Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1147 Invitation

"Fellow Taoist, please stay."

Just as Wang Lu entered Xiaofang City, a calm voice sounded from behind.

Wang Lu turned around in surprise. The other person was a young man in the mid-stage of divine transformation.

The male cultivator was dressed in green and yellow attire and looked talented and polite.

Although his cultivation level is not as good as that of his opponent, he is still a master in the transformation stage. Wang Lu said cautiously, "What do you want to ask me?"

The man smiled and said: "I see that Taoist friends are relatively unfamiliar. They must be from elsewhere. What good things can be found in the Xiaofang market in front of me? I have found a large amount of wealth, and I need one person to make up for it. I don't know if you have any." interest?"

Seeing a trace of expectation in his calmness, Wang Lu said impatiently: "Say what you have to say quickly, and say what you have to say quickly. Don't delay your treasure hunting plan."

Upon hearing this, the male cultivator felt a trace of unhappiness in his eyes, and he replied in a well-mannered manner: "That's right, according to reliable information, an ancient sect will appear in Qingshui Lake of the Shui Tribe in half a month. I have found it recently. Three like-minded Taoists want to explore the mystery together. It is said that this sect is famous for cultivating spiritual medicine. This is a new relic that has never been seen in the world. How about we work together to make a fortune? "

Wang Lu stared intently at his eyes and every move. Seeing that he showed no pretentiousness or hesitation, he couldn't help but wonder, could it be possible that there is such a thing as "all your wishes come true"?

Whatever he wanted was delivered to his door, and he could be indifferent to anything else. When it came to the elixir, he had to pay attention to it.

However, he still asked coldly: "There are so many powerful people in the Divine Transformation Stage in the world. Why did you invite me to join your team? Besides, you have clearly explained the time and place. I am acting alone. It would be great if what I find is my own, so why bother to join us?" Evenly divided.”

After hearing this, the male cultivator was determined, and indeed he couldn't resist the temptation.

Wang Lu seemed aggressive, but he was actually moved. Everyone cares about their own interests. He just used this as an excuse to get more useful information.

He said cheerfully: "I am Peng Yong, a native of Xianglan City. By chance, I have reached the middle stage of spiritual transformation. I have no sect and no sect. I have been practicing ear training for a while. Fellow Taoists can ask around and they will know my identity. Let me talk about the first thing first. Question, although the news that an ancient sect will appear in Qingshui Lake of the Shui Tribe has spread in a small area in the southeast of Zhongzhou, it still requires an entry token. I just happen to have one in my hand. As for why I approached you. "Although Taoist friends have just entered the realm of spiritual transformation, they are very rare masters of magic and martial arts. In my opinion, they may not be at a disadvantage even against experienced mid-stage spiritual transformation practitioners."

Seeing Wang Lu's contemplative look, Peng Yong increased his intensity and said: "I heard that some Tianji warlocks deduced that the ancient sect that appeared in this world may have left two or three complete medicine gardens. Although all the forces took action after hearing the news, there was no The token can only be looked upon with dismay."

Wang Lu pondered: "Is it possible that you have the token but others don't?"

Peng Yong smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist hit the nail on the head. About forty-nine tokens were unearthed. Each token can guarantee the entry of five people. If fellow Taoist is willing, I can give you the last quota so that we can enjoy the feast together. Conjunction of opportunity.”

Hearing this, Wang Lu smiled "hey" and said sarcastically: "Thank you fellow Taoist for your kindness. I have to be careful when showing courtesy for nothing. Although I, Mr. Chen, am stupid, not everyone can be deceived. This kind of good thing, I I don’t think I have such luck and luck yet, so I’ll leave it to others to enjoy, so I thank you and say goodbye.”

After saying that, Wang Lu turned around and left without even looking at him.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, wait a minute. I have one more thing to say. If you still refuse after hearing this, I will never stop you."

Peng Yong moved his feet, blocking his way, which attracted dozens of people passing by to look at him strangely. However, with a little awareness, they felt that the two of them were unfathomable, and they were all walking as fast as if nothing happened.

Wang Lu's magic power was shaken, his momentum surged, and he said in a hateful voice: "The world is bright and clear, fellow Daoist Peng can't succeed, and you still want to force others to make things difficult?"

Peng Yong clasped his fists and said quickly: "Fellow Taoist, I have misunderstood. I have no intention of forcing you. Please listen to what I have to say. To be honest, I got the token by chance. It is not easy for us casual cultivators. Don't look at casual cultivators." The alliance occupies two giant spiritual veins, and there are many factions and contradictions in it. The two-faced and treacherous ones are even worse than other sects. I have been living in Zhongzhou for more than a thousand years, and I have seen most of the powerful people in the God Transformation stage of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, many of them, but I am definitely not one of them. Furthermore, your Excellency seems to be cautious and suspicious, but in fact you are calm and measured, and your martial arts and martial arts are at par with each other. You are really a rare choice for the top. The other three are just like us, they are also casual cultivators. After entering, we have nothing to do with each other. Everyone does what he wants. If you are in danger, you can give me a helping hand, because I know very well that the things that can be fatal or life-saving are often hidden in the subtleties."

"Moreover," Peng Yong added, "the token is only limited to entry, and there is no restriction on exit. In other words, when the time is up, as long as you are alive, you can be sent out."

"That's it for now. I would like to ask my fellow Taoist friends to decide whether to go or stay. I will be waiting here in five days."

Peng Yong said sincerely: "When the time comes, I hope to see Fellow Daoist Chen again."

After saying that, he turned around and disappeared.

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