Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 314 Collapse, Shattering, and Creation

Such a suicidal behavior made the Fire Sea Pig very happy.

Previous facts have proved that it is indeed inferior to fighting alone, but the poisonous fire flame that has been strengthened again will definitely burn this person to ashes.

The poisonous fire flame, when it is at the fifth or sixth level, not only contains a trace of the molten magma poison extracted from the magma of the submarine volcano for billions of years, but also contains the overbearing high temperature that burns everything. If you touch it, you will either be poisoned to death or burned.

After breaking through to the seventh level of the demon beast, the poisonous fire flame evolved again after absorbing the power of the red light rain.

It had tried it before. It only released a wisp of poisonous fire flame, and all the creatures on one-fifth of the island, including flowers, birds, and trees, were almost instantly poisoned to death by the spreading and silent breath of the poisonous fire flame. Fortunately, it immediately put it away when it saw that the situation was not good, otherwise, this island would have become an isolated island with extinction of all creatures.

Wang Lu stared at the Fire Sea Pig and said calmly, "Come on."


The Fire Sea Pig was like a divine will. Before Wang Lu finished speaking, he could not wait to spray out two lines of poisonous flames from his nose, which seemed to have life. They disappeared faster than lightning and suddenly came in front of Wang Lu.

When Wang Lu saw the poisonous flames, his whole body suddenly tensed up, which made him feel a little threatened.

There was some truth in it.


Wang Lu was shocked and cast dozens of spells at a speed that dazzled the Fire Sea Pig. The poisonous flames that were about to shoot at him were sucked into his stomach by his mouth.


As soon as the poisonous fire entered his stomach, Wang Lu's whole body seemed to be burned by the Samadhi True Fire. His whole body turned red in an instant. He groaned, and his hands kept making spells one after another. The poisonous fire burning everywhere in his body was forcibly pulled to the Taiyin spleen meridian of the foot in an instant, along the inner red and white flesh, up the front edge of the inner ankle, up along the posterior edge of the tibia on the inner side of the calf, and handed over the Jueyin liver meridian of the foot, up along the inner front edge of the thigh, into the abdomen, belonging to the spleen, connecting with the stomach, passing through the diaphragm, along the sides of the esophagus, connecting to the tongue, spreading under the tongue, and then forcing into the diaphragm, injecting into the heart, handing over to the Shaoyin heart meridian of the hand, and finally passing through Shaochong, connecting with the Taiyang small intestine meridian of the hand... After running through the twelve meridians, it will travel through the eight extraordinary meridians and the collateral meridians and side meridians of the body...

Repeatedly, cyclically.

Wang Lu sat upright, and after thirty-one cycles, he murmured and opened his eyes. Two oppressive black crystal lights suddenly burst out of his eyes, making the trembling Fire Sea Pig shiver.

When Wang Lu was about to explode from being burned by its poisonous flames, the Fire Sea Pig was about to rush forward, using its own power and the poisonous flames to attack Wang Lu from both inside and outside, so that Wang Lu would completely disappear from this world.

However, when he saw the gestures Wang Lu made, he almost knelt on all fours. The huge fear buried deep in his blood instantly filled his body. That man actually possessed the extremely violent shadow of the Kui Niu among the ten ancient beasts. Although it was only one trillionth, it almost made him bow down to the ground.

What the hell are you!

It cursed inwardly, cursing the heavens, the earth, and this unfair world, until it could find nothing to curse. It did not dare to act rashly, because the blood of the fierce beast Kuiniu was too high, even a trillion demon-level fire sea pigs could not match a hair on its body.

"Come again!"

Wang Lu looked at the somewhat frustrated and fearful fire sea pigs and scolded them softly.


The fire sea pig shuddered, and two poisonous flames as thick as chopsticks were sprayed out like two fire snakes, and were sucked into Wang Lu's mouth.


These two poisonous flames were more than ten thousand times stronger than before.

A Kuiniu magic pill with a faint black light was swallowed into his stomach without hesitation.


Wang Lu opened his mouth and spurted out a piece of pure flame, which was then sucked into his stomach, spurted out again, and sucked in again...

At the same time, his hands continued to cast one spell after another, and the molten poison circulated back and forth in his twelve meridians, eight extraordinary meridians, collateral meridians, and side meridians, constantly expanding and transforming those meridians.

When Wang Lu took out the Kuiniu magic pill, the fire sea pig directly prostrated itself on the ground. It was so frightened at this time that a Kuiniu that was shrunk a trillion times appeared in the pill, and the man swallowed the Kuiniu in one mouthful without caring.

Oh my God, this world is too crazy. That is the legendary beast of heaven and earth in the legend of our ancestors, a supreme existence that is enough to kill everything!

A few words that seemed to have traveled through time and space, from fragmentary memories and legends, appeared in its mind: collapse... break... create...

Those words made it lie down with its body and mind broken, not daring to make any unusual noise, for fear of disturbing the cultivator named Wang Lu in front of it.

After a whole year, Wang Lu finally came back to his senses from the practice of the meridian realm.

At this time, he only felt that his meridians were as tough as the legendary holy tiger tendons. If they were pulled out separately, even the crazy chopping of the six-star arched moon blade would not leave any marks on them. At the same time, all the meridians were expanded by more than two times, but unfortunately, although the poisonous fire of the fire sea pig was powerful, it was not amazing, and it could only forge the meridian realm to this level.

It seems that he has to find something with more severe toxicity to complete the meridian realm in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, he stomped his foot, and the whole island seemed to shake slightly. He felt the mysterious and huge power in his body.

With just one punch, he could blow up a top-grade magic weapon, which gave him more confidence!

However, he also had to thank the Fire Sea Pig. It was this pig that not only enabled him to complete the muscle and bone realm in fifteen years, but also helped him to cultivate nearly half of the muscle and bone realm.

"Hey, where is that pig?"

Wang Lu looked around subconsciously, and seeing that there were no pigs around, he took two steps forward in astonishment.

It seemed that he kicked something under his feet. Wang Lu looked closely, and to his surprise, the Fire Sea Pig had shrunk by more than ten times, like a newly born red piglet in a secular family, lying on the ground with his five bodies prostrated, as if he was sleeping deeply, and strangely, he did not make any snoring sound.

Wang Lu touched his nose, smiled, and no longer cared about the Fire Sea Pig. He flashed down a few times and came to the cliff.

At this time, the sky was clear and cloudless. The fiery red sun emitted billions of rays of heat, as if it wanted to evaporate the Baihai Sea. The sea breeze blew slowly. Wang Lu looked resolutely at the scorching sun, the blue sky, the blue sea, the deep ocean, and the islands like black spots in the distance.

He lightly activated his magic power, took out a bottle of spiritual wine, gulped and drank it, and chanted with joy:

Ten years of sharpening the sword, looking back many years, but the blood is still there;

Forging the body in the deep sea, in the hazy eyes, the blade shines in the sky!


With a long laugh, Wang Lu leaped, stepped lightly on the sea water, and flew into the air, and went two hundred feet away, like a dragonfly skimming the water, like riding the wind to return, and disappeared in the vast blue sky and blue sea in a blink of an eye.

Only his long and heroic laughter was left.


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There is another chapter today, to make up for yesterday!

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