Above the gray fog

Chapter 580 Battle.

The black-clothed youth did not answer Lin Shan's question.

He looked at Lin Shan with a flickering gaze.

He was thinking whether to fight or flee.

He was only a soul clone, and could not exert his full strength.

He knew that Lin Shan was a Sequence 6, after all, his spiritual fluctuations would not go wrong.

But he was also a real strong man who was on par with Sequence 5, and even not comparable to ordinary Sequence 5.

The gap between Sequence 6 and ordinary Sequence 5 was not very large. The main reason was that the unique power mastered by Sequence 5 - 'Soul Power', tended to be auxiliary, and could not form an overwhelming suppression on the previous sequence like 'Space Power', 'Spirit Power', and 'Time Power'.

The suppression of Sequence 5 on Sequence 6 only existed in the gap between the total amount of spiritual power and the quality of spiritual power.

This gap could be completely made up by the combination of sequences. As long as there was no protracted war, it was not difficult for a Sequence 6 with a complete sequence combination to beat a Sequence 5 with an ordinary combination.

However, it is unlikely that Sequence 6 can kill Sequence 5 alone. After all, Sequence 5's speed is there, and Sequence 5 can be resurrected again if his soul is immortal, which is something Sequence 6 cannot compare to.

The Plant Clan and the Fallen Clan can only carry one sequence characteristic, but they have some additional talents to offset the defects of fewer characteristics, such as flying, strong body, or the ability to spit fireballs and lasers.


"Don't talk?"

"It seems that there is some conspiracy."

Lin Shan looked at the young man in black, as if asking, but in a positive tone, it was very abnormal for Sequence 5 to come here.

The Void God Corridor is 15 light years long and is connected by 3,000 nodes. The divine power of the 1st node corridor is the weakest, and the divine power of the 3000th node corridor is the strongest. When these 3,000 nodes are completely solidified, the Void God Corridor will be completely formed.

The reason for these nodes is that the Void God Corridor was not formed at one time, but was built section by section by the gods after 3,000 times of transfer. At the break, the connection of the rule power is broken, forming the weakness of the Void God Corridor.

The location of the gods is node 1. Their divine power first passes through the area of ​​node 3000, then flows through node 2999, and finally returns to node 1 to form a closed loop.

Therefore, the divine power flowing through node 3000 is the strongest, and node 1 is the weakest.

The stronger the divine power, the stronger the rules of the world of rules. Even if the nodes at the back are not defended, the possibility of being broken is very small. The only way for the evil to attack the void corridor is to use their lives to consume the divine power of rules.

Whether you want to break through the void corridor or consume the resources of all races, attacking the nodes at the front is definitely the most cost-effective. The first dozen nodes blocked most of the pressure for the back.

The two did not start right away. During the time when Lin Shan was thinking, the young man in black seemed to have figured it out and was about to run away.

Lin Shan would naturally not let him run. Although this was just a soul clone, for the plant race, if this clone was destroyed, it would be enough for them to suffer for decades.

At the moment when the young man in black was about to move, the turbid river water surrounded him first.

Sequence 5 is indeed many times faster than Sequence 6.

However, within the 40 kilometers covered by Lin Shan's mental power, there is no distance limit, and his attack can appear anywhere within 40 kilometers.

Once you enter the range of his mental power, even if you are a Sequence 5, it is impossible to escape easily.

Seeing the river coming, the black-clothed youth made a gesture to tear open the space. Sequence 5 has a big advantage over Sequence 6, that is, they can enter the scale 5 empty prison.

The space was torn open, and the black-clothed youth was overjoyed. A stream of turbid water gushed out from the crack.

The black-clothed youth hurriedly let go, but it was too late. Only half of his hands were corroded, but there was no blood flowing out, only broken plant fibers.

The green rhizome spread at the fracture, and the only half of the palm was restored again.

The area of ​​40 kilometers has been surrounded by a large water ball, and inside the water ball, there are trees burning with white flames circling and dancing.

‘Ice Flame + Song of the Forest + Forgotten River’, gain domain plus Forgotten River, the ghost body has not been promoted to Sequence 6, and the ability of two levels cannot affect Sequence 5, so he did not use the ghost body ability.

The black-clothed young man looked a little ugly, but he did not lose his composure.

He held a green rhizome in his hand and gently blocked it against his neck.

At the same time, Lin Shan appeared behind him, with a wooden sword wrapped in white flames and Forgotten River water in his hand, and collided heavily with the rhizome across the young man’s neck.

The time and space between the two people were almost still, only endless spirituality was surging.

Lin Shan had a blank expression on his face, and the water of the Forgotten River behind him kept disappearing, and the water in other areas quickly merged into the disappearing area for replenishment.

It was visible to the naked eye that the plant rhizome in the young man’s hand was ignited by the white flame, which was a suppression of characteristics. Even if the opponent’s spiritual quality was higher, it was not as good as the difference in characteristics. Spiritual quality is oil and characteristics are engines.

‘Ice Flame’ is an ultimate attack characteristic, and its attack power is much stronger than ‘Forget River’. Moreover, ‘Ice Flame’ and Forest Song complement each other. When both are activated at the same time, the attack power of ‘Ice Flame’ can break through the limit of 1.

The attachment of ‘Forget River’ can make the ‘Ice Flame’, which has already broken through the limit, even better.

‘Forget River’ belongs to the special sequence, and its characteristic is to summon the water of Forget River. The strength of this characteristic is a little difficult to judge, mainly depending on the form of summoning and the summoner.

If the real water of Forget River can be summoned, its power is no worse than the super specification.

Under the accumulation of these characteristics, the young man with only one characteristic had no chance of resistance.

The slender root was dyed into nothingness, and the wooden sword entangled with water and fire attacked the young man's head with undiminished power.

The young man's pupils shrank slightly, and a strange green light flashed in his eyes

"Ka Ka Ka..." The wooden sword that had touched the young man's hair suddenly stopped and hung in the air.

Lin Shan also stopped completely.

The young man breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out his hand to attack Lin Shan's chest.

"Ka Ka Ka..." Before the young man's palm hit Lin Shan's chest, the space was unstable and there was a crackling sound.

Because time has been still, this piece of accumulated energy is too much, even the time that was stilled was affected.

Theoretically, as long as the pure space power is strong enough, it is not difficult to distort time, and there is no high or low division between various powers.

"Ka!" The space between the two people was broken like a mirror, and the young man's palm was suspended in front of Lin Shan's chest, and did not move forward even a millimeter.

A huge sword beam more than ten kilometers long passed through the young man's head, smashed through the domain of the Forest Song, and broke through the bubbles formed by the water of the Forgotten River.

It cut a bottomless crack in the ground dozens of kilometers away.

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