Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 277: Taishan Journey and Tai Family Kung Fu

When Jinsha heard the other party calling his name, he looked at him carefully. Suddenly, a very ugly smile appeared on his pale face. He replied: "I wondered who it was. It turned out to be Junior Brother Zhang Yunfan from the Snake Sect. I haven't seen you for more than a hundred years. Junior Brother has also achieved the Golden Core, and he is in the middle stage of the Golden Core. Congratulations."

Zhang Yunfan saw Jinsha, his face was complicated. He recalled that more than a hundred years ago, his master took him and his senior sister to Zhongzhou to visit an old friend of Xuan Gua Sect, and met the only disciple of that senior.

At that time, Jinsha was already famous in Xuan Gua Sect. Even in Zhongzhou where geniuses emerged in endlessly, he had a place. However, he did not look down on him. He taught him and his senior sister everything he knew. At that time, the three of them formed an inexplicable friendship.

After more than a year of getting along, the senior sister, whose cultivation was almost the same as his, fell in love with Jinsha, but did not expect to be rejected by him without hesitation. This matter also became a pain in the senior sister's heart.

From then on, they were separated from each other, but they did not expect to meet here. They were already serving their respective masters and had to draw their swords to fight to the death.

Zhang Yunfan sighed deeply. Even though the golden shark had deeply hurt his senior sister, he understood that over the years, his senior sister had never forgotten him, but had practiced harder so that she could keep up with the golden shark and not be left behind.

But at this time, did he really want to fight him to the death?

He did not say anything to Tai Qingyu and Tai Yuzhou, but just clasped his fists to them, then boarded his flying treasure and flew away.

Tai Shanxing saw the complexity in the golden shark's eyes and knew that the golden shark would not take action next.

So he bowed to the golden shark and said, "I will remember the kindness of fellow Daoist Jin in my heart. Please leave, and leave it to me next."

The golden shark looked tangled for a while, and then fled away.

At this point, Tai Shanxing, Tai Qingyu and Tai Yuzhou finally came face to face, with the flames of war burning in their eyes. They regarded each other as the biggest obstacle on the road to the family heir, and had been looking for an opportunity to eliminate each other. Now it was finally time to fight to the death and decide the winner.

Tai Qingyu, wearing a pink dress, walked out gracefully, with two sharp eyes shooting at Tai Shanxing, and said lightly: "Originally, with Zhang Yunfan's formation cultivation, Tai Shanxing and others could wear off a layer of skin, but since you are intact, then I will kill you openly. If there are more than ten of you who don't want to die, I can let you go. It's still in time. Otherwise, no one will be left."

Hearing Tai Qingyu's words, more than ten people behind Tai Shanxing showed doubts on their faces, including Wang Lu himself, who was also thinking about whether to leave. This move of cutting off the firewood directly hit Tai Shanxing's weakness.

Taishanxing remained as steady as a mountain. He did not respond to Tai Qingyu's words, nor did he care about the reactions of his own people. He looked coldly at Tai Qingyu and more than 20 other cultivators whose cultivation was at least at the peak of the middle Jindan period, and replied: "Attacking the heart is the best and attacking the city is the worst. You have made a good plan. If the Taoist friends who follow me are as swaying and fluctuating as you said, can they still achieve the cultivation of the Jindan period?"

The more than ten people who had originally thought about standing behind Taishanxing calmed down after hearing Taishanxing's metaphorical words. If they fled at this time, even if they saved their lives now, they would definitely not be able to pass the heart demon when they broke through the realm in the future.

In addition, Taishanxing's magical skills that have always been hidden, even if the opponent's number is twice theirs, they believe that this battle has great potential.

In fact, most of them are thinking that if things go wrong later, they will just act according to the situation, including Wang Lu himself, who also thinks so.

Tai Shanxing knew that his words had worked. He looked at Tai Qingyu in the distance. In the flash of lightning, a green spiritual sword full of spiritual energy was held in his hand.

He took a deep breath, stared at Tai Qingyu, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The green spiritual sword disappeared in his hand in an instant.

Tai Qingyu looked at Tai Shanxing's killing move in a daze, without any fluctuation in her eyes. A pink spiritual sword was also summoned by her, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, but her pink dress seemed to be thicker.

Wang Lu saw this, his eyes lit up, he saw that Tai Qingyu used her life magic weapon to defend herself impeccably, as if she had put on a pink dress again.

Obviously, Tai Qingyu did not see through the traces of Tai Shanxing's sword, and planned to use static to control dynamic.


A flash of lightning flashed, and in the blink of an eye, a three-foot green sword aura slashed fiercely on Tai Qingyu's left waist like a fairy from the sky, trying to cut her in half with a sword, and her body shook.


Seeing that the green spirit sword forced out by him was about to hide again, he shouted softly, and the pink spirit sword appeared again and merged into the void.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang" "Bang"......

The crisp sound of the two swords hidden in the void was endless, and the invisible space kept flashing pink and green light balls without any rules. The void where the light balls were located shook violently, and circles of space ripples quickly surged out.

After half an incense stick, the pink and green light balls disappeared, and the green and pink spirit swords were suspended in front of the two people, like a poisonous snake that would choose someone to bite at any time, emitting a brilliant halo.

The mana of both of them was consumed to varying degrees in the battle, but it was obvious that Tai Shanxing was stronger than Tai Qingyu in terms of the depth of mana and the strength of spiritual consciousness.

The pink-green light circle, with the green color occupying most of it, means that among the two people with the same cultivation level, Taishanxing is more powerful overall, which makes the more than ten people behind Taishanxing full of confidence, while the more than twenty people behind Tai Qingyu are a little depressed.

At this time, Taishanxing has other ideas. Although the skills he and Tai Qingyu practiced are completely different, they are both simplified from the family's top-level skills. His skills are stable, while Tai Qingyu's are light.

There are four skills simplified from the top-level skills of the heavenly level. Each skill is profound and complex, and can be practiced before the transformation of the spirit.

The four skills need to be chosen at the beginning of practice. He chose the skills that are stable and defense-oriented.

The first generation of the Tai family patriarch strictly ordered: If any Tai family disciple practices two skills at the same time, the meridians will be completely destroyed and become a useless person, and the serious ones will go into the devil and disappear.

For tens of thousands of years, this sentence has been regarded as a wise saying. There are countless geniuses in the history of the Tai family who became useless or died directly because they did not listen to advice. There are countless examples.

Tai Shanxing has been ambitious since he was a child, and he wants to solve the mystery of ascension, and then ascend to the fairyland and live forever.

He knows that no matter which of the four exercises he chooses, he can't even break through the spirit transformation stage in the end, let alone solve the mystery of ascension?

He can only find another way to get chestnuts from the fire. Since two exercises cannot be practiced at the same time, then practice all four exercises together.

He combined the four exercises into one and practiced them at the same time with a mentality of uneasiness and success.

At the beginning, the spiritual energy in his body was like four wild horses running wildly and unrestrained, and it could not be transformed into magic power at all.

However, with his amazing perseverance, he suppressed the other three spiritual energies while transforming one of them into mana, and then used this method to transform the other three spiritual energies into different mana one by one. He tried his best to control the four unrelated mana and not let them meet and blend at all, otherwise he would explode and die.

The four mana, as tiny as hair, was suppressed to the limit by him and could not be controlled at all. He knew that when the four intersected, he would be annihilated, but it was too late to save it.

So, he smiled and closed his eyes, letting them merge. When he was expected to be blown to pieces and death came, the four different mana, in the moment of fusion, actually produced incredible changes and synthesized a very thin new mana.

In fact, if he did not have his own qualifications and the protection of his innate strong spiritual consciousness, even if he had the willpower and endurance of Jin Gang, he would have been annihilated when the four mana merged.

So far, he has gradually emerged and stood out in the Tai family with his unknown practice of the Four Methods.

Thinking of this, he looked at Tai Qingyu, who was almost as strong as him just now. Could it be that she also practiced the Four Methods like him?

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