Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1209 Body Sect Wuyao

It's time to speed up.

Peng Yong casually swung out a sword with the Frost Sword, his life-long magic weapon, to smash a mighty fist.

Then, he swept his eyes, and "swish swish swish swish", dozens of swords flew out in a certain pattern.

In an instant, the space seemed to be frozen by frost, and the man's body suddenly tightened. He couldn't think too much, "Huh", he roared like a beast, his body relaxed, and he looked up and disappeared.


A cold light burst out where he disappeared, and a space black hole was born, and the hole was full of violent space turbulence and space cracks.

The male cultivator's actions were all within his expectations. He had taken the initiative, so how could he let the opportunity go to waste.

"Frost freezes the world."

With the infusion of mana, the Frost Sword slashed at the void.


A group of cold light burst out, and the cold air all over the sky and the ground instantly filled the void, and the temperature dropped a thousand times. At the same time, a "crackling" sound was heard.

This is because the space was frozen to the extreme, and some of it could not bear the sudden weight of the solidification and ultra-low temperature.

The male cultivator's teleportation was immediately affected, but he punched out without changing his expression.

A yellowish-brown hammer condensed in his fist.

No, it was not a hammer formed by the fist, but a real hammer.

A heavy hammer of thousands of pounds, tens of thousands of pounds.

The hammer appeared faster than lightning, and it flashed into Peng Yong's eyes like a thunderbolt from a small size.

It came so fast!

It was so fast that he had almost no reaction, and the overwhelming force on it made him breathless.

The hammer became faster and faster, and bigger and bigger, almost occupying half of the world, and smashed towards him like a mountain pressing down on his head.


At the moment the yellow hammer appeared, all the frost could not withstand the huge force and collapsed.

The hammer jumped between the sun and the moon, and a dark black chasm appeared in the void in a flash, just like the Chu River and Han Street dividing the space into two distant places.


Peng Yong had never expected the male cultivator's powerful counterattack without any warning, and roared wildly.

"Frost turns everything!"

The magic power rushed down like a torrent, and the frost sword flashed a group of frost, instantly freezing the heavy hammer for a moment.

The man suddenly felt it, snorted coldly, and the magic power and strength moved together, "boom", the frost shattered at the touch, and the yellow hammer came down like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.


The world shook, the room trembled and was about to collapse, and in a flash, "crash", a yellow light spread, and the room was stable again, motionless.

But the whole space was still shaking violently.

The smoke dissipated, and the male cultivator calmly guarded himself, staring at the afterimage of Peng Yong who was blown up by his life-long magic weapon "Ba Hammer" with a torch-like gaze.

The man's reaction was so fast that he was beyond his expectation. He broke the fatal blow that had been prepared for him at the line between life and death.

The reason why he escaped was that the frost magic transformed by the frost sword gave him a chance to survive, making his "explosive killing" hammer that integrated magic and martial arts return in vain.

However, even if you dodge it this time, dodge it next time, dodge it ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, but you will definitely not dodge it ten thousand times.

I know you still have a lot of trump cards, don't I have any?

Come on, I will let you know what a true magic and martial arts dual cultivator is.

The male cultivator was wild and calm, full of confidence and cautious.


Peng Yong appeared from a distance with messy black hair.

He was silent, holding the frost sword in his hand, and raised the sword little by little. A momentum of killing all things in late autumn condensed on his body and spread in all directions.

"Huhu huhu huhu..."

Suddenly, the autumn wind blew, the sky and the earth were gloomy, and the fallen leaves swirled.

These were not real fallen leaves but the illusion of the sword.

"Sword force!"

The man said solemnly.

Sword force is simple to say, but few people who use swords can comprehend it. Even if you hold an ordinary iron sword in your hand, it can become a magic weapon with the blessing of sword force, and take people's heads thousands of miles away.

He has also heard of Peng Yong. He only knows that he is easy-going and has a wide range of friends, but he rarely shows his real skills in front of others.

Now it seems that this is not his true face, everything is a disguise.

He is like a wolf in sheep's clothing, always paying attention to the slightest movement in the world of cultivation, concentrating on research, accumulating strength, and silently waiting for the arrival of a great opportunity.

He disguised himself perfectly, without any flaws.

In a flash of thought, Peng Yong held the sword across his chest, and fallen leaves squeezed out from the void, more and more, fluttering in the sky.

The fallen leaves are red, yellow, purple, white, red, orange, blue, green...

Colorful and dazzling.

The man's eyelids were frantic, and Peng Yong's nameless sword was still beyond his expectations.

In just a breath, countless fallen leaves floated into the Changhe Black Hole, filling it up in almost an instant, and "bang" burst.

You should know that the Changhe Black Hole takes at least half an hour from birth to self-annihilation. Only a stronger force than it or a profound understanding of Tao can destroy it in less than a breath.

"Pangu Wuji Gong"!


A giant with a yellow steel body and iron bones, looking down on the world and dominating the ages, appeared from behind him, and his blurry eyes shot directly at Peng Yong.


Peng Yong's heart seemed to be grabbed by an invisible big hand. He couldn't help but let his hair stand on end, and a horror from the bottom of his heart surged through his body.

The giant vision was approaching unpredictably.

However, it was either you die or I die, and the thought of success or failure flashed through his mind.

Inexplicable thoughts swarmed up. Such a strong man was simply shocking to the world. If he hadn't occupied Peng Yong's body, even if Peng Yong had played all his cards, the outcome would still be unknown.

Take this hammer first.

The opponent's momentum was fierce and extremely terrifying. Even if Peng Yong had practiced extremely rare sword skills, he might still be defeated.

"Spring drops, summer dew, autumn frost, winter beads, frost of the four seasons, overturn the universe, kill it."

Peng Yong did it in one breath, without any pause, and at the same time, the frost sword in his hand pointed, stabbed, picked, scratched, chopped, raised, blocked, blocked, hooked...

In an instant, like the thousand-handed Guanyin and the ten-thousand-handed Buddha, he transformed into a thousand sword moves, and then returned to one in an instant, and stabbed the male cultivator with a sword.


The man's heart subconsciously jumped with fear, but his hands were not vague at all. With a deafening roar of "Ha", Pangu moved from behind him to the front. At some point, he had already grabbed the tyrant hammer in his hand.


He looked up to the sky and howled, like thunder rolling, "bang bang bang bang bang bang bang", the howling sound instantly shattered all the fallen leaves and turned them into ashes.

But a frosty white sword light was like the spring drops of the four seasons that penetrated everywhere, like the morning dew in summer that revealed the truth, like the cold frost in autumn that was cold and piercing, and like the condensed beads in winter that were indestructible. In an instant, the four seasons changed rapidly, you have me, I have you, repeating over and over again, and a sword light that overturned the universe swept towards him.

Faced with such a strong and terrifying sword light, the male cultivator was not afraid. He raised his hands above his head and hammered down at the sky-shattering sword light.

"Hammer the world."

Pangu raised his hammer high, and a force that destroyed the world rose to the sky. At the same time, the vast magic power was infused into the hammer. Pangu was like holding a yellowish sun, and hammered down at the sword light that was surging like a tide.

"Boom, boom!"

Suddenly, the mountains and rivers shattered, the rivers and seas rolled back, and the sky and the earth suddenly darkened. Peng Yong and the male cultivator screamed at the same time, like a kite with a broken string, flying far away.

"So strong!"

Wang Lu stood up in surprise and looked at a room on the right.

The room shook violently, like a balloon, and it only needed to be more violent to smash it.

However, as time went on, the room shook less and less, until there was no sound at all.

He pondered for a moment and sat down again. No matter who won or lost, it was enough to threaten him.

It would be good to seize the time to practice and increase a little magic power.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough..."

The male cultivator's mouth was bleeding. He stood up with difficulty and looked at Peng Yong in the distance. His eyes were as calm as ever, but Pangu and his tyrant hammer were gone.

Peng Yong's green and yellow clothes were stained with blood. He supported himself with the frost sword and looked at the male cultivator with deep eyes.

He knew that the ruthless man in the distance had been injured and seriously injured.

The most feared thing for a powerful cultivator is to be injured. From the blood on his mouth, we can know one or two.

However, this person's mana has not been reduced much, and he still has a killer move in his hand, so he still can't let down his guard.

In fact, he is not much better, but he still has a few secret methods that can reverse the situation.

The ones he used before were just owned by Peng Yong.

The male cultivator was really strong, and he was also very curious about the identity of the other party.

However, something unexpected and chilling happened suddenly.

The male cultivator said calmly: "I never kill people and make them stupid. Remember, I am a human being. If there is reincarnation, I will be waiting for your revenge."

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