Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 100: Enlightenment

Five days passed by in a flash, and on the second day after Wang Lu left the Champs Elysees, Master Tianji came forward to refute the rumors. There was only one silver flower and there was nothing extra.

This forced all the sects searching for Wang Lu and the investigating monks to stop searching for him. Even if he was found, what would happen? It would be a useless effort.

Such a wide-ranging search disappeared in just one sentence from Master Tianji.

For five days, Wang Lu carefully studied the silver talisman.

The more he explored, the more incredible he felt about this talisman.

It turns out that this talisman has been refined by others a long time ago. I am not the owner, only the right to use it.

This talisman is neither gold nor wood nor jade, it is invulnerable to water and fire, and it is invincible with swords. The spiritual materials used cannot be seen at all. I can only vaguely feel that there are at least hundreds of spiritual materials used to draw the silver talisman.

He can deeply sense the magic of this talisman, but he has no way to start.

Wang Lu smiled casually. What's so strange about this? It was because his understanding of Fu Zhuan was far from enough.

While thinking about it, I took out the "Six Talisman Book" again and studied it carefully.

He thought that with the help of the all-encompassing knowledge of talismans in the "Six Talisman Book", he could get some clues about the silver talisman.

The moment he took out the "Six Talisman Book", something unbelievable happened.

The six-talisman book was opened for no reason, and the silver talisman flew in automatically like a baby swallow. A lifelike silver talisman immediately appeared on the page. Wang Lu only had time to read the name and brief introduction of the talisman before it disappeared immediately.

And the silver charm flew back to the table by itself.

This was like a self-recommendation scene that shocked him.

He finally knew the name of the silver symbol: Qidao.

What left him speechless was the brief introduction to it: This talisman is a great talisman from the upper realm and needs to be hidden before it can be refined. The owner is far from qualified to understand this talisman.

Regarding this statement, Wang Lu cursed in his heart. He had never heard of hiding the void, and there was no such thing as hiding the void in the world of immortality.

However, he was able to confirm one thing. Regardless of whether there is a fairy world or not, there is an upper world. This strengthened his determination to pursue the great road.

He put away the Six Talisman Album with a sly smile and stretched. Since there is nothing he can do to you, he put it down for the time being.

After five consecutive days and five nights of frantic pursuit, now that I had relaxed, a sudden feeling of exhaustion came over me.


He yawned and put away the silver talisman. He planned to take a good rest, then change his appearance and go out to find out the news to see if the search for him had stopped and whether, as Huayue said, this trouble had been solved for him.

If the pursuit of herself is really lifted, then the organization she belongs to will be too powerful.

He was even a little impatient to learn about this mysterious organization that even Yinluanxuan had no detailed information about.

After thinking for a moment, sleep came over him and Wang Lu fell into a deep sleep.

Qingfeng Mountain, Qingfeng Hall, the man in black stood respectfully under the main hall, and the domineering Lei Shun sat high in the main hall.

The man in black said: "Palace Master, it seems that Wang Lu of our sect has never been to Bloody Battle City. For more than two years, his subordinates have been incompetent and have never been able to find out his traces. However, this time the Thousand-Year Silver Flower incident, my subordinates found some clues."

Seeing that Lei Shun did not speak, the man in black continued: "My subordinates suspect that the Millennium Silver Flower incident is inextricably linked to the sneak attack on Taoist Yunkong."

"Master Tianji has not spoken for a long time. This time, Chen Yong, a casual cultivator, was cleared of suspicion. According to the information obtained by his subordinates, it was a mysterious organization that made this request to Master Tianji at an astonishing price. This organization He played a decisive role in this crisis, but he is mysterious and cannot be traced. "

"This Chen Yong not only brought back a thousand-year-old silver flower, but also handed over eight other tasks in one breath. This person has such great strength before the golden elixir reaches his peak. The subordinates suspect that he should be someone A descendant of an ancient family or a member of the Tianlei Sect, otherwise he would not be so strong."

"According to the verification, this person handed in the task and walked out of the Blood Palace, and immediately called a beast cart. The beast cart drove to the inn where he stayed, but the car was empty, and he has not shown up until now. Once this person grows up, if Being an enemy of this sect will definitely become a powerful enemy of our sect.”

The man in black paused slightly, and Lei Shun rarely showed a trace of thought. He continued: "Chen Yong has a lot of contact with Yinluanxuan. Our department has also sent people to Yinluanxuan to inquire in detail. However, we have always used spiritual stones to Yinluanxuan, who opened the way, remained silent no matter how high the spiritual stone was, and said nothing about Chen Yong. Not only our sect tried it, but other sects also did the same, but they were all the same as us. Just like that, the subordinates suspected that Chen Yong should be a direct descendant of an ancient family, otherwise Yinluanxuan would not be convinced by his attitude. The sect doesn’t dare to investigate anymore, and since Master Tianji endorsed him, no one will investigate him anymore.”

After listening, Lei Shun narrowed his eyes and said: "Very good, Shadow, you did a good job. Regarding Chen Yong, don't investigate anymore. Everything else remains as usual. Regarding the mysterious organization, I will truthfully report it to the sect to ensure that Our strength, against them, is like hitting a stone with an egg. At the same time, pay close attention to the actions of the other six sects, especially the four righteous sects. Don’t activate the secrets of each sect easily. Go ahead. Before the war between the two sects begins, I will tell you The sect proposes that you return to the sect and prepare to attack the Nascent Soul stage. As for Chen Yang, just in case, two top masters of the Golden Elixir Queen will be sent to protect him. Otherwise, I will not be able to explain to Deputy Sect Master Chen. Get up. , go back and be ready to return to the clan.”

When the man in black heard that he would return to the sect to attack the Nascent Soul stage, he knelt on the ground with a "boom" and his hands kept shaking. He had been fighting in the Blood Battle City for two hundred years, doing secret things such as killing and arson. Since the establishment of the Dream Sect, no one from the Shadow has left the Blood Battle City. They either died at the hands of monsters or in battles with enemies. Once they enter the Shadow, they will not stop until they die.

Thinking that he would have another chance to attack the Nascent Soul stage in this life, he choked up and said, "Thank you for your support, the Lord. I will never be able to repay the cultivation of the Lord and the sect even if I die a thousand times."

Seeing this, Lei Shun waved his hand gently and asked him to leave.

After the man in black left, Lei Shun himself knew that the sect had stipulated that all Shadow people could not have the Nascent Soul stage cultivation to prevent them from becoming too powerful.

However, the demon race was becoming more and more powerful, and the leader of the Shadow also needed a strong cultivation, so he explained the pros and cons to the two ancestors and helped him win this opportunity.

The sect originally considered sending a Yuanying stage cultivator to serve as the shadow leader, but Lei Shun suggested that the shadow leader needs to be very familiar with the distribution of the various forces in the Blood Battle City and the demon clan forces, and must be loyal. He must also be proficient in assassination, reconnaissance, organization, counter-reconnaissance, layout, and poison. Only those who are fierce, cold-blooded, ruthless, and ready to die can be qualified.

The sect considered it again and again and agreed to his proposal.

Lei Shun said to himself: "Wang Lu, are you Chen Yong? With your background, you will never let Yin Luan cover up for you. Yin Qi, I originally thought that you would never be my opponent in this life, even if you are so difficult at this time. I didn't expect you to leave without saying a word. I really look forward to our next showdown after you reach the Yuanying stage, haha."

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