Above the gray fog

Chapter 481: Queen of the Empire

The three of them came closer.

They found that the robot, which was only half a person's height, was flashing with electric sparks.

It was obviously killed by someone.

Besides the three of them, there was only Lao Wang left in this place...

"Is this robot... the garrison here? It looks very weak." Huang Liu approached and said.

"With Lao Wang scouting the way ahead, we just need to move forward. If we encounter Lao Wang's body, we will retreat. If we encounter him on his way back, we will stop him." Lin Shan said.

Huang Liu gave a thumbs up, "Okay."

"If... this place is a space station, the place we are walking now does not look like a regular passage. This design is a bit unreasonable. There would not be such a stupid designer in the old days." Huang Liu touched his chin.

"Not a regular passage? What is it?"

"Maintenance passage, a passage specially for this kind of maintenance robot." Tu Shan An Ni pointed to the robot flashing with electric sparks.

"That's right." Huang Liu nodded and said, "Look, the wheels under the feet of this robot can just fit the metal ground below. It should be more than just a maintenance passage. It can also be a transportation passage, and there may be a transportation robot. In short, this is definitely not a passage for people to walk."

"What exactly is it? We will know if we walk forward. The danger level of this relic does not seem to be high, and there is almost no defense force." Tu Shan An Ni continued to move forward, rubbing the wall next to her with her palm as she walked. As her palm slid over, clear corrosion marks appeared on the wall.

But in just a moment, the wall healed automatically.

So far, the only thing I encountered... is still a maintenance robot, not even a guard robot.

I don't know how long it has been.

"I'm so sleepy... What's going on?" Huang Liu suddenly said.

Lin Shan knocked his head, "Same... The deeper you go inside, the stronger this feeling is."

"Still going?"

"Walk a little more..."

I don't know how far I have walked, and suddenly there is an arrow pointing downward in front of me.

"What's written on it?" Huang Liu was a little drowsy at the moment. In fact, not only Huang Liu, but even Lin Shan felt a little dizzy.

[Hibernation Pod. ]

"Hibernation Pod, this is the hibernation pod below. Why are the channel detection and correction department and the deep space canteen gone?"

"Maybe we didn't notice it when we passed by before. We have walked a long way. Let's go down quickly. The air in here has a sleepy effect. The longer the time accumulates, the deeper it becomes. If we were ordinary people, we would have fallen asleep by now." Lin Shan urged.

There was a long metal ladder at the bottom of the passage, about ten meters long. After going down, we saw a flat hall.

The hall was full of strange pink flowers. The roots of these flowers were in the metal walls. The roots were green, the leaves were light blue, and the flowers were white in the pink.

The pitch-black dagger flew out of Tushan Ani's palm, and a pink flower above it broke with a sound. Tushan Ani put it under her nose and sniffed it, and said in a deep voice, "It is the pollen that permeates the air that produces the sleepy effect."

"Miss, can you not be so reckless? At least let Lin Shan identify it first. What if there is any danger?" Seeing Tushan Ani's operation, Huang Liu suddenly felt a headache.

[The flower name is 'Farewell', a derivative of authority, a real dream, an illusory reality.] Lin Shan injected one-third of his spirituality into the yellow paper, and then identified some information about the pink flower.

"It's authority again... This flower, could it be the handwriting of a certain god..." Lin Shan said to himself.

"That god...could it still be in this ruins?" Huang Liu suddenly realized, "I finally know why this ruins is not dangerous. We are not the first group of people to come in. Gods have come in to explore before."

"There are many possibilities. You can't guess the result." Lin Shan shook his head, "Let's wait and see."

Unlike the previous passage, the space here is very large, and rows of drawers are inlaid on the metal wall next to it.

This place is called the dormant chamber. Could these drawers be...for storing people?

Lin Shan thought in his mind, and then quickly walked to the "drawer" next to it.

The "drawer" is also made of metal, with a handle on the outside, and a small gap can be seen on the top.

[Dormant Chamber]

He has been holding the yellow paper in his hand, and he will automatically identify it as long as he encounters something that can be identified.

These "drawers" are indeed dormant chambers. Will there be "people" in them?

Lin Shan grabbed the handle of the "drawer" and pulled it out fiercely.

A crystal coffin covered by a glass cover was pulled out by him.

Lin Shan's hand shook, and he pushed the coffin in again.

"There's actually someone inside...with eyes open..."

Lin Shan pulled out the coffin again and closed it again.

"You're right."

"Lin Shan, what are you doing there?" Huang Liu came over, "There's a control console over there, it's still on, go see what's written on it."

"There's someone in this drawer." Lin Shan said.

"A person?" Huang Liu was puzzled, "This is a relic from the past, if there's someone there, then it must be someone from the past? How is this possible?"

"You'll know if you come and see." Lin Shan pulled out the drawer.

"It's really a person..."

"What person?" Tu Shan An Ni also came over after hearing the sound, she took a look at the transparent coffin and said lightly, "He's dead."

"It's normal to be dead." Huang Liu breathed a sigh of relief and pulled out the drawer on the upper layer. The same crystal coffin also contained a corpse. The difference was that this corpse was a very young girl with long orange hair and green eyes, staring straight ahead.

"There's something in this little girl's pocket." Tu Shan An Ni pointed to the pocket beside the girl.

"I'll do it." Huang Liu said.

"Sorry." Huang Liu whispered first, then put his claws on the edge of the crystal coffin and broke it hard.


A stream of extremely cold air gushed out of the crystal coffin. Huang Liu seemed unable to bear the extreme coldness. He loosened his hand and the crystal coffin fell directly to the ground.

"Damn, what kind of temperature is this? My claws were almost frozen off. No wonder these corpses can be preserved until now without decaying."

"When the temperature drops to a certain level, time can be frozen." Tu Shan An Ni said softly, "That feeling is not very pleasant. I stayed in there for a long time. If it was longer, I would be the same as her."

Huang Liu was silent.

Lin Shan gently removed the crystal cover.

Enduring the extremely low temperature, he took out the things in the bulging pocket on the side of the girl's body.

It was a purse-like thing with a pull ring on it.

Pull open the pull ring, and there is a folded envelope inside.

The words on it are very unfamiliar.

Lin Shan directly translated it using yellow paper.

[A letter to my baby daughter, Abe Shirley. ]

[When you open this letter, we may no longer be here. ]

[This is an old relic owned by the royal family. After research by the royal family, it was found that the hibernation device in this relic can completely freeze time, which is much more advanced than the royal hibernation device. In addition, the old relic is not in normal time and space, so it will not be affected by disasters. ]

[Baby, I don’t know if you can wake up again, but at least, you will be fine while we are still alive. ]

[If you wake up one day and see this letter, crush the pendant on your neck and start a new life. ]

[If we win, mother will come back to pick you up. If you don’t see mother when the hibernation device is turned on, don’t look for her anymore. ]

[We will restart a new era with the master. ]

[Signature, Nippervalen Empire, Queen of the Empire - Timothy Jean. ]

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