite being stirred by the strong wind, were still bright red.

At the same time, a spiritual sword that seemed to be dripping with blood came through the air. He took hold of it and struck Wang Lu with a sword.

Wang Lu didn't even look at the blood-red sword mark that was as sharp as a gang and as fast as thunder. He moved the corner of his mouth slightly, and a green light suddenly appeared in the air, catching the blood-red sword mark in an instant.

There was a crisp sound of "町", and the red sword mark broke from it and disappeared.

When Shi Yang saw this, he secretly screamed that something was wrong. When he was shocked, he saw an overwhelming green light coming around him in the blink of an eye.


Before a scream could be heard, Shi Yang disappeared as if he had never appeared before, leaving only a storage bag on the ground.

Wang Lu waved his hand, and the storage bag came to his hand.


After Wang Lu left these four words indifferently, he jumped across the martial arts field, walked through the corridor, randomly found an unoccupied room, released the Inverted Six Consciousness Formation, and the door slammed shut.

The three people in Taishanxing were still in shock. After seeing Wang Luping's thunderous blow, they all felt that they were in a dream, it was so unreal.

Or maybe it was because Shi Yang, as a powerful person in the evil way, did not live up to his reputation or was really incompetent, which led to him being killed almost instantly?

Just now, Wang Lu was like a sharp knife cutting through the mess, and his incredibly fast critical attack was very powerful. They all replaced Shi Yang with themselves. If they faced this person's full blow, would they be able to survive or be able to counterattack accordingly? ?

Tai Shanxing and the three of them returned to their rooms in silence.

In fact, Wang Lu just took advantage of an unexpected quick word. After his six-star Gongyue Blade evolved from the Silver Blade Lake and was nurtured for so many years, the Seven Blades already had some limitations on how to travel short distances. , able to escape into Shi Yang's surroundings almost instantly, and with nearly two and a half percent of the power of the "Inexhaustible Blade Array", showing a brilliant sharpness that kills nothing and breaks nothing.

Even Shi Yang's rare ancient defensive treasure of strange fire jade cannot resist a single breath. If Shi Yang possesses a superb body technique and is fully protected by his own magic weapon, he may be able to survive the six stars of Wanglu. The explosive blow of the Gongyue Blade.

The trick Wang Lu gave him was named: Rainstorm Pear Blossom.

Tai Shanxing returned to the room. Because he had extremely powerful spiritual consciousness and had seen Wang Lu's six-star gongyue blade, when Wang Lu's seven-blade almost teleported to Shi Yang's body, it sent out a split When the blades in space formed a blade array, he couldn't help but feel terrified.

In his opinion, only the best defensive ancient treasure can resist the crazy cutting of the blade formation.

Chen Yong did not disappoint him. Not to mention his orange floating cloud vision, the methods he showed now, coupled with his own preparations, made him feel that he had a certain degree of confidence in the Tianyun Secret Realm. Get away intact.

In a room, Fairy Zi Yue, whose face was covered by purple gauze, had two purple pupils, as if the scene where Wang Lu had killed Shi Yang in a trance had been slowed down by more than a hundred times, and slowly in her eyes Replay...

After burning a stick of incense, she softly uttered two words: Awesome.

In another room, the handsome third prince, dressed in white, sat upright on the wooden bed, making a weird gesture with his hands. As he chuckled, a white light shrouded him, and his face continued to change rapidly and blurred.

In the white light, it was like a looming white dragon circling back and forth around him.

In the room where Wang Lu was, after he released the Reversed Six Senses Formation, he quickly took out a bottle of 500-year-old Monkey Wine and took a big sip. The one-tenth of his mana that was consumed was restored in the blink of an eye. Then, he took out a Hundred Turns Return to Origin Pill, opened his mouth and swallowed it, and began to meditate and practice.

Or it was because his cultivation was too low, otherwise, with the evolved Six-Star Arch Moon Blade, when he reached the late Jindan stage, he could fully release 30% of the power of the "Thousand Threads Blade Formation".

The 25% blade formation was already the limit of his middle Jindan stage, but if he released the orange floating cloud anomaly, he could still make the blade formation reach 30%, but when the anomaly appeared, it was already a desperate time.

Time waits for no one, he was completely immersed in cultivation.

Time was like running water, quietly flowing away, one minute and one breath at a time. During this period, Fairy Ziyue went out once, the Third Prince went out twice, and Taishan Xing went out from time to time.

Wang Lu never left the room. He wished he could have another three to five years.

The appearance of Tianyun Secret Realm was getting closer and closer. Ten days, five days, three days, and the last day.

More and more people came to Tianyun Market. There were no less than tens of thousands of people. They almost filled the market covering more than 300 miles. Everyone was waiting to witness the strange phenomenon of the sky and earth when the Cloud River filled the Tianchi Lake and the magnificent and magical landscape.

The Tianyun Secret Realm, which appears once every five hundred years, is almost the life span of more than 90% of the cultivators. Even if they cannot enter the secret realm, they can still see the beauty of the world and the wonders bred by the Great Dao.

Even if there is no hope of immortality, it is not a waste of life.

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