Above the gray fog

Chapter 349 Seven Years of Pursuit, Airport

Scale 7 is an empty prison.

A beam of red light flashed across.

Countless tiny gravels were blown away.

Lin Shan stared at the parchment closely.

About 70 million kilometers ahead of him, a red dot was moving rapidly.

Lin Shan looked ugly, and the coldness in his eyes almost condensed into substance. He had been chasing this red dot for seven years!

He is now more than 60 billion kilometers away from the human race.

It took more than 20 years from leaving the clan to now.

The final material, burrowing worm slime, took what could have been accomplished in 10 years more than twice as long.

After obtaining the ashes of Sima Ru and Ti Feng, Lin Shan spent two years traveling 18 billion kilometers away to have a fight with the Zhi tribe's caroler. The caroler's ability is the ability to control trees, and can even Let a forest grow out of thin air.

This will be his future ability. Although I don’t know what the specific characteristics are, it looks pretty good. It has control, defense and attack.

As long as he advances to another level, he can upgrade the 'Bing Yan' to the ultimate attack flame. The defense and control of 'Song of the Forest' can just fill the gap. Moreover, unlike the mental control of 'Moon in the Mirror', Forest Song' is a physical control, and his abilities are becoming more and more comprehensive.

The parchment said that the 'Song of the Forest' and a certain biological sequence in his body mutually benefited each other and could produce an effect of 1+1\u003e2. The 'Heart Light' must be ruled out. No matter how big the tree changes... it will still be big. Trees, and the 'Song of the Forest' has a range of effect. Even he cannot support such a large-scale transformation.

Whether it can be calculated in this way, Lin Shan thought about the principle of the five elements' mutual reinforcement and restraint.

‘Bing Yan’ = fire, ‘Forest Song’ = wood.

Wood makes fire.

It doesn't seem right either...

Then on the other hand, doesn't fire restrain wood... If you calculate it this way, it will become a debuff effect.

The battle with the chanters was not that difficult. These Sequence 7 Plants and Fallen Tribes always liked to be alone. When Lin Shan launched the 'Soul Leaving' one after another, they were easily killed.

These Sequence 7 plants and evil degenerates seem to be able to control their body size at will. Some like to become very big, and some like to disguise themselves as ordinary life forms. The caroler is the latter. Without parchment or similar abilities, no one can Find a nondescript tree in a forest.

After the war, he took out the wooden heart under the guidance of the parchment. From then on, only the last material was left.

It is also the most difficult material. The Crypt Worm tribe is a complete race and has its own tribe. He is ready for a tough battle.

But who would have expected that before it even got close to the target, the Sequence 7 crypt worm rushed out of the tribe at an extreme speed and moved in an unknown direction.

He could only chase after him.

This pursuit lasted seven years. During these seven years, the distance between them continued to grow wider.

His speed is close to the extreme of Sequence 7, but it is only close and has not yet reached the true extreme.

The crypt worm in front of him controlled its speed so accurately that it was just a hair short of breaking through the scale 6 empty prison. Is this something that the sequence ability can achieve?

I'm afraid he's not driving a starship.

It is not surprising that races with Sequence 7 master ancient technology.

It was a shame for Lin Shan that he had been chasing the starship for so long.

No matter what was in front of him, Lin Shan had the urge to tear it into pieces.

Another year.

Black flames kept beating on Lin Shan's body, which was 78 billion kilometers away from the human race.

at some point.

Lin Shan's dim eyes lit up slightly with red light.


The red dot in front finally stopped moving.

A full 8 years is his longest flight time.

The distance between him and the red dot is now 5.1 billion kilometers.

A journey of more than six months.

Hopefully the red dot doesn't move again.

6 months flies by in the blink of an eye.

Lin Shan looked at the city in front of him, the city hanging in the sky.

The city is built within two flat circles. The two flat circles intersect inside and outside to form a cross shape, and they rotate in each direction.

The numerous buildings ignore the influence of gravity and follow the terrain, rotating 360 degrees.

From time to time, starships can be seen shuttling between the buildings.

This city with a diameter of a thousand kilometers exudes a faint spiritual light in the void. It is a void city made entirely of spiritual technology.

"Isn't this what I was chasing just now?" Lin Shan murmured.

He would not believe this kind of thing without strong combat power protection.

Perhaps this Void City itself is a weapon of war, even comparable to the Fox Clan's Star Dome.

Which powerful race's technological creation is this?

Although Lin Shan's research on technology is not very in-depth, he has been involved in both technologies. Just one look at this void city and he knew that the technological level of this race has even surpassed that of the fox race.

Lin Shan stared at the slowly moving red dot on the parchment.

"So, what I just chased was really a starship..."

"The target is inside, but...how to get in?"

For a moment, Lin Shan was in trouble. If this void city was guarded by a strong Sequence 6 man, it would be difficult for him to escape.

The armor only has the last 31% of its durability left. If it gets entangled, it won't be able to fight for too long.

At the same moment, a small space station sounded an alarm a hundred kilometers away above the void city.

[12586 cruiser calling Donros Airport, 12586 cruiser calling Donros Airport, please reply if you hear it. ]

[Donros Airport received, please report. ]

[Coordinates: 4578.454.1544, a third-level old life form was found, initially identified as a magic potion promotion path. ]

[Donros Airport received, 12586 cruiser, keep an eye on the target, don't let him escape!]

[12586 cruiser received. ]

A hundred kilometers away, Lin Shan, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, frowned slightly. A spiritual wave just passed by.

Then, the "Pendulum" immediately gave a warning.

Several yellow spiritual threads connected to him from somewhere.

Yellow means there is a threat, but it is not fatal.

"I was discovered?"

"How did you do it at such a long distance?" His current mental power can only cross 6 kilometers, even if he advances to the peak of Sequence 7, it can only reach 40 kilometers.

Being able to scan him across a hundred kilometers... Could it be Sequence 6?

No, maybe it's spiritual technology.

It was just a slight threat, Lin Shan didn't plan to run away, he also wanted to find out what race these creatures were.

A moment later, 7 blue beams of light attacked him, they were starships, and the 7 yellow spiritual threads around him were connected to seven starships of the same standard.

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