Time passed by breath by breath.

With a powerful enemy behind him, Wang Lu, who was escaping at high speed, gradually outlined a bold plan to turn defeat into victory in his mind.

How he wished that time could go faster and faster.

In this way, he could kill the pursuer at the fastest speed and in the shortest time.

Based on the opponent's speed, it was estimated that there were only about fifty breaths left before he was caught up.

Hehe, this fifty breaths is what I want.

After killing the pursuer neatly and cleanly, Wang Lu looked back.

Immediately, he opened fire and fled again.

This time, he unexpectedly killed the powerful enemy behind him, and the talisman that he relied on as the foundation laid a solid foundation for him to decide the outcome of the battle.

First of all, he had clearly determined that he would be caught up sooner or later. When there was no escape, he could only turn the passive into the active, do the opposite, and take the initiative to meet the opponent, so that he could have the possibility of escaping from the Tianfu Gate.

So he decided on this deliberate counter-killing strategy.

First, he gradually slowed down his speed, making the pursuers mistakenly believe that his high-intensity long-distance escape had finally reached a dead end, and he could only struggle to escape at a very ordinary teleportation of 2,100 feet per breath.

Let him lower his guard.

Next, the key point came.

Illusion Talisman!

Although this talisman is only a high-level high-level talisman, in Wang Lu's eyes, its importance at this time is no less than the three super talismans he drew.

With the fake and real talisman, he can separate another self from the world.

Continuing to flee with this talisman, he sneaked back at a speed of 4,350 feet per breath without anyone noticing.

Waiting for the rabbit, he gave this unknown enemy a fatal blow.

According to his calculation, the two were 957 miles apart in 50 breaths.

With the opponent's extraordinary speed of nearly 5,000 feet per breath and his finger-snapping speed of 4,350 feet, the two met in the 15th breath.

Why choose the time node of fifty breaths?

Because it is very particular and critical, it cannot be too early, let alone too late.

If it is too early, he is worried that it will trigger the reaction of the formation. If two Wang Lu appear on the formation, people with eyes will know what medicine he is selling. Not to mention counter-killing, he may fall into the net set by the opponent.

His worries are reasonable, but they were wiped out by the sisters Mu Xue invisibly, protecting him firmly.

This is also the real reason why they were extremely shocked and shouted loudly when they saw two black spots with completely different directions vaguely appearing in the double-seeing formation.

In fact, what they don’t know is that when they can’t help but hide their traces for Wang Lu, they really made the determination to betray Tianfumen "for Wang Lu".

Not only did they not notice it, Wang Lu knew nothing about it.

Fortunately, he met Zhou Mu and Zhou Xue.

On the other hand, if it is too late, they have already seen each other, needless to say, they will definitely add a protective measure to themselves.

Once the other party is alerted, how can they be seriously injured in an instant?

When they were fifty breaths apart, even though there were still fifteen breaths before they could meet each other, Wang Lu never fought an unprepared battle.

He immediately set off, fully activated "Crossing the Clouds", and fled at full speed towards the opponent.

He used thirteen breaths, leaving only three breaths for himself.

On the one hand, despite the talisman that makes gods and ghosts invisible, there are countless people with extraordinary skills and methods in the world. If someone else has a super-strong spiritual sense and can sense him who is hiding in the void at a very fast speed, he will fail.

On the other hand, he has to calm down and take in every move of the pursuer so that he can't hide.

Another point is that it takes time to play four layers of overlapping.

Three breaths, in the eyes of ordinary people, can't be shorter, but his eyes are not only extraordinary, but also the third-ranked snow pupil in the top ten spiritual eyes.

Before seeing the person, feel his momentum first.

The strongest among the strongest!

This was his first impression. Immediately afterwards, the newcomer did not despise him at all because he seemed to be still fighting stubbornly.

He had no expression on his face, too calm, so calm that it made people shudder.

Wang Lu in the void was like a cold-blooded venomous snake. He moved the moment the divine symbol appeared.

When the Sky-supporting Stick first hit the four layers of endless overlap, the divine symbol's face suddenly changed.

Yes, the space under his feet was indeed a slightly weak point in the four layers of overlap, which was found by his experience and precision in an instant.

This person's quick reaction and accurate judgment were astonishing.

However, when he recognized that this was the way to escape, he took a road of no return that Wang Lu had carefully prepared for him.

As the saying goes, surround three and leave one.

Deliberately leave a way out for the enemy to make him lose his determination to die.

This is what Wang Lu wanted.

Think about it, when anyone encounters a great crisis, the subconscious will not resist but seek a way to escape. Only when there is no escape will they have the strong belief to fight to the death.

Shen Fu is a human, not a god.

In the case of mistakenly thinking that he has found a glimmer of hope, it is more important to avoid this disaster and save his life than anything else.

This is what Wang Lu is betting on.

After Shen Fu suffered a lot of injuries and took the critical hit of four layers of overlap, he never expected that Wang Lu would not give him a chance to breathe. The six-star arched moon blade had been lurking here a breath ago, waiting for him to come uninvited.

Before he could react at all, death came one after another, and "Infinite" was launched without any signs.

Since then, under Wang Lu's deliberate plan, the divine talisman that was relied on by the Tianfu Master as his right-hand man and the mainstay of the Tianfu Sect did not even resist and disappeared.

This was the whole process of his plan to kill the divine talisman.

However, even if he got rid of this extremely powerful pursuer, his heartstrings did not relax, but became more tense.

He could clearly feel two strange things.

One good and one bad.

The good thing was that the person who controlled the Tianfu Sect's mountain protection formation deliberately withdrew all the power of the formation from him, and intentionally did not defend that person, which provided him with immeasurable benefits for his successful killing.

He also understood that the Tianfu Sect's mountain protection formation did not have a strong blessing effect internally, and it was a very powerful formation externally.

However, if he provided that person with a little protection, the outcome would be difficult to predict.

It is not difficult to imagine that if the Taiyi Huazhen Talisman could not be drawn, it would take at least several decades for Xue Tong to find loopholes.

The downside is that the pair of vicissitudes of invisible eyes did not restrain because of the death of the pursuer. This eye is like a vicious shark smelling blood, and it locks him tightly for a moment.

It is very likely that the owner of this pair of eyes is Tianfu Ci Liao.

Wang Lu's fear increased greatly, and at the same time, he was also confused.

A very bad omen lingered around him.

Warnings cannot come for no reason, and they will not appear out of nothing.

There must be something strange that he has not noticed yet.

Those who helped him, this favor is remembered.

The last look back was specially cast for him.

At this moment when his life is at stake, he will leave Tianfu Gate first.

There are still two hundred breaths before he can swim in the sea. I believe that no matter how powerful "your eyes" are, there is no way to capture me.

Time flew by quickly in his cold expression, and the journey was smooth.

He was only ten breaths away from the edge of the Tianfu Sect's formation.

If the other party wanted to stop him, they could only do so in these last ten breaths.

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