Above the gray fog

Chapter 412 Pig Tribe

Scale 7 Void Prison, pitch black, the whole space is filled with small pebbles.

A beam of red light passed through the middle, illuminating the whole space in red, but it disappeared in just a moment.

Lin Shan rushed all the way, and it took only half an hour to reach the location marked by Xia Xuan.

Arriving in the outer space, there is a basin surrounded by high mountains. With Lin Shan's perception, he can only see a few outlines through the gray fog.


"What is this?"

Lin Shan walked forward a few steps, bent down, and pulled up a flower emitting a little fluorescence.

"Sequence 8 spiritual medicine?"

The whole pearl flower has 4 leaves, and the petals are a transparent blue, which looks mysterious and beautiful.

Then, Lin Shan walked a few steps to the left and pulled out a weed that seemed to have died.

"Sequence 8 spiritual plant with certain characteristics..."

"Unexpected harvest."

Although these two things have no effect on him, they can also be regarded as precious resources.

"This basin..." Lin Shan seemed to have thought of something, and his mental power quickly swept the ground, not letting go of any plant.

Half an hour later, Lin Shan was holding a dozen sequence 9 spiritual medicines, two spiritual plants with special features, and a dozen spiritual plants without special features, standing under a hundred-meter-high cactus.

Spiritual medicine is a compressed aggregate of pure spirituality. Spiritual plants with special features can be used as potion materials, while spiritual plants without special features cannot be used as potion materials, but they have some special effects and can be planted.

This hundred-meter-high cactus is also a spiritual plant with special features. Judging from the richness of this spirituality, if it obtains a higher-level characteristic, it should be able to immediately advance to sequence 7 and gain wisdom.

It has already met the prerequisite for advancement, and the only thing missing is the sequence 7 characteristic floating in the void descending on it.

However, after meeting Lin Shan, it definitely has no hope of advancement.

Lin Shan avoided the sharp thorns of the cactus and put his hand on the green epidermis.


With a loud noise, the 100-meter-high cactus was uprooted.

Lin Shan stuffed it into the storage space of the cube.

The storage space of the cube is very large. For a cactus as big as this, it is estimated that there is still room for another one.

The total space of the cube is about 100 meters long, high and wide, with a total of almost one million cubic meters.

The main function of this cube is not storage, but the shell of the antimatter core. The various supporting machines and engine units inside occupy most of the area. Storage is just its additional function.

After putting the cactus and these spiritual plants and medicines into the cube, Lin Shan wandered around for a while and made sure that the surrounding area had been plundered by him.

This basin is similar to the valley he encountered before. It may be because of the terrain that so many spiritual medicines were born.

By the way, didn't Xia Xuan see these spiritual medicines when he came here last time?

These good things grow at the doorstep of the pig tribe, and they didn't even find them. It's really strange.

In the process of looking for spiritual medicines, he has already found the space node, so Lin Shan is naturally not polite to the pig tribe.

He had been thinking about it for decades, but had been delayed by other things. After he returned to the tribe after finding the materials, he had not been idle for a moment, otherwise he would have come to visit long ago.

Red light filled his hand. A short blade condensed into shape and stabbed fiercely on the space node.

"Crack, crack!"


The space shattered inch by inch like glass, and the fragments turned into light spots and disappeared.

Seeing that the crack was big enough, Lin Shan plunged into the gap in space.

The barrier was forcibly broken, and the tribe immediately issued an early warning. There were lightning and thunder in the sky near the crack, and dark clouds covered the sky.

In the flashing red light, Lin Shan had disappeared from the spot. He wanted to find out the strength of the pig tribe first.

Along the way, there were only villages next to each other. The entire tribe was densely covered with villages, and there was no city.

Most of the people of the pig tribe had big bellies, fat on their faces, looked a little fierce, and had a signature pig nose.

Their lives are very primitive. Judging from the completeness of their tribe, they were not attacked by the alliance, while their neighbor, the long-necked race, was directly destroyed by the invasion of the alliance. I remember Xia Xuan said that the two tribes had been fighting for a long time.

So the pig tribe was lucky. The enemy was eliminated without any effort.

Lin Shan randomly picked a village and circled it in the sky. He couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Ka Baibai had been in the fox tribe for so many years, and he was doing well. Why was the technology level of his tribe so backward?

The industrial level was almost zero, and the handicrafts were also very crude.

There were quite a few extraordinary people. In the villages they passed by, two sequence 8s had been found.

Lin Shan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. How much food could be stored at such a level of development? It would be good if they could be self-sufficient.

Each village was surrounded by a farmland, where crops like corn were planted.

The mental pressure belonging to sequence 7 spread around with Lin Shan as the center.

The pigmen below were immediately thrown into chaos and hurriedly ran back to their houses. A child was playing outside and was dragged into the house by an adult.

For a moment, the village was silent.


Lin Shan could understand that other ordinary villagers hid in the house, but the strongest Sequence 8 pigman in the village also hid.

This is the first time Lin Shan has seen this situation. Are all strong men of this race like this?

"The moon in the mirror."

A bright red crescent moon slowly rose from Lin Shan's hand, covering the entire village below.


"What's going on? Where am I?"

"Ah, don't come over!!"

A scream like a slaughtered pig came from the house in sequence eight.

I saw a fat pig-man crashing through the roof and running away crazily, his eyes full of terror.

While running away, he made pig noises. When other villagers heard the sound, they trembled and hid under the quilt.

Lin Shan actually didn't do anything to him, he just deceived his vision. In the eyes of the pig, he saw a terrifying evil beast chasing him. There was endless darkness around him. Only in the direction of Lin Shan, there was something like that. A little light.

The pig man rushed towards Lin Shan's direction without hesitation.

Lin Shan stretched out his hand, and with the rich red light in his hand, he grabbed the pig man's neck.

The pig's squealing stopped suddenly, and the pig man looked at Lin Shan with wide eyes. He could not hide the panic in his eyes, and there was a bit of confusion in his eyes. He tried desperately to struggle, but he couldn't move an inch.

In his eyes, Kabaibai, who had been dead for decades, was squeezing his neck and staring at him coldly.


"Uh...impossible, you...uh...how are you still...alive..."

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