Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1272 Snow Eyes (Hide and Seek)

The reason why Wang Lu used the "Invisible God and Ghost Talisman" was to avoid being seen by others.

Humans are very strange animals. They will have all kinds of strange ideas about what they see with their eyes, and say a lot of insincere and specious words.

The Snow Eye is as important to him as "Wuliang", "Kui Niu Treading on the Sky" and "Zongyue Yunjian". There are many super strong people who covet the Snow Eye and kill him as easily as stepping on an ant. Especially at such a critical juncture of finding the fragments of the Snow Eye, there is no room for exposure.

He will not let anyone know, let alone give others the opportunity to spy and guess. To achieve this, the "Invisible God and Ghost Talisman" is a good choice.

"Zongyue Yunjian" sent him to a speed of 4,350 feet per breath, which is faster than a spark.

But he is still not very satisfied with this speed.

The twenty-three acupoints and two meridians deduced on the way back to Xiqi from the Great Wilderness have all been repaired and opened.

He wanted to be faster, even faster, so he couldn't do without Xue Tong's recalculation.

There was also the search for the 1,002nd hidden acupoint, which was impossible without Xue Tong.

Therefore, the decision to take Xue Tong out for cultivation was undoubtedly correct and timely.

No matter how much Xue Tong improved, it could improve the efficiency of both of them to a certain extent. The key was that it could save him a lot of time to practice well.

Thinking of the extremely long time required for the Mana Hero Realm gave him a sense of frustration like a thorn in his throat.

Pingyao Swamp was different from ordinary swamps. From a distance, the swamp was surrounded by a circle of green water, and there were many large and small mountains, high and low, like islands in the ocean.

Some mountains were bare and had no grass, while others were lush with vegetation. There were countless ripples of varying strengths on the water surface in the east and west, and it was unknown what kind of terrible creatures were hidden under the water and in the grass.

Wang Lu flew along the unknown wildly growing water grass. After half an hour, he flew 100,000 miles.

Along the way, he met some cultivators with the lowest level of Nascent Soul Stage, some of them were alone, and most of them were in groups of several people.

Among them, a team of three fought against an eighth-level water monster that was five meters long and had thousands of black tentacles and leeches all over its body, stirring up the swamp and making a lot of noise.

Wang Lu passed by silently without causing any reaction from the two sides.

He swept his spiritual sense and found that the three people seemed to have the upper hand and were sure to win, but in fact, a disaster was imminent.

The water plants within a radius of 100 miles were swaying gently in the direction where they were.

It was obvious that at least hundreds of the same kind of water monsters were quietly sneaking from the bottom of the water.

If the three people could not kill it within five breaths and leave quickly, their death would not be far away.

The deeper you go into the swamp, the richer the spiritual energy between heaven and earth becomes. The sky and the ground are covered with thick water plants that are several feet or even dozens of feet high. If it weren't for their dense and sharp leaves that are three feet wide, it would be easy to think that they are just big trees.

Soon, the sun completely set, and the dark curtain descended. It was pitch black and you couldn't see your hand in front of you.

A sticky mist rose from the swamp and enveloped the entire world in its embrace.

Looking up, the fog was dark and you could only vaguely see things half a foot away.

Wang Lu cast a spell, and the snow pupil opened. Wherever his eyes passed, the haze remained, but it was as clear and bright as day.

This fog is quite interesting. It not only greatly restricts and isolates the cultivator's vision, but also has a strong corrosive effect on the spiritual consciousness. There is also some kind of poison hidden in the fog. If the cultivator wants to be safe in the swamp at night, he must either cast a spell to release a magic halo or isolate it with a treasure.

If he did so, he would become the brightest light in the swamp, attracting countless monsters and poisonous insects to attack and kill him. In a short time, he would be dead.

The poisonous fog was quite troublesome for others, but it was nothing special for him.

Even if he did not use his magic power and strength, his body could last for ten thousand years without being damaged.

Hey, his body had already been refined into the black body that had never been recorded in the "Kui Niu Treading the Sky Art" after a hundred refinements.

With one thousand and one hidden acupoints, his body was so strong that he could withstand many times even the best magic weapons without any problems.

Wang Lu was like a part of the swamp, carefully sensing the slightest movement of the world while flying.

Indeed, there were many powerful creatures in the swamp that made him a little difficult.

They had a strong sense of territory, and as long as they exceeded the level of the ninth-level heavenly demon, they would occupy a territory of ten thousand miles.

The stronger the strength, the wider the territory.

For example, a ten-foot-long demon mosquito with blood-red eyes like copper bells, pure green wings and eight black legs as thick as cows was lying in the middle of dense water plants and sleeping soundly.

While sleeping soundly, waves of spiritual energy like big waves slowly and quickly rushed towards it, mixed in the thick fog, and there was no abnormality at all.

Ha, it was exactly the same as his Zi Jiu, both of them practiced and advanced while dozing.

This monster was born with the ability similar to chameleon, and merged with the swamp. If it were not for the insight of the snow pupil, it would be difficult to detect it with the naked eye or ordinary spiritual eyes.

This monster is extremely sensitive to danger. It woke up subconsciously with just a light glance, and its pupils were filled with red light, as if it was sensing something. Seeing that there was no movement, it closed its eyelids in a daze and practiced.

Let's call you a mosquito monster. I don't know how you practiced to such a huge size comparable to a level ten celestial monster.

Another example is a headless and tailless worm that is three meters long and as thick as a bucket. Its round body is quietly wrapped around a straight waterweed.

Although it is slippery, the fog within a hundred miles is mixed with dots of almost invisible blue. This blue like dust particles is not a beautiful decoration. Anyone who breaks in will be sensed and captured by it in an instant, just like being stuck in a spider web and being slaughtered.

He also noticed this and immediately turned around, not wanting to provoke this beast.

At the same time, as its body swelled and shrank slightly, an invisible pressure spread out, and the void within a hundred miles would appear slightly heavier.

Because the fog in this area is denser and more condensed.

The instinct of the flesh alone can give the space a slight pressure. The strength of this monster's flesh may not be inferior to his.

If he can wrestle with it bare-handed, he should be able to test his strength.

These were just two large monsters that seemed very powerful to him, of course there were also groups of insects that frightened people.

Although some of them were as small as ants and as thin as needles, the number of them that covered the sky and the earth was so large that it was daunting to look at.

The territory they occupied was even wider, often tens of thousands of miles, and the spiritual energy was even thicker, as if there were spiritual veins or some rich mineral deposits buried under the swamp.

Time passed by, and a year passed quickly.

It twisted and turned, as if the "little fragment" knew that he was looking for it, and always liked to play hide-and-seek with him.

Just like the mosquito demon, the strange long worm, and those creepy insects, it went to play with them.

But Wang Lu's patience was very good, he just kept sticking to it, and he went wherever the other party went.

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