Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 236 Final Battle 4

"Wanyu Sword Formation" is actually just an offensive formation without any defensive means. It just uses powerful attacks to make the opponent unable to break through and can only be killed or unable to cope with passive defense. If once let The opponent has been attacked all the time or completely ignored the critical hits of the "Wanyu Sword Formation", that is, when the formation breaks, this is the only shortcoming of this formation.

Within a radius of thirty miles, hundreds of thousands of spiritual swords roared in an instant, sending out extremely sharp swords flying from all directions, besieging the Earth Divine Ox, Tian Qingpeng and Feng Yan Sect monks. in it.

The sword light and sword gang were like hundreds of thousands of swimming fish, shuttling back and forth within thirty miles, constantly harvesting the lives of some fifth- and sixth-level earth sacred cows and fifth- and sixth-level Tianqingpeng.



"Bah ah"

"Bah ah"

After two breaths, dozens of earth sacred bulls and dozens of sky green rocs let out shrill screams and were torn apart by the sword.

Within thirty miles, hundreds of sword lights flew out from every inch of space. These sword lights were everywhere and penetrated pervasively.

The Earth God Bull hurriedly released a circle of thick and solid earth-yellow Gang Qi to protect the entire demon body. All the Sky Green Pengs let out a "Qing Ming" and a touch of cyan demon Gang surrounded them. More than 200 members of the Feng Yan Sect The infant monks used their own defensive treasures to cover themselves completely.

"Everyone, please don't mess up the formation. There is no defensive means in this formation. Everyone should protect themselves. This formation is left to us to break."

Zhang Shunfeng saw the weakness of the "Ten Thousand Rains Sword Formation" in an instant. The five great monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul, as well as the five eighth-level peak demons of the Earth Divine Ox and Azure Peng Clan were about to flee forward. Go, completely ignoring the thousands of sword lights around him that stab back and forth repeatedly.

"Hmph, if our clan's "Ten Thousand Rains Sword Formation" is only so powerful, how can it be worthy of the name of our Caiyu family's strongest attack formation." Caiwei snorted coldly when she saw this.

As soon as he finished speaking, within thirty miles, it was as if it was raining heavily. The sword light in the whole world suddenly turned into a rain of swords. Every earth sacred cow, every Tianqingpeng, and every Fengyan Sect monk The sword light and sword energy around him suddenly surged ten times, fifty times, two hundred times, five hundred times, and finally broke through to a full thousand times within two breaths.

Millions of sword lights filled a thirty-mile radius, strangulating the entire space until it was almost torn to pieces.


"Bah ah"



Sixty breaths later, the sword rain suddenly dissipated and everything returned to calm.

When all the Earth God Bull, Tian Qing Peng, and Feng Yan Sect monks secretly took a breath and relaxed, it was like thunder on the ground.

"Boom" a loud noise.

Nearly ten million sword rays came suddenly like a heavy rain, killing and injuring countless people from the three tribes, and their shouts shook the sky.

The sword rain only existed for five breaths, but it caused more casualties than sixty breaths. At this point, the sword light finally dissipated, and all the vegetation and rocks within thirty miles of the dense forest were gone, leaving an unusual patch in the dense forest. Empty barren land.

Rivers of blood flowed on the ground. This attack caused the loss of more than 700 level 5 and 6 pure blood sacred bulls and more than 30 level 7 sacred bulls.

The Azure Peng Clan was far inferior to the Earth God Ox because of its defense against the Gang Qi, and they even lost nearly a thousand level 5 and 6 Azure Peng and more than 40 level 7 Azure Peng old demons.

Fengyan Sect's more than two hundred Nascent Soul monks, protected by powerful defensive treasures, also lost fourteen Nascent Soul early stage masters.

"Human race! I will definitely be sworn in with you. Damn you, I will kill you all!" An eighth-level peak demon from the Earth God Bull looked at the mutilated bodies that looked like cows and birds all over the ground. Let out a thundering roar.

It was so frustrating. The alliance of three clans, which was powerful enough to crush any large sect, could not even touch the shadow of the enemy. It suffered heavy losses in just a few dozen breaths. This made them angry and furious.

The remaining Earth God Bull and Tian Qingpeng also secretly tightened their hearts, wishing to find the human race immediately and tear them into pieces to vent the fury in their hearts.

"Let's go, damn, get revenge!"

Zhang Shunfeng had a gloomy face. He roared wildly and took the lead. He jumped over a hundred feet away and flew towards the battlefield in the valley like a cloud-piercing arrow.

Now that things have come to this, he can only add fuel to everyone's anger.

A sad army will win, an angry army will be braver, and the brave one will win when they meet on a narrow road, so he took the lead and ran towards the place of decisive battle!



"Kill his parents to the point where they don't even recognize him!"

"Come on!"

"Kill, kill, kill, kill!"

The three clan alliances of the Earth Divine Bull, Tian Qing Peng, and Feng Yan Sect, with overwhelming anger, let out high-pitched and angry shouts one after another, and leaped towards the valley where the decisive battle took place regardless of the cost.

Suddenly, the roar of mountains and tsunamis quickly reached the ears of Yaojun, Caiwei and more than 400 Nascent Soul stage monks.

At this time, all of them were sitting around in a natural cave in the dense forest, meditating to restore the mana they had just lost due to the "Ten Thousand Rains Sword Formation".

At sixty breaths, everyone's mana was less than one-third. They did not hesitate to swallow the ice clan's spiritual liquid that could restore their mana. When they were about to retreat to the battlefield, Caiwei made an instant decision. Such a good opportunity , when the opponent is relaxed, they should kill their effective forces at any cost.

Thus, more than 400 Yuanying-stage cultivators were devoured by the formation within five breaths, and three-quarters of their mana was swallowed up, which also caused them to temporarily lose the ability to reinforce the battlefield in the east.

When the sword rain dissipated, they quickly gathered together, and then fled hundreds of miles away, found a natural cave, and Zhang Huaiyuan personally set up a large isolation formation, and they hurried to recover their mana.

Of course, because all the resources prepared by Miao Nian Sect for the war were almost exhausted, they had to take out their own treasures. Although they were not as precious as the Qinglong Huanling Pill and the mysterious spiritual liquid of the Ice Clan, they were better in quantity. If one pill didn't work, then two would do. Whether it was for the victory of the final decisive battle or for the difficulty of their cultivation for so many years, they had to desperately seize the time to recover their mana and repair their injuries as much as possible.

Life is the most important thing.

If they were killed because of a few points of mana shortage or a sudden outbreak of injuries during the battle, it would be too late to regret.

After the four or more Nascent Soul Stage masters fiercely traded their own elixirs, treasures, talismans and other spiritual materials at the beginning, everyone fell silent.

They may have a lot of thoughts in their minds, from the unwillingness and the reason why they were forcibly conscripted to participate in the war between the two clans at the beginning; to the thrilling, ruthless, bloody, life-or-death, and intrigue scenes of fighting with Feng Yanzong and various monsters in the past few years, with a knowing smile or full of sighs; and then to the helplessness of meditating desperately to recover mana and injuries.

Some thought of the sect tens of millions of miles away, their own disciples, relatives and the eagerly awaited Taoist partner...

Some thought of the enemies tens of millions of miles away, the hidden treasures, the unfulfilled wishes, the apology that has not yet been spoken...

Some thought of the scene when they were young, when the sect or family discovered their powerful talents and they were extremely excited, or the regret of not being able to explore the secret realm that was about to emerge...


However, they all understood that as a person from the Western Desert, even if they died, they would be gently covered by the vast land of the Western Desert. Until the next life, they are still willing to fight for the entire Western Desert, even if they die in battle!


The author has something to say:

There are too many people and things involved in this war. The last few paragraphs can be regarded as an inner monologue for those passers-by A, B, C, and D, and give them an explanation: everyone has their own preferences in clothing and hats, and the differences are all in their hearts.

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