Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 20 Saving the Beauty

Two days after Wang Lu collected the Tongxin Jade, groups of Level 3 Cloud Leopards occupied the entire Stone Butterfly Valley.

Two months later, a purple cloud rushed towards the Stone Butterfly Valley in the distant sky. Half an hour later, the purple-black demon butterfly came to the Stone Butterfly Valley with dense butterfly clouds. The Level 3 Cloud Leopard saw the purple demon butterflies in the sky and kept growling and roaring at the demon butterflies.

After seeing the Tongxin Jade taken away and the dark gray butterflies killed in the valley, its eyes burned with anger, and the butterfly cloud covered the sky and pounced on the cloud leopard.

Wang Lu ran away quickly. The farther he got away from the Stone Butterfly Valley, the less uneasy he felt.

More than a month, I don’t know how far he ran and where he went, the fatal disaster was completely quelled.

On the one hand, he was very careful when running away, and on the other hand, he was lucky and did not encounter a powerful Level 3 demon beast.


Not far away there was an abandoned, dilapidated and ancient palace, which covered an area of ​​about 200 acres. Through the induction talisman, he finally found the others in the same team, which made him overjoyed.

He was really tired of struggling to survive alone in the secret realm.

After getting the Tongxin Jade, he wanted to find a safe place and wait for the arrival of four months in peace. Unexpectedly, there were monsters and prohibitions everywhere in the secret realm, as if there was some force driving him to move forward.

For a month, after consuming a bottle of spiritual milk, he has always been alone among various monsters. Although there are dangers everywhere, it has greatly honed his ability to escape and his will to survive, and he has also harvested some spiritual materials.

Especially the scene three days ago, now recalling it, it still makes him feel scared. When passing through a valley full of various kinds of monster snakes, he used five flying talismans to escape.

After nearly two months, he slowly concluded that the monsters in the secret realm all had their own territories and would not leave easily, which made him feel a little relieved.

Two vaguely magnificent green doors fell to pieces on the white jade platform, and a shabby plaque was engraved with the words "Qi Dian". Could this be the place where Jiuyue Sect refines weapons?

Wang Lu slapped an invisibility talisman and walked in cautiously.

The hall was in tatters everywhere. Several huge golden stone pillars supported the entire hall. There were many traces of swords, swords and axes on the stone pillars. It was a mess. Various kinds of magic tools, spiritual tools and magic treasures that had lost their spirituality were scattered all over the ground and were no longer useful.

There were three passages on the left and right sides and in front. After a little thought, he chose the square passage in front and walked slowly.

After an incense stick, Wang Lu came to a circular hall, where several puppets were broken and fell to the ground, and a fierce fighting sound was faintly heard from not far away.

Three passages connected the circular hall, and the sound of fighting came from the right passage.

Silently sneaking along the passage, they soon came to a huge square fiery red room.

I saw a girl in a white dress from the same team, who was under the violent attack of eight ghost-faced puppets holding various magic weapons.

The attack of the ghost-faced puppets implied a formation. The girl was covered with a light green protective circle, and was constantly inputting magic power into the green circle. The girl was sweating, which was a sign that her magic power was about to run out.

A three-foot-diameter and two-foot-high three-legged small tripod was casually overturned in the corner of the wall, and waves of spiritual energy continued to overflow from the tripod.

Wang Lu carefully checked the situation around him and saw that there was nothing unusual. With a burst of magic power, he smashed one of the ghost-faced puppets with a crazy hammer.

Caught off guard, the puppet was smashed and thrown out, and with a "bang", it hit the wall directly.

Wang Lu took advantage of the situation and did not spare anyone. He used his square inch boots to his full strength and chased after him in an instant. After a few hammers, he smashed the puppet into pieces.

The situation changed suddenly. In a few breaths, when the other seven ghost-faced puppets reacted, the formation had collapsed and their power was much weaker than before.

The girl didn't expect that someone could come here to rescue her. She was also a decisive person.

"You have been fighting me for three hours. Damn it, look at my power."

The woman took out a dagger with amazing spiritual energy. With the magic power, dozens of daggers whistled towards one of the puppets, stabbing, picking, chopping, or slashing. The puppet resisted with the meteor hammer in his hand for a few breaths, and was chopped into pieces.

Using the square inch boots, Wang Lu quickly moved between several puppets. The puppets were far slower than him, so he calmly dealt with them one by one.

A moment later, the other six puppets were also cut into pieces by the two.

The girl fell to the ground with a pale face, glanced at Wang Lu with her beautiful eyes, took a pill, took out two spiritual stones to meditate and restore her magic power.

Wang Lu walked silently to the puppets and picked up the magic tools they used. He didn't expect that all the magic tools were top-grade. It really fits the saying: A horse cannot grow fat without night grass, and a man cannot become rich without unexpected wealth.

At the gate, Wang Lu took a look at the beautiful girl and arranged a small defensive formation.

The secret realm is full of dangers, and it is possible that an attack will break out at the next moment.

The previous battle consumed a lot of his magic power. He took a pill and meditated.

The spiritual milk is reserved for life-saving. Every bit of it is used is a bit less. It must not be wasted.

As for the three-legged tripod next to it, it is better to wait until the girl recovers before dealing with it.

An hour later, Wang Lu, whose magic power was as strong as before, saw that the girl was still meditating, stood up, and carefully looked at the fiery red room.

In the previous fierce battle, the whole room was intact. A formation should have been set up.

Walking to the center of the room, he found that the red here was stronger than the red in the whole room.

He took out a spiritual eye talisman and activated it, and strands of hair-like red light threads wandered everywhere in the room, and the source of the red threads coincidentally came from a small white jade brick under his feet. Gaps popped up.

Wang Lu stepped aside, took out a small blade as thin as a cicada's wings, and poked it along the gaps between the white jade bricks. The white jade bricks were tightly attached to the ground like a single piece.

It took him a lot of effort to lift the white jade brick.

Suddenly, the red light in the room seemed to be boiling, the red light shined brightly, and a crystal stone that was as red as agate, crystal clear and incomparably beautiful lay quietly under the white jade brick.

Wang Lu picked up the crystal and looked at it carefully. He saw that there seemed to be a tiny flame beating happily in the crystal, and a burst of extremely strong spiritual power spurted towards him.

"Oh yeah!"

The whole person seemed to have taken a tonic, the whole body was overflowing with spiritual power, the body was red, and a "cracking" sound like beans kept popping in the body.

After the sound, Wang Lu felt that his magic power was a little purer.

Surprisingly, he took out a delicate and compact jade box, put away the crystals, and affixed several forbidden spirit talismans at the same time.

He guessed that this crystal was not an ordinary object.

After accepting the crystal, the red color in the room suddenly disappeared and became white and bright.

At the same time, in a room in the palace, there was a "click" and "click" sound. A tall and mighty tiger-shaped puppet opened its eyes blankly, and a light flashed in its eyes. It seemed to have been stimulated by something. With a sudden roar, the other nine slightly smaller puppets next to him also woke up in rage. Under the leadership of the tall tiger-shaped puppet, the nine puppets rushed towards Wang Lu's room.

The same scene was played out everywhere in the palace. All kinds of puppets woke up one after another, and soon they gathered into an army of puppets and swarmed towards Wang Lu and the two of them like a tide.

The girl woke up leisurely and said in a light and clear voice: "Thank you for your help, fellow Taoist. If you hadn't come, I would have died here... Wuwuwu... Wuwuwu... in the past two months. ..wuwuwu..."

After saying just one sentence, the girl started sobbing involuntarily.

Seeing this, Wang Lu was completely confused. This was the first time he encountered this situation. He was at a loss and wanted to say something to comfort her, but he didn't know how to say it. He had an idea and said: "Fellow Taoist, remember that we are on the same team. Yes, they were all recruited by Xiong Canzhi. I only knew you were here through the induction talisman."

The girl blinked her charming eyes like crescent moons, stopped crying, and said embarrassedly: "It was too dangerous before, and I forgot about it. Hey, why is this palace moving? Is it going to collapse? Can’t do it?”

As soon as the girl said this, Wang Lu also felt the palace shake violently, as if thousands of troops were coming towards them.

In a few breaths, under the influence of his spiritual consciousness, his color suddenly changed. Without any explanation, he jumped up and came to the girl's side. He took out a talisman wrapped in blood from the storage bag, which was instantly activated. Wang Lu couldn't help but say He picked up the girl by the waist and said, "The situation is extremely urgent. I'm sorry."

The two of them were like rice dumplings wrapped in blood. Their bodies melted into a blood mist among the lightning and flint. They rushed towards the puppet army at an incredible speed. Their fleeting glimpses passed through the vast puppet army like dragonflies and crossed the square of the palace. We came to a lush forest.

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